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Everything posted by Zoobi

  1. Movement speed buffs do not stack. The +15% movement speed talent for the stealth classes is only semi-useful for the +3 stealth level, or if you're somehow in combat, but are in stealth. I would assume the same would apply for the ataru form movement speed.
  2. How does one shoot lightning from their fingertips. Explain me that.
  3. The "nerf" that sorcerers are getting is a joke. You realize this is the 3rd major patch in a row where the scrapper is getting nerfed right? I personally feel that scrapper is in a good place right now. They have the burst to kill a target, but cannot sustain vs multiple targets over a large period of time. As it is next patch, scrappers won't even have the necessary burst anymore to kill targets(the 3 second extra cd on backblast is ridiculous.)
  4. I think the armor looks alright, the helm is just awful though like most of the helmets in this tier of gear.
  5. Short encounters is what Scrappers are all about. We have pitiful sustained dps, so bursting your target down is a priority over energy management.
  6. So it's okay for only one tree to be viable? Really? Well then, might as well remove scrapper and dirty fighting. DF will never be viable without some way to generate UH from range.
  7. I honestly don't understand why Bioware doesn't just remove the trooper/smuggler and their counterparts. It's pretty obvious by the patch notes that they prefer them to be weak and want the jedis/sith to be strong in this game. Why even bother with the other 4 classes at this point. God knows Bioware won't be getting another cent of my money for this game and any other game they make.
  8. You and me both, already have the collector's edition preordered. I fear that the scrapper/concealments of us will never become good again. Bioware is *********** pathetic.
  9. Good thing Warzones aren't about 1v1. BHs are already one of the strongest ranged dps in the game, TM nerf is needed, and won't make you useless. Concealment/Scrapper however is getting another slap in the face for the 3rd time in a row.
  10. Watch Xinika's latest video, has a lot of clips of which he is full balance. It's an incredibly fun spec because it's very kite-y, doesn't have super omg crits(other than the standard upheaval projects that all specs get), but has more potential for 1vX than infiltration.
  11. Boring, half the time you're just standing around. Admittedly I only watched the first three minutes, but yeah. It doesn't have to be all montage clips of you critting people like a truck, but at least make 95% of the movie about actually fighting.
  12. At least KC and Balance didn't get hit with the nerf bat, obviously infiltration needs work, but it can do okay in the pug enviroment. You'll just switch to KC or Balance for rated.
  13. The issue with going tank for pvp is shielding doesn't affect the vast majority of the damage coming in to you. Armor is the only reduction for most tech/force based attacks(depending on damage type). You'll do better vs annihilation(slash/merciless slash)/carnage marauders, some of the moves in the vengeance tree of juggernauts, and marksman snipers, but for the most part you don't mitigate the damage via shielding. If you want the set bonus from survivor equipment, thats one thing though. Hopefully Bioware does something to make shielding work via more sources of damage in 1.2.
  14. Don't neglect your force abilities in pvp early on, you're better off going balance until ~30 or higher though. Upheaval is amazing once you get it.
  15. You ever try the 3s feral druid gib team? Was lulzy, feral druid/rogue/warrior. I stopped playing shortly after s2 ended and I got merciless glad on my rogue.
  16. It does ignore the resolve bar, and it does last the 2 seconds. Absolutely crucial to have it in pvp.
  17. Waiting for your video of the best-of-the-best. Basically, put up or shut up, and this is coming from someone who has never played with him.
  18. The 6 points into scrapper on the first build are wasted imo. Better off picking up EMP and its mastery.
  19. Going to assume you only watched the first minute and then came back just so you can "get your jabs in". Pathetic.
  20. Hate to break it to you, but the vast majority of players playing this game are noobs(including you most likely, seeing as the way you comment). You're more than welcome to post videos of the oh-so-great pvpers you play against though.
  21. Thought about this myself earlier tonight. I'm probably going to dump it and pick up Brawler's Grit instead. I figure 6% endurance will serve me better than 3% damage. I could live with the 3% damage if an additional effect was added to the talent. Maybe something like 3% damage and bleed crits reset the cooldown on back blast? That'd be fantastic since it's our main ability in combat other than sucker punch and blaster whip. Or maybe bleed crits grant an upper hand, now that's something the scrapper tree is missing, a way to grant upper hands other than blaster whip. Might allow hybrid scrapper/df builds as well. One last thing I'd like to add is.....why the hell is Tendon Blast on the 30% crit damage from Underdog instead of blaster whip. Seems like such an oversight on Bioware's part to not have one of our main damage abilities not be a part of that talent, especially since tendon blast's damage is pitiful and its mainly for its slow/root.
  22. Woohoo, more scoundrel pvp videos. Loved your first, I'm sure I'll love your second.
  23. Hows it feel to play a non-competitive game competitively? These kinds of mindsets make me laugh. Pro-tip, competitive games usually involve actual tournaments, and they usually involve games where you can't have an edge(gear) just for playing longer than someone else. You don't know what competitive gaming is.
  24. If you're going to go with the hybrid spec(0/23/18) which tree would be better to start out in? I do plan on pvping as I level up as well.
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