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I knew 1.2 was going to kill this game.


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You didnt comprehend the patch notes nor test the changes so your ridiculous crying is worthless. Seriously if you can't even bother to read and understand the patch noted why should anyone care about your tear buckets?

You obviously don't know how to read, what's hard to understand about the scoundrel/operative changes that are completely gutting the class into oblivion? Can you explain to me what's so hard to understand about it? The numbers have already been posted and it's an obvious gutting of the class. I love some of the people claiming that no one has tested 1.2 yet because it's obviously not on the test server already (sarcasm on.). Some of you need to seriously consider what you're claiming before typing, 1.2 is on the test server, you can get a class to level 10 easily and take a look at the numbers..

Edited by Paralassa
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All I see is the easy mode/ no skill options being made less effective.....


  • Use more than 5 keys
  • Go back and upgrade more then 5 skills from your trainer
  • Expand your toolbar to a second row
  • oh and...L2FP your toon


The crying here is unreal.


This is my tech on it. There were a couple class specs that allowed bad players play above their head. Average and good players will adapt. These bad players relying on this dumbed downed builds will either improve or just settle back at the true low level.


Anyone who looks at the changes being made in 1.2 and don't think pvp is being greatly improved is not someone who understands gameplay or pvp in the first place.


Not to mention with huge under the hood changes being made, complaining without testing just makes them look silly.

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"extremely well polished for launch"

Lets just take a look at that real quick...

No combat log legitimate complaint, glad they're adding it

SOA HM/NM has been bugged since beta Seen it bug one time, ever. that is not bad.

No customizable uiSo? The UI is quite friendly, and I still can't customize my WoW UI without the use of addons. Glad they're adding this, but it's not exactly a requirement

No guild banks This annoyed me a bit, but only because I'm already filling all my cargo space. I'm a pack rat.

Class balance is a joke, and will always be a jokeThis is by far the best and most balanced PvP I've yet seen. I say this having leveled 3 separate advanced classes to 50 and PvP'd in the 50 bracket with all of them (and leveled in the earlier bracket for the second two)

Broken world pvp since start, LOL ILUM Ilum wasn't the best design, but it still worked on many servers. Mine included. Had some good times there before they changed the daily.

Various warzone bugs (No credit for daily is STILL a problem)Before the valor changes, I had a shadow at valor rank 43, a sage at valor rank 57, and a vanguard at valor rank 54. I saw a good deal of warzones. I can count the amount of bugs that were any step above "minor inconvenience" on my fingers. And I don't mean separate bugs, I mean instances of any such bug.

Sniper cover is still bugged, "unknown errors" in battlegrounds. my "gunslinger" is level 5, don't know a whole lot about them. Always see a few in warzones though and they do well at defense-based jobs


Red text is me

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I find it funny that those people knew they were playing FOTM classes and in every game FOTM classes get nerfed. Now they are acting surprised over it.


The nerfs do not even really hurt the class they just bring them inline with the rest.


People who purposefully choose fotm classes do so to compensate for skill deficiencies.


I will avoid playing a class if I know it is over powered although it can evolve into that if I don't check.

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So the players who cry about class balancing are the good ones?


Reality would like a word with you...


I think it's funny how he seems to think he and so many others won't be whining just as much about GW2 class balance and every other game they set foot in.


The whining isn't based on the class, it's based on the whiner.

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You didnt comprehend the patch notes nor test the changes so your ridiculous crying is worthless. Seriously if you can't even bother to read and understand the patch noted why should anyone care about your tear buckets?


For someone who thinks the game is soooo awesome and fun, you sure do spend a lot of time making snide comments to other posters on the forums.

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Hello everyone!


We appreciate feedback, both positive and negative. However, we do ask that that feedback is constructive. This post goes into more detail about what we're looking for in feedback and how to make sure your feedback is constructive and helpful.


With that in mind, we're going to go ahead and close the thread. If you have suggestions for the game, we have a forum for specific suggestions, the Suggestion Box. We encourage you to post your suggestions there!


We also encourage you to please test 1.2 on the public test server and give us your constructive and detailed feedback regarding upcoming content in the Public Test Server forums. You can find how to get started and the forum here - Welcome to the Public Test Server!


Thank you for understanding and helping us make sure that the forums are as constructive and helpful as possible!

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