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Are Republic better than Emp on your server?


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Fairly even as far as pug vs pug on Lord Adraas.


Fair amount of premades on both sides, not too many though. For the most part you can just queue solo and get things done at a reasonable percentage.


Pax Dominus (Pub guild) will roll most PUGs. They were well-geared from the start and play well together. There are really only a couple good players that stand out, but they do a good job as a team. Get them 1vs1 and most of them aren't that good. However, put Pax up against an Empire pre-made and their weaknesses start to come through. They rely too heavily on healing.


TLDR: Better on this server? No. More organized? Yes...by far.

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Legions of Lettow EU - PVPing in pug as Imperial is masochism


Republic pwns Imperials very *********** hard on this server, especially in "prime time" (14-24) when the pew pew nobrain kiddies come online. I can tell you it´s realy frustrating lose WZ 10x times in a row and watch these morons in action. Only hope to win a WZ, is huttball versus Imperias (when we´re lucky and they have even bigger ******* in their own team) Another thing - meet in WZ a good healer as imperial is fkn miracle. Even bigger miracle is when somebody help healers, because everyone MUST do a DPS. This situations reminds my the Reckoning EU battlegroup from WOW, same thing here as horde. No heals, no teamplay, just running and hunting like stupid mad dogs in the middle of nowhere (ignoring doors, ball, nodes). *********** ***********.

Another tragic fact - my friend plays Merc but he switched from heal to pyro. Why? Healing imps in pug is true ungrateful horor (i have 34lvl sorc heal alt so i know the situation)...NO ONE HELPS YOU, as the republic figure out that u are a healer, game over. And at the end, no healers got the medals for a 300K heals, in 75% all medals goes to dps class. (Even if they do a 200K dmg on healed tank, bud yeah endless idiocy wins.) Sad but true.


Hail all the good Imperial players, may the force be with us. :(

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Must be a server thing. I tend to notice a lot more healers on the empire side than the republic side when I pug on Ven Zallow. I have noticed that when its pure pugs, republic wins more, but when its premades involved it can go either way. Still, groups on the empire side tend to be all SIs and BHs, while republic has better base class composition, though usually they aren't the healer type.
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German Jen'Jidai. Republic always has 2-3 healers. Imperium always has 0, once in a while has 1. Republic pretty much always has teamplay, gets to Alderaan/Voidstar objectives with 3-4 players, Imperials run around single and get destroyed.


Reps also attack our healers if we have any, Imps simply wail on the DPS/tanks that get healed from the background.


Imp is gimp.


Reps win about 90% of the games both at level 50 and before. There's been (weekend) days where I PVPd constantly from 1pm to 10pm and only got a single win out of that...

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Legions of Lettow EU - PVPing in pug as Imperial is masochism


Same thing on Goolud Corridor (EU). I went from thinking its gear difference to skill differnce, back to gear, back to skill, but cant decide. I came to the conclusion thats its both. We have alot of new 50s while the old dogs left. For us imps wz's only open from 5-9pm (sometimes not even during that time) while the reps blast away at eachother in same faction huttball (hence getting valor, gear and experiece).

Then these guys go loose on our undergeared, inept imps and all i can do is watch as the idiots in my team get destroyed (i mean, i saw a BM Marauder with an absorbation relic today, why the hell??).

There are no premades on our server as there arent enough ppl interested (at least on imp side). PvP is an absolute slaughter fest where i just go afk after i got my 4 medals as trying to help my teammates and give directions is just a waste of time.

My win loss ratio since sunday evening is 2 to 46, its appaling and im about to give up pvping altogether, its neither fun to get rolled every match, nor do i get my 3 win daily done.

Dont get me wrong, i dont mind losing. I just dislike losing cause of random idiots (thats i the halfway good matches where its somewhat close) or even worse; getting completely destroyed, but i mean, absolutely butchered. Yesterday night i had a match where the wz started with 5 ppl our side, needless to say ppl were frustrated so they left: YAY now we were 2 imps (1 bm, me, and a halfway good healer) against 8 bm reps that didnt even flinch to roll us till the 120sec timer ran out. Way to go douchbags is all i could think.

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Server: Mind Trick.


Never lost against pubs in Huttball. And I know, we play it 24/7 on this faction so we should win BUT even imp pugs will beat pub premades. If you had put the same group of randoms, including myself, against a premade Imp team we would have lost 6-0 in 2 minutes.


As for Voidstar and Alderaan it's down to who has the most healers....and I've been in hopeless voidstar games where the pubs have seemingly had 6 healers, all cycling eachother. I'd guess that the scale is somewhat tipped in our favor but it's by no means a given and I've lost while having some of the best imperial players on my team.

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All depends on the time of day really for Infinite Empire, but it is roughly 50/50 over there. During peak hours Empire seems to win more while late at night/early morning there seems to be a rush of Imp bads while the Repubs are qeue'ing up some of the better premades.
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On my server, we have a Pub guild who specialized in exploits.


BMs 2 weeks after launch, Voidstar door exploit, sit-down bug, speed hack, telekinesis spam, etc. etc. etc.

Not saying Imperials are saints, but as soon as Bioware fixes one exploit, this guild finds a new one to abuse.


But a banned cheater is a lost subscription, while fair play has no monetary value.


So yes, they usually win against us...

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Ajunta Pall's pretty nicely matched, except there are so many Mercs and BHs on the IMP team that it is usually very poorly balanced, and thus, seem to lose a lot.


In general, Imps really need to get over their BH/Merc obsession and try to fill in more force using melee slots. The, "OMG it's all sorcs and merc/BHs!" team composition, IMO, is frankly nowadays going obsolete.


People are getting better in dealing with ranged classes as a whole, and while Reps usually always have stable numbers of force using melees, Imps are usually lopsided and very easy to exploit.

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German Jen'Jidai. Republic always has 2-3 healers. Imperium always has 0, once in a while has 1. Republic pretty much always has teamplay, gets to Alderaan/Voidstar objectives with 3-4 players, Imperials run around single and get destroyed.


Reps also attack our healers if we have any, Imps simply wail on the DPS/tanks that get healed from the background.


Imp is gimp.


Reps win about 90% of the games both at level 50 and before. There's been (weekend) days where I PVPd constantly from 1pm to 10pm and only got a single win out of that...


Well while I agree with the Reps pwning on Jen-Jedai, I'm not convined they actually have more healers.


I'd recon 70% of the warzones I play have no or one healer. Occasionally however we'll have more, especially later during the day.


But as for team-play and coordination, that's certainly true. I play both factions and Imperials are certainly less disciplined and communicate less reliably.

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Pubs roll empire all day on The Fatman. I figured a lot of these guys would just get tired, but its always fresh/undergeared empire versus war heroes on republic. Usually will see 5+ bm weapons when no one our team even has full champion gear.


Hopefully all the pvpers/pvp guilds come back in 1.2, it seems like the majority got bm gear and quit around the end of January and early Feb.

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Uthar Wynn


What imperials? Couple months ago they outnumbered reps 3:1. As of now imps do only consist of the occasional ragtag band of orangegeared freshies.


90% of warzones are rep vs rep huttball, and the few rep vs imp games we get, rep completely dominates 9/10. With premade we get 600-0 alderaans on a regular basis.


This game is dying though, and imps realized it first I guess. By being the larger faction from the start they got faster progression in content and gear and got to realize how dead and boring the endgamecontent really is a while before us, so they already quit.

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