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1.2 Crafted gear is the new highend pvp gear.


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1.2 adds the ability to pull the armoring and mods out all the PVP weapons and armor and place them in other gear, like the critical crafted gear.


This renders all the PVP sets useless beyond simply harvesting them for mods. Your now basically required to have a full set of crafted gear if you plan to compete in ranked PVP. Even with just the basic 5 piece armor set, weapon and offhand, that's 7 augment slots. 7x29 to a stat, that's no small number, that's a requirement.


Yet ofcource we get no options to add slots to preexisting armor, so if you like the look of your Battlemaster gear? Too bad. Want to use that "cool prestigous high ranked war hero" gear? Too bad. To you need the 200+ to your primary stat to be effective, get to the auction hall, your new clone trooper outfit is waiting.

Edited by SardaTFK
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1.2 adds the ability to pull the armoring and mods out all the PVP weapons and armor and place them in other gear, like the critical crafted gear.


This renders all the PVP sets useless beyond simply harvesting them for mods. Your now basically required to have a full set of crafted gear if you plan to compete in ranked PVP. Even with just the basic 5 piece armor set, weapon and offhand, that's 7 augment slots. 7x29 to a stat, that's no small number, that's a requirement.


Yet ofcource we get no options to add slots to preexisting armor, so if you like the look of your Battlemaster gear? Too bad. Want to use that "cool prestigous high ranked war hero" gear? Too bad. To you need the 200+ to your primary stat to be effective, get to the auction hall, your new clone trooper outfit is waiting.


You are correct. It is something I have spent the better part of 3 months trying to get solved. As evidenced in my crewskill post in my signature. I have posted numerous times in every topic I could find on this to no avail. I have no problems with crafted gear being equal with anything else. I have a major problem with any method being the defacto best method. All of those social armor sets.. really are social as they are useless for any serious gamer. This basically makes attaining Social RANK V for the sweet pilot outfit from the Fleet vendor (the all black one) totally worthless.. I am so glad I didn't get around to grinding up to get it as I had originally planned. I thought it would make a killer outfit when mixed with some other gear for boots/gloves/head for my assassin. Oh well. :(

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1.2 adds the ability to pull the armoring and mods out all the PVP weapons and armor and place them in other gear, like the critical crafted gear.


This renders all the PVP sets useless beyond simply harvesting them for mods. Your now basically required to have a full set of crafted gear if you plan to compete in ranked PVP. Even with just the basic 5 piece armor set, weapon and offhand, that's 7 augment slots. 7x29 to a stat, that's no small number, that's a requirement.


Yet ofcource we get no options to add slots to preexisting armor, so if you like the look of your Battlemaster gear? Too bad. Want to use that "cool prestigous high ranked war hero" gear? Too bad. To you need the 200+ to your primary stat to be effective, get to the auction hall, your new clone trooper outfit is waiting.


Actually this just means that to be the best in PVP or PVP you need:


1. Fully crafted moddable gear that all possesses an augment slot.

(This means you need a high end crafter.)


2. Mods from the highest end PVP/PVE armor and weapons.

(This means you need to raid/PVP.)


This doesn't replace raiding/PVP'ing for gear, this simply adds to it.

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I see the same Problem, 200 Stats is huge but will be spread around 7 Slots, will take a while to get. It makes Crafting and Credits worth alot, which is fine.


The only major Problems seems to be, that it forces Poeple to abandon their current equipment for Orange Gear.


Hopefull they introduce a way to add Slots to existing Gear.

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1. Fully crafted moddable gear that all possesses an augment slot.

(This means you need a high end crafter.)


No you don't the critical crafted gear is not bop. You simply need money, tons of it.


2. Mods from the highest end PVP/PVE armor and weapons.

(This means you need to raid/PVP.)


Um.. Yah? This was never disputed?


This doesn't replace raiding/PVP'ing for gear, this simply adds to it.


No. It simply means people who have the tons of time to grind money and resources all day will have a commanding advantage over players in ranked who don't or who only PVP. And completely obsoleting the idea of looking how you want instantly, is adding to something its called "annoyance".

