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Truth about gear disparige between new 50 and veteran.


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The qq about new 50 gear disparity is ridiculous. All these people claiming that they enjoy skill based pvp forget that they have been fighting and roflstomping lowbies during the last 10 levels. Why arent you complaining that you are fighting ppl at lvl 10 when ygou are 45 ? If you think that the game should be skill based then you should qq about this and not the fact that ppl that dedicate themselves more to the game get better gear.


You just DONT deserve to have same gear as someone that has been playing longer than you on focusing on a single toon while you were lvling alts. Not to mention that if you know what you are doing you can get to lvl 46 and already have 125-130 expertise, again why arent the "skill based" people complaining about this? How is it fair for a level 46 to fight a teen level ' which has both less available abilities and inferior gear, bolster system wont help in this case. You should be demanding more pvp tiers and not free gear at lvl 50 and crying about being killed when you reach the grown ups tier.



On a final note, specially for the devs if they ever read this post:

I have a shadow lvl 49 with 125 expertise already and i will be getting 6 champ bags as soon as i hit 50 plus more 4 from today and tomorrow dailies and 6 more from weeklies, possibly even 12 if the grind today goes well. So thats a total of 22 champ bags within the first 3 days of hitting 50.


If you think this is too harsh system to atain gear or that the 5% extra defense and attack gives too much of advantage you clearly belong to the bad player category , which BW seems to listen to. So enjoy your even more easily atainable gear, which wont matter anyway, you still will be roflstomped because the truth is you had a clear unfair advantage over the last 10 levels you played and now you are going to face people on more equal grounds.

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The qq about new 50 gear disparity is ridiculous. All these people claiming that they enjoy skill based pvp forget that they have been fighting and roflstomping lowbies during the last 10 levels. Why arent you complaining that you are fighting ppl at lvl 10 when ygou are 45 ? If you think that the game should be skill based then you should qq about this and not the fact that ppl that dedicate themselves more to the game get better gear.


You just DONT deserve to have same gear as someone that has been playing longer than you on focusing on a single toon while you were lvling alts. Not to mention that if you know what you are doing you can get to lvl 46 and already have 125-130 expertise, again why arent the "skill based" people complaining about this? How is it fair for a level 46 to fight a teen level ' which has both less available abilities and inferior gear, bolster system wont help in this case. You should be demanding more pvp tiers and not free gear at lvl 50 and crying about being killed when you reach the grown ups tier.



On a final note, specially for the devs if they ever read this post:

I have a shadow lvl 49 with 125 expertise already and i will be getting 6 champ bags as soon as i hit 50 plus more 4 from today and tomorrow dailies and 6 more from weeklies, possibly even 12 if the grind today goes well. So thats a total of 22 champ bags within the first 3 days of hitting 50.


If you think this is too harsh system to atain gear or that the 5% extra defense and attack gives too much of advantage you clearly belong to the bad player category , which BW seems to listen to. So enjoy your even more easily atainable gear, which wont matter anyway, you still will be roflstomped because the truth is you had a clear unfair advantage over the last 10 levels you played and now you are going to face people on more equal grounds.


Because right now we CAN'T DO A THING about it ? And lvl 50 PVP is only one that is important. Before that - it's something we all need to do. Only solution is from Guild Wars when you are scaled to max lvl and you can setup your skills on that lvl in PVP (practice is that you create PVP toon for PVP there).

I have no problem having healer lvl 17 :p And I didn't have problem on lvl 13. You know why ? Because I'm good. I'm so good that on lvl 13-17 I'm able to be TOP HEALER :p Even when there are lvl 30-40 healers.

You know why ? Because I know how to stay alive not only by doing self healing. I know how to stay away from enemy eyes and how to heal team while doing so.


Can't see what I will do later :p Same with my Jugg. I often soak more damage than any other healer JUST because I know how to stay alive, how to tank AND I have simple thing - binded button on "closest friend", "next friend" and "guard".

So despite being weak at lvl 10-24 (mu Jugg is 24 right now) I was able to score high doing what I CAN DO - protecting people.


With around 11k HP in WZ pre 50 (usually this amount of HP you see) when I soak more than 100k damage I KNOW that 1 person in theory died 10 less just because of me. And because of that he could kill 10 more people. And I can still get nice DPS out of my tank.


