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Thoughts on class changes in recent patch notes?


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Hey guys, I just got through reading through the proposed changes to our class in the patch notes, and I dare say, most of it sounds like we're getting some decent buffs! At least most of it seems that way for the Watchman tree. I can't say for certain the other trees, because I've never tried them, but from what I've read some of the stuff seems ok for them too.


Here are the details from the patch notes (sorry that the formatting didn't come through properly, and I'm a bit too lazy to edit it up myself right now :p ):




Jedi Knight



  • Awe no longer costs Focus to activate.
  • Dispatch can now be used on targets at or below 30% of maximum health (up from 20%).
  • Force Kick no longer costs Focus to activate.
  • Master Strike can no longer be interrupted.



  • Due to changes in the Sentinel skill trees, Sentinels have had their skill points refunded.
  • Crippling Throw's "Trauma" effect can no longer be cleansed.
  • Force Camouflage now additionally reduces all damage taken by 50% while active.
  • Pacify no longer has a Focus cost and is no longer limited by the global cooldown.
  • Transcendence now affects all Operation Group members.
  • Zen (while in Ataru Form) now additionally reduces the Focus cost and global cooldown of Cyclone Slash.



  • Focused Pursuit has been replaced by Focused Leap, which increases the Focus generated by Force Leap.
  • Force Fade no longer grants damage reduction while Force Camouflage is active. It now increases the duration of Force Camouflage by 1 second per point and increases the movement speed bonus of Force Camouflage by 10% per point.
  • Inflammation now applies a 50% movement speed reduction (up from 30%).
  • Valor is now located in Tier 1 of the skill tree.



  • Ataru Form damage effects (procs) now deal weapon-based damage instead of Force-based damage. The overall damage of these effects has been increased by approximately 10%.
  • Ataru Form now correctly triggers when fighting very large targets.
  • Fleetfooted now additionally increases the movement speed bonus granted by Transcendence by 15% per point.
  • Temperance has been replaced by Stagger, which increases Force Leap's immobilize effect.


Focus (Sentinel)

  • Felling Blow is now a 3-point skill with the same overall effect. The effect now lasts 20 seconds (up from 15).
  • Force Exhaustion's cooldown has been reduced to 18 seconds. Its overall effect is unchanged.
  • Gravity now specifically affects Leg Slash and Force Exhaustion.
  • Inner Focus has been redesigned. It now requires 2 points in Singularity and causes Zen (while in Shii-Cho Form) to immediately grant 2 stacks of Singularity per point.
  • Master Focus now increases the damage of Master Strike instead of affecting Force Stasis.
  • Singularity's buff effects now last 20 seconds (up from 15).
  • Swelling Winds is now located in Tier 1 of the Focus skill tree. It increases the damage dealt by Force Sweep and Cyclone Slash and reduces the cooldown of Force Sweep.
  • Unwavering Focus has been removed from the game.
  • Zealous Leap now immobilizes the target for 1 second.
  • Zephyr has been replaced by Zephyrean Slash, which allows Slash critical hits to have a chance to refund 2 points of Focus while the Sentinel is in Shii-Cho Form.



Definitely nice to see certain abilities lose their focus costs. For the Watchman changes, looking forward to the increased length of camouflage, and even having focused leap as part of the primary tree, although sad to see focused pursuit gone (hopefully Fleetfooted is basically in the same tier as focused leap was, though, so it'll still be obtainable) and the 100% damage reduction gone from Force Fade (although getting a built in 50% is better than nothing... I think I'll respec to that now to get used to the effect).


For the combat sents, I'm a little worried for you guys that the Artaru damage has been changed from force damage to weapon damage... I'm guessing that makes it more mitagatable. At least it seems like your abilities to stun/root have received some minor buffs.



So what do you guys all think of this?

Edited by DJRK
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I didn't even know we combat sents were dealing force damage...guess I'll notice now. Not much to brag about that's combat specific...oh well.


edit: LMAO just noticed "Master Strike can no longer be interrrupted"...WE KNOW! we're constantly stuck in that animation lol

Edited by Mastr_KB
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I long thought that our finisher being at 20%, while everyone else's starting at 30%, was a typo.



But if I posted something about it, this community would say "No way dude, you know how OP my marauder would be if I dispatched at 30%?? I kill everyone in every warzone now, it would be stupid overpowered to change it to 30%. You need to L2P."



I hope to those people, that your computer chair breaks.

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I long thought that our finisher being at 20%, while everyone else's starting at 30%, was a typo.



But if I posted something about it, this community would say "No way dude, you know how OP my marauder would be if I dispatched at 30%?? I kill everyone in every warzone now, it would be stupid overpowered to change it to 30%. You need to L2P."



I hope to those people, that your computer chair breaks.


