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Marauder 1.2 Legacy Amor...


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More skirts for Marauder 1.2 Legacy armor... wth...


I dont think I have ever seen any Marauders wear skirts and now BOTH sets of Legacy armor in 1.2 have skirts???


Seriously BW... i love your games but the armor design here is just ... im speechless.

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I couldn't agree more...I have a feeling the devs decided to go their own way on marauder gear and that they don't even care about what we think, ignoring all threads related to the subject such as this one will probably get ignored. :cool:
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Does anyone have a link to these legacy sets?


Here you go.

What I just can't get is why in hell can't they just add the armor sets we've been asking about for like...MONTHS, instead of coming up with recolored versions of what most of us do not like.

I understand some of you may dig this look and certainly do not want it to be removed, I just want to be given other options.

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Here you go.

What I just can't get is why in hell can't they just add the armor sets we've been asking about for like...MONTHS, instead of coming up with recolored versions of what most of us do not like.

I understand some of you may dig this look and certainly do not want it to be removed, I just want to be given other options.

Thanks for that link.


The whole Legacy vendor idea seems pretty cool, but I'm most intrigued by the random Legacy item drops in Flashpoints and whatnot.


The Republic exalted sets all look really cool to me, though by the time Legacy rolls out, my Guardian will hopefully have all Battlelord gear, so the Guardian Exalted set will be useless to me. The Empire ones...meh. I just hope the Birthright and Inheritance construction kits won't be too hard to get.

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Sentinel robes look pretty sweet, marauder robes look like junk. Again.


I just rerolled sentinel because I need to get a miraluka to 50 so that I can unlock the race for my alts when Legacy comes out. :D

I'm only lvl 10 at the moment and the gear I've had so far is like 100 times cooler that the one assigned to marauders. The Esseles robe...paint that in black/grey/red/purple whatever and make it available to marauders Bioware!

You know what I'd like to be able to do ? Just mail bound items to my other characters via Legacy. I'm not talking random drops incoming:


1. they'll either look like crap OR

2. be recolored version of other gear (in that case see point 1)


I'm talking actually being able to transfer the item as it is to my Empire character and not having the look changed like it does on the neutral trade network. :cool: Because I'm starting to wonder if designers purposely made the Empire gear bad to drain some players to the Republic side. :rolleyes:

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Isn't everyone gonna be wearing crit crafted orange gear anyway?


Also, Star Wars outfits aren't exactly known for being visually appealing...


probably not


the crafted gear is all fugly


i bet people will be wearing alot of cross class epic sets because purps will be fully moddable


youll see agents in marauder gear, juggernauts in mercenary gear, etc


and most people will stick to the pvp or pve epic sets, because they look infinitely better than the crap you can craft

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Almost all armour over level 31 is a skirt for a Maurader and now we get lumped with Legacy skirts.


Now if people like skirts thats fine but as someone that would prefer not to go to battle in a dress it would be nice for an option that isn't a skirt. Which I can do with the use of low level orange gear which isn't a problem until I get to the boots. I can't find any knee high boots in the medium armour ranger. Heavy has them, low level green, blue and purple have them but I can't find any orange full size boots. Which I was hoping the Legacy system would solve but doesn't look likely.


Don't suppose anyone has found any orange knee high medium armour boots and I have just missed them?

Edited by Costello
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I've been looking for those boots too but to no avail.


The only ones available are from Ops.

The new pve gear also seems to have knee high boots but dont know if they are moddable.


Hopefully, the lower level purple armor items can be moddable in 1.2 as there are several knee high purple boots now in the game.



Almost all armour over level 31 is a skirt for a Maurader and now we get lumped with Legacy skirts.


Now if people like skirts thats fine but as someone that would prefer not to go to battle in a dress it would be nice for an option that isn't a skirt. Which I can do with the use of low level orange gear which isn't a problem until I get to the boots. I can't find any knee high boots in the medium armour ranger. Heavy has them, low level green, blue and purple have them but I can't find any orange full size boots. Which I was hoping the Legacy system would solve but doesn't look likely.


Don't suppose anyone has found any orange knee high medium armour boots and I have just missed them?

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Does anyone know anything about stats on the gear produced by the birthright construction kits available from the PvE daily missions vendors?


Many seem to cost over 200 daily comms per item so I would think pretty good, comparable to campaign / black hole gear, but can't find any info.

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I'd take a skirt over those hideous boots they have on the new Sentinel PVP/Legacy stuff. I've hated those boots since I first saw them as a quest reward when I was leveling up. ANd they put them on the new stuff? Meh
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Scotsmen tend to fight well enough wearing skirts . . .


And if you ignore the fancy names they have for it, Samurai often wore skirts too :)



I still felt i betrayed my manliness when i slapped on a skirt on my Marauder ^^

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