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Same gender relationships clarifications?


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BioWare said a while back that 1.3 would be a smaller patch, just for Legacy additions and the group finder and other mechanical things. They said patches after it would return to more content and story updates.


Besides, nobody gets what they want exactly when they want it. That's called Real Life. :) Patience is called a virtue for a reason, as there are things worth waiting for.


There's a difference between patience and gullibility, and I'm starting to wonder which one I'm displaying by continuing to pay for a subscription. I really, really wish Bioware would consider this a case of missing functionality rather than "nice to have content". But it's so nice to be able to buy a ticket for the bus, we should all be happy to ride at the back of it, right?


At the guild summit, BioWare said that SGRs would come with the story update. What did the E3 preview mention? Story updates. Therefore, we're still on track. Just because something wasn't mentioned doesn't mean it's not in.


Care to explain where the step back is? SGRs not being mentioned in no way means they're not going to be added. That's a baseless assumption.


If something wasn't shown, then they're aren't willing to commit to it being in. That's the step back. That's not to say that you're wrong. Everything could be there and ready to go. Getting information out of BioWare has been like pulling teeth throughout this entire process. Until they decide to actually tell us what's going on, all we can do is try to read the tea leaves of their other announcements.


Thus far, they have not inspired confidence.

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If something wasn't shown, then they're aren't willing to commit to it being in. That's the step back. That's not to say that you're wrong. Everything could be there and ready to go. Getting information out of BioWare has been like pulling teeth throughout this entire process. Until they decide to actually tell us what's going on, all we can do is try to read the tea leaves of their other announcements.


Thus far, they have not inspired confidence.

(Emphasis mine)


On the other hand, how much did they actually show? It's all just high level bullet points, without details, and as important as it might be to us, I don't think SGRA is a selling point to a majority of the audience who isn't currently playing. It might bring back the folks who quit because they weren't here, and some new faces, but in all likelihood, SGRA alone won't bring back the people who quit or haven't bought in yet because of a lack of PVP or endgame content or group finder or whatever else.


It's not the sort of thing I expect to hear at a 3-minute E3 presentation, that's all.


Now, this is supposed to be EA's Pride Month, so I wonder if THAT will bring on any tidbits of news... but I sort of doubt it. As they keep saying, we'll hear about it when it's almost done. /armflail :rod_frown_g:

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(Emphasis mine)


On the other hand, how much did they actually show? It's all just high level bullet points, without details, and as important as it might be to us, I don't think SGRA is a selling point to a majority of the audience who isn't currently playing. It might bring back the folks who quit because they weren't here, and some new faces, but in all likelihood, SGRA alone won't bring back the people who quit or haven't bought in yet because of a lack of PVP or endgame content or group finder or whatever else.


It's not the sort of thing I expect to hear at a 3-minute E3 presentation, that's all.


Now, this is supposed to be EA's Pride Month, so I wonder if THAT will bring on any tidbits of news... but I sort of doubt it. As they keep saying, we'll hear about it when it's almost done. /armflail :rod_frown_g:


this. im not sure about stocks if your big presentation trailer opened up with a male sith and jedi kissing


i'd totally buy the game all over again if that happened tho,... but im wierd :3


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It's not the sort of thing I expect to hear at a 3-minute E3 presentation, that's all.


Now, this is supposed to be EA's Pride Month, so I wonder if THAT will bring on any tidbits of news... but I sort of doubt it. As they keep saying, we'll hear about it when it's almost done. /armflail :rod_frown_g:


While I generally agree, EA's been pretty loud about support for gaymers lately. You'd think including a couple of frames of girl-girl or boy-boy romance in the video would have guaranteed attention in an already saturated E3 environment...

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well i have a side question, if they add it,then I would have to redo the story line as a new BH for example?


They also announced a new SW 1313 with a more adult rating,maybe they will allow it there?


wait, they gonna bump up the rating of this game in latter expansions?


FINALLY i get to see whats under all those layers of vector's undergarments...seriously, hes got enough layers under his gear to keep snug on hoth. ohhh and my toon being able to cuss would rock...

oh... back on topic.... yeah... i'd reroll a few jobs to sgr it up

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While I generally agree, EA's been pretty loud about support for gaymers lately. You'd think including a couple of frames of girl-girl or boy-boy romance in the video would have guaranteed attention in an already saturated E3 environment...

Oh, it'd get attention, all right... XD I would have been impressed if they'd done it, at any rate. Considering it *is* June and all that.


well i have a side question, if they add it,then I would have to redo the story line as a new BH for example?

Don't know yet, unfortunately :/


They also announced a new SW 1313 with a more adult rating,maybe they will allow it there?

wait, they gonna bump up the rating of this game in latter expansions?

