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To all the scrappers ticked off about the 1.2 nerfs,


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Hit BioWare where it hurts. Subscriptions. They nerf our class again, unnecessarily, and expect us to roll with it. Well they announce it going into their free weekend. So make use of that.


Go to the starting areas and let the new players know what is what. Let them know that BW shows preference to certain classes over others. Quote some of the stupid stuff said "no one plays smugglers because they don't shoot lightning from their fingers. DERP". And let the newbies know the game is not worth buying let alone subscribing to.


Let this be our form of protest. OCCUPY THE STARTING PLANETS! We are the 3%!

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It's good you didn't suggest unsubbing, knowing full well that all of us already have.


Of course. We only make up 3%, that may not be enough for BW to care if we quit. But we can have a big impact on the new players they are hoping to attract this weekend. Make the free trial weekend a failure in terms of new games sold and maybe they might listen to us.

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First of all, the OP has posted in at least 3 other threads saying he's quitting. Good for you dude. You didn't need to start another thread.


Secondly, I think the overreaction is totally out of line.


You have no actual data about the dps numbers of scrappers with this patch. Everyone is reacting to a Backblast cooldown nerf, but there's a lot of net energy gain with the energy cost reduction to Sucker Punch. Once the new rotations get worked out, you might find that your DPS isn't much different.


Furthermore, you have no context for these numbers. Up until now, there's been no dps logs, so you actually don't know how Scrapper DPS compares to other DPS classes. If results start pouring in from the PTS, and Scrapper DPS is in the top 3 classes, are you still going to be quitting?


Thirdly, the patch notes are not final. They've reduced burst, because they've publicly said they don't want PVP scrappers to stunlock someone to death. At the same time, they've introduced late teir talents that can be used as balancing mechanisms to tweak dps output for full scrappers very easily. If the numbers are low, I wouldn't be surprised to see them boost it from 4% to 6%, or 8%, etc.


You're seriously wearing a tin foil hat if you honestly think "bioware hates me, and is trying to ruin my class". That's obviously not the case.


However, I understand that for some people, overreacting is more fun than actually thinking.

Edited by Azaranth
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If you haven't played a scoundrel/operative, then you don't quite realize that the classes pretty much are restricted to healing roles. Our DOT tree is terrible since it requires us to be in melee range and our burst tree is having its burst taken away.


I'm going to give it a try, but there's a very good chance that 1.2 will see my scoundrel turn into a healer. And collect a lot of dust while I level a juggernaut/guardian.


But one major issue of concern here is that there aren't a lot of people online anymore. Maybe they're all testing, maybe they've quit, I don't know. After the patch hits and if the server populations are still extremely low, I'll pretty much be forced to quit. I see no reason to pay a monthly fee for a single player game.

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First of all, the OP has posted in at least 3 other threads saying he's quitting. Good for you dude. You didn't need to start another thread.


Secondly, I think the overreaction is totally out of line.


You have no actual data about the dps numbers of scrappers with this patch. Everyone is reacting to a Backblast cooldown nerf, but there's a lot of net energy gain with the energy cost reduction to Sucker Punch. Once the new rotations get worked out, you might find that your DPS isn't much different.


Furthermore, you have no context for these numbers. Up until now, there's been no dps logs, so you actually don't know how Scrapper DPS compares to other DPS classes. If results start pouring in from the PTS, and Scrapper DPS is in the top 3 classes, are you still going to be quitting?


Thirdly, the patch notes are not final. They've reduced burst, because they've publicly said they don't want PVP scrappers to stunlock someone to death. At the same time, they've introduced late teir talents that can be used as balancing mechanisms to tweak dps output for full scrappers very easily. If the numbers are low, I wouldn't be surprised to see them boost it from 4% to 6%, or 8%, etc.


You're seriously wearing a tin foil hat if you honestly think "bioware hates me, and is trying to ruin my class". That's obviously not the case.


However, I understand that for some people, overreacting is more fun than actually thinking.


regardless what side any one is on, it's clear this game is headed for self destruction when you have amateur devs making huge unnecessary changes that divide the community and piss people off.




RIP in Wow Killer heaven

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regardless what side any one is on, it's clear this game is headed for self destruction when you have amateur devs making huge unnecessary changes that divide the community and piss people off.




I see large amounts of necessary changes, and a few that are unexpected but good for the overall health of the game.


I predict that by the time 1.2 launches, scrappers will be doing less PVP burst (a good thing) but have better energy management, giving them more sustained dps. I also predict the logs will show that very good scrapper players have dps more or less in line with other melee dps classes.

Edited by Azaranth
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I see large amounts of necessary changes, and a few that are unexpected but good for the overall health of the game.


I predict that by the time 1.2 launches, scrappers will be doing less PVP burst (a good thing) but have better energy management, giving them more sustained dps. I also predict the logs will show that very good scrapper players have dps more or less in line with other melee dps classes.


I don't have energy management problems in wz tho. Am I doing it wrong?

