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Medpacks... are you kidding me?!?!!?!?


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Ok fine.. then they can reimburse all 3 of my 50s the 2 million credits I dumped into Biochem as now with this and the long term goals to remove my reusables.. whats the GD point in having BC?




This isnt just a nerf to PVE its a nerf to Biochems..


and its flat out dumb..


This change actually helps BioChems in the long run.


People will now see the worth in buying the higher end more expensive medpacs. BioChems will see that its now more worth their time to craft the higher end medpacs because demand will skyrocket for them. Before we just buy stacks of the cheapest ones because would use so many of them. Now that we can only use one per Boss Fight, will make more sense to buy the better quality and more expensive ones.

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Ignoring the vitriol of this thread, I'd like to mention that I'm not decked out in endgame gear, and would like to continue eating medkits like candy in some PvE encounters, thank you very much.


(edit) Just to clarify: Soa is a multi-medkit encounter.

Edited by Laurreth
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This change actually helps BioChems in the long run.


People will now see the worth in buying the higher end more expensive medpacs. BioChems will see that its now more worth their time to craft the higher end medpacs because demand will skyrocket for them. Before we just buy stacks of the cheapest ones because would use so many of them. Now that we can only use one per Boss Fight, will make more sense to buy the better quality and more expensive ones.


What a total load of BS. People running raid and PvP competetively were only going to buy the best ones anyway. Not a single economic model/theory supports the idea that demand for a necessity skyrockets when the need for said necessity lessens.


I don't buy for a second that anyone attempting to raid or PvP with any seriousness was buying nerfmedpacks just to save money in a game that pours credits in your lap.


This is a stealth nerf to Biochem crafters...hands down.

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To add another fun aspect of this regarding PvP, death now rewards you with an instant reset of your medpack cd. This will make suicide defense in the alderaan wz even more efficacious since the attacking team will never have medpacks while the defending team gets their cd reset by dying. Awesome.


This is actually the first really RIDICULOUS change in this game that deserves that label.

Edited by Bazzoong
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I don't like this change. I can most certainly overcome it in both pve and pvp but, imo its not well thought out and will not solve the underlying issue in terms of the ease of current content. Add more mechanics to the fight that require coordination don't take away medpacs the will only promote bringing very certain classes.


I am a melee(sentinel to be specific). I have a much smaller window to react to anything terrible going on around the boss during a fight. I use my medpacs,when I actually need to which is maybe 1-3 times a fight, so that the healers do not have to worry about me and so they can focus on the tanks and other more important things.


With the medpac change if any fight has anti-melee mechanics it is going to be unfun/less useful to bring a melee class. I'm not personally worried about it because I will just work around it but other players may not be able to do to whatever.


If you dislike medpacs so much just nerf how much they heal or something, don't make them 1 time combat use only. That is a bandaid fix to a larger problem and it won't last.

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This change actually helps BioChems in the long run.


People will now see the worth in buying the higher end more expensive medpacs. BioChems will see that its now more worth their time to craft the higher end medpacs because demand will skyrocket for them. Before we just buy stacks of the cheapest ones because would use so many of them. Now that we can only use one per Boss Fight, will make more sense to buy the better quality and more expensive ones.


Yup, as I said earlier, I havent bought a single one, because why buy something expensive if I can eat it like candy? Now that I have to rethink my usage in a Ops scenario I'll surely end up buying Biochem ones.

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This change actually helps BioChems in the long run.


People will now see the worth in buying the higher end more expensive medpacs. BioChems will see that its now more worth their time to craft the higher end medpacs because demand will skyrocket for them. Before we just buy stacks of the cheapest ones because would use so many of them. Now that we can only use one per Boss Fight, will make more sense to buy the better quality and more expensive ones.


So you're just going to copy and paste from the queue card that BW gave you? How many times you gonna post the exact same thing?

Edited by Blotter
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Gotta say, I don't really care. I have used maybe 5 medpacs since launch. Why? I rely on my healers to heal me. If they cannot heal me or our group efficiently then we are either not properly geared for the content or encounter, or we're not making effective use of properly pulling techniques and CC.


NOTE: My comment above was toward PvE specifically. My use of medpacs in PvP is directly tied to whether I have a guild healer queuing with me for warzones.

Edited by JediMasterSarynn
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We are still in discussions to restore pre-level 50 medpacs to their previous condition to avoid negatively affecting the PvE game during the leveling process for people that heavily rely on medpacs.


Georg, does this mean stealth classes can use their "get out of combat" CD, pop a medpack, then get right back to it? Seems like a real advantage for stealth classes.

Edited by VainEldritch
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Georg, does this mean stealth classes can use their "get out of combat" CD, pop a medpack, then get right back to it? Seemslike a real advantage for stealth classes.


Given the healer changes, I think they've made it quite clear that Operatives are to TOR what the pallies were in WoW. In the future, we shoudl look for changes that allow Ops to heal-tank while doing significant dps.

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This change actually helps BioChems in the long run.


People will now see the worth in buying the higher end more expensive medpacs. BioChems will see that its now more worth their time to craft the higher end medpacs because demand will skyrocket for them. Before we just buy stacks of the cheapest ones because would use so many of them. Now that we can only use one per Boss Fight, will make more sense to buy the better quality and more expensive ones.


they already do and BUY LOTS.. because they can be used multiple times in boss fights.. which means 10x more stims sold..



every 90 seconds.. thats alot of stims sold.. and in hard content NM modes you basically need to have the BEST. and everyone needs to use them to keep the loads down on the healers.



Now you are going to sell a whole lot less.. because they cant use them as often..


so your theory does not hold water at all.

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What a total load of BS. People running raid and PvP competetively were only going to buy the best ones anyway. Not a single economic model/theory supports the idea that demand for a necessity skyrockets when the need for said necessity lessens.


