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So... legacy unlocks require levels AND 2 Million credits?


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While I agree with most ppl here saying the legacy stuff seems to be too expensive for the average player to buy everything provided, I do also think, it's ok, you can't get it all at once.


The game was designed to be around for a few years and devs said they are still planning on even more legacy stuff. As I see it now, we'll have to decide which of the things we want so badly, we'll go at lengths making money just to have them (like the training dummy for example - I really want one ;D, while I don't really need a kiosk on my ship).

I'd find it kind of boring if everyone I know had exactly the same stuff the same time I have it. I like the idea players will be able to individualize their characters more than it's possible right now. If not at least some of the stuff were pure luxury anyone would have everything the day it's released - THAT would really spoil it, as it is not too hard to gain legacy levels.


This is not about me begrudging other players things or wanting them to envy me - I'm not that rich myself. I'm just saying, it will be more interesting to see what others buy themselves and talk to them about it, if it doesn't go without saying they instantly got the whole crap. Also things are more valued if you have to work a bit for them. That's just human. :p

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The legacy system and it being over priced will just encourage gold sellers and is bad for the game


The alternative of serving it all on a silver plate will make ppl be bored and if BW does that with anything they bring on, there will soon enough be no more SWtor around for gold sellers to even think about.

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I agree with most posts on here saying there is no way you can be poor. When done properly you can rake in tons of coin EASILY. First off every toon should have slicing and second NO toon should have a profession until 50. Just harvest nodes and sell the crap on GTN. I currently have 6+ mil split between my 50's and have 500k alone on a lvl 28 just from levelling and not buying anything rediculous. No need to buy anything while levelling up .. its all handed to you in quests and by using your commondations wisely and buying mods for your orange gear instead of the newest looking armor set. Sure you may be stuck with a set from 15-50 but at 50 you have a ton of choices. Slicing, Scavenging and Treasure hunting I find to make the most. Do those 3 from 10-50 and I can almost guarantee 2+ mil just from slicing and scavenging alone.


Is it extra work to hunt down the nodes while you level? Yes

Does it take thought? Yes

Is it hard to do? NO


Dont expect anything to be handed to you and put the effort into earning something.

Edited by Maglon
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On the either/or parts, one article that had people power level on the test servers seemed to say that it was both the level and the credits for most abilities. At least, that is what I got out of it. Unless your Legacy level works like a currency, ie if you have a legacy level 8 skill, and you have a legacy level of 20, once you select that skill you will now be legacy level 12.


But then that doesn't make sense, because I believe it's easier to get the lower levels, so it would be better to spend your levels once you get them. I guess we'll find out when 1.2 drops.

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While I agree with most ppl here saying the legacy stuff seems to be too expensive for the average player to buy everything provided, I do also think, it's ok, you can't get it all at once.


The game was designed to be around for a few years and devs said they are still planning on even more legacy stuff. As I see it now, we'll have to decide which of the things we want so badly, we'll go at lengths making money just to have them (like the training dummy for example - I really want one ;D, while I don't really need a kiosk on my ship).

I'd find it kind of boring if everyone I know had exactly the same stuff the same time I have it. I like the idea players will be able to individualize their characters more than it's possible right now. If not at least some of the stuff were pure luxury anyone would have everything the day it's released - THAT would really spoil it, as it is not too hard to gain legacy levels.


This is not about me begrudging other players things or wanting them to envy me - I'm not that rich myself. I'm just saying, it will be more interesting to see what others buy themselves and talk to them about it, if it doesn't go without saying they instantly got the whole crap. Also things are more valued if you have to work a bit for them. That's just human. :p


Good post :) I think the frustration is more the fact that some of us have already worked for it by getting high levels of Legacy by PvPing, Questing, Leveling alts... Now we have to farm weeks and months to get Legacy items that, lets be honest, should have been implemented months ago.


Or if they made HUGE changes they should have let people know "Hey one of the Legacy unlocks will be races being playable etc etc if you level a race/class combo to 50." Those are just a FEW of the mistakes they are making with 1.2.


