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1.2 = best pvp gear for free, and no reason to play rated. people are quitting


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Just wanted to inform bioware that tons of the members of several pvp guilds on my server are quitting after the news that rated warzones will be the new valor grind, except any requirements at all. One large pvp guild also disbanded yesterday.


Now I wonder, who's idea was it that "rated" pvp, would not mean squat? All they are doing now is seperating normal warzones from rated warzones, even if they will basically be exactly the same, just that rated will give better free gear.


I will cancel sub and prolly play my month out like 80% of my pvp guild already have, but pvp just gets boring when there is nothing worth "working" for by playing organized.


High warzone rating = no rewards worth mentioning, A LOT more effort.

Low warzone rating = the same rewards as high rating, a lot LESS effort.


Endgame pvp gear worth working for = None.

Chance of getting bored from lack of worthwile "goals" pvp wise: High.


You failed with Ilum, and now you fail with this. Both had good potential.


Clickers and backpeddalers that run around playing rambo in pvp with no tactics in their head should NOT be awarded 100% as much as those who put more effort in it and play organized.

Just like hardmodes gives better rewards than story mode in pve.

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No progression = No players.


There is progression though, so this point doesn't actually make any sense. It's far more meaningful progression than a set of gear too, which is awesome.


The progression is the players you face in rated Warzones. As you rise on the ladder, your opponents will continue to get stronger and use better tactics and team compositions, and learn to counter your own strategies.


The progression is pitting yourself against your peers and progressing through the rankings on your journey to become the server's best, or at least not one of the server's worst.


The gear itself isn't free, you do actually have to PvP for it. They don't hand you the set as soon as you queue for your first rated Warzone. The better players will have their set fastest, and the weaker players will catch up in time.


It's really no different than the way it is now, except that you're rewarded for time spent in rated WZ's instead of overall PvP. There's just no silly gating mechanic like "I've played X amount of games to become BM" to bar fresh players from getting on equal footing w/ their peers stat-wise. (Edit: This silly gating mechanic actually does still exist, but BM isn't nearly as much of a grind as it was before. At least most people starting rateds will be in BM gear as a standard, it seems.)


Unlike PvE progression, where scripted encounters never change their tactics or gear or specs, PvP progression involves intelligent (sometimes not so much) opponents who adapt to the strategies you are using. You don't need better gear to simulate your character's progression, because the rankings are right there in a tangible form to show you exactly how far you've come.


If the fear is that your character will never become stronger than it is the day that 1.2 drops, I assure you that each season will be coming w/ its updated tier and higher stat budget. Your character will still progress overall as well.

Edited by Varicite
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There is progression though, so this point doesn't actually make any sense. It's far more meaningful progression than a set of gear too, which is awesome.


Bet you two months after 1.2, EVERYONE has the TOUGHEST color gear to get. Game is easy-mode like that. It will be cumbersome, not a reward.


Ppl will get bored of the one new warzone and will be done.


Vanity rewards simply aren't enough for a lot of players for a paid subscription based game,(console games without sub however are) sorry that is such a shocker...


And all arguments aside, most PVPers, laugh at this games PVP, or lack there of, so who cares in the end?

Edited by Dego_Locc
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Ive been playing for just over a month Battle master and cleared EV / KP


I feel the gear in SWToR is very random stats and to easy to get. I love that the game is hardish to play but gearing is way to easy.


So your saying that the Rated War Zones Weve been waiting for are going to be same as now but easy to get again! :mad:


gear should be increased stats as we progress thru the game.

like falsh point hard modes i can get Tier1 ?


gear ranks : easy fp>hard fp>8man normal>16 man normal>8man HM>16man HM

: WZ COM>MERC COM>Cent Com>Champ com>BM Token


pre requisite should be that you gear up as you reach certain requirements to get the new lvl.


Just Handing out gear your driveing away Players!


Saddened SW FAN :(

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This whole topic is dumb, PvP should be skill first gear 2nd. The whole purpose of competitive PvP is when you check my character panel, see my PvP rating is higher than yours and me LOLing at you cause I am better than you, and its justified cause my little number is better than your little number.


Take a good long hard look at WoW's Arena history, it was most popular in Seasons 1 and 2, and why was it at its most popular? Its because everyone had access to the same gear and it was achievable by anyone willing to put the time in, the better player you were the faster you got your gears. Look at their tournament realms and even their e-sport competitions, everyone has access to the same gear. Once they introduced a rating req for gear Arena participation greatly and steadily declined as well as led to terrible gaming practices like win trading, carrying of baddies for gold/rl money etc.......


BW is on the right track, and remember 1.2 launches just a PRE-SEASON, they technically do not need to give out anything for participating and when it comes down to it a good high rated player does not rely on gear for wins a less skilled player does, and with an equal gear footing there is no excuses, skill > everything

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No progression = No players.


Says the guy with limited pvp experience and no understanding of the history of pvp in mmogs and what players want.


