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Developer Dispatch: The Legacy System


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Please yourself.


I think that you will find once you have explored the issue that the only reason this system was created was to give you a reason to make new characters.


But I will let you figure that out for yourself.


Wow an insider!! The only reason they created the Legacy System was to force the creatation of alts, even though in the video they recognize that there are players who only want one character and they explain that the Legacy system still offers many benefits.



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Wow an insider!! The only reason they created the Legacy System was to force the creatation of alts, even though in the video they recognize that there are players who only want one character and they explain that the Legacy system still offers many benefits.




I'm not going to try and stop you from being a sarcastic punk.


Have a nice day.

Edited by BWHORN
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They claim in this video that no one has ever done a legacy system where the members are related to one another.


They clearly never played LOTRO, where you can have other players in your family tree as well as your own alts.


This entire video is full of nonsense.

Edited by BWHORN
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The more info on the update I see the less I am looking forward to it ( Unlocking races that are already playable? Not really impressed there. The new crafting updates? Again very unimpressive. Adding more content this early in the games life is just awesome and I think it is great that you are continually adding to the game I was just hoping for more with the crafting and legacy portion of the update. Well there is always the next update to hope for I guess.
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I don't like the fact that if I want to play a Chiss (or any other race for that matter) Inquisitor that I have to level a Chiss as a class, or classes that I absolutely don't want to have anything to do with.
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I'm not going to try and stop you from being a sarcastic punk.


Have a nice day.


Then don't impede your opinion about something when I clearly asked a question. If you don't know, which you don't, then simply do not respond and avoid the temptation of commenting for the sake of commenting.

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Finally we get to hear about what's in store for the new legacy system and pretty much everything I saw was focusing on tweaks for new or alternate characters.


That's all fine and dandy for NEW characters. What do you have for those of us that have multiple 50's? I can play a chiss Jedi now... woohoo - Too bad I already have a human jedi. la-ti-da... =/ Race doesn't change the story!


Will changing the race from human to chiss be possible w/o paying EA/BW a healthy lump sum payment for ever single character?


Are the advantages for the newly created legacy characters going to be extended to the existing characters or will we be force to reroll?


Will previously enabled legacy content be removed if the character that unlocked said content was deleted?


Will we be granted more than 8 slots per account for the new legacy combinations?


Edit: Typos.



i believe if you level 50 is a alien species it should unlock the new race but you will need to roll a new toon to get the cross ability to use lightning on a bounty hunter or force choke with a agent and so on. Human race does not unlock anything since its a race playable by all any ways.


i think its a good add on for those who likes it but i more than likely wont use the cross professions and the family tree thing because i have really no interest in both of them.


i would rather level 8 toons to level 50 and not worry about the cross professions.

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You completely missed my point, but that's ok. It's par for the course around here.


Sure, you watched all of the video, this time. But what about NEXT TIME? Hm?


What about when you make your third sage because Bioware made a legacy system where you have to grind to level 50 in order to unlock a new species?


Hey, I never spaced through any content when I maxed out my Operative.


But I sure will this time.


And the next time.


Welcome to SWTOR, online treadmill.


BTW, my Operative made it with the Governor of Balmorra, so....

Have you ever started an alt? You've already confessed to never getting a character to max level in any MMO aside from this one. I'm only asking because reading your posts sure gives the impression that you have little to no experience in levelling alts. It's just that you seem to think that some degree of repetition when starting an alt is something unique to this game, when in fact it's often much more present in other MMOs thanks to the class specific quests in SWTOR.


I've got 4 republic characters atm, I seldom spacebar through the world quests even after all the times I've gone through them already. And I never do so with the class quests. I appreciate that not everyone is like me in that respect but I do believe that most won't space through the majority of the content the second time around, maybe not even the third time.

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I don't like the fact that if I want to play a Chiss (or any other race for that matter) Inquisitor that I have to level a Chiss as a class, or classes that I absolutely don't want to have anything to do with.


You don't have to level a race to max to unlock it for all classes, you can buy that unlock as well through the legacy system. Granted, this is not cheap 1.5 million credits apparently, but still that is an option.

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You don't have to level a race to max to unlock it for all classes, you can buy that unlock as well through the legacy system. Granted, this is not cheap 1.5 million credits apparently, but still that is an option.


Ah, well then I have no complaints. :)


Thanks for the info.

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In order to unlock a legacy species I have to play a character of that species to level 50???


Just how many times do you expect me to play the same content over and over and over again???


People are already spacing through the voice acting content that was supposed to CHANGE THE MMO.


They have played it multiple times already, and they are bored out of their minds.


And this game is only 4 months old!!!


This is what I call terrible game design.


Your assumption that we are going to want to play the same planet and Heroic content over and over again is a fatal mistake.


