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So, when will we see some fun open world PvP? Gear grinding is all there is to do?


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I am at my wits end:eek: I do not know how many more WZs I need to do before closing my account. And why are there WZs? For grinding gear to be used in more WZs!


When will BW make PvP fun like it was in Dark Age of Camelot? When will they give us something worth pvp for other than more gear gained in countless WZs?


Do they expect to keep 50s, that enjoy PvP, when there is nothing to do other than gear grind?


Give us frontiers with objectives on it to be taken and held with rewards. Give us an old fashion siege for gods' sake! Anything but more WZs and gear grinding:(

Edited by MrHemlocks
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you will never see some fun with open world pvp as long as the servers supported max pupulation is so damn low! it won't ever happen.


you need at least triple or 5 times more people on a server to even have the slightest chance for good open pvp.

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you will never see some fun with open world pvp as long as the servers supported max pupulation is so damn low! it won't ever happen.


you need at least triple or 5 times more people on a server to even have the slightest chance for good open pvp.


You are correct! I remember in Dark Age of Camelot we had server populations over 2000 in peek hours. The good old days...:)

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yes, i think max pupulation here is around 400-500.


i mean during leveling you saw how many are on the same planet?

and you observed that the quest areas for the two factions actually nearly never meet?


and at 50... what reason does anybody have to leave the fleet? running around a map large as a continent to find maybe 1 enemy in 2h?


swtor will never ever have open world pvp.


edit: i mean, you do not even have to go out to grind ressources for your proffesions -.-



edit2: but the fact that they even tried to make some open world pvp with this mistakes proves that the devs and game designers are total idiots regarding pvp!

you can't prove it better.

Edited by me_unknown
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I am at my wits end:eek: I do not know how many more WZs I need to do before closing my account. And why are there WZs? For grinding gear to be used in more WZs!


When will BW make PvP fun like it was in Dark Age of Camelot? When will they give us something worth pvp for other than more gear gained in countless WZs?


Do they expect to keep 50s, that enjoy PvP, when there is nothing to do other than gear grind?


Give us frontiers with objectives on it to be taken and held with rewards. Give us an old fashion siege for gods' sake! Anything but more WZs and gear grinding:(


Never. Last time some group went to Republic territory on PVP server they got warned because they were doing PVP on PVP server... So be careful when you go to Republic side because if you kill someone on PVP server from enemy faction then he can complain about you and you will get warning - and at some point they will probably ban you.

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1) The main sell-point of this game was the extreme focus on semi sole PvE and the fact that everything is voiced.


2) People found this interesting to begin with, but it was not enough to hold the attention and excitement for nearly as long as was intended.


3) The highly narrow theme-park approach indirectly forced people into PvP'ing as this is the only aspect with a minimal degree of freedom.


4) Unfortunately the game was never designed to handle any real amount of PvP (e.g. Illum, Tatooine) which only leaves us with warzones. While warzones can be fun, the concept is far to limited in scope and provides no long term reward or history.


5) The need to make a new, open, world with free PvP, Playercities, Weekly/Monthly conquests, tugs of war, random NPCs, strange happenings is sorely needed but is not going to happen. Not on the scale needed without some major tweaks to the Hero Engine, and a completely new understanding of freedom from de developers. This will never be SWG, but certain aspects from that game are needed to make SWTOR what it should have been to begin with.


In conclusion: as brevity is the soul of wit; this game is currently on life support.

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The lore would give an easy starting point to a great world pvp but let´s face it siege battles are bit sword and shield age so it would be more of an battles of controlling planets and their resourses/allowing you to level up there with walkers , dropship suprise attacks and orbitalbombardments with small groups doing sabotage and infiltration missions behind enemylines it could hold alot of npcs to make the pop. imbalances void.

But basicly it´s up to the players to make world pvp happen there was no gain in tarren mills/southshore battles it was just people having fun by smashing each other. But in this game it´s not possible you barely see opposite faction while leveling every city/quest hub is protected by champion mobs and any large(ish) scale pvp is hindered by a crap engine.

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But basicly it´s up to the players to make world pvp happen there was no gain in tarren mills/southshore battles it was just people having fun by smashing each other. But in this game it´s not possible you barely see opposite faction while leveling every city/quest hub is protected by champion mobs and any large(ish) scale pvp is hindered by a crap engine.


my words...

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