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Tatooine needs to be Death Starred


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Definitely my least favorite planet, so far anyway. No Jedi to kill. A bunch of tedious, boring tasks & missions. I got a good lightsaber & title off the Bonus Series, but yea, space Afghanistan sucks bad for the most part.


I'm also starting to tire of Alderaan.....


I'm not a fan of Korriban. Let's Death Star that one too. Boring wasteland and no mount even!

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Give Tatooine a shot ( deathstar shot...you know) and add mustafar...I would be happy with that.


Mustafar might be a bit problematic because in 3,996 BBY, the resurgent Sith wished to exterminate the Jedi, and so a climactic battle took place on the planet. This battle was so intense that one of the nearby gas giants was pulled into its current location by the Force, starting the gravitational tug-of-war. The environmental hazards caused by this forced the Jedi to abandon their temples on the planet.


Given that was ~353 - 355 years before this Game begins, still could be a bit problematic depending on how long it takes to cool off during the movie/swg era. No pun intended with the "cool off" part.

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I like Tatooine because it's so bright and sunny without the blinding brightness of Hoth. I really dislike Nar-Shaddaa and it's super confusing layout. The second planet, perhaps even more hated than NS is that Rakghoul planet, whatsitsname... so many ruins/walls/pipes that constantly get in the way + it's dark and gloomy. /bleh
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i liked tatooine when i first got there, because i'm a fan of the desert. then i realize that it's a dead world, with no world pvp.


on that criteria, i feel that every planet should be death star'd.


Do you play on a PvP or PvE server? PvE servers STILL have an unrestricted PvP area called Outlaw's Den on Tatooine. Ironically, it's also the ONLY TRUE GTN hub in the game. By that I mean it takes everything from Imp and Reppie Fleets, capital cities, and Nar Shaddaa and throws it all together.

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Aww I liked Tatooine with both my Jedi Knight and my Sith Warrior. My Jedi Knight got an epic duel against an honorable Sith and my Sith Warrior made a creature that supposedly hunts Krayt Dragons faint just by looking at it. Epic storylines!


For my JC it less interesting. Sith Inquisitor......it was a Sith Inquisitor story. Can we perhaps hold a convention for Sith Inquisitors on Nar Shaddaa and then Death Star it instead?


Nein. For we are Inquisitors, & inquisitive we shall be. We shall foresee your lame attempts to kill us...hmmm yess.

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Definitely my least favorite planet, so far anyway. No Jedi to kill. A bunch of tedious, boring tasks & missions. I got a good lightsaber & title off the Bonus Series, but yea, space Afghanistan sucks bad for the most part.


I'm also starting to tire of Alderaan.....


I have to admit, I loved Tatooine even though I had an annoying tendency to wander into opposing faction bases and not realise until 2 or 3 lvl 50 Champ NPCs had unloaded a salvo of hurt into my ***.

Yes, it is all sand, with the view from the top of a dune being... more sand... but it is supposed to be a desert planet and apart from the pathetic locals that I just wanted to Force Choke, it was basically a walk on the beach for me :)

Oh, and I managed to time the Jawa Balloon perfectly - got to the pickup point about 1 minute before the balloon did, it did not respawn for once, and I even managed to get the jump onto the Sandcrawler right :)

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I have to admit, I loved Tatooine even though I had an annoying tendency to wander into opposing faction bases and not realise until 2 or 3 lvl 50 Champ NPCs had unloaded a salvo of hurt into my ***.

Yes, it is all sand, with the view from the top of a dune being... more sand... but it is supposed to be a desert planet and apart from the pathetic locals that I just wanted to Force Choke, it was basically a walk on the beach for me :)

Oh, and I managed to time the Jawa Balloon perfectly - got to the pickup point about 1 minute before the balloon did, it did not respawn for once, and I even managed to get the jump onto the Sandcrawler right :)


I also didn't get a speeder till the near end of my storyline there.....another reason for my dislike.....having to RUN across the Infinite Desert.....

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Wow ! Lots of hate around here. I enjoy all the planets personally but would love some new ones, especially Felucia and Dagobah. And how can anyone hate Voss ? The nightmare lands are great to explore. Ok, if I had to pick one to be death starred : Corellia. Hate the wretched place.
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