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What is the single, most important feature for YOU to be added/changed in SWTOR?


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Server transfer/merge. Whichever creates a less "omg te sky is falling" reaction. They opened too many servers in week one.


Day/Night cycle on planets that aren't based on real time and each planet has their own timing do they are not in sync with each other.

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One thing? Tricksy that. I'd have to roll a dice against a few.


  1. The ability to open more than 2 windows (inventory, character, etc).
  2. Able to move windows around.
  3. Crew skills not interrupting what you're doing (using the market/cargo hold)
  4. Modifiable UI - move hotbars around, shrink them, extend them, etc.
  5. Solo/group/raid versions of instances, so one isn't locked out of content for a playstyle choice - obviously loot tables are modified.
  6. Items on the market being able to be put up there for longer than 2 days.
  7. Options for characters making it a viable choice to stay hovering around the middle of the light/dark spectrum, else there's no choice, everyone pretty much has to choose the extremes in conversations. Especially irksome for the dark faction, where they aren't evil so much as competing to be the biggest arsehole.
  8. Recognising that a guild is an OOC construct for players, and not an IC creation.
  9. Allow whispers across factions, it's the players talking, not the characters. PvP abusers would use TS/Vent to circumvemt it anyway, as it is that circumnavigation is foist upon everyone to stay in contact with friends.
  10. Allow "friend"ing across factions, it's the player's friendships, not the characters. As it is a person playing their light character couldn't know if a dozen friends are playing on dark characters.
  11. When adding content to Hoth, remember the Tauntaun when adding travel options.
  12. Add light/dark to the crew skills that need them. A biochemist gets to be light4 much faster than a synthweaver because of that absence.
  13. Whoever made some of the more arduous jumping to the datacron routes, kick them in the balls.

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For the love of god keep cross-server **** out of Star Wars. I hated it when they introduced it in WoW.


If people are having trouble finding groups for flashpoints or getting into WZs then you need to merge servers. Cross-server grouping destroys servers' sense of community and removes the fear of getting a bad reputation from people who decide to be jerks while grouping.


Please start by implementing a single-server LFG feature and see if that solves the problem. If it doesn't, consider server merges before going with cross-server WZs and LFG.


Thank you.




A concerned MMO vet.

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I actually have a few things I'd like to see, most in the appearance sections.


1. Give me an option to toggle the hoods on the robes in the game -- I LIKE my Jedi's hair, thank you very much, and I'd like to see it more. Also, to me, Miraluka look FAR better without hoods now covering their heads and faces too.


2. Appearance slots. I'd like to be able to wear my PvP gear (especially if you don't give us an option to toggle our hoods), but look like I'm wearing my RP gear which looks very nice with my character's complexion. :p


3. Cross-faction whispers. I know, sounds silly, but makes sense. I can even think of RP reasons to have it, if you're worried about it there.



4. Macros!


5. The /sleep emote actually gets an animation. My Miraluka is sick of standing on her feet to sleep, and my Smuggler and Agent are sick of sleeping while standing and having their eyes open.


6. Keep things complex. This game is amazing, and don't hand things to people. This is more a request not to dumb down this game. It's fine as is, and teaches people that they have to work for what they get (which, to me, is much more fun).

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13. Whoever made some of the more arduous jumping to the datacron routes, kick them in the balls.


:D yeah the jumping parts are not very sith-like

I'd appreciated a little more mechanics similar to Uncharted, where you can climb and jump, hold on ledges,...

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Can't pick just one.


Full control space combat/PvP


Racing (Pod or something)

Spectator mode for PvP

Loop music option

Mobs to patrol more

Day/night cycles (not major thing, but would be nice)

UI addons (UI restricted, nothing like DBM)

Official combat log parser released, downloadable from here

Faster speeders

Dev display of power in game (want to see BW playing in game from time to time)

More explorable planets

Expand current planets

Weather patterns for planets

More critters on planets

Biological mounts

More character slots

Unlockable ships (more ships added)

Guild capital ships

More playable species


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I just cancelled my account. Sadly I decided to subscribe for 6 months so I have 112 more days that I've paid for.


The one thing I told BioWare they could do to earn my business back was give me a way to get into flashpoint groups more quickly. I don't care if that's single server LFG, cross server LFG, or some different animal entirely.


The goal is to minimize time standing around trying to find a group (read: waiting to play) and maximize the time doing group content (read: playing).

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Open world PvP "frontiers" (ala DAOC). Persistent, goal oriented, siegeable, bases that can be claimed by guilds, etc.


Reducing the use of CC in PvP also.


Otherwise I think they have done a damn good job with the PvE and I suspect it will only get better.

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Aaaw man just ONE?




All Items ingame are Modifiable/Orange and not class specific (minus weapons ofcourse). Then u need to grind for the slots...I think this would help curve the Clone army effect I see in endgame life...let us choose what to put on and let us try and mod it out for the best effect.


Quit handing us stuff!!!!



Oh and full on space flight with inspace pvp....sorry had to slip that in =P

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