Edited by SardaTFK
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No you don't the critical crafted gear is not bop. You simply need money, tons of it.


Not really. If you know a guild crafter you should be able to get it at cost. Cost isn't that much. I've crafted critted purple rakata bracers before for myself, they don't take that long.


Also, and this is the nice part, you don't need level 50 Oranges.


Meaning we can do this with CHEAP MATERIALS meaning it won't require a ton of money. The mats needed to make a full set of critted moddable gear theoretically will cost me less than 10k credits and take less than 3-4 hours.

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Not quite. Amateurs think that high numbers means everything. Yet, what everyone completely forgot here is the set bonus which can easily make crafted gear trash and PvP sets the only thing viable in PvP.


The set bonus will stick with the armoring mod.

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Not really. If you know a guild crafter you should be able to get it at cost. Cost isn't that much. I've crafted critted purple rakata bracers before for myself, they don't take that long.


Being i'm a pvp'r in a pvp guild, absolutely everyone is biochem or cybertech for gernades.


And the pve'r was able to craft things for himself, great.


Also, and this is the nice part, you don't need level 50 Oranges.


Most modable gear is pretty constantly priced across the board over here.


Meaning we can do this with CHEAP MATERIALS meaning it won't require a ton of money. The mats needed to make a full set of critted moddable gear theoretically will cost me less than 10k credits and take less than 3-4 hours.


I honestly have no idea what bizzaro server your from, but critical crafted gear is not cheap on mine, 10k wouldn't even get you a crit green implant on mine. Not to mention the fact that soon everyone will get word of these changes and will actively be looking for it, you can bet materials and such will skyrocket.

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Not quite. Amateurs think that high numbers means everything. Yet, what everyone completely forgot here is the set bonus which can easily make crafted gear trash and PvP sets the only thing viable in PvP.


The set bonus is attached to the armor piece you remove.


Nice job calling people amateurs though.

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Being i'm a pvp'r in a pvp guild, absolutely everyone is biochem or cybertech for gernades.


And the pve'r was able to craft things for himself, great.


That is your guild's problem. You shouldn't have everyone go those two only. That isn't the designer's fault.


Most modable gear is pretty constantly priced across the board over here.


Only if you are having to buy it off of the AH.


I honestly have no idea what bizzaro server your from, but critical crafted gear is not cheap on mine, 10k wouldn't even get you a crit green implant on mine. Not to mention the fact that soon everyone will get word of these changes and will actively be looking for it, you can bet materials and such will skyrocket.




I'm a Synthweaver.


I don't need to buy my mats or armor from the AH, I can just send my companions out for the mats and craft it myself.


Again 10k - 15k credits and you too can make yourself a full suit of Orange gear in a few hours. Heck you don't even need 100 Synthweaving to do it. Make an alt or something.

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Not quite. Amateurs think that high numbers means everything. Yet, what everyone completely forgot here is the set bonus which can easily make crafted gear trash and PvP sets the only thing viable in PvP.
You call others amateurs, yet you don't know the fact that set bonuses will go within the armoring mod. Way to go. Edited by PalawaJoko
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Not quite. Amateurs think that high numbers means everything. Yet, what everyone completely forgot here is the set bonus which can easily make crafted gear trash and PvP sets the only thing viable in PvP.


The set bonus transfers with the armoring mod. hue hue hue


not that any set bonus is worth 200+ mainstat.

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Wonder how long its going to take them to figure out how stupid this is, 1.2.3? 1.2.4? You even bring up this issue in the PTR forums and they just lock it so it's looking like break time for me, again.


That is your guild's problem. You shouldn't have everyone go those two only. That isn't the designer's fault.


Because a PVP guild needs a artificer, or a Armormech. :rolleyes:

Edited by SardaTFK
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Wonder how long its going to take them to figure out how stupid this is, 1.2.3? 1.2.4? You even bring up this issue in the PTR forums and they just lock it so it's looking like break time for me, again.




