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Well... atleast our armor is getting buffed...


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It doesn't matter. Everyone will just rip the mods out of the armor and put it in an augmented orange.


True but it'd be nice for once if a company had competent artists who made good looking gear so we didn't (in this case anyway) have to spend a crap ton of money to swap mods.

Edited by AzraelCales
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I really don't understand BW art team at all. They can make amazingly cool armor pieces for the Dragon Age series and Mass Effect, yet when it comes to this game they just seem to say "We need to one up WoW! Quick put as many spikes on this one as you can, and make him....Yellow! Yeah, WoW's never made an ALL yellow armor set! This will really stick it to 'em!"


Am I the only one who likes the PVE Helmet though? Thing looks like a spaceman and I'm digging it.

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I really don't understand BW art team at all. They can make amazingly cool armor pieces for the Dragon Age series and Mass Effect, yet when it comes to this game they just seem to say "We need to one up WoW! Quick put as many spikes on this one as you can, and make him....Yellow! Yeah, WoW's never made an ALL yellow armor set! This will really stick it to 'em!"


Am I the only one who likes the PVE Helmet though? Thing looks like a spaceman and I'm digging it.


Simple answer, yes it is BW but its a different studio in the company. BW Austin did not make those games.

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I just hate all the PVP armor in this game. Nothing, absolutely nothing to do with Star Wars. I would like to know what is the inspiration for the designs. Awful. :mad:


i logged in to voice my approval. bioware should take inspiration from the movies, not *********** wow. and frankly, the pvp 40's and powertech helmets looked better. although, i must say that this is an improvment over the bug men theyve been shoving down our throats.


IDK, im rping my bounty hunter as a sort of heavily armored cad bane, not so much a mandalorian, so i didnt mind the armor ALL that much. what i hate is the smuggler and imperial agent armor now. *le sigh*

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I agree too. I took notice of their questionable armor designs some time before launch and they just kept producing this crap. It's kind of sad, really. Seeing their design taking a wrong turn like that and just keep on going further down with each set.
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