Never ending stat progression in pvp significantly lessens the quality of the gameplay. Creating inferior gameplay is not how you keep players. There will be all sorts of ways to progress in p pvp. Also if you need stats you are free to play pve all you want.


Low ceiling gear caps in pvp signigicantly improve the quality of game play and that is good.

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Bet you two months after 1.2, EVERYONE has the TOUGHEST color gear to get. Game is easy-mode like that. It will be cumbersome, not a reward.


Ppl will get bored of the one new warzone and will be done.


Vanity rewards simply aren't enough for a lot of players for a paid subscription based game,(console games without sub however are) sorry that is such a shocker...


And all arguments aside, most PVPers, laugh at this games PVP, or lack there of, so who cares in the end?


People pvp for years in the same zones or maps for years.

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Bet you two months after 1.2, EVERYONE has the TOUGHEST color gear to get. Game is easy-mode like that. It will be cumbersome, not a reward.


Ppl will get bored of the one new warzone and will be done.


Vanity rewards simply aren't enough for a lot of players for a paid subscription based game,(console games without sub however are) sorry that is such a shocker...


And all arguments aside, most PVPers, laugh at this games PVP, or lack there of, so who cares in the end?


Do you mean the same people threatening to quit for GW2, which is also supposed to have competitive PvP where gear doesn't matter?


Also, if the top-rated players are supposed to be getting the "tough" color, exactly how is everyone going to have it? Unless you are implying that there will be absolutely no teams w/ low ratings....


Don't make me explain how ratings work, please..

Edited by Varicite
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in my exp pvp is not about having the best gear, i mean ofc it helps but just having the best gear and no brain to play your class or out smart your enemy then even the blue/orange geared people can just own you with in minutes.


just saying some play pvp for ranking up i for one play to pwn some players or if not careful getting pwnd. i just pvp for fun, i do wanna rank and show off my skill but thats not my prior.


pvp should be fun>gear>rank. take it too serious and might nerd rage delete your account or character.. lol just saying brain,skill,fun > gear,rank.


this is my oppinion . sorry for grammer.

Edited by Rakugo
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Just wanted to inform bioware that tons of the members of several pvp guilds on my server are quitting after the news that rated warzones will be the new valor grind, except any requirements at all. One large pvp guild also disbanded yesterday.


Now I wonder, who's idea was it that "rated" pvp, would not mean squat? All they are doing now is seperating normal warzones from rated warzones, even if they will basically be exactly the same, just that rated will give better free gear.


I will cancel sub and prolly play my month out like 80% of my pvp guild already have, but pvp just gets boring when there is nothing worth "working" for by playing organized.


High warzone rating = no rewards worth mentioning, A LOT more effort.

Low warzone rating = the same rewards as high rating, a lot LESS effort.


Endgame pvp gear worth working for = None.

Chance of getting bored from lack of worthwile "goals" pvp wise: High.


You failed with Ilum, and now you fail with this. Both had good potential.


Clickers and backpeddalers that run around playing rambo in pvp with no tactics in their head should NOT be awarded 100% as much as those who put more effort in it and play organized.

Just like hardmodes gives better rewards than story mode in pve.


they should do there economy diablo style farm a boss for 1 month to get one piece of gear or......buying 1.2 new gear has different stats you will keep buying them to get that perfect stat that is randomized it mad diablo 2 last 10 years(bots ruined it btw)

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PvP guild are quitting because you can't roflstomp everyone who decided to play a warzone all the damn time? That is the funniest thing I heard.


I remember when being a SKILLED PvP'r mattered more than some stupid gear progression. Good riddance to all those carebear PvP guilds then. I guess your Empire bandwagon train is going to get more empty now.

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I love this. More skill and less gear. Keep it coming Bio, this will even out the pvp and hopefully create a lot of fun matches!

(And to stop all the trolls: Already at valor rank 67, so no need to go "he's getting his *** kicked in the warzones cause his gear sucks...)

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New War Hero PvP vendors can be found on the Republic and Imperial Fleets. They sell the new War Hero and Rated War Hero PvP sets for Ranked Warzone Commendations and the equivalent Battlemaster piece.


Which means you will still need to grind battlemaster stuff to actually get war hero gear.

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Bet you two months after 1.2, EVERYONE has the TOUGHEST color gear to get. Game is easy-mode like that. It will be cumbersome, not a reward.


Not sure why it would be cumbersome, but the reward for me in ranked PvP, is ranks. :eek:


Ppl will get bored of the one new warzone and will be done.


Yes, one more WZ in the first big patch. Hopefully something more in the future. Nothing is going to make a massive open world PvP zone, RvR, or 10 new WZs magically appear in 1.2. It is what it is. The games new, if you have no patience, or get bored move on, and check back later.


Vanity rewards simply aren't enough for a lot of players for a paid subscription based game,(console games without sub however are) sorry that is such a shocker...