Cant wait what I will do at lvl 50.


Gear gap is stupid. As far as I know ALL PVP gear should be powerfull and EQUAL. And another tier should be only restricted by some title and rank, look cool and have exact same stat as gear before it. Simple as that.


I have 2 lvl 50 toons and I still think that way. There is no fun in being 3-shot by someone geared. There is no fun 3-shot someone because he have no gear. It's like playing on some cheats or something.


Another fix is to

~ make less but high pop servers

~ fix match making system so people with stat gap won't be put on same arena

~ keep it that way


But this would create another problem when i could not play with my friends if I would stay too far from them in terms of stats.

So system when gear is easy accessible is a good system.


This make PVP more interesting.

Edited by DariuszPol
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Going straight into a match once you ding 50 there is a huge gap, but it only takes your 6 saved bags and doing your warzones weekly + a handful of matches to get to 10% ish expertise so it's not exactly hard. Edited by LexiCazam
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Say what you want but getting full (or almost full BM) is a noticable difference. I did good before but I noticed I have it much easier once I completed BM gear. Not that I feel like in god-mode, far from it, but it "feels" easier in terms of damage and survability. In full champ I rarely passed 300k dmg mark, in BM I do it almost every time even if we loose badly. OFC damage done means little in the end but at the same time I see myself less in respawn point and I actually can kill most ppl I want to.


Maybe a coincidence, maybe I had luck to pop on really undergeared noobs recently but it's been like that for over 10 days (since I finally got BM weapons).

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Going straight into a match once you ding 50 there is a huge gap, but it only takes your 6 saved bags and doing your warzones weekly + a handful of matches to get to 10% ish expertise so it's not exactly hard.




That was a lot of words just to say your jacking off at yourself in the mirror.


the point is not that " I rule you suck" if you got that from the post then is a misread in tone the point is that the free gear giveaway is not necessary as the gap can easily be closed with 2-3 days the way things are now, which is still easy to get gear imo , if you can get over 22 bags within a week of hitting 50 then you should be ok, specially if you are a "skill based player". I think if BW made a gearing up for pvp guide instead of what they did on 1.2 the qq would at least be halved. Why bw listens to casual ppl and not hardcore pvpers which not only would advertise the game making videos and writing articles but also would be loyal costumers is beyond me, guess they just want a short time solution so they can hold subs to break even profit wise.

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Sorry, gear grind is fail. True competitors want an even playing field to measure themselves against other competitors. People who think someone can "deserve" gear want their time invested turned into an advantage.


The Resilience stat is a bad game design mechanic when it comes to competition. It is a tool to keep people paying a monthly sub instead of designing real content. Yes, this is what Blizzard intended when it made Resilience. Bioware copied this Lemming magnet blindly, but seems to be wising up.

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Sorry, gear grind is fail. True competitors want an even playing field to measure themselves against other competitors. People who think someone can "deserve" gear want their time invested turned into an advantage.


The Resilience stat is a bad game design mechanic when it comes to competition. It is a tool to keep people paying a monthly sub instead of designing real content. Yes, this is what Blizzard intended when it made Resilience. Bioware copied this Lemming magnet blindly, but seems to be wising up.


Yes but a small amount of gear grind is necessarily to balance the playing field once you hit 50. As i sais 2-3 days should be enough, give it a week and you probably get all cent/champ gear.


And yes if gear is a reward for playing then, you should only deserve it if you play the game, its obvious to me.

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Sorry, gear grind is fail.


What gear grind do you speak of? if you want a gear grind, please go play WAR and level to RR100.


SW:ToR has absolutely butt **** all in terms of a gear grind. It takes you about a week to get full Centurion and about three weeks to get full Champion.


That is not a grind, it's progression is the loosest possible sense (as it is so easy).

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What gear grind do you speak of? if you want a gear grind, please go play WAR and level to RR100.


SW:ToR has absolutely butt **** all in terms of a gear grind. It takes you about a week to get full Centurion and about three weeks to get full Champion.


That is not a grind, it's progression is the loosest possible sense (as it is so easy).


Indeed mate, BW might was well mail the gear to you when you hit 50 and ppl still QQ.

