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Death of a Tanky-Tank


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Truncated for length, sorry Cor.


Oh, I get that this setup can work because of what you are BOTH bringing to the table, which was why I said to disregard my comments when you first mentioned that you're doing this w/ a Juggy partner.


My fiance plays a Jug, and my PT often runs along w/ her, so I do know how PT/Jug (or VG/Guard) can play off of eachother's strengths and weaknesses.


I've also played AP (the PT version of Tactics), so I know a bit of what you mean by the "surprise" factor.


What I meant by "gimmick", is that once you've done this a few times, people will start to remember the two of you, and be prepared for this tactic the next time they encounter you (or someone else using the same tactic).


In that case, it becomes exponentially harder to set something like a dual AoE bomb up when players are watching for it.


Case in point: I've been running a dual Assassin (Darkness and Deception) setup w/ my fiance lately. As we run into the same people more and more, they begin to become wary of our tactics, and adjust their play accordingly when they see us in the WZ.


It probably doesn't help that we are twin red twi'leks wearing identical outfits/sabers w/ the only difference in our names being the placement of one character. : P

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yet again another boring post.


People always say 1vs1 i will own another player...that called bragging


As for me I'm a button masher and not very good at it with my age, I have players jumping around like a monkey at the zoo to fight for what i dont know.. lol to feel powerful I guess, But your comment about this is really kinda lame, yes a lvl 10 tank guy might win against a level 49 and vice verse, I played all the classes and find basicly who ever gets the button mashed first wins even he or she is using heal stuff, take for instance i was a tank guardian level 39 getting hit by sniper I jump down to be chased by some shadow tank guy to i guess finish me off, well news for him i stuned him the shadow and fast run to heal point in huttball turn around kill shadow which was around 37 and take on a maraduar and wipe him too, with various moves, I have to say i stalled them too finish my cooldowns and press the buttons faster than they did, but other times i get killed fast too, so its pure lucky anytime you in pvp fighting, I dont care what people say its all luck...lol


So seriously there are no real Pro PVPER cuase if my six year old can win while chewing on his fruit roll-ups and saying some of theses guy are boring then our whole pvp community got problems..lol... And he does very well on passing and controling objectives as a team person...where i could learn a few lesson from him... probably typing too...lol


For the love of god, just stop posting.

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i will say it again

Lol tanks in PvP


This attitude is one the devs evidently share. It's not so much fun looking at a 90k respec bill because I want to pvp today.


There should be no reason at all why a VERY well geared VERY well played tank shouldn't curb stomp someone in centurion or worse gear, but that's not how it works out at all.

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LoL @ crying over 1v1 balance in a team based game. If they wanted this game to balance around 1v1 every class would have some form of an in combat heal. No they meant this game to be balanced around team play.
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