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Amount of Shadows/Assassins in WZs now


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since apparently 99% of shadows/sins dont know how to properly use their class, heres a quick video to show you the type of damage a GOOD shadow can do with ease.


16,291 dmg in ~4 seconds aka 100% health to 0% health. 1v1 duel, i got the best gear on for my class, so does he. but im sure most of you will be saying im just some scrub valor 89 scoundrel in greens lol. obviously im standing still letting him do his burst for the video not trying to fight back.


we both are only using our class self buffs.




all you get to see is health bar. im not here to teach you scrubs how to use your class, im only here to open your eyes.


but hey this kinda damage is working as intended, scoundrels need another nerf imo lolol


call the video a fake, call me a troll...could care less. at the end of the day im on a completely diff lvl then 99% of you nubs.



I'm a battlemaster gear assassin in deception spec (highest assassin burst) using stalker gear (dps gear) and on a fresh 50 in orange gear I can't mysteriously take someone from 100-0 in 4 seconds 1v1; notice your video shows multiple hits occuring at high speed, indicating multiple attackers. Also, you are a squishy class, maybe you should learn your class better? Also your video only shows your health bar, meaning everything you said isn't "proved" whatsoever and is meaningless entirely. The only thing shown is SOMEONE's health bar going to 0 fairly quickly.



Honestly wouldn't be surprised if you WERE naked just to try and "prove" assassins are overpowered. And using sweeping generalizations like "99% of shadows dunno how to use their class" is a mistake. Its one of the more complicated classes to play, requiring much more than a simple "rotation" or 3-skill bread and butter combo spam like most (not knocking others).




Lastly, I find it hilarious a scoundrel/operative (highest burst damage in the game by far) is complaining about....assassin burst? Really? Marauders and Operatives > assassins in dps any day, assassins can barely beat them out for a short 3 second time period if lucky with chain critting shocks. Oooo, scary.





Let me shoot one back at you, 99% of operatives/scoundrels don't know how to play their class, any half-way decent one can drop a person 100-0 in a 4 second stun lock, derrrrrrrr.

Edited by MrXen
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so they are very good in one of the warzones and that means they are overpowered ?


Key words: You get a team of well oiled....


huttball is actually the wz where assassins are weakest comparatively speaking, there's nothing quite like stealth, vanish and force shroud in an 8 second channel cap wz....bioware in their infinite wisdom decided having 2 out of 3 wzs with that same mechanic was a good idea.

Edited by Adzzy
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Dude, I play one. When I play my VG (assault spec is soooo OP) I know how to fight them.


Take vanish away from tank spec and most of the complaints will go away, just watch. Also it's the only survivability nerf they could do without it hitting PvE.


Sometimes it's just that simple. People don't like having someone who take so long to kill get away after all the effort they put into it.


The other thing they could do is make harnessed darkness take 4-5 stacks to get to full bonus. This hurts in PvE as well though.


Once every 3 minutes is also deceiving. Unless I'm playing a crazy, crazy WZ vanish is pretty much always up when I need it.


So basically what you are saying is that people think tankassins are OP because they can force cloak mid/endfight when they are almost dead? So the opponents where not steamrolled by tankassins, but nearly killed them?


That makes tankassins only annoying to kill every 3 minutes. That's hardly OP considering an average wz takes around 12 minutes...4 times

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Anyone who thinks tank assassins aren't going to be nerfed is setting themselves up for a massive disappointment.


They were one of the best classes pre 1.2 and with most others being nerfed they will be even better. God knows why they were spared but I'm willing to put money they will be next.


That's nothing new in the MMO business and not limited to this class. The nerf-circle will touch every class again and again, as every time a class gets nerfed another one will be the FOTM one until the next nerf wave will hit. So, will assassins get nerfed? You bet, as will all others once in a while.

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I play a vanguard and I never get Tank Assasins/shadows attacking me. They seem to be protecting those that do attack me. I have been playing PVP nonstop with this class and whilst there are more of this class they only ever go for me to interupt me at an objective or to slow me down for others to kill me. So if the are OP how come they don't go forthe kill on a lvl 20 vanguard? Because like all classes the have their anticlass, and whilst they may do more damage when it's tank vs tank, they have a hard time beating you.


I will say they are hard to kill, but that's more to do with their stealth and ability to run away, and why would you chase one of these when there are moire pressing matters.

Edited by Marlon
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Ummm, maybe I see a bit more Assasins recently but what I see most (and it makes me sad) is the amount of fresh Gunslingers/Snipers.


Not so long ago I used to be alone GS in WZ, now I sometimes see 3-4 GS! Yesterday I had very interesting Voidstar with 4 GS/SC on our side and 5! Snipers/OPs on the other. Must say it was raining fire (and orbital strikes) from the cealing. New trend? I know GS/Snipers will get some buffing in 1.2 but by no means they will become new FOTM class.


Or am I missing something?


Hehe a couple Swotor friends and I ran a 4 sniper team in a pre-50 que for fun - the punts, roots and cc + our ability to global people if we focus fired them was fun


doubt such a strat would work well in a serious 50 bracket though


two of us were below level 20, one in the 20s and another was 34

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Assassins can't go immune to damage.


Mara's can reduce 99% of damage at the cost of 50% of their health (i.e only usable when you're about to die). They can't use it while stunned; and they can be stunned, rooted, or slowed during it. It's not an immunity by any means.


There immune to force/slow/etc ability so yes they can go immune to a good amount of dmg abilities....


Saying otherwise is pretty ignorant...