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I agree. Although when a fresh 50 shows up and doesn't at least have blue 49 gear across the board I don't have a lot of sympathy.


There should be a manner to not get steamrolled. I believe if you read the developer blog/notes that is in the works.


The biggest issue is that health gap. 4k crit on an 11k toon hurts. Most dps classes in the game crit 4k pretty easy. So you should at least be aware that until you get full centurion gear your going get facerolled.


I'd substitute columni gear and run a few hard modes at 50 before entering the bracket today.


Its amazing how much different the 50 bracket is with gear. Once you get champion gear its minor between BM and Champ. You won't notice as much since the differential between champ and BM expertise isn't so drastic.


Also make sure to buff endurance as a fresh 50. You'll need health since you lack expertise.


The grind is much more forgiving now. Especially if you are a gunslinger like me that couldn't pull the medals a sag/inq or guardian could.

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I want to be able to turn of xp so I can sit at 49 and pvp.


No doubt so you can put epic mods in every piece of gear plus twink out with every holocron you can get then completely ROLL OVER all the level 12 players you face.


Yeah that's the "pure pvp" you guys are talking about.

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The qq about new 50 gear disparity is ridiculous. All these people claiming that they enjoy skill based pvp forget that they have been fighting and roflstomping lowbies during the last 10 levels. Why arent you complaining that you are fighting ppl at lvl 10 when ygou are 45 ? If you think that the game should be skill based then you should qq about this and not the fact that ppl that dedicate themselves more to the game get better gear.


You just DONT deserve to have same gear as someone that has been playing longer than you on focusing on a single toon while you were lvling alts. Not to mention that if you know what you are doing you can get to lvl 46 and already have 125-130 expertise, again why arent the "skill based" people complaining about this? How is it fair for a level 46 to fight a teen level ' which has both less available abilities and inferior gear, bolster system wont help in this case. You should be demanding more pvp tiers and not free gear at lvl 50 and crying about being killed when you reach the grown ups tier.



On a final note, specially for the devs if they ever read this post:

I have a shadow lvl 49 with 125 expertise already and i will be getting 6 champ bags as soon as i hit 50 plus more 4 from today and tomorrow dailies and 6 more from weeklies, possibly even 12 if the grind today goes well. So thats a total of 22 champ bags within the first 3 days of hitting 50.


If you think this is too harsh system to atain gear or that the 5% extra defense and attack gives too much of advantage you clearly belong to the bad player category , which BW seems to listen to. So enjoy your even more easily atainable gear, which wont matter anyway, you still will be roflstomped because the truth is you had a clear unfair advantage over the last 10 levels you played and now you are going to face people on more equal grounds.

Amen brother.

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Indeed mate, BW might was well mail the gear to you when you hit 50 and ppl still QQ.


They are making a way to buy some gear so that its not as awful entering the bracket. I found the 50 bracket absurd entering with self crafted 49 purple armor/mods in full orange gear with 7 expertise mods pulled from the guns and 1000/1000 coms.


I thought I had sufficiently prepared. It was a joke until I started getting some champion pieces.


Lets be honest. Centurion is even garbage. Its a grind still for me at valor rank 63 on my main that frankly I find annoying at some point opening bm bags and getting champion comms. For untradable gear? I've got full champ gear? To equip alts?


The gear progression model is a mess. To pretend there are not valid complaints about the process is being intentionally obtuse.


Bioware admits it needs tweaking. So let the poor fresh 50's gripe. Its worth being helpful and letting them know it is a grind and you need champ gear.


If you stop at champ your doing good.

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They are making a way to buy some gear so that its not as awful entering the bracket. I found the 50 bracket absurd entering with self crafted 49 purple armor/mods in full orange gear with 7 expertise mods pulled from the guns and 1000/1000 coms.


I thought I had sufficiently prepared. It was a joke until I started getting some champion pieces.


Lets be honest. Centurion is even garbage. Its a grind still for me at valor rank 63 on my main that frankly I find annoying at some point opening bm bags and getting champion comms. For untradable gear? I've got full champ gear? To equip alts?


The gear progression model is a mess. To pretend there are not valid complaints about the process is being intentionally obtuse.


