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I knew 1.2 was going to kill this game.


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The classes in this game have a steep learning curve. The problem is that BW seems to be balancing for the lower end of the curve and ignoring the blatant issues that plague the upper end.


I don't blame them, though; I'm sure the majority of players are in that area.


Yah, terribads should celebrate...oh wait they DO! (lower quote for reference)


LMAO mara/sent is faceroll?


You see rofl

Edited by GrandMike
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Without even playing 1.2 for a bit to check out how the changes will affect the game before starting to cry how Bioware is destroying the game is absolutely pathetic. You all act like spoiled idiots that start to whine at the first signal when somebody makes a move to take away their candy. Seriously, this forum is full of *********** whining *****es.
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The classes in this game have a steep learning curve. The problem is that BW seems to be balancing for the lower end of the curve and ignoring the blatant issues that plague the upper end.


It's all part of the plan. Same reason legacy is coming out. Keep 'em rollin'.


I don't blame them, though; I'm sure the majority of players are in that area.


When you don't have an endgame dangle carrots to make them re-roll and keep subbing.

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Without even playing 1.2 for a bit to check out how the changes will affect the game before starting to cry how Bioware is destroying the game is absolutely pathetic. You all act like spoiled idiots that start to whine at the first signal when somebody makes a move to take away their candy. Seriously, this forum is full of *********** whining *****es.


Thanks for joining the group you whine about :D

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The problem here is all you whiners. There is not a mmorpg in history that was perfect during its 3rd month. It takes 6-8 months after release before it is perfectly balanced. When WOW first came out and i was there. There was not nearly as much complaining as there is here. Why is that? Its because todays kids want everything now now now. No patience at all in todays age. How about in the future if you dont want to deal with class balance and content then dont get a mmorpg until its 6 month and then you will get everything you want. Your all complaining because its your class that is getting nerfed. However if you were not here until 3 months from now you would not be complaining as you would of never known how OP your class was.
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I knew 1.2 class balance changes were going to be the end of this game, it usually always is the beginning of the end when developers do massive class balance changes in one patch. I didn't know they were going to be this severe, Bioware managed to actually completely gut over half the classes in this game, seriously *** do you guys play your own game?




Can anyone post the exact changes to come? Because I see complaints and speculations and no official release...




leading me to believe...you need to stop using forums and/or typing altogether. :confused:

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Without even playing 1.2 for a bit to check out how the changes will affect the game before starting to cry how Bioware is destroying the game is absolutely pathetic. You all act like spoiled idiots that start to whine at the first signal when somebody makes a move to take away their candy. Seriously, this forum is full of *********** whining *****es.


Ok go copy ur lv50 to the ptr and let us know how the changes affect us. Well wait for u to get us the info. But u cant no one can we have to level to 50 on the ptr just to then start seeing their effects.


Forget about the actual buffs or nerfs we cant even know why ever is the issue. Bioware has not given us any data other then wanting us to take their word for it.


How can we take their word for anything when they cant even make it to launch with target of target icon or adjustble ui or even a working pvp zone. They spendt a million bucks and a year if not more probably to design ilum and they couldnt do that right. Now within 2 months they add this huge patch and were supposed to trust them?


When will they d anything to earn our trust? How about that day arrives then well not cry bloody murder when they make changes this drastic without any evidence or way to test the changes.

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Ok go copy ur lv50 to the ptr and let us know how the changes affect us. Well wait for u to get us the info. But u cant no one can we have to level to 50 on the ptr just to then start seeing their effects.


Forget about the actual buffs or nerfs we cant even know why ever is the issue. Bioware has not given us any data other then wanting us to take their word for it.


How can we take their word for anything when they cant even make it to launch with target of target icon or adjustble ui or even a working pvp zone. They spendt a million bucks and a year if not more probably to design ilum and they couldnt do that right. Now within 2 months they add this huge patch and were supposed to trust them?


When will they d anything to earn our trust? How about that day arrives then well not cry bloody murder when they make changes this drastic without any evidence or way to test the changes.


Would you give evidence to prove you dont know what you are doing?


I just played a warzone where all 8 of the imps were sorcs...yeah changes were not necessary right.


Was brownnosing as good for you as it was for BW?

Edited by GrandMike
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So many whiners. Instead of posting useless feedback without even knowing how the changes actually effect the game, what about going on the PTS and try it out ? Or alternatively wait for someone who has a high level character on the PTS to post their feedback, and take from it what you can.


