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Species recognition?


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I felt like there were some conversations in the game where the dialogue was slightly altered because of my species... and other parts where it failed to do so (ex. foundry i Was sith species and claimed I had no sith blood).


With the Legacy's ability to unlock unusual species for certain classes and/or factions, I am hoping to see some dialogue differences that may reference this, like "You are the first Chiss padawan this order has seen" or something.


Are there plans to implement something like this to a fuller extent with Legacy coming in?

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Sith species bloodline is so diluted, by and large they're hardly "Sith" anymore. Rather they are mostly human dark jedi with some sith characteristics.


After their loss in the "hundred years darkness" in 6900 BBY, human dark jedi took over Korriban and interbred with the Sith species there. The famous Sith you read about have varying degrees of Sith bloodline, and the more "powerful" ones are thought to have more human dark jedi blood than sith.


Ajunta Pall, conspired with the "lieutenants" of the Sith'ari (Former Sith species "king) and deposed him, then proclaiming him self the first "Dark Lord of the Sith". Since then, the title is carried by the successors of his title, rather than some homage to the Sith species itself.

Edited by Kaelano
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the species exclusive responses would be human.



Sorry but what do you mean by that?



And I know about the history of the Sith relatively well, but when a species is considered "pure blood" in layman's terms or not I'm pretty sure its more significant than not being sith species based on the species choices... and the part I'm referring to is from a conversation in the Foundry with the main boss (not the final boss)

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  • 4 years later...

It's only a couple spots here and there.


I recall something for my Chiss once, when meeting another Chiss.


It also seems like there was something early on that mentions you being a pureblood for the inquisitor.


Overall though, it's virtually non-existent. Especially for something that originally was not supposed to be possible. For example, my Jedi Knight was a pureblood, and not a single person noticed.


Oh, and as it applies to Star Wars, Race and Species are synonymous due to the extreme ambiguity of the 2. No remotely satisfactory definition has been found, and the ones out there would allow both to apply equally well to SW aliens. For example, they can all breed together. ( As mentioned, Sith purebloods are really Sith + Human, just where there is enough Sith genes to affect their appearance. ) Most everything in SW is some variation of Human.

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Some species don't get any recognition beyond the vague "Alien" comments- Anything unlocked by Legacy, Cathar, Togruta, I've had a Sith Pureblood Jedi act like he'd never seen a PB Sith before, for example, and Jorgan still explains Cathar culture to a Cathar Trooper.


If any species recognition is done it's very minor.


Chiss Agents get a few lines, I'm not sure about Rattataki.

Sith Purebloods get a few lines in Sith Inquisitor about how s/he became a slave. Zabrak Inquisitors have the former criminal thing mentioned (one NPC even refers to Zabrak Inq specifically as "Zabrak criminal")

I think Sith PB Warriors get a couple lines here and there.

Trooper Cyborgs used to have a line in a conversation, but I'm not sure if it was removed or my Cyborg Trooper just didn't take the right conversation tree.


Otherwise everyone gets "Human" lines (Humans and Cyborgs, Sith PB Warriors get the same superiority lines), or vague "Alien" comments (Everyone else).

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It's only a couple spots here and there.


I recall something for my Chiss once, when meeting another Chiss.


Did it matter what class you were for your Chiss for recognition? I'm making a Chiss Jedi Knight for Fallen Empire.

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Did it matter what class you were for your Chiss for recognition? I'm making a Chiss Jedi Knight for Fallen Empire.


Yes, it's agent class story and only female gets the flirt options.

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In Fallen Empire to? When people say class stories I only think about the main game other than the expansions.

The Chiss in question only appears in the Agent storyline but all flirts in Fallen Empire are the same across all classes (and genders come to think of it). But yea, base game = class stories.

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I think the male SW gets a different response from the pureblood lady who points you to the class trainer, too, but that's about it (and, it is still a putdown, something along the lines of "you aren't high enough in rank to flirt with me" instead of "I'd never flirt with such a lowborn species").
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During the vanilla game from 1 to 50 only those races are acknoledged that were possible to choose from at the release of the game. There were serveral restrictions with the combinations of classes and races. Chiss couldn't be force users for example.

So a Cathar, as the first additional race during the Hutt Cartell, is usually just an alien until Makeb. Was somewhat hilarious with my Imperial Cathar on Taris when an NPC told me, something like "these damn filthy Cathar, but no offense against your diffrent alien race" because i was only recognized as alien like Rattataki or Zabrak.

