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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Comparing the Sorc QQ to the Operative QQ


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All the operatives stopped complaining when they saw the actual "nerf" was not so bad.


The current Sorc thread titles are virtually the same as the operative ones. "RIP Sorcs," "Will anyone play a Sorc," "Sorcs are quitting" etc.

I imagine this is a well thought out change and Sorcs will now be a regular DPS class like the others. Some will be great and some will not. I have a feeling the PvP team does not do this lightly.

Edited by richardya
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All the operatives stopped complaining when they saw the actual "nerf" was not so bad.


The current Sorc thread titles are virtually the same as the operative ones. "RIP Sorcs," "Will anyone play a Sorc," "Sorcs are quitting" etc.

I imagine this is a well thought out change and Sorcs will now be a regular DPS class like the others. Some will be great and some will not. I have a feeling the PvP team does not do this lightly.


The good sorc/sages already play full balance/madness. That is what makes this whole thing so funny.


Sorc/sages don't even have anything to complain about. Best ranged spec in game still? Check. Great heal spec? Check. Dual spec on the way so you can be both with one set of gear? Check.


Sage/sorc is STILL the best class to choose in the game, and they are all busy getting their butts kicked on their low level marauders/sents in their quest to be the new FOTM lol.


Expect to see the sentinel/marauder forums filled with requests for easier rotations. I hope Bioware/EA ignores them. Last thing this game needs is yet another class playable by monkeys.

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All the operatives stopped complaining when they saw the actual "nerf" was not so bad.


The current Sorc thread titles are virtually the same as the operative ones. "RIP Sorcs," "Will anyone play a Sorc," "Sorcs are quitting" etc.

I imagine this is a well thought out change and Sorcs will now be a regular DPS class like the others. Some will be great and some will not. I have a feeling the PvP team does not do this lightly.


That's because the 'nerf' for ops was a rebalancing. Can you point out where they added something to sorcs in return? They didn't remove backstab either- you don't seem to comprehend that having your heaviest hitting ability completely removed from all viable specs means.

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That's because the 'nerf' for ops was a rebalancing. Can you point out where they added something to sorcs in return? They didn't remove backstab either- you don't seem to comprehend that having your heaviest hitting ability completely removed from all viable specs means.


LOL at rebalancing. Its a nerf plain and simple for the concealment spec. And op heal are finally viable

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All the operatives stopped complaining when they saw the actual "nerf" was not so bad.


The current Sorc thread titles are virtually the same as the operative ones. "RIP Sorcs," "Will anyone play a Sorc," "Sorcs are quitting" etc.

I imagine this is a well thought out change and Sorcs will now be a regular DPS class like the others. Some will be great and some will not. I have a feeling the PvP team does not do this lightly.

No, the Op nerf isn't that bad. But most Ops are complaining because we've been unecessarily nerfed going on nearly every patch now without the main issues the class actually has being addressed. I am hesitant to complain without seeing the full extent of the changes (How it fares vs. other classes, combat logs, etc) but the Ops complaining IS warranted.


As for Sorcs, most of them are just QQing that they don't have easymode anymore. The few good ones will stick with the class, while the rest will move on to the next FOTM until that class gets nerfed ad nauseum.

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All the operatives stopped complaining when they saw the actual "nerf" was not so bad.


The current Sorc thread titles are virtually the same as the operative ones. "RIP Sorcs," "Will anyone play a Sorc," "Sorcs are quitting" etc.

I imagine this is a well thought out change and Sorcs will now be a regular DPS class like the others. Some will be great and some will not. I have a feeling the PvP team does not do this lightly.



The operative changes are that bad. It just that no one is going to play an operative anymore except for healing. Their is no one left to complain. Big difference.


If you could point out what is not so bad about a loss in damage in every way I'd love to see it btw.

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If you could point out what is not so bad about a loss in damage in every way I'd love to see it btw.


It's balancing, previously the damage was thought to be too high with respect to other classes. I will decide when I see how this plays out. My point is the operatives still do their thing and I saw the same posts when they were adjusted.

Edited by richardya
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It's balancing


Funny that the operative needs more balancing than the fotm classes. Nothing needed to be changed with operatives, if anything they needed a gap closer not dmg nerfs.


That's ok, you won't see many of them complain much. What few ops are left playing endgame will disappear after this patch.

Edited by Ozzone
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So, if they removed backstab entirely you wouldn't mind?


Or, rail shot for pyrotechs, that's fine?