I don't buy for a second that anyone attempting to raid or PvP with any seriousness was buying nerfmedpacks just to save money in a game that pours credits in your lap.


This is a stealth nerf to Biochem crafters...hands down.


and you took a poll/survey of every Raid guild and PvPer to find out which medpacs they were buying?


I can only speak for myself and my guild but I assure you most of us are/were using the cheapest ones. With repair costs and such raiding expense do add up. The medpacs I buy are the "Ultimate Medpac", green quality ones that every BioChem can make that heal for up to 4500 hp. I bought those ones because in the average fight would be poping them every cooldown. Also according to what I see on the GTN these are also the biggest seller as you see tons of those for sale in stack but hardly any of the higher quality ones.


Now that can only use one per Boss fight, it will be FAR more economical to buy and use the more expensive and higher quality ones.

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Yup, as I said earlier, I havent bought a single one, because why buy something expensive if I can eat it like candy? Now that I have to rethink my usage in a Ops scenario I'll surely end up buying Biochem ones.


quit running easy modes...

in hard and NM the raid needs to help out the healers specially for raid healing..


med packs are essential.

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and you took a poll/survey of every Raid guild and PvPer to find out which medpacs they were buying?


I can only speak for myself and my guild but I assure you most of us are/were using the cheapest ones. With repair costs and such raiding expense do add up. The medpacs I buy are the "Ultimate Medpac", green quality ones that every BioChem can make that heal for up to 4500 hp. I bought those ones because in the average fight would be poping them every cooldown. Also according to what I see on the GTN these are also the biggest seller as you see tons of those for sale in stack but hardly any of the higher quality ones.


Now that can only use one per Boss fight, it will be FAR more economical to buy and use the more expensive and higher quality ones.


Um doesnt take a rocket scientist to see what sells and what doesnt on the GTN..


raiders are buying as many Exotechs as people can put up..

noone wants the lower ones.

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Making the medpacs variable more controllable for endgame content is a necessary precondition for the creation of tighter, more closely balanced fights.


We don't want medpacs to be as important as class abilities, and we feel they should not become part of rotations. On longer boss fights, this is a trend we've seen happening, and we've counteracted this. Obviously, where needed, boss mechanics would be adjusted to account for this, but we don't really anticipate much impact for that on existing content.


New content (such as Operation: Explosive Conflict and Flashpoint: The Lost Island) is significantly tighter balanced already, with this limitation in mind.


A positive side effect is that the cost of running endgame content is somewhat reduced by this change.


We are still in discussions to restore pre-level 50 medpacs to their previous condition to avoid negatively affecting the PvE game during the leveling process for people that heavily rely on medpacs.


wait..so you respond to this but not to the request for an explanation of the severe nerf to merc healers?

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If you need harder content, buff the enemies. Don't nerf the players. It only sows discontent.





And personally I have tested in on the PTS and it can be rather ugly in multiple mob fights. Dumb dumb dumb change.

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You exit combat in PvP 8 seconds after the last hostile action. DOTs do not refresh this status.


You're playing very unusual games of Huttball if you never drop out of combat. Especially given that the ball resets to the center after someone scores, moving the action quickly.


Sorry, but I have to disagree with you... I've had plenty of PvP matches where combat did not drop after not using any attacks for 8 seconds. I'll give you some examples:


Guarding a control point in Civil War, I am constantly stuck in combat because some fool runs up, attacks, gets beat down, and then runs, no dropped combat.


Voidstar Defense, yea, try getting out of combat for that one....


Applying a DOT to another player will leave you in combat, even if they flee, sometimes even when they die (DOT persisting thru death, which I have had happen to me several times).

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wait..so you respond to this but not to the request for an explanation of the severe nerf to merc healers?


so he flat out admits that this will put a dent in BC sales...


thanks GZ.. between this and the reusables being phased out you killed the entire profession.

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Using a medpack is part of resource management for healers. As a sage i generally keep myself alive with Rejuv, standing in my salvation, and using force armor. If i get Below 30% i will use my medpack because it is instant, and doesn't use force. I can go back to keeping the tank alive.


Couple this with the double cast time of my big heal, and i think i will need a medpack more often than before. I'll get caught in stray gunfire more often while trying to heal. I really don't want to hear a marauder or sentinel say that it is a "proper change" when they really don't understand what it takes to keep them alive while they bathe AoE like a warm shower.


Saying it'll be a healer's job to keep you alive is irresponsible and ignorant. If you use that medpack your single time per fight right before being hit by a massive crit heal, you and the healer just wasted their resources. There are several mechanics in this game that lockdown a random player for a certain amount of time, and quite often, it's that healer. That's when you'll need your medpack up a second time in a single fight. I cant heal other players when a massive rakghoul has a giant paw on my chest, or when I am soloing Soa inside a mind trap.


This change wasn't needed. Content is tuned for the liberal usage of medpacks. Medpacks already have a long cooldown just for that reason.

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I felt a great disturbance in the force, as if millions of QQers of in-combat stealth skills suddenly cried out in terror, paused to remember that logic has no place on the interwebz, then continued to cry out.


Irony. The same people QQing about that are now completely oblivious to the fact that all of the reasons people are concerned about this (combat is too damn persistent) apply doubly so to the class that relies on being out of combat...


Nope, instead we're going to see even more cries for removal of in-combat stealth because it gives an "unfair advantage". :rolleyes:

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You're playing very unusual games of Huttball if you never drop out of combat. Especially given that the ball resets to the center after someone scores, moving the action quickly.

-George Zoeller


Well, that settles it for me: BW DOES NOT EVEN PLAY THEIR OWN GAME.

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