Hm, not that we know of I think. SW 1313 is a new game that was just announced last week. It's supposed to be "the mature SW game". Hardly any info on it yet, so it's hard to say whether it'd have any romance at all, let alone SGRs.


And really... SGRs shouldn't have anything to do with rating, any moreso than the current romances and their fade-to-blacks. ;)

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If something wasn't shown, then they're aren't willing to commit to it being in.

With all due respect, there's no logic to that statement. BioWare didn't show anything about SW:TOR to anyone for years while they were working on it. By what you've said, that would mean they weren't committed to making the game until they'd been working on it for several years. And that makes no sense. Lack of news on something is simply that, lack of news. Anything else is peoples' own interpretations and assumptions, nothing more.


Getting information out of BioWare has been like pulling teeth throughout this entire process. Until they decide to actually tell us what's going on, all we can do is try to read the tea leaves of their other announcements.

As much as I hate to say it, I can't blame BioWare for being so tight-lipped. After ranked PvP got pulled from patch 1.2, they got all kinds of flak for saying a feature would be added and then taking it out. So as much as I would love to get any news, I think they've made the right decision by saying "we'll talk about it when it's done." As for trying to guess on other things by reading what they do give us, I recommend against it. All that leads to is people saying "BioWare said This, so it means That," when BioWare didn't say anything even remotely like That at all.


On the other hand, how much did they actually show? It's all just high level bullet points, without details, and as important as it might be to us, I don't think SGRA is a selling point to a majority of the audience who isn't currently playing. It might bring back the folks who quit because they weren't here, and some new faces, but in all likelihood, SGRA alone won't bring back the people who quit or haven't bought in yet because of a lack of PVP or endgame content or group finder or whatever else.


It's not the sort of thing I expect to hear at a 3-minute E3 presentation, that's all.


Now, this is supposed to be EA's Pride Month, so I wonder if THAT will bring on any tidbits of news... but I sort of doubt it. As they keep saying, we'll hear about it when it's almost done. /armflail :rod_frown_g:

Agreed. I didn't expect to see anything about SGRs from the E3 news, as it's not one of the game's huge selling points to most of their audience. And I really don't think anything about relationships would go over well at E3, just doesn't seem like the sort of place for that. :D


It being EA's Pride Month, though, maybe BW will slip in some news for us along the way. Perhaps in later presentations and/or discussions. The E3 trailer did mention new story content on the way, and BW said we're getting SGRs along with the new story content, so we'll see what happens.

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Care to explain where the step back is? SGRs not being mentioned in no way means they're not going to be added. That's a baseless assumption.


Also: I thought that Fem!Shep still could romance a female party member in ME2. I haven't played the game, so can someone who has verify this, please?


Excuse me that I'm not as trusting towards BW than I was before the horrible ME3 ending. The lack of any news regarding SGR in TOR coupled with the announcement of new story content (again, without mentioning SGR) does not exactly fill me with confidence.


In regards to Mass Effect. In the beginning it was planned that you could romance both Kaidan and Ashley with a male and female Shepard, that was scrapped. In ME2 it was planned that at least Miranda Lawson was romanceable for both genders (and I think there was one male option as well, can't remmember who) but that was scratched as well. Instead you could have a sgr fling with Kelly and attraction to Samara, but again nothing for gays.


I always feel like BW wants to do more but than retracts it for fear of causing too much controversy.

I know, as far as romances in gaming are concerned they re actually one of the better developers in regards to SGR, but as a european all this fuss (or rather in this case all this hush, hust) seems quite pointless to me.

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Agreed. I didn't expect to see anything about SGRs from the E3 news, as it's not one of the game's huge selling points to most of their audience. And I really don't think anything about relationships would go over well at E3, just doesn't seem like the sort of place for that. :D



If I'm not mistaken, they said SGRs will be included with some current companions and with new ones.

I would have felt better if I saw some hinting at new companions other than droid. I would have thought, "ok, maybe we're getting close" They could show something about new peeps without ever saying the word "romance"

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If I'm not mistaken, they said SGRs will be included with some current companions and with new ones.

I would have felt better if I saw some hinting at new companions other than droid. I would have thought, "ok, maybe we're getting close" They could show something about new peeps without ever saying the word "romance"


This is my interpretation of the situation (could be horribly wrong ofc).


I think with this years update to story (which is a small expansion involving one planet it seems), we will possibly see some former companions made available for SGR...they might also expand on former companion story content in general.


With future expansion packs (where they add a bunch of new worlds and continue the class stories) they'll add on new companions and some of those will possibly be romance options for SGR/OGR.


Right now, they are only adding on one companion that comes with every class (you'll probably get the droid after completing the main quest on this new planet) but I think in the future we'll see a couple new companions exclusive to each class.