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I turned 50 right after the 1.1 nerfs, and I still love the class.


We are really strong 1v1, our class is meant to be a powerful opponent in a duel.


I am interested to see how scrappers will play out after 1.2,

Because honestly, if they don't want us to be able to open

Twice on someone, so be it. I feel like we will have to do what

We do best: play smarter.


I regularly win 1v2, and sometimes 1v3, and I believe we are

Still a powerful class in the right hands. The changes to healing are

Nice, and were needed.


I do have a question for my fellow scrappers:

Do any of you have a toon on the PTS? It seems that bioware is

Trying to spread our damage out, which is probably a good change

For both pve and tolerable for pvp.

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From pts:

-They took 10% from Sucker Punch,

-2% from Blastwhip,

-3% from Turns the Table and raised the CD on backblast by an additional 33% from it's original, while also giving it a 5 energy cost, up from 0(and adding the 2 energy back to Flechette now that Sawed Off is different).

-They also take away 0.5 energy/sec from Underdog talent, the one they moved to Turns the Table.

-The 3% crit chance we lost from No hold Barred.


They give back 4% dmg to Flying fist, 4% damage to Sucker punch, 5% damage to Backblast and...They took 5 energy off the cost off Sucker Punch.

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From pts:

-They took 10% from Sucker Punch,

-2% from Blastwhip,

-3% from Turns the Table and raised the CD on backblast by an additional 33% from it's original, while also giving it a 5 energy cost, up from 0(and adding the 2 energy back to Flechette now that Sawed Off is different).

-They also take away 0.5 energy/sec from Underdog talent, the one they moved to Turns the Table.

-The 3% crit chance we lost from No hold Barred.


They give back 4% dmg to Flying fist, 4% damage to Sucker punch, 5% damage to Backblast and...They took 5 energy off the cost off Sucker Punch.


Also add the Back Blast damage from the new Sawed Off, which I don't have a number for yet.


All told it's a bunch of incredibly minor stuff that hardly matters; our initial burst goes up (aside from scrubby SF -> DA -> SF being removed), our sustained will either par or go up slightly due to punch changes, and overall Back Blast burst goes up while overall sustained contribution drops marginally.

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Hit BioWare where it hurts. Subscriptions. They nerf our class again, unnecessarily, and expect us to roll with it. Well they announce it going into their free weekend. So make use of that.


Go to the starting areas and let the new players know what is what. Let them know that BW shows preference to certain classes over others. Quote some of the stupid stuff said "no one plays smugglers because they don't shoot lightning from their fingers. DERP". And let the newbies know the game is not worth buying let alone subscribing to.


Let this be our form of protest. OCCUPY THE STARTING PLANETS! We are the 3%!


Topics like this prove only one thing. Too many unintelligent people play scrapper. Maybe you should also consider going door to door telling your neighborhood how unfair BW is by tuning the class among others.

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I don't have energy management problems in wz tho. Am I doing it wrong?


Nope, you are not doing it wrong, I rarely have energy management issues in PvP either.


I certainly have energy management issues in PvE though.


The reason is simple.


PvP is largely about keeping on the move for many classes, us Scoundrels included. This means over the course of a warzone, your attack chain is often broken because opponents move out of range, or you yourself are having to move out of range when a group, spotting you for what you are, try to gank you. (we are primarily a melee class after all) Net result, you don't keep up a long enough sustained number of attacks to be a serious drain on energy.


PvE on the other hand, is more about you moving up to a target that for the most part stands still, so you likewise stand still and can unleash a lengthy serious of attacks one after the other. The PvE target doesn't attempt to 'get away' from you or run around you etc. This means you can quickly run out of energy, there is no in combat break that naturally lets things recharge.


So yes, the energy changes to Sucker Punch are not going to be of much benefit to PvP players. Net result in that respect, we lose out. (ie damage is less and we don't benefit from the energy management change)


5% increase in damage from Back Blast.. Hmm, not much to write home about is it, for a 3k critical hit that's an extra 150 points.


Other stuff (to do with the 'flanking' talent etc), will have to wait and see.

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I knew there was extra nerfs incoming, I just didn't realise they would be so severe. Going to play my PT from now on and level a Sith Assassin. Don't like the changes for scoundrel and operative at all. Rest of the new content is going to be great though!
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I knew there was extra nerfs incoming, I just didn't realise they would be so severe. Going to play my PT from now on and level a Sith Assassin. Don't like the changes for scoundrel and operative at all. Rest of the new content is going to be great though!


they killed my merc/commando/scoundrel, PT/vanguard will be next. looks like to me range classes gettting nerfed while melee gets buffed.

soon its gonne be a roll a glow bat user or go home.

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are they increasing the armor penetration effect timer for Flechette round to go with the increased time of backblast?


As it is we cant ever get an armor penetrating backblast except for when we shoot first > followed by Backblast (within the 6 secs). but now we have even more time 6/12 instead of 6/9 without it.

Edited by Merk-aba
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