Bioware admits it needs tweaking. So let the poor fresh 50's gripe. Its worth being helpful and letting them know it is a grind and you need champ gear.


If you stop at champ your doing good.


Oh yeah I got to 50 the day before we got our own bracket. I grinded wz til i was 60 and I had half cent / half champ when i got bm. They made a mistake making gear RNG from launch it should be the way it is now, except the gear should cost more.

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Been 50 for 3 days and i got 545 expertise. gearing is ezmode now people who complain should just quit.



And I'm a casual player before I was 50 I was scared that I was going to get faced-rolled for a long time when reading these forums, but to much of my surprise, the gear was pretty easy to get. 3 weeks into lvl 50 already full champ, plus 5 PC's of BM. The only thing they should of change was rng on BM tokens and make it like champ tokens but only costing 3 times more per BM gear.

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Yes but a small amount of gear grind is necessarily to balance the playing field once you hit 50. As i sais 2-3 days should be enough, give it a week and you probably get all cent/champ gear.


And yes if gear is a reward for playing then, you should only deserve it if you play the game, its obvious to me.


I am not against gearing up and grinding it out. The main problem I have is the extra Resilience stat (I will never call it "Expertise" because it does not deserve its own name). It is an atrocious game mechanic that takes the place of quality game deign and meaningful pvp to perpetuate subs.


I would not mind Champion, Battlemaster and War Hero gear being very hard to earn if it was cosmetic. This would make pvp at the top level more competitive.


The first person to War Hero and BM on the server I play on was the envy of most pvpers for a while. When large portions of the population caught up to him, they realized that he was not very good.


The only thing that can be said of someone who is in full BM gear is that they have invested the time required. Nothing else. They do not deserve to be given an advantage.

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What gear grind do you speak of? if you want a gear grind, please go play WAR and level to RR100.


SW:ToR has absolutely butt **** all in terms of a gear grind. It takes you about a week to get full Centurion and about three weeks to get full Champion.


That is not a grind, it's progression is the loosest possible sense (as it is so easy).


This is actually pretty accurate. I started pvp when I made 50, and the rates your saying are spot on for how long it has taken me to the same.

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:pBah :p

Gear is nada I roll in my pve gear All rakata gear

Im a BH Healers an out heal most the BM geared healers Plus i have more health on average then other healers aswell i lol an the Mara's an Fellow BH who catch me an attempt to solo me down it just doesnt happen


I use my PVP points to gear my compaions :D

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I am not against gearing up and grinding it out. The main problem I have is the extra Resilience stat (I will never call it "Expertise" because it does not deserve its own name). It is an atrocious game mechanic that takes the place of quality game deign and meaningful pvp to perpetuate subs.


I would not mind Champion, Battlemaster and War Hero gear being very hard to earn if it was cosmetic. This would make pvp at the top level more competitive.


The first person to War Hero and BM on the server I play on was the envy of most pvpers for a while. When large portions of the population caught up to him, they realized that he was not very good.


The only thing that can be said of someone who is in full BM gear is that they have invested the time required. Nothing else. They do not deserve to be given an advantage.



So you think there should be no reward for dedication ? Also without expertise people can just run ops to get top gear , no point in having pvp gear at all . If you want pve , fine you can do that with pve gear but you shouldnt be able to just jump in pvp and have better gear than people that have been pvping. Expertise is a necessary mechanic for any serious pvp to take place.

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I'm sorry it is so easy to get gear when people get to 50 now there is no cause for complaints. It was easy before the changes, and now you can do it very very quickly. Sympathy = 0.


For all those who want 0 stats on gear or no progression you are in a minority and may I remind you this is an mmo and the system adpoted by many flagship mmos. It may not be you cup of tea, or you may think people that play this system are somehow not "real pvpers" or some other ridiculous claim but this is how it is. There is nothing stopping anyone from gearing and becoming competitive but a short amount of time and a little bit of getting battered as soon as you ding but there is no difference between a level 10 walking into a warzone with level 49's.


There are other games where gear is not a factor, this is not one of them.


Just my two pennies worth.

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Op has a point.


But i think players should be given the option to enter into WZ where gear don't matters, this way everybody would be happy.


A non expertise pvp option would be acceptable to me , as long as you get 10% of the rewards of common pvp. Good idea

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