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Seriously it's the new form and its so annoying. Stealth, burst and a tank stance? The worst is that damage immune crap. Maras and assassins should not be able to go immune to damage without their owb dropping diwn to nil.


I have really no idea what your talking about :p


Shadows and Assassins are NOT immune to damage. I am an Infiltrator - pretty easy to kill, actually. If this is some thing I missed let me know. Tanks are always going to be harder to take down, maybe in fact you shouldn't be trying to take on a Shadow or Assassin tank anyway.


There immune to force/slow/etc ability so yes they can go immune to a good amount of dmg abilities....


Saying otherwise is pretty ignorant...


We have a thing called Resilience. It only gives us 3 seconds of immunity from force or tech based attacks,. Really, this is nothing compared to the CD time we have, Which is a hell of a lot longer. With out this, we have even less chance of surviving. I am speaking about my own spec, not Shadow Tanks though.

Edited by dronepilot
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I have really no idea what your talking about :p


Shadows and Assassins are NOT immune to damage.


Do you not know what Force Shroud/Resilience does? <.<


No, it's not immune to all damage, but it's immune to all Force/Tech damage, which means no abilities or CC from most people, unless it's just weapon damage that's mitigated by a Tankasin's defenses and Deflection.


Works very nicely in conjunction w/ the uninterruptable Force Lightning/TKT that heals them and does boosted damage.


45 second cooldown too.

Edited by Varicite
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after reading this, i qued to 11 warzones yesterday. i play asn and merc i played as asn.


here are the statistics, this includes my toon and i don't have statistics for opposite team:

1) 1

2) 2

3) 1

4) 1

5) 3

6) 2

7) 1

8) 1

9) 2

10) 2

11) 2


so out of 11 games 1 game had 3 asn. i see more sorcy players then anything else. i understand this is a very limited number but we as humans tend to exaggerate often.


FYI the reason behind the last 3 games i played as premade with another asn.

Edited by toshman
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after reading this, i qued to 11 warzones yesterday. i play asn and merc i played as asn.


here are the statistics, this includes my toon and i don't have statistics for opposite team:

1) 1

2) 2

3) 1

4) 1

5) 3

6) 2

7) 1

8) 1

9) 2

10) 2

11) 2


so out of 11 games 1 game had 3 asn. i see more sorcy players then anything else. i understand this is a very limited number but we as humans tend to exaggerate often.


FYI the reason behind the last 3 games i played as premade with another asn.


Every statistic we see is biased by I see about the same. Most pre-50 warzones are made up of lots of Commandos and Sages still, some Sentinals and the occasional Shadow and Scoundrel.

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When I play on my BM I am usually the only 'sin but its never more than 3 with me included but our server is dying and probably most have left.


Now I was doing some zones in the 10-49 bracket yesterday and lol shadows/'sins are everywhere. Most of them sucked and have no clue what they are doing but yeah like 3-4 on my team each time and the same on the other side I thought it was funny as hell.

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Force Shroud is basically as good as immunity to damage. It'll get you out alive from getting grappled into a row of 20 guys in Ilum.


yes and since defense and absorb are trash for those special attacks thank god this move does prevent dmg from them. Fix defense and shielding for pvp ill never roll dps gear as an assassin again.

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So this is how you deal w/ being wrong? Okay, buddy.


a) I'm not your buddy, I could probably be your father.

b) Anyone who starts using personal attacks instead of facts as arguments has run out of arguments and is therefor on the losing side of any given discussion. Fact.

c) You were wrong, because Force Shroud does in fact NOT make you immune to damage.


Learn to argue before you try to insult.

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yes and since defense and absorb are trash for those special attacks thank god this move does prevent dmg from them. Fix defense and shielding for pvp ill never roll dps gear as an assassin again.


This is pretty much exactly how I feel about it. I'd have no problem rolling around in defensive gear on my Tankasin either, if those weren't basically just wasted stats in PvP.


I'd love to survive a focus fire for more than a few seconds w/out a healer; maybe, say, as long as my Marauder can, which isn't that much longer, but enough to do a few things at least.

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forceshroud works well against some attacks but gets pummled by others.


against a sorcy type or even merc arsenal we get crushed, but other attack simply crush us.


yes used it can be helpful. then again remember we are a tank but our reduction is only 40% vs a jugg of 52%+.

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also i really want to see these tank asn that can put out 400-500k dmg.


i have not done this yet EVER in tank spec. my highest possible dmg is 374k and that required SERIOUS work. lots of AOE + healer and coordination with another asn to take down stuff.


now i do wear survivor bm gear minus belt, bracer and implants which are stalker.

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a) I'm not your buddy, I could probably be your father.

b) Anyone who starts using personal attacks instead of facts as arguments has run out of arguments and is therefor on the losing side of any given discussion. Fact.

c) You were wrong, because Force Shroud does in fact NOT make you immune to damage.


Learn to argue before you try to insult.


I wasn't wrong, I just didn't elaborate on what I meant by not taking damage, which I fixed w/in 2 minutes for anyone who might misconstrue the meaning.


If you want facts, there are plenty in the post you sought to attack so swiftly that I couldn't get the edit in before you did so. Let's be honest, you knew what I meant, you just wanted to nitpick, and I don't take very kindly to that. In fact, I went back and edited the post as soon as I made it just to avoid such immaturity.


You'd have to be 60 or so to be my father, btw.

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Assassin damage immunity?


Please do tell me which abilities I have not put into my action bar.


How did I miss it !


Maybe you should read your abilities first then you would have a clue.


First Ops

Then Sorcs

Will you all not be happy until you have whined nerf for every class??

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