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Trooper Commando is realy bad at pvp


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Hello mates. as a trooper commando I am confronting with many struggless

I cannot do anything to battlemaster geared melee classes and I cannot do anything to powertech class too/ after I read the 1.2 patch notes about commando class I dissapointed realy/ I don@T understand why I wear heavy armor? melee classes I cannot run/kill/give any damage that I want.And dy'ng all the t'me at pvp zones,


why th's class is so weak? no1 here who w'll gonna comment, don@T say me

you don@T know how to play or QQ words. I am realy bored to die without doing anything at warzones. when melee classes see'ng me thy change their target and attacking me first all the time


1 more thing is that why I am giving realy less damage *my damage pri is 7150=9350* with this I am giving 1200-1800damage to target after my 1,5 sec. activation time grav grounds


some1 explain me why this game is so unbalance???


if you don@T wanna comment don@T do it, when I write sth to here , many nonsense ppl answering with harrasment words!!!!

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Since I don't have enough data to answer your question, I'm going to make an educated guess.


The people killing you have much better gear than you. A Battlemaster geared 50 is at least twice as strong as a fresh 50.

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Commandos are already the weakest class 1v1.


Melee players can interupt you, stun you, and mitigate your damage, completly locking you from doing any damage at all.


You have no way to run away since you dont have any sprint, all melee characters have built in snares in their attacks, turn your back to an operative and run? you just opened up your back for them to make more damage.


Even though were extremly squishy and easily locked out of combat, we get our survivability nerfed.


Commandos survivability should have been buffed with more escape abilities and cc abilities which we severly lack, while our skill rotation should have been changed, adding more skills.


The changes they make now, is based on feedback posted 2 months ago, when people didnt know how to fight commandos, and everyone was in centurion gear.

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Use charged bolts. just cause your locked from grav round im still hitting 2-4k with charged bolts. i still get rolled by maruders only cause i hit like a wet noodle for 20 sec vs them cause of all the Damascus mitigation
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I can usually hit top dps in my WZ but if anyone focuses on me its over. Doesnt matter the class, 1v1 tropper is a fail. for the most elite fighting force in the republic!! to add to that we have this big a** gun that you can spot from across the map, looks good but what are looks in war?!
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I know you didn't want this, but if you think Commando sucks in PvP you're doing it wrong. Not that I'm a PvP master myself, but at level 35 I've been consistently getting top two or three on my team for damage nearly every round, with 3-5 medals each round. The class is very strong, you just need to learn how to play it correctly. There are several guides here as well as some vids on Youtoob to check out which will help you significantly. I recommend checking those out and then enjoying the awesomeness that is the Commando! :) Edited by Wiremann
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I know you didn't want this, but if you think Commando sucks in PvP you're doing it wrong. Not that I'm a PvP master myself, but at level 35 I've been consistently getting top two or three on my team for damage nearly every round, with 3-5 medals each round. The class is very strong, you just need to learn how to play it correctly. There are several guides here as well as some vids on Youtoob to check out which will help you significantly. I recommend checking those out and then enjoying the awesomeness that is the Commando! :)


Lvl 50 PvP =/= Lvl 1-49 PvP


I've seen lvl 20s Commando's top damage meters in the 1-49 bracket.

Edited by Maginor
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Grav round is too much damage but easily interrupted. I think we need an interrupt if anything. I mean, concussion round takes way too long and they'll finish their cast before you can try to interrupt someone with it. Cryo is too powerful to use just to interrupt someone and then has a long timer. Knockback is all we got really, and again, better used for things other than an interrupt.
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I find this post pretty hilarious. I am a level 50 commando with a mix and match of battle master and champion.(mostly champion) I TOP damage every single game. That's not even a overstatement... Also if I'm healing I top heals as well. Melee classes are a pain i do admit but, you do have more than two buttons to press... Your advantage over this is your damage. I crit for about 3-4k on BATTLEMASTER geared melee. Its not hard to manage a 1v1 with a high damage output and a few cc's to put them in their place. Learn your class then you learn your advantages and disadvantages.. You always have the choice to fight or run in a 1v1.... but, I do frown upon 1.2. Change will always come and you only have the choice to bear with it. Its inevitable if you refuse to change you are plain stubborn and bad if you refuse to.
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Hello mates. as a trooper commando I am confronting with many struggless

I cannot do anything to battlemaster geared melee classes and I cannot do anything to powertech class too/ after I read the 1.2 patch notes about commando class I dissapointed realy/ I don@T understand why I wear heavy armor? melee classes I cannot run/kill/give any damage that I want.And dy'ng all the t'me at pvp zones,


why th's class is so weak? no1 here who w'll gonna comment, don@T say me

you don@T know how to play or QQ words. I am realy bored to die without doing anything at warzones. when melee classes see'ng me thy change their target and attacking me first all the time


1 more thing is that why I am giving realy less damage *my damage pri is 7150=9350* with this I am giving 1200-1800damage to target after my 1,5 sec. activation time grav grounds


some1 explain me why this game is so unbalance???


if you don@T wanna comment don@T do it, when I write sth to here , many nonsense ppl answering with harrasment words!!!!