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Again folks, they said they'll do some SGR on some current companions. So don't get ya'lls hopes up too quickly, just for them to be dashed away. The SW for example, not sure they gonna make Vette SGR because the way it sits now she doesn't like sharing and she really seems sort of the straight type, and it would be really strange for her to just do a complete 360 and suddenly be bi. More then likely, they might do Jaesa being that she seems more open about things.


Kailyo will probably be another bi, not so sure about Temple but perhaps. Kira/Elara might be, seeing as they are the only romanceable companions for JK and Trooper but then again they said they are only doing a few. Not sure about the others though....


Anyway folks, don't set your hopes up too high.

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Again folks, they said they'll do some SGR on some current companions. So don't get ya'lls hopes up too quickly, just for them to be dashed away. The SW for example, not sure they gonna make Vette SGR because the way it sits now she doesn't like sharing and she really seems sort of the straight type, and it would be really strange for her to just do a complete 360 and suddenly be bi. More then likely, they might do Jaesa being that she seems more open about things.


Liking or disliking sharing has nothing to do with sexual preferences, IMO. I think gay, straight, bi people can be equally possesive, jealous, or open minded as the next one.


Also, I don't think she's necessaraly the "straight type" , whatever that is. I think she'd be a great match for a nice lady warrior :)

Beside, if Vette is open to SGRs, she wouldn't be actually bi. I doubt she'll say to your dudeWarrior "hey, you k'now what ? I'll be late tonight because I'm hooking up with that hot chick I saw on the fleet" Each game is unique, it folds in its own universe. Saying that she's bi would be a metagaming issue.

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Liking or disliking sharing has nothing to do with sexual preferences, IMO. I think gay, straight, bi people can be equally possesive, jealous, or open minded as the next one.


Also, I don't think she's necessaraly the "straight type" , whatever that is. I think she'd be a great match for a nice lady warrior :)

Beside, if Vette is open to SGRs, she wouldn't be actually bi. I doubt she'll say to your dudeWarrior "hey, you k'now what ? I'll be late tonight because I'm hooking up with that hot chick I saw on the fleet" Each game is unique, it folds in its own universe. Saying that she's bi would be a metagaming issue.


I dunno, from all accounts in dealing with Vette and romancing she just seems more straight then anything. Now could BW change that? Sure, but thats not really the point. The point is, try not to set hopes up too high otherwise when they don't come around people won't fly off the handle, because BW didn't do what someone liked.

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The point is, try not to set hopes up too high otherwise when they don't come around people won't fly off the handle, because BW didn't do what someone liked.


Not sure what prompted you to say that.


I don't see anyone in the thread saying "If X isn't available for SGRA's I will fly into a massive nerd rage and whine about it on the forum for months before starting a thread stating that I will cancel my subscription because X isn't available for SGRA's and then promptly cancel my subscription shortly after the thread gets locked."

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I dunno, from all accounts in dealing with Vette and romancing she just seems more straight then anything. Now could BW change that? Sure, but thats not really the point.


Clearly, we see things differentely and therefore we have a different opinion on the matter. I've romanced Vette with my male warrior and I think she would be awesome for a female warrior. As a matter of fact, I have a lady Jugg at D. Kaas's cantina getting "rested " points, waiting for her to be available to continue her story.


The point is, try not to set hopes up too high otherwise when they don't come around people won't fly off the handle, because BW didn't do what someone liked.


I appreciate the concern.

Besides, they said "some" of the current companions will be open for SGR. Vette is a current companion and current LI option, so she becoming available is kinda the opposite of "hope too high".

Also, I don't remember people threatening with rage quiting or something b/c some companion they like is not available.

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I dunno, from all accounts in dealing with Vette and romancing she just seems more straight then anything. Now could BW change that? Sure, but thats not really the point. The point is, try not to set hopes up too high otherwise when they don't come around people won't fly off the handle, because BW didn't do what someone liked.


I see Vette as one of the "I never considered women before until I met you" types.


Hey, she already has the... ahem... adventurous thing going on with the whole shock collar comment. :D

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I dunno, from all accounts in dealing with Vette and romancing she just seems more straight then anything. Now could BW change that? Sure, but thats not really the point. The point is, try not to set hopes up too high otherwise when they don't come around people won't fly off the handle, because BW didn't do what someone liked.


People don't run around with their sexualities stamped on their heads. Making assumptions about a person's sexuality on the basis of their behaviour can be quite misleading, which is why I personally try not to make assumptions. Vette never actually says she's not into girls (though, for the pro Vette-SGRA people, I will point out one situation where she seems to have quite a negative reaction, but that is probably because it involves her sister).


However, for my own sanity/happiness I'd rather not make any assumptions either way. (Which leads me to...)


Not sure what prompted you to say that.