I love this game I want it to succeed but I'm afraid if they push this patch through how it is There will be no mistaking that server populations are going to drop. Especially with other games coming out in the next few months.

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The alternative of serving it all on a silver plate will make ppl be bored and if BW does that with anything they bring on, there will soon enough be no more SWtor around for gold sellers to even think about.


Yeah and having to farming dailies everyday for months to get everything will not be boring at all.

I already did that, with 3 toons 50 I'm already unhappy that I won't benefit from most of the legacy stuff (and the usefull ones for leveling are not for 1.2...), and I have to pay millions to get the fews things I want ?!


But it's great to see new people better handled that the ones paying for months, oh silly me I forgot you give us the Founder title, how sweet of you...

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"Where am I suppose to get that 5M from?"



please allow someone with autism and 20+million credits to answer this for you:


dailys on belsavis and ilum = 200k a day

8 space missions = 90k a day


290k x 60 days (assuming you've only been 50 for 60 days but we both know how uber you are and that you hit 50 by Christmas but for arguments sake we'll go with 60)


lets see....17,400,000 credits.



oh, you don't like grinding dailys and playing that silly rail shooter? well...you just want bioware to hand it to you?




Just curious.....how long does it take you to do those dailies and space missions?

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It's an understandable mistake.


According to recent reports it appears things are becoming a bit more clear. Species unlocks can be bought at legacy level 5 or gained through leveling that species to 50. So even if you hit the legacy level to access them you still need to pay.


- DH


Correct, as the only time you won't have to pay to unlock a Species is when you reach Level 50 with said Species.

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I don't have autism, I have a real job and family, so knocking out those dailies every day is a little beyond my means.


Guess gold buying is the true alternative... lawl


Jep it's so much cooler to hang out on the Fleet for hours, parking your fat-ash mount squarely into the drop boxes and AH, while not sending your companions on missions, rather than quickly doing the space-dailies and staying poor.


.....then asking for BW to hand out the cool stuff cheaply *headshake*


As for the "Legacy-System" : right now, little of what I have seen looks actually fun enough to interest, me at all and that is where I would put my criticism


Alternate races ? Give us Wookiee, Mon Calamaris, Devaronias, Ghants or Rhodians etc.. all those races already implemented as models since they are around as companions. I could care less for Chiss and mira-what-the-hecks... so far the only thing really "alien" are the Twilek and Zabrak......

Edited by achwas
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Jep it's so much cooler to hang out on the Fleet for hours, parking your fat-ash mount squarely into the drop boxes and AH, while not sending your companions on missions, rather than quickly doing the space-dailies and staying poor.


.....then asking for BW to hand out the cool stuff cheaply *headshake*


As for the "Legacy-System" : right now, little of what I have seen looks actually fun enough to interest, me at all and that is where I would put my criticism


Alternate races ? Give us Wookiee, Mon Calamaris, Devaronias, Ghants or Rhodians etc.. all those races already implemented as models since they are around as companions. I could care less for Chiss and mira-what-the-hecks... so far the only thing really "alien" are the Twilek and Zabrak......




Lawl.. more log get off work at 4:30, get on game at 5:30/6:00 raid till 8ish, log off 3 days a week...


Sure I do my dailies on saturday sometimes even sunday... but that's about all the playtime I have.

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So, first it's...


"OMG, this game is easy! I can get everything in no time and credits are useless!! This stuff doesn't take long enough!"



And now it's...


"OMG, This game is a grind! I have to grind out everything to get credits because I can't unlock anything without tons of credits!! This stuff will take too long!"




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Hello everyone!


We noticed this conversation and wanted to call your attention to a quote from Georg who's already addressed this issue.



You're not likely to have any significant legacy levels if you just play characters in the 20 to 30 range. You only unlock legacy levels once you finish chapter 1 ( ~ level 30) with a character in the first place.


And let me make this clear, since there's some confusion about it:


The system allows you to unlock things EITHER via achieving the unlock condition (e.g. reaching chapter 2 in a specific class, reaching a specific PvP rank, etc) OR by paying credits. It is not both.