I don't have any Togruta, so don't know how this is handled, but i guess only quests and conversations that came into the game after the relaese of the race will react to it instead of the general alien comment.

Same goes for the combinations that used to be restricted, there are no conversation made retroactivly for these cases, you are just an alien or a human until the game reaches the point when either all restrictions were lifted and written into dialog from then on, or the race isn't important at all any longer and no race gets its own comments anymore.

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Yeah this is something I wish Bioware would do, but I'm not sure if they would ever change any of the dialogue, they would have to go back and rerecord a lot of lines, get the voice actors to come back in and record them, find what dialogue has mentions of species, etc.


I still think its weird playing as a Pureblood Sith and having them referred to as a human, I mean, they don't look human, and I can't remember at what point in the game its at (i think the JK storyline?) but a character definitely refers to another Sith npc as "red skinned" so.

Plus especially on Pub side I think it'd be worth noting oh hey - there's a Sith Jedi. I would figure they'd be suspicious or wary which would've been really interesting.


And I haven't made an alien SW but aren't they generally referred to as human too? I saw a screenshot somewhere of a Twi'lek SW talking to Vette and her talking about Twi'lek stuff like your character wasn't a Twi'lek or even an alien lol...

Edited by Ghostplops
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Yeah this is something I wish Bioware would do, but I'm not sure if they would ever change any of the dialogue, they would have to go back and rerecord a lot of lines, get the voice actors to come back in and record them, find what dialogue has mentions of species, etc.


I still think its weird playing as a Pureblood Sith and having them referred to as a human, I mean, they don't look human, and I can't remember at what point in the game its at (i think the JK storyline?) but a character definitely refers to another Sith npc as "red skinned" so.

Plus especially on Pub side I think it'd be worth noting oh hey - there's a Sith Jedi. I would figure they'd be suspicious or wary which would've been really interesting.


And I haven't made an alien SW but aren't they generally referred to as human too? I saw a screenshot somewhere of a Twi'lek SW talking to Vette and her talking about Twi'lek stuff like your character wasn't a Twi'lek or even an alien lol...

Aren't all non humans just referred to as aliens and not humans?

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Aren't all non humans just referred to as aliens and not humans?


pretty much.


and even original swtor has... issues with species recognition. my fave being Revan talking about exterminating all the people with Sith pureblood in them (in foundry flashpoint), and my sith pureblood being able to say "good thing I don't have any sith blood in me)


its a pretty binary flag most of the time with very VERY rare exceptions.


Vette thing with twi'lek warrior happens becasue twi'leks couldn't originally be warriors.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Doing a BH rattataki for DvL and getting a lot of different conversations from quest givers that I haven't heard in the past, since I'm an alien. I have 4 humans and actually surprised when the lines for the cut scenes were different.
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I leveled a Togruta Sith warrior and on Korriban I was referred to as a pure-blood Sith (I just head cannoned that because I chose the red Togruta skin that maybe they are just nearsighted and only see a red blur) but then in the rest of the game I was referred to as an alien.
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Did it matter what class you were for your Chiss for recognition? I'm making a Chiss Jedi Knight for Fallen Empire.

I had a Chiss Knight going back a couple of years and you are not recognised as such at all. It even gets a little awkward on Hoth at one point with a Chiss defector.

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Chiss on Hoth accepts chiss agent into his family. Doesn't do that for none chiss.


Sometimes companions notice your race, sometimes they don't If you unlock sith warrior and are twilek and romance Vette she doesn't seem to notice you're a twilek when she mentions twilek wedding ceremonies as if you don't know about them. On the other hand if you're human and marry her she does notice and talks about adopting children.


Since Zakul is apparently made up of humans, you'd think somebody would notice when the Outlander is not.

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Chiss on Hoth accepts chiss agent into his family. Doesn't do that for none chiss.


Sometimes companions notice your race, sometimes they don't If you unlock sith warrior and are twilek and romance Vette she doesn't seem to notice you're a twilek when she mentions twilek wedding ceremonies as if you don't know about them. On the other hand if you're human and marry her she does notice and talks about adopting children.


Since Zakul is apparently made up of humans, you'd think somebody would notice when the Outlander is not.


That's odd, in Canon Humans and Twi'Leks can interbreed.

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That's odd, in Canon Humans and Twi'Leks can interbreed.


On Wookieepedia, that's been wandering the line of canon and noncanon, those kids on The Clone Wars could have just been very young Twi'leks, it was never outright said if they were the clone's kid biologically.

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