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Don't take away our "giggle/laugh" when upper hand procs in 1.2! =(


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I was just wondering if it is only smuggler/agent giggle that is removed. My bounty hunter pyrospec has this laugh proc also but i haven't seen that the laugh also would be removed from this class.
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I was just heal trading on the Fleet and this subject came up.. I was getting ready to make a thread about it but as there is one here already. I agree 100%, make it a fluff option for the smuggler / agent that only we can hear at the minimum. I need my giggles!! It makes the game fun!

Tessah Tesla the Infernal

Edited by DLSilence
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When was the last time a developer visited this part of the forum?


I agree as well, keep the giggle. But I dont think anyone that can afect this is reading the smuggler forum.


I am quite certain they visit all the forums more frequently than many think.

They probably hire at least a couple people to read through most of the threads, at least the top ones with more than a couple pages, and compile highlights.


And reading the forums doesn't take long. The devs probably go through them in their lunch breaks.


If some people can care about the game so much that they read through the forums consistently, don't you think the people who MAKE the game (and make MONEY from it) would do the same? If I was a dev I know I'd be obsessed over reading over people's opinions about my game.


I do agree they need to communicate more though.

Edited by Stenrik
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Aww one of the things I love about this class is the giggle. It threw me off at first when I heard my scoundrel doing it but then I realized what it meant and made me love the sound even more.


:( so tired of developers fixing things that aren't broken seriously isn't there other more glarring things that need a look see?


/signed don't take my giggles:mad:

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using upper hand at the moment is automatic after hearing the giggle, will be really difficult replaced with a different sound entirely.

Its like learning to drive, after awhile it becomes second nature, then someone replaces the steering wheel with an intricate pulley system

Edited by FadeLei
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Instead of the giggle we now get some random grapple/gear grinding sound...



^ new sound on PTR currently


Well changing the audio file didn't come to mind... however, the gear sound doesn't fit well. Why of all things to mess with, they chose the giggle, I have no idea... It obviously has some priority over other things to get reworked/changed and implemented into 1.2. /sigh...

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Instead of the giggle we now get some random grapple/gear grinding sound...



^ new sound on PTR currently


Terrible sound.

So non-distinct and boring... we are supposed to even notice that in the heat of battle?


You would think a less enlightened man than myself, a cruder man than myself, a man less sensitized to the qualities and charms and value of devs- a man like that, not me, but a man like that, he just might call them iditos...

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Well that's for the medpack, but what about the flying fist giggle for scrappers ?

Are we loosing it too ?


It's the same sound for any upper hand proc.



You would think a less enlightened man than myself, a cruder man than myself, a man less sensitized to the qualities and charms and value of devs- a man like that, not me, but a man like that, he just might call them iditos...


The devs are idiots.

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It's the same sound for any upper hand proc.


Well I can understand for the medpac thing since there is that techie object flying around, but we scrappers then also get a techie sound associated with... NOTHING around us... instead of the giggle while BH keep theirs ?


I can understand that the medpac upper hand would annoy people since it would happen very very often, but for us scrappers it doesn't happen very often...


So along with the longer backblast cd that will make our rotation less dynamic we're loosing something cool during the flow of combat :


This is just unbelievable :jawa_frown: !


I'm disgusted...

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Well I can understand for the medpac thing since there is that techie object flying around, but we scrappers then also get a techie sound associated with... NOTHING around us... instead of the giggle while BH keep theirs ?


I can understand that the medpac upper hand would annoy people since it would happen very very often, but for us scrappers it doesn't happen very often...


So along with the longer backblast cd that will make our rotation less dynamic we're loosing something cool during the flow of combat :


This is just unbelievable :jawa_frown: !


I'm disgusted...


Bounty Hunters are a popular class. We are the ones they use as door mats.


But hey. If that's how they want to run their game...


All I know is that the local game stores didn't manage to sell their CE boxes. Still the same numbe piled there as there were two months ago.



And without a giggle, I don't see that changing :p

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PerfectDuke: Are you really removing the giggle/laugh for scoundrels when Upper Hand procs in Game Update 1.2? As a healer, having the audio cue is great for focusing on... well, healing. Especially if the proc comes off of my hot, slow-release medpac.


Austin: The change was intended to prevent sound fatigue when lots of these procs were going off in a small area (especially in operations). We are looking into ways of making this proc more visible going forward.


From the last Q&A...


Well it may be true for the healing proc, but for the scrapper proc : definitely not :jawa_frown: !


So it will end up as us scrappers punching and if it procs : tech-sound from a non-existent flying medpac tech droid...



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I want the giggle to stay. No matter in what context or for which skill :(


Seems like they don't care about what we like or not anyway... And unless they get called on zillion pages threads, and laughed at in many blogs and websites about 1.2 armors looks they won't react...


Austin: The change was intended to prevent sound fatigue


Who did complain about the giggle in the first place ? I've never seen threads about that... Maybe one or 2 persons in this thread complaining about it, against hundreds that want the giggle to stay...


I don't understand why, when they say they don't have time to fix this or that due to time constraint, the time they take to explain to us that some bug fixes are not priority because they have so much things on their plates, they would change things that noone asked for in the first place.


This is disheartening :jawa_frown: !

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From the last Q&A...



They made a decission based on hypothetical large numbers of sawbones in operations?

Are they even playing the (same) game?


And by that reasoning, shouldn't we be taking out the lightning sound from all those sith and maybe blaster fire from all the troopers?


Thank god I didn't buy a time card after all...

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