I don't see anyone in the thread saying "If X isn't available for SGRA's I will fly into a massive nerd rage and whine about it on the forum for months before starting a thread stating that I will cancel my subscription because X isn't available for SGRA's and then promptly cancel my subscription shortly after the thread gets locked."


There was a LOT of anger over Ashley Williams, though maybe not as much anger as there might have been had there been hints but no pay off about Kaiden (since the male gays seem to be the most vocal over on the BSN ME forums). Not saying I think anyone here would chuck a tanty* and ruin the thread, but I do believe that there will be a lot of sternly worded angry posts if certain companions don't become available (I'm thinking Kira, Corso, and Kaliyo might be the biggest three culprits for this kind of behaviour).


(Slang sometimes used in Australia for tantrum.)

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but I do believe that there will be a lot of sternly worded angry posts if certain companions don't become available (I'm thinking Kira, Corso, and Kaliyo might be the biggest three culprits for this kind of behaviour).


Why would you say that?


Though, Kira and Kaliyo are the best.



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Why would you say that?


Though, Kira and Kaliyo are the best.




I suspect some of the sternly worded angry posts might be mine (Kira, Elara, Mako, and Temple being my "wants")... which is why I said it. ;):p

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I see Vette as one of the "I never considered women before until I met you" types.


Hey, she already has the... ahem... adventurous thing going on with the whole shock collar comment. :D

Agreed, and I think we'll end up seeing that sort of thing from quite a few companions, that the PC is the first person of the same gender they've had feelings for.


I could see that happening with Elara, and as I've said before, I can also see her being very proper and rule-oriented about revealing her feelings. It would be really cute. Much the same with Mako, though without the rules or properness and with approximately 4.2x the cute. :D I can see it with Corso as well, and his sort-of coming-out might involve Corellian whiskey and him saying how great the captain's rear looks in those pants.


With Kira, I more think it'd be that she likes the person the JK is, and doesn't care about gender. Not sure why, that's just the impression I get of her. Could be the same with Akaavi, I think.


And I think Kaliyo would look at the IA like "Are you stupid?" if the IA hasn't realized she's bi. :p

I suspect some of the sternly worded angry posts might be mine (Kira, Elara, Mako, and Temple being my "wants")... which is why I said it. ;):p

Yeah, I'd be a little upset if I didn't get the companions I really want as SGRs. If BioWare said more would be added later, I might give them the benefit of the doubt. It really would depend on just who was added and who wasn't. Kira and Mako are still my favorites, and the only ones where I'm not playing those classes at all until I know if they're SGR-friendly.


I think the only way I'd make a sternly worded angry post would be if BioWare just created two homosexual companions anyone could get. That would be such a cop-out. I don't think for a second BW would actually do that, but it would probably make me mad/disappointed enough to quit. Oi.

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I've leveled my main toon (Agent) so I'm pretty sure I'm out of luck regardless of who's available for her. I don't want to remake her as I've been grinding PVE/PVP gear and all on her (don't want to re-do all that) Have to settle for headcanon.


My JK is also lvl 34 or so....I supposed I could remake her if Kira is available...b/c who doesn't want to romance her?

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I've leveled my main toon (Agent) so I'm pretty sure I'm out of luck regardless of who's available for her. I don't want to remake her as I've been grinding PVE/PVP gear and all on her (don't want to re-do all that) Have to settle for headcanon.


My JK is also lvl 34 or so....I supposed I could remake her if Kira is available...b/c who doesn't want to romance her?


Which is why I'm going to reroll my JK as a female when SGRs go into effect if Kira is available.

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I've leveled my main toon (Agent) so I'm pretty sure I'm out of luck regardless of who's available for her. I don't want to remake her as I've been grinding PVE/PVP gear and all on her (don't want to re-do all that) Have to settle for headcanon.

I still think that having done other companion missions won't keep us from doing any new companion romances. I know that companions can have several missions available, and you can do them all in a row if you don't do them as they first come up. The only thing I can think of that would lead to the situation you describe is if there's something about the actual companion programming that prevents them from being romanceable unless they have that aspect when you first get them as a companion. And I really, really hope that's not the case. I hope that, when the patch with SGRs hit, our characters suddenly find new missions from newly affectionate companions.


...even if this means my Smuggler will have to shut down Corso. Eh, it's for the best. Hurting Corso's feelings will keep Akaavi from killing him.

My JK is also lvl 34 or so....I supposed I could remake her if Kira is available...b/c who doesn't want to romance her?

Nobody I know. :D

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To be honest, I'm kind of bothered by people saying that certain companions seem more bisexual than others, it's really not that simple in practice. None of the companions (unless I'm mistaken) have stated their orientation so all you have is a big question mark most or all of the time.
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