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I'm using the latest Razor Game specs, they auto sense eye movement, and activate any eye focused skills, it cuts 0.000000000000002 of my reaction times, this helps me live a better life,


The GCD is like what, 3 hours,


You can click and go make a Pot Noodle,




In the meantime you have to move, see what's going on with the rest of your team and why/when/where the enemies are going to do/be, etc. All that when you are checking your mousepointer to see if you click the right skill(which takes a lot of time and attention, especially compared to when using hotkeys).


you are wasting awareness and what not.


I'm amazed at the sheer number of clickers.


You'd think key binding are much more efficient and quicker to press rather than the drag and click of a mouse, so I thought clickers % would be really small.


Edit: How the hell to you look around without the mouse??


by keyboard turning of course!

Edited by Bivaccus
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You can't really make a comparison. It's like having a Toyota Camry vs. a Ferrari. You may be 100% efficient, maxed out to the nines as a clicker...but you're still the Toyota Camry. Keybinding is the Ferrari here. It's faster and more efficient. Yes, you can have good clickers, and you can have bad binders. The point though is not in the person behind the car...its the car itself (Click vs. keybind).
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In the meantime you have to move, see what's going on with the rest of your team and why/when/where the enemies are going to do/be, etc. All that when you are checking your mousepointer to see if you click the right skill(which takes a lot of time and attention, especially compared to when using hotkeys).


you are wasting awareness and what not.


Not exactly. I keybind and most of my attention is on my hotbars, and less of my attention is on what else is going on. Further, most of the time in PvE there is relatively no need to change the facing of the camera since the game has auto-facing. I could get away with clicking quite easily in PvE and sacrifice very little if nothing at all. Plus, I can still use the mouse to change the facing of the camera.

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Being a clicker doesn't make as big a diffence in TOR as it did in WoW, with your character turning automatically towards the guy you're casting a spell at etc... If casters would actually have to turn their characters in sync to mine in melee, I would eat them alive 99% of the time.
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I play three classes and dont have a keyboard that can set each one,i really dont think games should be based on keybinding or not,or even rotations aside from buffs and de buffs.


In EQ2 my main an illusionist had to use a set rotation to hit high numbers and very few illuisionsts shared that info and you could tell who knew the rotation and who didnt,i just dont think games should based around that stuff.


Binding or rotations has little to do with skill imo,aside from countering etc.

Edited by Sathid
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Everyone has a different play style, what's so wrong about clicking? There are pro gamers out there that click, efficiency isn't a set way of doing things by following the majority. Efficiency is made through the use of personal technique.


I'm a hybrid clicker/keybinder, but I find clicking much more comfortable personally. If you find keybinding to be much for efficient, than hey, great for you, but you shouldn't put others down for using another method just because your elitist egotistical gaming mind says otherwise.


To each their own, but respect each other's preference.



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At the end of the day, there is no unique answer. It depends on the class you play. I used to play a trooper and could do pretty good damage just by pressing two buttons: tab targeting and space (mapped to grav round). I clicked FA, HIB and DR as needed and could literally have a snack while doing a wz and do more than ok.


With my mara, to do well I not only have to be 100% in the game but I shudder to think of my performance had I not keymapped my abilities so I could mouse turn.


Bottom line: melee classes do much better with keymapping. Range classes (merc/trooper at least) can be played however you want, you'l still be ok.

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You can't really make a comparison. It's like having a Toyota Camry vs. a Ferrari. You may be 100% efficient, maxed out to the nines as a clicker...but you're still the Toyota Camry. Keybinding is the Ferrari here. It's faster and more efficient. Yes, you can have good clickers, and you can have bad binders. The point though is not in the person behind the car...its the car itself (Click vs. keybind).



using keybinds is like having a ferrari and not using any other of the controls on the dashboard or steering wheel.


you are soooo limited with keybinding only

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Use both?




I keybind my rotation and frequently used skills and click most defensive CDs as well as medpacks and stims and such.



You better keybind "throw the huttball" though or I'll hunt you down Jay and Silent Bob style.

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Everyone has a different play style, what's so wrong about clicking? There are pro gamers out there that click, efficiency isn't a set way of doing things by following the majority. Efficiency is made through the use of personal technique.