The credit option exists so players can enjoy content that they know they would never unlock in regular play (e.g. 'I'd love a pureblood Smuggler, but no way I'll level a Sith Warrior just for that').


Some things (like legacy class abilities) cannot be purchased with credits while other things can only be purchased (not unlocked) but are gated by legacy level (e.g. the GTN for your ship requires you to have a high legacy level before you can purchase it).


We hope that helps to clear up any confusion, as you can see most legacy unlocks are achieved through gameplay OR credit purchases, it will not require both. This thread will remain open, we just wanted to provide you with some information on the subject!

Edited by DavidBass
Clarified wording
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Hello everyone!


We noticed this conversation and wanted to call your attention to a quote from Georg who's already addressed this issue.





We hope that helps to clear up any confusion, as you can see legacy unlocks are achieved through gameplay OR credit purchases, it will not require both. This thread will remain open, we just wanted to provide you with some information on the subject!


Thanks... I was starting to get a little worried :D

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Some things (like legacy class abilities) cannot be purchased with credits while other things can only be purchased (not unlocked) but are gated by legacy level (e.g. the GTN for your ship requires you to have a high legacy level before you can purchase it).



We hope that helps to clear up any confusion, as you can see legacy unlocks are achieved through gameplay OR credit purchases, it will not require both.



Edited by Verraton
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Hello everyone!


We noticed this conversation and wanted to call your attention to a quote from Georg who's already addressed this issue.





We hope that helps to clear up any confusion, as you can see legacy unlocks are achieved through gameplay OR credit purchases, it will not require both. This thread will remain open, we just wanted to provide you with some information on the subject!


So you basically confirmed...that there will be times where you have to pay credits AND have a legacy level. Highly unpopular. I don't need credit sinks in this game, I need a reason to keep me interested and subbed.

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Million credit for legacy stuff ? I feel it's fair. I'm far from being a economics genius, but even me can see that at lvl 50 you don't really have to pay for nothing. The only thing i had to pay for is ... stuff for my companions because i'm trying other specs. Beside that nothing, nada. If you really don't do money you are doing it wrong since just by doing the daily you make money ...
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So you basically confirmed...that there will be times where you have to pay credits AND have a legacy level. Highly unpopular. I don't need credit sinks in this game, I need a reason to keep me interested and subbed.


No... They said that they will require EITHER. Where have they said anything would require both?

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The only reason a 50 wouldn't have money is because all they do is operations and nothing else..... I spend maybe 60-90 mins a day to do all my dailies and make around 120k just from the solo ones...


You can also make big money selling resources if you don't mind harvesting them....


But if you just want to sit around and only do Operations and nothing else then yeah your going to be poor....



BTW, it's either unlock percs with your legacy level OR pay to unlock them... you have a choice.....

Edited by Monoth
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No... They said that they will require EITHER. Where have they said anything would require both?


The GTN will require Legacy Lv25(or 30?) AND credits (2.5mil?) to unlock.


YAY, spend money to...not make money because nobody uses the neutral GTN on my empty server.


Yeah 1.2 is a dud.

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I can solo all of the dailys except for Old Enemies on belsavis. I rarely run with a group other than a 5-10 min group which, be honest, i'm sure you aren't the only person on the server looking to complete daily heroics.


you can't farm? i'm wondering why not. are you a Cybertech or Artifice? they make lots of money. or you can get 3 gathering professions and sell the stuff you collect on the GTN.


There really is no excuse to be broke in this game. unless you can only play for like an hour a day.


Lol, how do you make credits with artifice at 50? The only thing worth selling is the crit orange lightsabres.

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The GTN will require Legacy Lv25(or 30?) AND credits (2.5mil?) to unlock.


YAY, spend money to...not make money because nobody uses the neutral GTN on my empty server.


Yeah 1.2 is a dud.



I haven't seen that posted by a Dev anywhere, please show us a link claiming this... and BTW the GTN on your ship is like one of the highest perc's you can get, they said they only offer it for the hardcore players who play 10-14 hrs a day...

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