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It's East/West. . .NOT Left/Right. . .NOT Grass/Snow


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The map lacks synchronization with player orientation which inverts the basic notions of east and west for a lot of players (and looks awkward with the map open).


Grass and Snow: The easiest ways to call the turrets, hands down. There is never ANY confusion if you call them that way.


Void Star on the other hand... welp

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When someone calls something besides left/right west/east, I know they are bad and I just use the map to judge where my ops members are.


Yeah, I think MOST of the time, left/right OR east/west works. And on your point about calling it anything else, the other night in Ops some guy said "Hit grass hard"...the 4 of us in Vent were all like "huh?!". First time I'd ever heard that or noticed tbh.

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Didnt read all 18 pages so chances are somebody has said what I am going to say but oh well heres my opinion.



I dont care what you call it as long as you call it correctly.


East/West = Map direction wise

Left/Right = From spawn direction

Grass/Snow = Self Explanatory (least confusion once you realize one side has grass on it :p )



Call it however you want, as long as you are not bad you should be able to know what a person is meaning so who cares how they call it. Problem comes in when people cross the methods and call Voidstar left as right since it is "On the right of the map!!!!11!"

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Every week someone makes this subject and people argue "east/west or left/right or the lolsy grass/snow"


And all the time those turrets remain named the same: Crash Site, Command Center, Generator.


And almost nobody mentiones them in those topics :-)


There is clearly a confusion on how to call the turrets, why not use the official names?

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Why does it even matter? If you understand what grass/snow is or east/west or even left/right....then you understand and are able to respond.


And here's one for you...if your in Voidstar on west door and someone starts spamming WEST WEST OMG, even then you know that they really mean east and you can still act.


Stop QQ and play the game.


Personally I wish that more ppl just knew the fundamentals for the WZ's rather than get pissy because other players are not using the lingo that they wished everyone used.

Edited by devilchilde
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They're only perfect if you can be assured everyone is using the same point of reference as you and if you can be assured they know what your point of reference is. You'll never get that in a pug warzone, which is why left/right are never going to be optimal.


Been over this. The point of reference is ALWAYS FROM THE SPAWN. Always.


Anyone who can't grasp this simple concept deserves to be confused.


Almost! Yes, almost.


Almost is not good enough. East and West are ALWAYS the same.




Saying "help left" is ALWAYS telling people how to come out of the spawn.




The thing that's being completely overlooked is that this problem is ultimately Bioware's fault for making the two side turrets look exactly the same and make it so you can't see the snow or grass from the middle turret.


In Arathi Basin in WoW, no matter where you are on the map or what faction you are, if someone says "Inc Lumber Mill" or "Inc Mine" everyone who has played more than one game there knows exactly what they're talking about and exactly where to go. You look at the field, you see a mine, you see a lumber mill, and you can do it completely by sight. No map is necessary.


Bioware, however, completely screwed the pooch by making all of their warzones completely symmetrical not just in landscape, but in visuals, too. That's ultimately what's leading to all this confusion and argument.


I agree. Same thing with Voidstar. It's all symmetrical nondescript doors. You know what they should have done? They should have put a big light above each door and had those lights be different colors. Then someone could say "Inc 4 Red" and everyone would know which door they meant.

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And here's one for you...if your in Voidstar on west door and someone starts spamming WEST WEST OMG, even then you know that they really mean east and you can still act.



This I completely agree with. I will be in vent with my premade solo defending left door and in the heat of battle will yell MY SIDE 4, CCed HELP NOW. First couple times they tried to defend themselves for screwing up by saying "call out which side". My response was even if I didnt call out which side all you have to do is turn around, are they capping your door? No? Then it is the other damn side...

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