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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

All good Pvp'ers are ###ed.


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"All good PvPers"


Speak for yourself.


Valor 72, full battlemaster "the hard way" and I welcome the changes. Player vs player should be just that .. not player vs gear.


Good PvP players will love the even playing field to really shine, bad PvPer's will be show up to be gear whoring muppets.


I hate gear grinds in PvP, heck I'm not found of gear grinds in PvE either. Cosmetic *looks cool* stuff should be the rewards for rank / progression. Not stat points. IMO.



Post of the day.



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Unfortunately, when I solo queue I'm often grouped with "battlemasters" who are only such because they incessantly queue. They're not "good". They don't have situational awareness. They don't ever act as any part of a team if their real lives depend on it. They don't know how or when to properly switch targets. They don't know how or when to properly interrupt.


All this and they've been playing since day 1. I swear to god if I have one more wz where I heal 500k and get 8 kills I'm going to lambast and alienate people, and as a result likely myself. Don't kid yourself, these people already exist. It's a horrible truth about online gaming.

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I both agree and disagree with these arguements about BM gear.


MMO's are gear based games. Anyone who says otherwise is fooling themselves.

Raiders have to raid for awhile to get gear. You don't see raiders saving up money to buy Rakata gear at lvl 50. Once they hit level 50 they have to start raiding to get the gear. This is how the system was.


Now if they start making it so that way you can save up for raid gear while leveling then I'm all for it.


What's good for the goose is good for the gander.


So far all I'm seeing are people hide behind the pretense of "It'll be an even playing field with gear"; great. Now you have no 'progression' in PvP at all. Everyone's on equal footing....why? I spent close to 5 hours a day many days to grind my Valor. I didn't trade kills in Ilum, I didn't exploit Valor in the small 24-hour period where many did. And yet now I'm punished because my time hitting BM before 1.2 will be completely obviated and it's quite possible that those people who never PvP'd before today will be able to get the gear that I worked so long and hard for.


This is not a whine; it's about fairness. If you have to raid X amount of hours to get Full Rakata Gear in PvE, why should PvPers get their gear any faster? They shouldn't. End of story.


I'll say it again in big bold letters.

MMO's are about GEAR PROGRESSION. The entire game is about outfitting your character with gear as you go through the story.

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"All good PvPers"


Speak for yourself.


Valor 72, full battlemaster "the hard way" and I welcome the changes. Player vs player should be just that .. not player vs gear.


Good PvP players will love the even playing field to really shine, bad PvPer's will be show up to be gear whoring muppets.


I hate gear grinds in PvP, heck I'm not found of gear grinds in PvE either. Cosmetic *looks cool* stuff should be the rewards for rank / progression. Not stat points. IMO.


This is a beautiful post.


Level the playing field. People with BM gear just enjoy the edge that their gear gives them over the competition (and rightfully so, they've worked hard for it) But when gear truly decides how a good fight turns out, that is disappointing.

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If its true that you can buy BM gear pre-50, its pretty bad for PvE.


The reason I say this is because people will have full BM by like level 30. When they hit 50, there will be no need to get Columi gear. They will basically skip T1 and T2 gear. BM gear is easily viable in HM Ops. Its better than Columi.

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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I both agree and disagree with these arguements about BM gear.


MMO's are gear based games. Anyone who says otherwise is fooling themselves.

Raiders have to raid for awhile to get gear. You don't see raiders saving up money to buy Rakata gear at lvl 50. Once they hit level 50 they have to start raiding to get the gear. This is how the system was.


Now if they start making it so that way you can save up for raid gear while leveling then I'm all for it.


What's good for the goose is good for the gander.


So far all I'm seeing are people hide behind the pretense of "It'll be an even playing field with gear"; great. Now you have no 'progression' in PvP at all. Everyone's on equal footing....why? I spent close to 5 hours a day many days to grind my Valor. I didn't trade kills in Ilum, I didn't exploit Valor in the small 24-hour period where many did. And yet now I'm punished because my time hitting BM before 1.2 will be completely obviated and it's quite possible that those people who never PvP'd before today will be able to get the gear that I worked so long and hard for.


This is not a whine; it's about fairness. If you have to raid X amount of hours to get Full Rakata Gear in PvE, why should PvPers get their gear any faster? They shouldn't. End of story.


I'll say it again in big bold letters.


MMO's are about GEAR PROGRESSION. The entire game is about outfitting your character with gear as you go through the story.




Gear progression works well in pve, it just doesnt work in pvp because instead of being able ti kill the weakest raid mob for the weakest set of gear and progressing through the content from say Easy mode > hard Mode > Nightmare with gear progression along the way we have to pvp with nothing as a fresh 50 vs. fully geared people and then on top of that you have to beat those geared players to one day have the same gear so you can compete with those guys and walk over other fresh 50s? It just doesnt work and is counter-productive to competitive gameplay

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gear progression works fine in pvp, these handouts are just silly and will hurt the game in the long run. There are plenty of other games that offer no gear progressions if people are so inclined on getting everything for free.
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I both agree and disagree with these arguements about BM gear.


