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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So I am assuming 1.2 releases tomorrow?


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Really? Pretty basic software engineering to work out a way to patch different servers at different times. Just another case of small minded Americans thinking that nothing much exists outside USA.


And yet here you are, giving those "small-minded Americans" your money. So what does that make you?

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Please make sure future Maintenance/Patch notices actually state the patch number if it's applicable.


It's been like this the entire time, always with the "there may be a patch to download" copy & paste line instead of actually including the line "Patch to be implemented: 1.1.5.a".


Such as,

Upcoming Patch


Date: Friday, March 23rd, 2012


Patch: 1.1.5.b




All game servers will be offline during this period. This deployment is expected to take no more than four hours.


Thank you for your patience as we maintain service for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™.


If there isn't a patch, simply post there is no patch in this week's update.



This is part of community communication, it's one thing early Aion failed to do properly and it cost them dearly. Don't continue this blind trend of NOT reporting what you're doing, tell people, and update the notices if things change, we do look, but if you hide things we will get upset. Better to tell us and update as needed than to ignore it altogether, the community communication for this game has never been that great or clear.


Keeping the community in the dark is never a good idea, and worse if you persist without making improvements or acknowledgement.


It's a few extra words per copy&paste, do apply that effort and take community communication seriously.

It's far better in the long run, if you manage to reach that long.


Quoted for truth,


If the person writing these notices doesn't know what is changeing to include in the notice, then that is even more concerning.

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God I hope not.. It hasn't been on the PTR that long and if history shows us anything will be riddled with bugs when they do get ready to release it.. This soon it would probably put the servers into the hospital.
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I just logged into my game and I noticed a warning that servers will be shut down for 4 hours tomorrow.


I am assuming that this is 1.2?


Right..a week or so after its been on the test server and they'll release it?


Patch 1.2 has many issues and bugs, as someone who's jumped onto the server and trying things out and submitting many bugs, I doubt we'll see this released before the end of April if we're lucky. 1.2 is a huge change with a lot of new code.. you can't just expect 1 week or so will have everything ironed out and ready to go.

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Such Hostility!


Did you all forget that they have a super secret world event they have been planning?


Maybe, just maybe... an unexpected patch could be bringing you something fun, so quit complaining!

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BTW, welcome to every other MMO that I've played since WoW. Same downtime as every single one of them (WoW, Rift and Warhammer Online for a bit).


I have yet to experience another MMO running maintenance on any region's friday evening, even when they theoretically didn't support that region. Possibly an occasional restart in genuinely exceptional circumstances, but a full multi-hour maintenance?


It should be possible with a decent modern system to run staggered maintenances. For whatever reason, they've decided it's not. OK, not great, but as you point out, plenty of other companies have decided similar.


What is stupid is the friday night multi-hour bit.


Their maintenance schedule is totally out of control & not improving, and their reasons for requiring these "emergency" maintenances are totally obscured.


Assuming it's something of similar import to free-weekend customers being able to whisper people they're not meant to be able to, is that worth annoying an entire region's worth of customers over? Surely those sort of issues could be better dealt with by swallowing a few extra customer service spam complaints for a weekend.


Exactly how flakey is their software if we're meant to believe all of these "emergencies" really are emergencies? It's entering serious boy-who-cried-wolf territory. Their engineers need to stop wetting themselves over minor flaws, trust customer service to be capable of doing their jobs, and learn to operate to a regular schedule.


They're maintaining an MMO like you'd maintain a single-player game. Time for a culture change Bioware.

Edited by Lakhesis
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I like hearing you guys QQ, really I do. Being a second shifter in the US (5pm until 2am) I experience the exact same thing you do, am I complaining? No. You assume that all Americans work a 9-5 and we all know what assume stands for.... Since I'm not on the same cookie-cutter schedule as other people, does that give me the right to complain as well guys?


BTW, welcome to every other MMO that I've played since WoW. Same downtime as every single one of them (WoW, Rift and Warhammer Online for a bit).


at least i can have fun in the forums since there is no in the game!

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a patch from 6pm to 10pm on a friday night what are you thinking. there are only 3 aus servers. Came on guys git your **** together patch in the morning aus time how hard can it be. if this patch it to let people play for free you have just lost one more subsciber:mad::mad::(:(:mad::(
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Such Hostility!


Did you all forget that they have a super secret world event they have been planning?


Maybe, just maybe... an unexpected patch could be bringing you something fun, so quit complaining!


I dunno. If it's something that should of been in the game at release if they wanted to implement it. Not something 4 months down the track.


"Super secret" yeah I doubt it sunshine.


