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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sigh... The Czerka-Crate-O-Matic


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  • 3 weeks later...
So I was fiddling around with the crate-o-matic I got yesterday, and it doesn't seem like it has much practical use.


1. You can't use it during combat.


2. Outside of combat, you can't move around in the crate (though, as I read somewhere else, you can change your outfit while inside).


3. The crate does not shield you from damage. Nor does it apply any stealth mechanic as far as I can tell.


4. If you hop into the crate, send your companion at mobs, and your companion dies - the mobs will target you even if you're in the crate.


5. If you hop into the crate, and a patrol passes by, the patrol will attack you.


6. Using any abilities while inside the crate will immediately pop you out of the crate.


I do have to say though, that it is rather hilarious to be in front of a GTN terminal with a bunch of people nearby and just pop into a crate.


Also, a note - even though the item tag still says "Binds on Equip" in my inventory, I can not sell it on the GTN. Haven't tried mailing or trading it yet though (I am kind of afraid of losing it).


edit: fiddled around some more


you can use it for this

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I am so spamming the crap out of Treasure Hunting now :p


I've been running TH missions for over 6 months....I have yet, to find one :(


BUT, I did finally see my 1st Crate-O-Matic in person a few days ago......I'd buy that sucker in a heartbeat!


You know someone on POT5 that has one for sale - you let me know, I'll pay handsomely for it! THAT - is my ultimate collector's toy.......:D

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I've been running TH missions for over 6 months....I have yet, to find one :(


BUT, I did finally see my 1st Crate-O-Matic in person a few days ago......I'd buy that sucker in a heartbeat!


You know someone on POT5 that has one for sale - you let me know, I'll pay handsomely for it! THAT - is my ultimate collector's toy.......:D


Like 100M+ ?

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I am paying 150million for crate just hit me up on po5


Wish you were on ToFN... No, you'd wish you were on ToFN. Two crate-o-matics were up on gnt for the past two weeks for 15m-17m. I bought the latter today after being urged to do so by my GM... -_- I hope to find an enthusiast like yourself and sell it for profit. I don't really like it!


I can honestly say I've achieved everything in this game now. xd

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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I've seen on drop on Ajunta Pall/Jung Ma. That's about it.


The lucky assassin who won the roll got it from the final Kaon boss. Given how many people do that boss/day I'm guessing it's more of a "any 50 npc has a 1/1,000,000,000 chance to drop the crate."

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Ok, so its rare. I can remember a time when the magenta crystal and +10 datacron were not so common knowledge, but hasn't enough time gone by? For those who possess one, have you not had your fill of exclusivity? Isn't it time one of you breaks the silence? We will love you for it! :)


Saw it on gtn for 20 million once

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I actually got my crate for 1 million off the GTN. Of course, any others have been selling for 90 million and up so I just got really lucky @-@ I love it so.


But yeah, it is supposedly the rarest drop in the game despite the various ways to get one.

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  • 6 months later...
I got one a looooong time ago from a crit on a slicing mission or from a purple planetary box. I cant remember. I didn't even realize its rare. Its been sitting in my bank since I got it. Saw 3 on jedi covenant for about 35 mil. If they sell for that much then I might sell it.
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I've been hunting for a czerka crate drop for nearly a year now.few clues. I hear one will drop from random trash mobs in Illum(what exact mobs drop i dont know,I read that a talz may drop one) anyone with clues,please chime in!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I've been hunting for a czerka crate drop for nearly a year now.few clues. I hear one will drop from random trash mobs in Illum(what exact mobs drop i dont know,I read that a talz may drop one) anyone with clues,please chime in!!!!!!!!!!!!!


LAd there is absolutely NO POINT in looking for it. It will show up on it's own... :/ Looting it borders a miracle.

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