I don't have a problem with vanity items, and i have been PvPing a lot longer than probably most. It seems a lot of folks over these 100+ pages are looking forward to it. Theres quite a few that want the WoW model here as well, but if thats what i wanted, i'd go play WoW.


And all arguments aside, most PVPers, laugh at this games PVP, or lack there of, so who cares in the end?


As opposed to not laughing at what games pvp...? and apparently you care, with the amount of repetitious posts you make about it.



Edited by Tic-
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Says the guy with limited pvp experience and no understanding of the history of pvp in mmogs and what players want.


Never ending stat progression in pvp significantly lessens the quality of the gameplay. Creating inferior gameplay is not how you keep players. There will be all sorts of ways to progress in p pvp. Also if you need stats you are free to play pve all you want.


Low ceiling gear caps in pvp signigicantly improve the quality of game play and that is good.


While I could almost agree with you the argument has data which supports otherwise. Go look at several of the other prominent PvP games prior to this and what did they do? Not going to say if it is right or wrong, but you would have to admin the game(s) are successful.


Wow - continues to have season after season of arena's and people play. There is gear there and a fresh (max level) has to do some preliminary work before joining. Furthermore, they have to play X amount of games a week to increase their ratings. Then, once they get to the more difficult bracket - which is typically 2300+, you get stonewalled by group compositions.


DaOC - was widely popular and had ranks with abilities. No arena's. No entry level requirement because their wasn't gear. However, as you gained ranks you earned a point to spend on a ability. Take MoC (Master of concentration) for example. New Spritmaster tries to cast, melee jumps him, he can't cast. Spiritmaster is now realm rank 5, as a few abilities, and now he maxed out his MoC talent (3 I think) and if the same melee jump him said spiritmaster can pop MoC (which had like a 3 minute cooldown or something - maybe longer) and cast away. That melee player, or group, is now dead due to the spiritmasters PBAoE.


One of those games is still going regardless if they lose 2 million subs or not. They still have 5+ going strong if not more. People play rated bg's, they play arena's, and they both require a form of gear greater than the initial starting blue that you can purchase. DaOC of course, isn't among us anymore.


If it was has bad as people think (gear progression pvp that is) then I'd expect there to be more games played in the 10 - 49 warzone brackets. Because that is the closest thing to equal PvP. Still not perfect because people manage gear different and instances - but at least the gear doesn't have expertise which I guess people go bonkers over.


EDIT: Meaning Bioware has the data by looking at their database who plays what, more often, etc. Would think this would close this argument regardless of which side won it.


Even with that data there is still the noise factor of PvE muddying the waters of statistics :( You can take pve gear into pvp and therefore if your gear is current, and someone else isn't, advantage to one.

Edited by Incendergel
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While I could almost agree with you the argument has data which supports otherwise. Go look at several of the other prominent PvP games prior to this and what did they do? Not going to say if it is right or wrong, but you would have to admin the game(s) are successful.


Wow - continues to have season after season of arena's and people play. There is gear there and a fresh (max level) has to do some preliminary work before joining. Furthermore, they have to play X amount of games a week to increase their ratings. Then, once they get to the more difficult bracket - which is typically 2300+, you get stonewalled by group compositions.


DaOC - was widely popular and had ranks with abilities. No arena's. No entry level requirement because their wasn't gear. However, as you gained ranks you earned a point to spend on a ability. Take MoC (Master of concentration) for example. New Spritmaster tries to cast, melee jumps him, he can't cast. Spiritmaster is now realm rank 5, as a few abilities, and now he maxed out his MoC talent (3 I think) and if the same melee jump him said spiritmaster can pop MoC (which had like a 3 minute cooldown or something - maybe longer) and cast away. That melee player, or group, is now dead due to the spiritmasters PBAoE.


One of those games is still going regardless if they lose 2 million subs or not. They still have 5+ going strong if not more. People play rated bg's, they play arena's, and they both require a form of gear greater than the initial starting blue that you can purchase. DaOC of course, isn't among us anymore.


If it was has bad as people think (gear progression pvp that is) then I'd expect there to be more games played in the 10 - 49 warzone brackets. Because that is the closest thing to equal PvP. Still not perfect because people manage gear different and instances - but at least the gear doesn't have expertise which I guess people go bonkers over.


Even with that data there is still the noise factor of PvE muddying the waters of statistics :(


Problem is, DAoC started the trend of gear grind. And it IS still around technically.


Only reason people think there needs to be a gear grind/gear based PvP is because that's all they know. You can't honestly say you would rather play a game where you have to grind before you can have fun over a game where you can have fun right from the start.

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When I win a rated pvp match, I want to win because we had the better skill, the better team. I don't want to win because we out geared the other team.


Exactly. Why do people not think this way? Gear is a crutch for bad players to hide behind. All gear is equal at a certain tier/level of play, why not make it equal for all tiers?

Edited by nschlan
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