MMO's are gear based games. Anyone who says otherwise is fooling themselves.

Raiders have to raid for awhile to get gear. You don't see raiders saving up money to buy Rakata gear at lvl 50. Once they hit level 50 they have to start raiding to get the gear. This is how the system was.


Now if they start making it so that way you can save up for raid gear while leveling then I'm all for it.


What's good for the goose is good for the gander.


So far all I'm seeing are people hide behind the pretense of "It'll be an even playing field with gear"; great. Now you have no 'progression' in PvP at all. Everyone's on equal footing....why? I spent close to 5 hours a day many days to grind my Valor. I didn't trade kills in Ilum, I didn't exploit Valor in the small 24-hour period where many did. And yet now I'm punished because my time hitting BM before 1.2 will be completely obviated and it's quite possible that those people who never PvP'd before today will be able to get the gear that I worked so long and hard for.


This is not a whine; it's about fairness. If you have to raid X amount of hours to get Full Rakata Gear in PvE, why should PvPers get their gear any faster? They shouldn't. End of story.


I'll say it again in big bold letters.

MMO's are about GEAR PROGRESSION. The entire game is about outfitting your character with gear as you go through the story.


That's... not what MMOs are about. Maybe that's what they are about to you, though. <.<


Progression is getting to Rank 1. If you're not at the top of the leaderboard, then you've got a ways to go.


All the gear in the world probably won't get most of us there. It's a far more meaningful progression than some crappy piece of gear that will be obsolete in the next update.

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I both agree and disagree with these arguements about BM gear.


MMO's are gear based games. Anyone who says otherwise is fooling themselves.

Raiders have to raid for awhile to get gear. You don't see raiders saving up money to buy Rakata gear at lvl 50. Once they hit level 50 they have to start raiding to get the gear. This is how the system was.



I agree with you. If the game becomes easy mode then whats the point? What's the reward if everybody is in the same gear?


When i capped my assassin i played war zones despite the armor gap and honestly it was not a big deal to me. I played against players with BM but i played smart and used my team to my advantage. I'm not a complainer, if the guy has better armor than me, than he has better armor. If i want the same armor then i need to grind for it so i can actually feel rewarded for the time i spent. I don't want easy mode, where's the fun in that? It's not even hard to get tier 1 and tier 2 pvp gear which can hold up against someone in BM if you actually know how to pvp and how to play your role. The point is to work hard and get gear and if people don't want to work hard to get the gear then that sucks for them. There are plenty of people who have equal armor so big deal if a few you fight are under-geared. Kill them, move on. There will be others with equal gear who grinded as hard and actually earned it.

Edited by Pretty_Flacko
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Can someone reply and simply answer this: what exactly will the requirements be for purchasing and equipping BM gear in 1.2?


Currently on PTS there is no requirment to buy BM gear, you need 12 000 normal warzone commendations for a full set, pieces from 550 to 1750 comms.


To wear BM gear, you need to be lev 50. That is all, no valor requirment.

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On the PTS , you can buy any BM item for 1000 warzone commendations without any valor rank , basicly new lvl 50s will have full BM set in 1st day, cause they can buy it in easy 10-49 bracket




I feel myself used, because i have 2 toons wich are lvls 67-68 valor and i diD A LOT , and spend a lot of time to do it, and in 1.2 you will be able to be full BM in 1 day



GG bioware



I am with you at 100%

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gear progression works fine in pvp, these handouts are just silly and will hurt the game in the long run. There are plenty of other games that offer no gear progressions if people are so inclined on getting everything for free.


You keep going back to gear being your drive to play.


For many of us pvpers we are not use to such concepts, for us we could be wearing a loin cloth and rock hammer and it doesnt even have to match.


We literally could not care less about what gear we have on, purple, green, blue, we dont care.


What we want is competitive gameplay, to acheive any sort of balance for compettiive gameplay to take place gear needs to either be removed from the game or it needs to be easy for everyone to aquire.


This type of system is great for every play, be it casual, noob... all the way up to hardcore pvpers because the last thing any hardcore pvper wants is to win before the match even starts, hardcore pvpers not only want to win, but they want to win on even grounds so their opponents know that without a doubt they were just outplayed and beaten by a superior play as opposed to a superior geared player.


There is no draw back to this move by BW, they saw what was wrong "new 50s being decimated by people who play 2-20x more often who built up an unstoppable gear advantage over their opponents.


The only people against this move are people who think playing more often somehow gives them a right to auto win in pvp, good pvpers love this move, bad pvpers who have alot of time to play are going to have to learn how to play now and can no longer rely on their gear being the deciding factor.


The move is great and could bring alot of people back for actual competitive gameplay. Personally, I cant wait!



Op should change the title to, "Hardcore pvpers finally get competitive gameplay, yayyy!!!!"

Edited by Seriasx
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I'll say it again in big bold letters.

