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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Give us 1.2 as it is FAST !!! Too many players leaving the game !!!


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Sooooo many people getting me wrong, calling me self righteous and stuff.


Please try to understand that I love this game and my only concern is that in order to fully enjoy everything this game has to offer, 16 man raiding and 8 man premade PVP is the way to go. But that actually requires that besides you, there are 15 other people (at least, not including stand-ins and pure PVP/E-ers) that are left in the guild...


And at first, we had 40 active 50's in the guild, we dropped down to about 24 (rest left the game), merged with another guild, got back to around 44 people, but still loosing people at an alarming rate.


I am trying to convince people to stay, I am boosting our forum with tons of info about the new content, I am struggling to keep them interested. So I am working FOR the game.


But promising, getting people aroused, keeping them on the edge, and then postponing or delivering sub-par will surely drive them away.


And to add further info: Republic side, European server, max 50 peeps on Rep Fleet, and that is when our 2 groups are preparing for raids, at other times population hangs around 30 max.

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Not to cast a doomsday forecast so early... but I do believe this game will end up in the same fashion of Star Wars Galaxies... An empty shell.


you may be right but SWg started off with lots of different in game systems, classes, hybrids, open world, crafting with depth, etc, etc. etc.... Then then 'wah!' generation and the most incompetent game management team ever wrecked it in successive updates aimed at fixing it.


It seems BW went straight to the end point and cut out all that tedious stuff about developing a game with depth.


I like this game, but its just a combat game, its not an MMO, its solo to 4 person co-op with options for 8 man co-op or 16 man (if you can find them) co-op.


1.7M subs is great in terms of a financial statement and it will likely not fall off that much, but the churn is already growing and the only stat that matters to players is the number in game NOW, when I want to play.


transfers are the only way to begin to resolve the problem, Hell I expect most people who want to play the game would transfer for up to the cost of a months sub.


My server is not too bad, but its definitely dropped significantly. 1.2 is only going to bring folks back for a month.

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game is broken.


no news.


no fun ( only pvp huttball good )


bad stability game for this...... graphics? 2006 mmo game?


see tera?




serious.... swtor realy 200M budject?


uhh every time i look at tera footage holy crap i get bored to tears. i played today MAYBE a single hour of that Beta.




that game INSTANTLY felt grindy and just outright boring. sorry bro try again on the troll attempt. let me guess you saw 2 people on the fleet you and your friend right?

Edited by chrisftw
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Thread deleted on PTR, hope it stays alive here... Because we really need new content fast before wind starts blowing through server fleets...


In the last couple of weeks, our guild lost over 20% of active 50's to other games, due to the fact that they have the alts they want, full rakatta, battlemaster, sufficient legacy and yet they have nothing more to do on this game that would entertain them or make them stay... Since some of them are not even paying their subs, it's a slight chance we'll ever see them again...


There is not 1 day that goes by that we do not get 1 leave notification from one of our members. And yes, we have 16 man raids going, we have organised PVP, yet people are BORED and NEED NEW CONTENT...


Before our guild empties, do please release the long-awaited update...



How do people find the time to play so much... I've been playing since December and I don't even have one piece of Rakata gear or Battlemaster gear.... Almost have a full suit of Champion and Columi gear but it's taken me a long time.. I have one 50 and couple 20's.... I've yet to become bored with the game but that might be due to me not being able to play every night and when I do play it's usually only for 2-3 hrs tops...


You can't expect any company to put out enough content to appease people who play 8-10 hrs a day.... I don't know of any MMO that can put out that much content to appease these type of players...


That said, one thing I think they could do is change the dailies, it would be cool if they could make them more dynamic so there not so linear and static, would help people from burning out on them so quick... Maybe turn dailies into Public Quests like GW2 is doing (which they stole from Rift which they stole from Warhammer Online, given each one is an advancement in the design)... Like have a Public Quest daily on Tatooine where sand people will take over a village and if not stop continue to take on more towns and villages.... would be more interesting then just going to one spot shot a few npc's then turn it in..

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Need more proof?




Joined: Dec 2011 Anturi reach about to die | Today , 02:35 PM Report Post


Our server is now so light that there are less than 10 republic on AT NIGHT

and sith side at 8pm east coast(east coast server) has a total of no more than 70 players total) it wont last much longer :p ive been on this server since day 1 haven faith that bioware and ea would see relise this problem but they continue to cator and listen to heavy populations and have deleted my forums talken about it,I love your game and pay for it but were not even allowed to experience all of it! save the light servers now!