Others have addressed your PvP issues, but I will answer regarding the PRI damage. The PRI damage you are seing is a display error affecting some classes, Commando being one of them. The PRI displayed is 10 times what it should be. so if you are seing 7150 - 9350, divide it by 10 (basically, just drop the last digit in each number). If those are your displayed PRI values, then your actual PRI damage is 715 - 935. I believe one of the patch notes for 1.2 says they are fixing this.

Edited by Sotaudi
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To the OP:


We have been asking for: an interrupt, a fix for Mortar Volley, a fix for Full Auto, some CC.


What we got/are getting:


-no interrupt


-Mortar Volley animation fix but with reduced AoE radius (nice work Bioware)


-reduced damage on GR


-nerfed heals


-reduced defenses in the way of nerfs to skills


-Increased CoF proc...I'm sure that will be underwhelming, yay so much more dynamic instead of standing around hitting GR we stand around channeling FA...weak.


-Increased Demo Round damage


-No CC buffs



So you see, the Commando was designed to be a ranged damage dealer that wears heavy armor and has less survivability than a cloth wearing Sage/Sorcerer. Reroll or cancel, for you have chosen...poorly..

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The only decent commando specs were either full medic or medic hybrid (http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800bfRMkdcbzZMIkbRbz.1) and due to the nerfs to the healing tree/skills/grav both those specs will become pretty much useless coming 1.2.


People will be forced to either be the worst healer in the game with 0 mobility, really poor aoe healing, non existant escape tools, horrible resource/effectiveness ratio OR a full gunnery gimp with 0 mobility, really poor survivability, 0 escape tools, no chance as soon as it has someone in melee range, no chance to do any meaningful damage as soon as people can los you (and considering that people are either in your face interrupting OR they can los you behind something, you're left with a pretty *********** small window in wich you can do any sort of damage).


I won't even go into detail about assault spec as it's simply not meant for this ac and it's joke for commandos, all you're doing if you spec into that is wasting a warzone slot.


I think the message bw is trying to send with these 1.2 notes is this: If you want to be a damage dealer in pvp roll a marauder/sentinel, if you want to be a healer play another game.

Edited by AzKnc
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I think the message bw is trying to send with these 1.2 notes is this: If you want to be a damage dealer in pvp roll a marauder/sentinel, if you want to be a healer play another game.


Just noticed they added another trauma debuff and made both uncleansable....gfg.


Your base heals are now going to consistently heal for 400/500. GL with that while getting whacked for 4/5k....

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Don't know what to say.. I hear your complaints, and you may very well be correct, but after 60 valor levels and countless PvP victories, 300k+ dmg warzones getting 7 or more medals each time, my experience with the commando class just doesn't line up with yours.. at all...
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Use charged bolts. just cause your locked from grav round im still hitting 2-4k with charged bolts. i still get rolled by maruders only cause i hit like a wet noodle for 20 sec vs them cause of all the Damascus mitigation
thats PVE damg bud NOT PVP you hit about 1.3K for charged bolts.... if your gunney and maybe 1.2k/- 1.5k with grav rounds .... i'm fighting people with battlemaster


my base damage is 8,500- 10,224

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first off look at all the forums and everyone has a post like this. as a 50 shadow mostly champ gear sometimes i roll everyone and sometimes everyone rolls me. I wish people would put less focus on 1v1. inhate commandos because they are flipping hard to kill if heal spec and its only a matter of time before some one comes and smashes my face in.
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Commandos (Gunnery) are doign quite well, if you stand alone, not beeing attacked.

You can dish out alot of damage and have high bursts.


On the other hand, when you get hit back, they become so extremly gimped. When you get a melee player like a marauder on you, you go from beeing "easy mode" to becoming a "easy kill".


Thats needs to be changed a bit, there no effort for melee to kill commandos, just keep on interupting, stunning and knocking them out of combat, and they cant do anything. They cant even run becouse all melee have gapclosers, pulls or snares.


Commandos need either more escape abilities (rocket jump 30m backwards? pushback, root and immune to charge?) or some system that makes them immune to interupts with full resolvebar or something.


How many times havent you been force charged, cast you shield, start using skill, get interupted, start casting another skill, get force shoked, start casting another skill, get knocked down, stand up, start casting another skill, get interupted?


There are only so many skills you can use during that fight, and none of them do any good damage, all of them cost ALOT of ammo, and most of them are ment for AoE, like sticky grenade, plasma grenade etc, hammershot is pathethic.

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Play smart and commandos can fight against melee. Be a grav spammer and well, no one cares if you do well or not, because your a grav spammer.


Not really, a smart marauder or powertech will lock you down if they catch you alone, there is nothing you can do. You always have to stand near friends if you want to survive.


Tell me a rotation to use when fighting marauder/powertech players in melee

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