These sensationalist threads don't help the developers, and they only serve to misinform the community by having tons of agitated players, who did not properly read the changes in the patch notes make their far-fetched theories about how the changes made to their class is going to mean the end of the world. Most of you don't even consider that many stats have been re balanced as well, the only way to see whether the changes are sufficient or not is by testing it on the servers. Since there is probably well over 2 weeks before the release of 1.2, and with the appropriate amount of real honest feedback asking for changes, probably even longer, there is still plenty of time for the developers to make changes.


If someone has unsubscribed from the game, just from reading the initial draft of the changenotes, good riddance I won't miss you. Patience is a virtue, and many seem to lack it.

I don't think you haved played MMOs from developers like these, feedback is given and it goes unnoticed because they think their "vision" is more important than player concerns. There usually isn't much changes besides some minor bug fixes between when patches get put on the pts and live, you would think some people would know that by now. That's why people have already started jumping the gun..

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You obviously haven't played any other classes.


Are you kidding me?


I role a Tank Jug, and Vigilance Guardian and I guarantee you I press more "buttons" and have more hot keys set up then most.


I'm throwing people in stasis after I get my dots rolling, I'm snaring everything, I taunt all focus bomers/rage bombers, burst dealers, and high DPS classes, I'm using Guardian Leap to get myself out of sticky situations, I'm using Guardian Leap to give my healers and squishy teammates a defense boost, I'm using Awe an interrupt, I'm using Master Strike and clip it after the first two attacks, I'm using Push as an interrupt, stasis as an interrupt, and I'm constantly running around the warzone maps pulling idiots off nodes and harassing squishy characters.


I guarantee you in every single pvp situation encounter I use way more abilities and talents than the typical PvPer.


I play one of the most underwhelming classes in the game and I have to work my *** off, and be exceptional to make up for the low-skill gap 1 button spamming I win classes.


I'm glad this **** is getting a nerf and good riddance, now people can learn to play.

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this is just an ignorant statement, Bioware launched with bugs and people said 'unsubs inc' yet they climbed to 1.4 million subs. the game nerfed Ops and still had some untouched bugs everyone cried 'you're going to lose subs bio!' and yet they climbed to 1.7 million subs


Then they started outright saying no to some things wannabe e-sports l77t doods wanted, and with a resounding shout they said 'YOU WILL LOSE ALL OUR SUBS YOU FOOLS' and bioware cried for the loss by reaching over 2 million subs


this game is motivated by people that:


1. dont want to play WoW

2. love star wars

3. want story in their mmos

4. are waiting for another game and dont want to touch WoW

5. a combination of any of the above


not because it is the best on the market, so stop saying such ridiculous things

We don't know if it ever reached the 1.7 million mark, for all we know it could all be a marketing ploy so that their playerbase doesn't worry. I really doubt they have the number of subs they claim to have when their server numbers have been steadily declining since release. I haven't seen one full server since release, so I'm inclined to believe Bioware/EA is lying..

Edited by Chaos_Distortion
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This is why this game gets trashed so much on forums. They nerf a class that needs to be balanced out and you cry about it, and make up false claims about the game due to anger. This forum really depresses me, since its just cry threads from unsubbed people that subbed players dont want in the community.


Yeah because scoundrels and operatives needed to finally be nerfed into oblivion, they really did need another nerf...............................................

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I knew 1.2 class balance changes were going to be the end of this game, it usually always is the beginning of the end when developers do massive class balance changes in one patch. I didn't know they were going to be this severe, Bioware managed to actually completely gut over half the classes in this game, seriously *** do you guys play your own game?



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Without even playing 1.2 for a bit to check out how the changes will affect the game before starting to cry how Bioware is destroying the game is absolutely pathetic. You all act like spoiled idiots that start to whine at the first signal when somebody makes a move to take away their candy. Seriously, this forum is full of *********** whining *****es.

You don't have to play when the patches notes are there, the numbers are there, and you have the class at 50 on live. Seriously you over-defensive biodrones are the reason this game is so f'd up..

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So people QQ'd enough about Sorcs that they're pretty much going to be a useless DPS Spec - the DPS will be poor with no more CL setup builds with Madness, Lightning will still suck. Lightning Strike will still only crit for 500 on real geared people


but Powertech is not nerfed whatsoever? Are you serious? And Marauders/Sents are essentially buffed? lolololol


Makes me wonder if Bioware actually plays their game.


powertech got rail shot and death from above nerf

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