Did I say anything about another class to warrant such an irrelevant question?


edit: or perhaps you thought "OP" in my post meant "overpowered" while I meant "op = operative"


I meant that operative healing spec got a comfortable change which I won't complain about, hope it clear things up for you

Edited by Bocherel
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The good sorc/sages already play full balance/madness. That is what makes this whole thing so funny.


Sorc/sages don't even have anything to complain about. Best ranged spec in game still? Check. Great heal spec? Check. Dual spec on the way so you can be both with one set of gear? Check.


Sage/sorc is STILL the best class to choose in the game, and they are all busy getting their butts kicked on their low level marauders/sents in their quest to be the new FOTM lol.


Expect to see the sentinel/marauder forums filled with requests for easier rotations. I hope Bioware/EA ignores them. Last thing this game needs is yet another class playable by monkeys.


It's pretty epic to see that you're still towing the "sorc's are so OP and I hate them" line. I mean I gotta give you credit, you've been persistent on this since beta and through at least one account ban. That kind of determination is commendable.


BTW, you're still wrong. Marauder is the best class in the game and Sorcs are horrible free kill cannon-fodder.

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Most of us have shelved our characters for the foreseeable future until BioWare gives the class some utility or defined role. There's no reason to bring a Sco/Op to an operation or a warzone premade when you can have a Shadow/Sin. There's so little QQ because we're resigned to the fact that our class is hated and misunderstood by the vast majority of the player base and that the major issues with the class won't be addressed in the foreseeable future.
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Everyone gave up on operative/scoundrel entirely.


"Operative/scoundrel class died after long and serious ilness called BW




Sorcs were not good before it will be even worse now.


Terribads are just terribad, and when BW and biowareftw BS alignes you get catastrophe like 1.2


I got my gap closer....to GW2

Edited by GrandMike
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There are already a few posts starting to pop up in the "hey, I have a sorc on test. It's not that bad because x, y, z, that you don't see in the patch notes"


The other sorcs generally yell at that guy though and go back to saying how the sky is falling.

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Sage/sorc is STILL the best class to choose in the game, and they are all busy getting their butts kicked on their low level marauders/sents in their quest to be the new FOTM lol.


Expect to see the sentinel/marauder forums filled with requests for easier rotations. I hope Bioware/EA ignores them. Last thing this game needs is yet another class playable by monkeys.


Lmao at mara/sent being FOTM. The small buffs we got were just stupid little things like interrupts not costing rage and our execute being in line with assassins. It's nothing HUGE at all or really a true buff.



Sent/mara is fine just the way it is and i try to explain that to those people on those forums.

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Most of us have shelved our characters for the foreseeable future until BioWare gives the class some utility or defined role. There's no reason to bring a Sco/Op to an operation or a warzone premade when you can have a Shadow/Sin. There's so little QQ because we're resigned to the fact that our class is hated and misunderstood by the vast majority of the player base and that the major issues with the class won't be addressed in the foreseeable future.




Couldn't have said it any better...

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There are already a few posts starting to pop up in the "hey, I have a sorc on test. It's not that bad because x, y, z, that you don't see in the patch notes"


The other sorcs generally yell at that guy though and go back to saying how the sky is falling.


Riiiiiiiiiiiight, maybe he should go beyond level 5 rofl

Edited by GrandMike
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Lmao at mara/sent being FOTM. The small buffs we got were just stupid little things like interrupts not costing rage and our execute being in line with assassins. It's nothing HUGE at all or really a true buff.



Sent/mara is fine just the way it is and i try to explain that to those people on those forums.


Mara/Sent is a FOTM, to anyone half decent in PVP.



When you hit 50, you're hitting 5 DPS buttons + your defensive cooldowns.


That's nothing more or less then any other class in the game.

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All the operatives stopped complaining when they saw the actual "nerf" was not so bad.


The current Sorc thread titles are virtually the same as the operative ones. "RIP Sorcs," "Will anyone play a Sorc," "Sorcs are quitting" etc.

I imagine this is a well thought out change and Sorcs will now be a regular DPS class like the others. Some will be great and some will not. I have a feeling the PvP team does not do this lightly.


lol are you kidding?


they have so much QQ in their class forums it's like concealment got nerf'd for the first time.


I had to troll them and say... Only 4 more nerf's to go and you'll be on par with operatives.


How's it feel?

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Mara/Sent is a FOTM, to anyone half decent in PVP.



When you hit 50, you're hitting 5 DPS buttons + your defensive cooldowns.


That's nothing more or less then any other class in the game.


Yeah because throwing rocks and over as a sage is really challenging.

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