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I got killed by a guy in pvp...........


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this game will get better only when BIO and EA shuts the forums down for ever and starts putting GMs online to observe and test the game and listen to the ppl inside game.


forums will always favout the most played class and will always kill games like this.


but when ppl are judging BIO and EA for their failure in making a descent open pvp game they promised or even in balancing this **** they created with monkeys jumping all over hutball ,they close the topics fast.


in any case yes pls nerf this game more cause i have a 3 years old cousin thats wants to play.

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I got killed once 2!!!!! ZOMGZ He shot lightning, lazers, and had lightsaber rcoketz! I was stunned for like 30 sec!!!!!



NERF PLZ!!!! If not I will unsubb and play GW2 or Terra [insert new untested mmo]!

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Class nerfs are old generation game thinking.


I want player nerfs. I have a list of about 322 players that have killed me since launch, all were OP.


Just let me know where to send that list Bioware.. I'll unsub if you don't take action.




....sorry...didn't look at the script, I meant that I am going to play GW2.

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whats the point of this post? you got owned cuz u didnt play well and come to the forums to QQ cuz you lost, and claim that the other class is OP? come on, you serious? what level are you at?


The OPs sarcasm isn't obvious enough, the OP needs a buff.

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I am a jedi sentinel and i am the one that killed you...


I did borrowed the gun from one of the other 5 i killed before then you so you could go to the forum and whine about a gun user :D while I get buffed.

Edited by Pekish
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