1.2 could make or break this game. At this point it's looking like the wait period for it is going to turn many away. I know I'm not considering resubbing due to the fact a simple problem like a "Flashing Icon" cannot be fixed.


Also the fact that I'm Australian and I've no doubt already wasted time by making characters on "Our" servers... Seeing the "Legacy" of one of the servers is going to overwrite the other in the transfer.


All in all ..... the longer 1.2 and transfers take the less likely most will resub. let's not forget Diablo 3 is literally just around the corner and only one month between their "1.2 release and transfer".

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I just logged into my game and I noticed a warning that servers will be shut down for 4 hours tomorrow.


I am assuming that this is 1.2?


You know what is said about assume...


No tomorrows patch is not 1.2, 1.2 will arrive mid April at the earliest.

Edited by Ujest
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The patch, just last last Friday, is to let the Free Weekenders have access. No idea why they have to patch this in.


Iff that is correct, they really need to do some serious evaluation of whether the positive sales are worth the negative community reaction from those regions negatively affected.


The positive is a quick rush sales & the negative is a slow burn of alienation, but I've yet to see a rental/leasing style of business where that sort of approach is a good idea (land, equipment, or character-space - it's still rental).

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WoW used to be down from 3am est to 11am or later every Tuesday and I believe Rift was down for similar times on Thursday if I remember correctly. Rift was also down a lot more than this game has been in the first few months (I was a day 1 Rift baby).


Now, the random patch on Friday night/early sat morning? I don't think it's acceptable personally but it's one night... Every week or every other week... Yeah, I kinda see your point but it's late at night for a lot of people. Why it can't wait until Tuesday's maint or have been done right the first time, idk. They could be doing it at worse times if you think about it. Threatening to cancel a sub due to a bit of inconvenience in the infantile stages of an MMO's lifespan just shows how much you don't enjoy the game, why you're still here is beyond me.

Edited by pokher
revised a portion
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Wow, who else is really enjoying how these FREE WEEKENDS for people who don't pay squat for the game are interupting paying customers prime times. Oceanic time, Tuesday patch downtime of 6pm-11pm, now in the same week Friday patch downtime of 6pm-10pm... Cheers for knocking out a 3rd of the weeks playtime Bioware!


This is beyond the point of absurd now.

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WoW used to be down from 3am est to 11am or later every Tuesday and I believe Rift was down for similar times on Thursday if I remember correctly. Rift was also down a lot more than this game has been in the first few months (I was a day 1 Rift baby).


Now, the random patch on Friday night/early sat morning? I don't think it's acceptable personally but it's one night... Every week or every other week... Yeah, I kinda see your point but it's late at night for a lot of people. Why it can't wait until Tuesday's maint or have been done right the first time, idk. They could be doing it at worse times if you think about it. Threatening to cancel a sub due to a bit of inconvenience in the infantile stages of an MMO's lifespan just shows how much you don't enjoy the game, why you're still here is beyond me.


The problem is for the non-NA players. That's priimetime "just got out of work" time. I don't remember the exact conversion, but since I'm GMT-7 and 2am my time downtimes cause primetime issues for them, I'd have to imagine it's worse on a Friday night. Yeah, yeah, "go out and have fun" or something, but some folks aren't the clubbing/drinking kind.


FYI I'm not directing this at you (quoted dude), just giving some info on why the downtime isn't a big deal for us NA's and is for others. I assume WOW and Rift had separate downtimes for their non-NA servers. And yes, before it's stated, I do realize that this isn't those games and there are some valid reasons for doing a shared downtime. Still, swg had na and eu servers, and anyone could play on any server, but they still did separate downtimes (IIRC, could be mistaken).

Edited by redheadedtim
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If you mean Datku then yeah.




You forgot to mention the fact that you edited your post where you claimed there was no patch and that it was just a maintainance, but upon realising you were wrong deleted it and wrote "hahaha 1.2.." yeah.



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i am so relieved! i have unsubscribed! 1.2 is not worth waiting for! i stay for the trolling experience!


i thought pandas would suck, but after getting the beta, not even lightsabers and pew pew guns could save this game compared to wow.


keep compromising and playing a sub-par game fanboys. it's ok to keep paying for something less, it keeps the economy going :)

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Its not a conspiracy theory. Its a smart business model. As negative as this community is there is no way to make everyone happy. Any change is going to ignite additional negativity be it such and such nerf has destroyed such and such class to not enough being done to address concerns. Any large change is going to trigger out cries and upset people. If a major change is done prior to a billing cycle it can and will effect the bottom line. Wait till after a billing cycle and even if players are upset their money is already committed to sustain development through the next cycle or major update.


In this case, it's purely a conspiracy theory.

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