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Warning: Transferrable armoring and set bonuses only for new items!


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Have you checked out PTS??? It is possible to move the armoring on old gear. However the set bonus does not move with it. You should update your OP/title to just clarify its the set bonus.


Yeah, you're right, I have updated the OP now, thanks.

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Have you checked out PTS??? It is possible to move the armoring on old gear. However the set bonus does not move with it. You should update your OP/title to just clarify its the set bonus.


Actually, what you stated above is not entirely correct. According to the PTS, moving armor mods does include the set bonus.


From the PTS directly: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=363056


Players can now remove Armoring modifications from items with set bonuses and transfer those set bonuses to Custom (orange) items. These modifications can only be transferred to an item that is equipped in the same slot.


So where do we really stand on the issue? Anyone actually on the PTS that can confirm?

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I want to bring attention to an issue that's been widely neglected by Bioware until recently, and had fallen under the generous assumption by the player base that there is no issue at all.


However, despite everyone's expectations, armoring (and thus, also set bonuses) from purple pieces will only be removable and thus transferrable from new items coming with 1.2:




(Source: Dev Tracker Summary)


This means that all our Columi, Rakata, Battlemaster etc. gear will still stay the same, and you will neither be able to use their armoring on crit crafted orange stuff (which is an entirely different issue as well) or your already existing favourite orange armor.


The fact that we learnt this only through the Dev Tracker Summary after a half-hearted "clarification" in this thread that might have never happened had the OP there not raised the question explicitly.


What's even more infuriating, in this thread I raised a similar question, not specifically mentioning the existing Columi, Rakata, BM etc. sets, but set items and existing purple stuff (for example belts) in general, and Georg Zoeller even acknowledge that all of this will be possible.


However he neglected to mention that this would not be true to the existing set items!


I was really, really looking forward to 1.2, mainly due to this feature. I have prepared myself since guild summit, I am ready to finally be able to uses my Columi/Rakata set properly on my orange stuff. Now you're telling me that was never meant to be possible, and I could very well have saved myself the effort. Great. Thanks for nothing.


Actually, I don't even care that much about the effort. I was looking forward to finally stop being sub-par because I detest the look of the current endgame sets (and even more so that of the new sets in 1.2) and had already put my hopes into the item customization system to eventually sort it all out.


Naively as I may be, I had always assumed the lack of appearance tabs and the presence of the item customization system meant that this was Bioware's way of allowing us to combined the best stats with the looks of our liking. They failed to deliver upon release, but with the reason that at that time removable armor/set bonuses would have allowed filling an entire orange Rakata set just by dismantling a heap of (for example) boots, and I was fine with the assertion that it was only disabled until they fixed that.


Which they announced to happen in 1.2 by binding the armorings of set items to the specific armor slot, and in no way hinting at the fact that they did not intend it to happen for the existing sets.



I don't know how more slap-in-the-face it could ever get. I am seriously pissed now, and all the enthusiam and optimism I had for 1.2 has now vanished. Not looking forward to it any more, don't care when it comes out or how awesome they claim it to be. This is the nail in the coffin; I am not threatening to unsub, as I consider such threats stupid anyway. I am just saying that this is the point from which on I will stop trying to see the positive in Bioware's intentions or abilities. I've defended this patch until now, I had put up with the incoming nerf to my class under the assumption that maybe it is necessary and Bioware has the better numbers to see that.


This raises the question whether this issue was a deliberate deception or a major failure to grasp players' expectations upon such an announcement as "armoring will be removable and set bonus will transfer with them".


/epic double facepalm



Edit: Update:


It has been pointed out by several people that only the set bonuses will not be transferrable, the armoring itself however will be. This actually matches with one of Bioware's statements, while some other had this bit quite unclear.


PvP Gear

From what I understand centurion and champion gear are removed from the game.

If you already have these sets you get to keep em and nothing will change in their stats.There is new blue PvP armor set for lower ranks.Battlemaster gear got increased expertise.Your old BM gear will be updated to the 1.2 one when the patch goes live.Be carefull though.You gear pieces must have the exact mods and enchantments

of the original sets.If you have modified your BM gear in any way your modifications will

remain as they are and they won't be updated.If you have moded your BM gear make sure you install all the original mods and enchantments to their slots b4 1.2.

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i really hope the devs turn this around. there is a lot lacking with 1.2, and the hype that bioware has created for this patch is never, ever, ever going to live up to its release. especially if bioware refuses to put in the extra effort to full realize what could be such an amazing feature in the gear customization
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I dont have a single piece of rakata gear. i have mostly columi with i think 2 pieces of tionese( belt and mainhand) Gonna be a while to go through rakata then to whatever the new 1.2 armor is. and to know now that i have to stick with the horrid look of the current armor for months pisses me off to know end.
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Hopefully they can get this fixed, if not then seriously something is wrong with you biowArE.


doubtful. the patch seems like its only a couple weeks away and this would most likely be a big project for them in a short period of time. im so mad about that is.

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Hopefully they can get this fixed, if not then seriously something is wrong with you biowArE.


This isn't broken, it was intended, thus "fixing" it is impossible. This yet another move by BioWare that shows their lack of direction and that the person in charge of these things should be removed.


Hell, go poach a top player or person from another MMO. Someone who has long term experience with how to actually balance and deal with the issues BioWare is having. It is the blind leading the blind at this point with them.

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why not just allow people to exchange it for the "new" same piece of gear? A similar system is already in place for pvp, to get war hero you need to exchange coms+bm gear. I have to think modifying that system to allow people to trade columi for columi and etc, would be easier then trying to replace everyones gear in their inventory. you could even do a one time return to vendor and be rewarded with the coms it takes to buy it, so you could replace it with an items who's mods are removable.


Either way something should be done. Most people dont want to redo something they've already done, and have no point in doing it, except to replace something they have with the exact same item (only with removable mods). Yet at the same time if nothing changes you'd be a fool not to. Orange gear+pve mods+augment > pve gear.

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Either way something should be done. Most people dont want to redo something they've already done, and have no point in doing it, except to replace something they have with the exact same item (only with removable mods). Yet at the same time if nothing changes you'd be a fool not to. Orange gear+pve mods+augment > pve gear.


How else would they extend the content they are putting in, 5 whole bosses which make the previous 10 obsolete unless you want to farm new rakata gear


edit: Sorry, I misspoke, I think it's only 4

Edited by Melacon
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Its not a huge deal, but I'll admit that I was under the wrong impression too. I had expected we could take the mods, including set bonuses from our existing gear out.


Communication does need to be better if so many people are getting wrong impressions.

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the entire player base was under the same impression. and for a dev to mention it nonchalantly in some random thread most people wouldnt even look at it is really insulting.


Yeah I think most were thinking this, and I think a lot that don't come to forums are still thinking this now.

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