Because a PVP guild needs a artificer, or a Armormech. :rolleyes:


Yeah, its terrible that you cant ignore every aspect of the game but one and succeed.


You cant cherrypick the part of the game you like and ignore the rest.


If someone was like "i dont want to run bases" in baseball, theyd be laughed at.


I see no r eason not to laugh at you.

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Yeah, its terrible that you cant ignore every aspect of the game but one and succeed.


You cant cherrypick the part of the game you like and ignore the rest.


If someone was like "i dont want to run bases" in baseball, theyd be laughed at.


I see no r eason not to laugh at you.


Newsflash, not everyone likes PVE. I know battlemasters who never even got their ships, never got their 2nd companion, never even set foot on the 2nd planet. Guess what, their damn good PVPr's, what they signed up to do, kill Jedi, they didn't buy the game to play arts and crafts or discuss ethics with npcs.


And your analogy sucks, its more akin to a baseball player saying they don't want to play football. Their both sports, but nothing alike, and people who enjoy one probably aren't going to enjoy the other.

Edited by SardaTFK
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Yet ofcource we get no options to add slots to preexisting armor, so if you like the look of your Battlemaster gear? Too bad.


Who actually likes the look of the champ/BM armor? Don't make me link a screenie of my Combat Tech Bounty Hunter BM helmet in here. Nice huge phallic symbol with turn signals.


Imma BH. i want a cool set of armor with a t T-visor helmet. Not the ugly awful looking crap that we currently have available for us at end game.


Im all on board this orange crit crafted gear change.



*Bonus* They stated at the summit that crit crafted orange gear is gonna be harder to get than it currently is. So your 3-4 hours and 10k or less argument might not be accurate once 1.2 actually hits live. Wait til it comes out and then make your judgement.

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If that happens and they force people to PVE aka Crafting **** around , you can count me as done with this PVE game. I dont have the nerves to craft or to farm for money or anything that has to do with enviroment!


Once again if this happens i will just chill until a real PvP game comes out like GW2

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According to what?

And where did you get the idea that all tier 4 and 5 armoring mods will be extractable? I've only seen on the 1.2 trailer video that tier 2 will be extractable.

Can you please provide links?

Players can now remove Armoring modifications from items with set bonuses and transfer those set bonuses to Custom (orange) items. These modifications can only be transferred to an item that is equipped in the same slot.



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Ok I may be an idiot even if the set bonus goes with the armoring and people can get better crafted gear to put it in. Whats the problem? How does this make people OP to others? yes if you want to just wear the gear the way it is for the looks but miss out on the Augment slot thats your choice. If someone is willing to rip out all the mods which wouldnt be cheap by any means 25K plus for each mod ripped out doesnt sound like a lot but there its like 3-4 per gear that adds up quick. They are still having to do the work to get the pvp gear, I think if they are willing to also go through getting the crafted gear and pay to pull all of the slots out why shouldnt they be able to have higher stats


And trying to argue if this is hard or easy doesnt matter if you say this is a easy way for people to cheat the system or become op then do it yourself if you really care that much about doing good in WZs you will do what it takes. If you say this is just a way for people with no life or a **** ton of credits to become op or have any slight advantage well those 2 reasons just also state why its fair. to get it having no life that person is working non stop doesnt matter if its hard the fact that they used there time and money to become better and why would you not reward them.


The one and only thing I can see people having the right to be upset about is the fact that to have this "OP" gear you have to give the the shell of the gear its self but the fact is you have no right to say its a ****ed up system if people are willing to think out side the box and not use the gear but only the mods the fact is your are saying This system is broke because for me to use it to my full advantage I have to get rid of the shell of the gear to be any good.


The point is its not fair but if people are willing to get rid of the pvp shell for the mods for the augment slot in crit crafted gear who is to say they cant I think its a great idea but Here is the thing If this really was a problem there is 1 simple simple thing they can do that I can promise would put that to an end right away and that is Put experise on the shell of the gear itself enough to balance out the augment someone would put in I think people would take Expertise over some extra stamina or what have you any day.

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