MMO's are about GEAR PROGRESSION. The entire game is about outfitting your character with gear as you go through the story.






Thre was really no gear progression in Neverwinter Nights on AOL when i played, and thats considered the first graphical MMO..


I don't remember ther being a whole lot of gear progression in UO the 5 years i was playing.. Guess that wasn't an MMO?


The gear in DAoC was crafted and wasn't really progessive in the typical sense, well, until ToA, and we know how that went over. :eek:


Sounds to me like MMOs are about gear progression to you personally. That doesn't make it the sole reason they exist, or why everyone here plays them, in my opinion

Edited by Tic-
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The OP made me laugh so hard. You are not a good PVP'er just because you spent a ton of time grinding valor. Players like you will get rolled after 1.2 because it will no longer be about gear, but about skill.


And for people that say MMO's are about gear progression, they obviously never played any MMO before WoW. While gear progression is needed in PVE, in PVP teams with less gear can easily beat better geared teams if they are better players and have more coordination and teamwork.


IMO this is the best thing BW has done with PVP. We will finally have even playing fields so that all the bads that spent hours grinding valor will eventually just quit and do PVE and PVP will be for people that want to PVP, not people that want to show off their e-peen because they have valor 65.

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If anything the OP should be happy that gear is aquired from time alone, if it was risk vs. reward with winning and losing taken into account for gear progression their entire group could be mopped by solo players.
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I agree with you. If the game becomes easy mode then whats the point? What's the reward if everybody is in the same gear?


How is it not already easy mode to get gear? :confused: Spending a lot of time getting it doesn't make it any harder and it doesn't necessarily make you any better.

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Lol Pvgears crying due to the changes

Blinded bai their tears

Even tho u will have to KEEP on GRINDING to get the new ARMORS and swapping all the components to orange crited armors


So basically is about " Hey, how do we keep these tards subbed paying me 15USD in a cheap way?...................well son, just add the features we didnt in launch so it looks cool and lets make gear change so they can have a nice carrot to fight for"


Meanwhile World PvP is dead


And to the OP....ye real PvP'ers are f*** as no real pvp'er is a gear grinder


u are just a little carebear crying for something u dont understand



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Gear progression does not work in pvp if you want any type of competitive gameplay, that is all it comes down to.


Seriasx, you keep spouting the *same* thing over and over, as if repeating your opinion of what PvP should be makes it law. 1) It doesn't 2) It isn't law, not even close.


If you want "equal" pvp on all fronts; go play CS or a FPS; there's your equality for you. But even FPS games now have progression. You have levels and perks and all that ********.


You going to come back to me and say "Well it's not fair that this guy played more hours then me and got to Elite Rank 60 and unlocked these cool and useful perks, I want to be able to unlock the perks NOW! WAAAAAH QQ"


No, you aren't. You nut up, you play the games to get to whatever silly level system is in place and then you unlock your perk.


Now translate that to MMO's. I don't know if you have forgotten but the full name is MMO-RPG. RPG's have gear progression. Just because PvP has become some necessity that people clamor for doesn't mean PvP should change the face of how MMO's should deal with gear.


Again; I like even fights, but at the same time I don't like people hitting 50, and then not having to work for their gear. There's no sense of accomplishment if you get free gear just HANDED to you. Welfare Epics is all this is. You can hide behind any excuse or white-knight statement about "We want an even playing field" all you want. I don't buy it.


You want to know why I don't buy it? Because those dedicated to playing PvP will still continue to play, they'll get their gear regardless of any grind necessary to get it, and once they get their gear they will continue to play PvP. Making it easy to get Battlemaster will only do one thing, it will cause people to grind PvP to get gear so they have cool/useful gear for PvE. As someone else said in a previous post; this is a bad move. All this will do is encourage PvE's who have no desire to PvP to play just enough to get their gear, and then they will leave.


Either extreme in acquiring gear in pvp is bad. You make it too hard; and there's no sense of accomplishment because it becomes tedious. You make it too easy, and you trivialize the gear, you destroy PvE gear progression already in place, and you cause artifical inflation in the low-mid skilled PvP populace.


And you know what happens when you artificially inflate the population of PvPers who are going for their gear because it's easy to acquire? You don't get your "even playing field"; you get non-skilled PvE players who are pvping for easy gear. So your entire argument is fallacious, because the end-result you want is the complete opposite direction 1.2 will do.


Edit: Also this...


by the OP's logic all GOOD pvper are only "GOOD" because they have gear advantage.


Way to go,Carry on


Pretty much my thoughts in a nutshell. Gear progression causes competition in a friendly environment. Only those who think gear makes a person good are the ones who want the changes in 1.2 to go through. You can put everyone in Battlemaster gear, it still won't change the fact you Seriasx don't know how to pvp. And that is why you lose. It's never been about "equal gear", you just don't know how to pvp, so you clamor for welfare epics; thinking that this will allow you to do well. *News Flash* It won't.

Edited by Sykomyke
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