I'm a hybrid clicker/keybinder, but I find clicking much more comfortable personally. If you find keybinding to be much for efficient, than hey, great for you, but you shouldn't put others down for using another method just because your elitist egotistical gaming mind says otherwise.


To each their own, but respect each other's preference.


I personally have disabilities that prevent me from keybinding effectively. I tried a G13 also. But after 18 years of playing this way I feel I do pretty good. I am typically top 5 in most wz, top 3 if i am playing my shadow I guess because the class and me gel well. I have had people who laughed at clickers and then I destroyed them in battles so to say just because you play one way or the other its wrong is laughable. People should play whichever way they feel comfortablle with because that is the way that will help you be the best.

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If its PvE, can you pull your weight by clicking? If so, then I dont really care.


One of the main advantages of not clicking is not having to take your eyes off whats going on, so it can be kind of important for PvP. Not that I really care, Im pretty casual about this kind of thing, but if youre a clicker and youre having problems Ill likely suggest some control changes.

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This is like.... /thread. :-)


With all the trolling/insulting in the other thread, we should just leave it at THIS and move on. I don't understand why people are so single minded. This was hardly a discussion, rather an argument and this response pretty much perfectly sums the entire thing up.


It's what this debate always turns into (and I keybind, btw, so don't even go there). Clickers trying to defend the way they play (which they shouldn't have to) and self-appointed, ego-centric "MMO Pros" who insult anyone who's opinion is different than their own.


Keybinding is faster (usually). Clicking is more comfortable to some. To each their own.

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"I know my rotations and I beat the global cooldown tenfold."


Guy's and Gals this is the year 2012. You are paying to play an online video game. If you can't come up with $50 to buy a gaming pad... well then I'm likely paying for your wellfare checks or you're a broke college student.


If you're not one of those two... go buy a gaming pad... whichever one fits your hand, so you can stop saying you are "good" and be great!


Tab targetting is broke in this game, so are combat animations. You should be "clicking" on your target and using keybinds to attack with and control your target and heal your allies.


Do you have all of the combat bars enabled? Two on the bottom, one on the left, one on the right? Filled with abilities, and items? Did you bring the "ops/Raid" frames closer to your character so it's easier to heal the near dead guys? Did you find which abilities trigger the GCD and which do not so you can maximize combat? Can you run jump, and cc, and throw the huttball to someone all before you hit the ground?


When people say L2P... they say this because of these things. You can't be the best if you click.


Find something worthwhile to try and be the best. Being the best at video games. Meh, most people are not impressed.

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Was #1 tank on my server since cata released alll the way through fall of deathwing and I never met any serious player that clicked. That being said the only way anyone could excel at clicking IMO would be with a massive amount of macro's.



Completely inaccurate. I have always tanked and healed with my level 85 Paladin and I have always clicked and I NEVER use Macros. It's seriously not difficult. The GCD gives clickers more than enough time to move their mouse a 10th of an inch so we can click the next ability in our rotation. And it only takes a glance down normally to make sure the mouse is in the right spot. If you're keybinding, you have to glance down to check what's off cool down anyway, do you not? I don't see the difference.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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Completely inaccurate. I have always tanked and healed with my level 85 Paladin and I have always clicked and I NEVER use Macros. It's seriously not difficult. The GCD gives clickers more than enough time to move their mouse a 10th of an inch so we can click the next ability in our rotation. And it only takes a glance down normally to make sure the mouse is in the right spot. If you're keybinding, you have to glance down to check what's off cool down anyway, do you not? I don't see the difference.


Not everything is on the GCD and some abilities are situational and not part of the rotation.


I don't know about anybody else, but when I get into an intense fight I get a boost of adrenaline. Trying to click things with that adrenaline boost is very difficult. My hands get shaky. Not so much of a problem with keybinding.


This is a debate that will probably never end.


Do what you do well, but again like a broken record. Clicking will never ever be as good as keybinding, disabilities aside..

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Completely inaccurate. I have always tanked and healed with my level 85 Paladin and I have always clicked and I NEVER use Macros. It's seriously not difficult. The GCD gives clickers more than enough time to move their mouse a 10th of an inch so we can click the next ability in our rotation. And it only takes a glance down normally to make sure the mouse is in the right spot. If you're keybinding, you have to glance down to check what's off cool down anyway, do you not? I don't see the difference.


Spoken like someone who has never tanked a raid.

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