Leader of ''The Exiled'' (anturi reach)

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Thread deleted on PTR, hope it stays alive here... Because we really need new content fast before wind starts blowing through server fleets...


In the last couple of weeks, our guild lost over 20% of active 50's to other games, due to the fact that they have the alts they want, full rakatta, battlemaster, sufficient legacy and yet they have nothing more to do on this game that would entertain them or make them stay... Since some of them are not even paying their subs, it's a slight chance we'll ever see them again...


There is not 1 day that goes by that we do not get 1 leave notification from one of our members. And yes, we have 16 man raids going, we have organised PVP, yet people are BORED and NEED NEW CONTENT...


Before our guild empties, do please release the long-awaited update...


No. Releasing before it's ready is worse than not releasing it at all. Test it completely first and put it out only when it is completely ready.

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In the last couple of weeks, our guild lost over 20% of active 50's to other games, due to the fact that they have the alts they want, full rakatta, battlemaster, sufficient legacy and yet they have nothing more to do on this game that would entertain them or make them stay... Since some of them are not even paying their subs, it's a slight chance we'll ever see them again...


Sorry pal, but if what you describe about your guild is correct, early release of the patch wont' help you. Your guild lacks the patience to play a new MMO. They need to be playing old MMOs that have years of content patches for them to grind through. Maybe they should not be playing MMOs at all, since they seem to be unable to develop a solid guild social net and entertain themselves together while waiting for a fully debugged patch.


It sounds like you just have a guild of X number of random players, all more interested in themselves then their guild.

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I do not want anything, nor act in a self righteouss way... I am merely saying that if they want to keep subs, they should consider my point of view aswell.


When the plethora of game to choose from (WoW, Tera, GW2, D3) is gonna threaten the solidity of the player base, arguments like mine make for a good bussiness model to counter that...


Your point of view is flawed. Just because it went through testing on Q/A doesn't mean those Q/A people see things from a player stand point which is why Big patches like this in EVERY mmo go through the community PTS server. If player reactions are heavily negative or results are extremely different than Q/A it gives the devs time and the knowledge of what to look at to fix or change or add before a patch goes live. Without that valuable information you'd have the massacred nightmare of 1.1 when things went to hell because they only tested for a week and it didn't give the devs time to handle everything the players pointed out.


You mention GW and D3 but neither of those are coming out in April so..really? rofl.

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Sorry pal, but if what you describe about your guild is correct, early release of the patch wont' help you. Your guild lacks the patience to play a new MMO. They need to be playing old MMOs that have years of content patches for them to grind through. Maybe they should not be playing MMOs at all, since they seem to be unable to develop a solid guild social net and entertain themselves together while waiting for a fully debugged patch.


It sounds like you just have a guild of X number of random players, all more interested in themselves then their guild.


Actually, the only reason we log on at the moment is the social aspect. Most of my companions are already full Rakatta, and so are many others, so the gear grind was over too soon. But even for the social aspect, there is too little in the game to enjoy socially. There are no mini games, no achievements, no time sink professions... So we end up logging on TS, but playing other games to pass our time.


I am not saying departed members are no longer on TS, it's just they are no longer on SWTOR...

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You mention GW and D3 but neither of those are coming out in April so..really? rofl.


FYI, both betas are full on. How about when the games are actually released? Is SWTOR (even with 1.2) going to have enough to stay competitive?

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FYI, both betas are full on. How about when the games are actually released? Is SWTOR (even with 1.2) going to have enough to stay competitive?


They're being released long after 1.2 and quite honestly Diablo 3 is a single player game and Guildwars 2 is ... laughable at best. They certaintly arent' very forth coming with information so the idea it'll be released any time before summer is laughable.


Your personal need for 1.2 to save your guild is honestly your own problem and a dangerous idea for ANY game company.

Edited by Kindara
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Your personal need for 1.2 to save your guild is honestly your

own problem and a dangerous idea for ANY game company.


My guild was a mere example, pulled out of the sea of problems posted on forums by numerous guilds.


And my point is based on my observation that people leave because there is nothing keeping them here!!! That is the generalized truth, unfortunately. Server population is declining, as seen on most recounts done on server population by many guilds and sites. And that truth is making me desperate, because I love the game and the friendships I made here.


FYI: I am not the one staying on the side laughing at a sinking boat, I am the one jumping in, swimming and struggling to save what's left. And if that makes me yell for help, I expect more people jumping in to help...

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Has it occurred to all those complaining and griping about this "Declining population" issue that having lots of threads like this (I have seen several in different forum sections) only adds to the problem? A LOT of people would be put of buying the game after reading stuff like this in a ton of threads.