I have 4 characters. They are all human.


So now I have to go make new versions of my characters to unlock your new legacy rewards?


That's just not going to happen.


This is just like Star Wars Galaxies- Release a half-finished game, try to finish it on our dime, then start changing it once the release rush has subsided.


You guys are playing with sticks of dynamite.


And frankly, you don't look that smart to me.


I am so disappointed in this whole experience.


I will never wait for another game like I waited for this one.



i understand you have 4 human characters well if what i saw on the test server that human race unlocks nothing you need to run all the races on the light side minus human to 50 to use them on everything on the dark side and so on. If your human character is now 50 i believe you just wasted your time.

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so far im not liking the legacy stuff.


1 - we need the ability to share more than JUST legacy gear between our toons. because i refuse to lvl the same professions more than once but i still need the items i create across both factions. for instance i have a sith sorcerer with synthweaving, and a jedi sentinel with artifice...see my problem?


2 - sharing spells and abilities will end up being a very bad idea in the long run. especially if those shared abilities end up being even more stuns or cc abilities when we already have too many as it is. (agent that can force choke, for instance: very bad idea)


3 - being able to roll a pureblood sith as a jedi is one thing, but being able to gear a pureblood sith jedi to look like an empire sith is something im more interested in. because republic gear styles suck. also im more interested in rolling a republic bounty hunter, than just a sith pureblood gunslinger.


with all these additions there are still way too many limitations and im already seeing the problems youre about to create with sharing spells and abilities. please add more useful stuff and save the fluff and OP class combos for another time. after youve had more time to think about the inevitable horrible horrible outcome of your current shortsightedness.


we need more useful changes:


- cross server warzone ques.

- faster high lvl companion missions.

- faster high lvl item creation.

- using more than one companion to do heroics and flashpoints while solo.

- gaining social points through more than just pve grouping with other players.

- same gender dialogue/flirt options during quests. gay ppl like starwars too ya know?

- better legacy naming system: same group name is fine...every toon having the same last name is dumb. even Luke and Leia had different last names.

Edited by Anathar
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Why oh why was I not a Sith pureblood as a main! :p


Oh well My main Zabrak Trooper will soon havea purblood brother in the Sith Empire..how I'll fit that story together I don't know...maybe a typical "I have a brother...?" backstory :p


One question though...should I hold back on maxing my main to level 50 until Update 1.2 hits? Or will it be ok to max now and just hold back on making an alt until 1.2?

Edited by Eillack
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Originally Posted by Ragoric

Finally we get to hear about what's in store for the new legacy system and pretty much everything I saw was focusing on tweaks for new or alternate characters.


That's all fine and dandy for NEW characters. What do you have for those of us that have multiple 50's? I can play a chiss Jedi now... woohoo - Too bad I already have a human jedi. la-ti-da... =/ Race doesn't change the story!

Will changing the race from human to chiss be possible w/o paying EA/BW a healthy lump sum payment for ever single character?


Are the advantages for the newly created legacy characters going to be extended to the existing characters or will we be force to reroll?


Will previously enabled legacy content be removed if the character that unlocked said content was deleted?


Will we be granted more than 8 slots per account for the new legacy combinations?


Edit: Typos.




Race DOES infact change the story. My Zabrak command has had many unique experiences solely because he's an "alien."

Edited by Eillack
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Would have loved a Wookie or other New Race, instead of legacy system... but now this means I will need to start my toons over, I have been trying out each Reb and 1 Imp all now around lvl 30.

So many things that could have been added and this is what you land on, Not real happy about this....and hope that the rest of the update makes up for it.

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In short: How will the Legacy system integrate with my current 7 characters to build my tree?



Do you have to be level 50 to have a core Legacy tree member?


I am excited about this system but I am confused. I have a level 50 and 6 other characters around level 20. It's really unclear to me how this Legacy system will work with my exsisting characters. Do I essentially have a family tree that I now just have to simply build? Do I have to start my alts over for them to be part of the tree? I see we cannot modify them if they already exist based on Legacy unlocks which seems poorly thought out because after 4 months, it would seem obvious that players will have alts. I guess the Legacy system wont be as robost for people that have existing characters.

To give you an answer, my understanding is that the features still unlock from wherever your characters are. You can link you level 50 to your level 20s right off the bat when the Legacy System becomes active. The features, I believe, also unlock for your characters if they're at the appropriate spot.
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Most MMOs basically have more or less the same quests every time you play through it regardless of race or class. SWTOR offers more unique quests per class than other MMOs I've played. This will make each play through (assuming you pick another class) more different then it would have been in most/any other MMOs.


If you can't stand the thought of going through the game a second time despite that then it's more than likely that you are unable to level alts in any other MMO.