I dunno how much I care about this "buff" because I haven't found Dispatch to consistently kill even with people/mobs at 20%. After hearing people rave so much about this skill, I admittedly found it overwhelmingly weak. Maybe I'm missing something. :/

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the combat buffs are nice, but it's not quite enough to "bring it up to par" with watchman...


as for watchman and focus changes, I don't know. I didn't even read them. I refuse to use any spec other than combat


not even sure I'd call it a buff since from what I've been lead to understand, force attacks have a better chance to hit than weapon damage attacks...did I get that right? If so, I don't know if 10% will do much without high accuracy.

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wait, watchman is getting focused leap(combat tree) and we're(combat) getting stagger(focus tree)...does that mean we're sharing some abilities, and if so, is focus getting anything from watchman?


Id assume The boxes are literally moving.

Focused Leap will be where Pursuit is in Watchman.


The pursuit box will not exist, as its effect is being added into the Fleetfooted box in Combat.


So Combat teir 2 is only going to be 3 boxes instead of 4 (one of which being Focus' Stagger)


Combat got access to some decent boosts via the other trees. Valor was moved to Teir 1 watchman, which means Combat can have access to really solid Centering now. Master Focus in teir 1 Focus now gives a straight up damage boost to Master Strike, which will benefit Combat due to armor ignore+root effect.


Also, Swelling winds was added to Tier 1 Focus (formerly from Vigilience in Guard) which increases Sweep and Cyclone Damage+CD, and Ataru's Zen now affects Cyclone.


It looks to me like Combat just gained pretty good AOE damage with its 100% armor ignore +30% Cyclone Slash damage and free cyclone slashes during zen. Its especially good if Cyclone slash can proc Ataru strikes (unsure how AOEs work with that)

Edited by thepilk
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I would like to comment the changes as a watchmen sent!cant say i am happy (i like the no cost abilities but they where not a problem to use anyway)!what i am concerned mostly,is the removal of the damage immunity(talented) at force camo witch translates that any decent pvper will be able to pop us out in any moments!


Camo as gap closer looses potential and it gonna hurt more than our 50% snare or our free awe could add!!oh and if i was marauder instead of sentinel would be arguing against the swap in trees of transcendence increased speed(in huttball is a win/win situation)


Overall i believe that the changes are meh(for watchmen,cant say for the other specs) and if i had to bet i would put my money into :our life is getting harder

Edited by tsupra
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Id assume The boxes are literally moving.

Focused Leap will be where Pursuit is in Watchman.


The pursuit box will not exist, as its effect is being added into the Fleetfooted box in Combat.


So Combat teir 2 is only going to be 3 boxes instead of 4 (one of which being Focus' Stagger)


Combat got access to some decent boosts via the other trees. Valor was moved to Teir 1 watchman, which means Combat can have access to really solid Centering now. Master Focus in teir 1 Focus now gives a straight up damage boost to Master Strike, which will benefit Combat due to armor ignore+root effect.


Also, Swelling winds was added to Tier 1 Focus (formerly from Vigilience in Guard) which increases Sweep and Cyclone Damage+CD, and Ataru's Zen now affects Cyclone.


It looks to me like Combat just gained pretty good AOE damage with its 100% armor ignore +30% Cyclone Slash damage and free cyclone slashes during zen. Its especially good if Cyclone slash can proc Ataru strikes (unsure how AOEs work with that)


I suspect you're right, but I hope you're wrong--I didn't bother with stagger when it was a tier 1 in focus and they want to move it to combat's tier 2?...and on top of that remove focused leap, which was a vital part of my rotation to build my focus points????...which btw is tier 2 in combat and moving to tier 5 in watchman....man I hope that's wrong.


edit: master strike may be "uninterruptable", but if our root (which I'm no longer specced into) doesn't take effect, it's just a pretty animation--as it has been for a while--because no one is there. I honestly got tired of watching people leave me dancing by myself...that's why I specced out of that talent.

Edited by Mastr_KB
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I suspect you're right, but I hope you're wrong--I didn't bother with stagger when it was a tier 1 in focus and they want to move it to combat's tier 2?...and on top of that remove focused leap, which was a vital part of my rotation to build my focus points????...which btw is tier 2 in combat and moving to tier 5 in watchman....man I hope that's wrong.


edit: master strike may be "uninterruptable", but if our root (which I'm no longer specced into) doesn't take effect, it's just a pretty animation--as it has been for a while--because no one is there. I honestly got tired of watching people leave me dancing by myself...that's why I specced out of that talent.


Ive never had any issue with the MS root personally. Though Im curious as to how much of a damage boost is being added to it via Master Focus now.

Edited by thepilk
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There is a big boost to combat. Atura strikes being baised on weapon damage and not force damge, should scale better with gear, now factor in another 10% added to it, ;)


Valor being moved to tier 1? Hell ya! Combat sentients are going to live in zen, specially once you get the blade rush spam going, by the time you get done with your zen phase, your going to be damn near back in it, lol. And now cyclone slash gets the same effect while in zen, we now get to choose to either single target burst or aoe spam. And master strike getting a damage buff, nice! Now we have the root and damage, does it get better than this??