The moaning drives away those who can fix the problem.


I signed up after playing the free trial last weekend. I enjoyed it so thought what the hell.


If I had seen threads like this I would not have purchased it. I'm glad I didn't.


Fact is this game is less than 3 months old and is a work in progress. As the game improves and develops more people are attracted to playing.


Just my two cents.



Edited by Kemby
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Has it occurred to all those complaining and griping about this "Declining population" issue that having lots of threads like this (I have seen several in different forum sections) only adds to the problem? A LOT of people would be put of buying the game after reading stuff like this in a ton of threads.


The moaning drives away those who can fix the problem.


I signed up after playing the free trial last weekend. I enjoyed it so thought what the hell.


If I had seen threads like this I would not have purchased it. I'm glad I didn't.


Fact is this game is less than 3 months old and is a work in progress. As the game improves and develops more people are attracted to playing.


Just my two cents.




An MMO should not rely on getting subs by mopping the dirt under the carpet, and getting people head in without them being aware of the fallacies of doing so.


It should attract new subs based on populated servers, meaningful and satisfying content, bug free and providing sufficient entertainment.


And the fact that you purchased the game without knowingly being warned about the issues that are going on at the moment, given 2-3 months in, you might end up posting threads like me and wondering why you asked me to just mop issues under the carpet...


Just my 15 euros...

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Has it occurred to all those complaining and griping about this "Declining population" issue that having lots of posts like this only adds to the problem? A LOT of people would be put of buying the game after reading stuff like this in a ton of threads.


The moaning drives away those who can fix the problem.


I signed up after playing the free trial last weekend. I enjoyed it so thought what the hell.


If I had seen threads like this I would not have purchased it. I'm glad I didn't.


Fact is this game is less than 3 months old and is a work in progress. As the game improves and develops more people are attracted to playing.


Just my two cents.




I wouldn't really worry too much about it Kemby, anyone that did like you did and used the free trial for example will like, or not like, SWTOR based on their own experience and stay or move on as they see fit.


All the good and bad opinions on most aspects of this game that ppl feel the need to articulate in whatever way they see fit on this forum probably just serves the purpose of getting any newcomers interested to see for them selves what the whole whoopla is about! :)


I think anyone that stumbles into the General Forum section without actually having played the game will be more intrigued to do so just because it seem to evoke really strong feelings in (probably a very small part of the actual and potential player base of SWTOR) experienced MMO players.


I know I would be!


To the OP, your 20% dropout 50's will be probably be back and play the hell out of 1.2, then 1.3, then 1.x, 2.x and so on and so forth (and in between play the hell out of another MMO). That's just the nature of some gamers.

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To the OP, your 20% dropout 50's will be probably be back and play the hell out of 1.2, then 1.3, then 1.x, 2.x and so on and so forth (and in between play the hell out of another MMO). That's just the nature of some gamers.


I am really hoping for the same thing, mate, would love to see those mates back on the game, my only concern is that waiting too much for 1.2 might deter some from doing so... But, for the sake of argument, I promise to make another post when 1.2 is out and actually let people know how many of the prodigal suns have returned home. Promise.

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I am really hoping for the same thing, mate, would love to see those mates back on the game, my only concern is that waiting too much for 1.2 might deter some from doing so... But, for the sake of argument, I promise to make another post when 1.2 is out and actually let people know how many of the prodigal suns have returned home. Promise.


You do that and we'll all welcome them back! :)


However, my point is, you're going to find your self right back here asking for 1.3 ASAP! to get your buddies back not long after 1.2 is released.


It's just the way it is, not much to do about it really...

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With the state that 1.2 is in at the moment it would cause even more people to leave if it went live now.


There is even part of 1.2 that hasnt even been downloaded to the PTS yet.


Do you also know that 1.2 only brings in 1 new OP, 1 new flashpoint and I think it is 1 new warzone? Not much in the way of new content.


1.2 is mostly graphics changes (new UI), legacy system and class/crew skill changes.





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I honestly think they should postpone 1.2 until they give us a proper LFG.

Its the single most important feature that SWTOR needs, simply because of the lack of people on low pop servers including mine.


I havent run an instance all the way to level 36, which is not good.

People have given up asking or looking for a group because of the lack of players.


I really think that is way more important than 1.2

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Give all of 1.2? Don't agree if parts still have bugs and aren't working as intended.



Early release some of the more minor changes that will improve the quality of playing that are ready? Yes please, don't like having to wait longer for missing polish to existing behaviour than it takes to actually make the changes.

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