Perhaps you're right, but let me try from a different angle. There are these 8 really awesome class quests in this game, and I would very much like to experience them all. But it's not like DA:O where I can just do the origin quest and then delete the character because the rest of the game is 99% the same.


I've got alt characters of almost every base class on each faction, but somewhere between the middle of the 2nd planet and some point on the 3rd planet, I just get really put off by doing all the same content again, despite the "dialog options". I've tried levelling via space combat or PvP on a couple, but that becomes tedious after a while as well (PvP not as much, but I bought the game for the PvE/story). It's almost like there's this big barrier to entry to experiencing all the class story content.


I get that BW needs to do this, to a degree, so you don't get even more people whining about how there's nothing to do, and that it's too easy to burn through the content too quickly. But at the same time, I wish there was some sort of legacy reward that unlocked a "story mode" or something, so I could somehow experience the other class quests without it feeling like a giant grind.


You can assert that I'm not "alt material" or whatever. But the simple fact of the matter is that I can't think of any game I've ever played through more than twice, or maybe three times in the case of the most amazing games I've ever played. I don't think any game will ever exist that's so mind-blowingly-good that I (or any other typical person) would sit through eight times over.

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In some video somewhere they made it pretty clear that once you have seen the final cut scene for your class, that's it, the story is over.


There is not going to be any more solo content. Ever.


As I understand it, those quests on Corellia are going to be daily quests.


In other words, Heroic group quests.


I was unable to complete the Heroic Quests that are already on Corellia because there were never more than seven people on Corellia the whole time I was there.


Often there were only two people on Corellia.


Same for Voss and Quesh.


I would go for a bonus series of solo quests on Corellia, but I sure as hell am not going to continue to subscribe to a game so that I can get a few solo quests every few months.


It's not going to happen.


i have like two months left on my subscription, and I would rather spend that whole time in here complaining about Bioware than embrace a legacy system that is designed to make me roll alts.


At least I would be getting something for my money.


At least I would know that someone at Bioware knew how I felt.

Actually, ALL, if not most, of the class endings are very open ended and can go somewhere in the future. Here are a few examples:

Knight- Find the actual, weakened, and mortal Emperor and kill him

Warrior- Crush Republic forces as the Emperor's Wrath.

Agent: Stop threats to the Empire throughout the galaxy

Trooper: Continue to perform military missions.


I think it's pretty general, uninformed, and inaccurate to say there will never be any more solo content.


In addition, it does not MAKE you roll any alts. Even beside the solo Legacy features, it's not like you really need those bonuses. Most people are doing just fine without those bonuses.

Edited by RCcarroll
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so far im not liking the legacy stuff.


1 - we need the ability to share more than JUST legacy gear between our toons. because i refuse to lvl the same professions more than once but i still need the items i create across both factions. for instance i have a sith sorcerer with synthweaving, and a jedi sentinel with artifice...see my problem?


2 - sharing spells and abilities will end up being a very bad idea in the long run. especially if those shared abilities end up being even more stuns or cc abilities when we already have too many as it is. (agent that can force choke, for instance: very bad idea)


3 - being able to roll a pureblood sith as a jedi is one thing, but being able to gear a pureblood sith jedi to look like an empire sith is something im more interested in. because republic gear styles suck. also im more interested in rolling a republic bounty hunter, than just a sith pureblood gunslinger.


with all these additions there are still way too many limitations and im already seeing the problems youre about to create with sharing spells and abilities. please add more useful stuff and save the fluff and OP class combos for another time. after youve had more time to think about the inevitable horrible horrible outcome of your current shortsightedness.


we need more useful changes:


- cross server warzone ques.

- faster high lvl companion missions.

- faster high lvl item creation.

- using more than one companion to do heroics and flashpoints while solo.

- gaining social points through more than just pve grouping with other players.

- same gender dialogue/flirt options during quests. gay ppl like starwars too ya know?

- better legacy naming system: same group name is fine...every toon having the same last name is dumb. even Luke and Leia had different last names.


Just gonna pick on three points

1. if we were able to use more then one companion for fp's and heroics *** would be the point of joining a guild? especially if you're one of those hardcore Op people that have columi or better for all ur companions and yourself. Seriously you'd prolly be able to run an op with just yourself and another friend+companions if you could use your companions. Would completely take away the social part of the game. its an MMO for a reason.

2. The last name thing with leia and luke, Duh course they had different names leia was raised on alderaan by the organas and luke was raise by their actual relatives (even said in the movies that it would've been dangerous to keep them together so leia was adopted). So yea having the same last name on every char is not necessarily 'dumb', that'd be the same as saying a whole family is dumb for having the same last name..

3. if you want your 'jedi' sithpureblood to have sith armor then dont roll a jedi roll an actual sith *facepalm*

Edited by Caadeus
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