This is exactly what combat needed, and right before the combat log? Better watch out watchmen lol

Edited by AidanLightwalker
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There is a big boost to combat. Atura strikes being baised on weapon damage and not force damge, should scale better with gear, now factor in another 10% added to it, ;)


Valor being moved to tier 1? Hell ya! Combat sentients are going to live in zen, specially once you get the blade rush spam going, by the time you get done with your zen phase, your going to be damn near back in it, lol. And now cyclone slash gets the same effect while in zen, we now get to choose to either single target burst or aoe spam. And master strike getting a damage buff, nice! Now we have the root and damage, does it get better than this??


This is exactly what combat needed, and right before the combat log? Better watch out watchmen lol


I agree I am giddy that I will have the chance to spec back into Combat and not continue to be Watchman.

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Valor being moved to tier 1? Hell ya! Combat sentients are going to live in zen, specially once you get the blade rush spam going, by the time you get done with your zen phase, your going to be damn near back in it, lol.


Im fairly certain that Centering doesnt generate while Zen is active. So unless Im mistaken the Blade Rush spam wont start adding centering until you burn up the Zen charges.

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I heard something about a new ability, but didnt see anything...not complaining mind you, just curious if I missed it


yeah I didn't see anything for sents but did for guards so might have changed to just them

Edited by raesti
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There is a big boost to combat. Atura strikes being baised on weapon damage and not force damge, should scale better with gear, now factor in another 10% added to it, ;)


Valor being moved to tier 1? Hell ya! Combat sentients are going to live in zen, specially once you get the blade rush spam going, by the time you get done with your zen phase, your going to be damn near back in it, lol. And now cyclone slash gets the same effect while in zen, we now get to choose to either single target burst or aoe spam. And master strike getting a damage buff, nice! Now we have the root and damage, does it get better than this??


This is exactly what combat needed, and right before the combat log? Better watch out watchmen lol


combat sents do ok building centering as long as we have focus for our spenders...didn't need valor accessibility, but i guess it can't hurt--losing the extra focus hurts though...and I've never been a fan of cyclone for anything other than trash mobs.


If what you say about weapon damage is true, what kind of improvement should we see?...ballpark?

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combat sents do ok building centering as long as we have focus for our spenders...didn't need valor accessibility, but i guess it can't hurt--losing the extra focus hurts though...and I've never been a fan of cyclone for anything other than trash mobs.


If what you say about weapon damage is true, what kind of improvement should we see?...ballpark?


It could be substantial. With a 10% base damage buff on it as well it could be as much as a 50% buff to damage on light armor targets. Just remember that this means ataru strikes are more easily defended/shielded by tanks now though. And those JK/SW and Assassin/Shadow bubbles will more affect it as well. It's a trade off but I will take it for better spike damage.


edit: master strike may be "uninterruptable", but if our root (which I'm no longer specced into) doesn't take effect, it's just a pretty animation--as it has been for a while--because no one is there. I honestly got tired of watching people leave me dancing by myself...that's why I specced out of that talent.

The only time debilitation currently fails is when MS is interrupted. There is also a current bug where if someone interrupts MS the animation continues to it's finish, but you get no damage and the root breaks. The new changes should fix that because it never happens if you have the talent in focus that makes it uninterruptable.

Edited by Vodrin
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It could be substantial. With a 10% base damage buff on it as well it could be as much as a 50% buff to damage on light armor targets. Just remember that this means ataru strikes are more easily defended/shielded by tanks now though. And those JK/SW and Assassin/Shadow bubbles will more affect it as well. It's a trade off but I will take it for better spike damage.



The only time debilitation currently fails is when MS is interrupted. There is also a current bug where if someone interrupts MS the animation continues to it's finish, but you get no damage and the root breaks. The new changes should fix that because it never happens if you have the talent in focus that makes it uninterruptable.



Yeah, but that is where accuracy comes into play with tanks. And to the poster that said Centering does build during Zen, I'm pretty sure it does. And I don't know how you guys are having focus issues, I always have focus and rarely have to use strike to build any.

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Yeah, but that is where accuracy comes into play with tanks. And to the poster that said Centering does build during Zen, I'm pretty sure it does. And I don't know how you guys are having focus issues, I always have focus and rarely have to use strike to build any.


Nope, Centering doesn't generate while your Zen is active.

I will generate if you have Inspiration/Trans active, but not with 'Zen'

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As a watchman this changes very little for me. Most of what they are changing is to talents I don't use, and the one that I do use being moved down now that I am level 49 has zero effect (I have it already and have had it for many levels).


Mostly I am just going to have to write down everything I have so that I can make sure to re-create the character as is on the new tree.

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As a watchman this changes very little for me. Most of what they are changing is to talents I don't use, and the one that I do use being moved down now that I am level 49 has zero effect (I have it already and have had it for many levels).


Mostly I am just going to have to write down everything I have so that I can make sure to re-create the character as is on the new tree.


Instead of two points going into Quick Recovery in Tier One, two can go into Valor (which will now be Tier One). This frees up two points for higher tiers?

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