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Will SWTOR be able to compete with upcoming MMOs?


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Really, stop this GW2 talk, I want a great Star Wars MMO, I am sick of fantasy crap. Let's make SWTOR better or compare to other scifi MMOs like Repopulation or EVE, but the GW2 discussion just does not make sense, although the graphics are really way ahead of SW TOR. But you just can not compare scifi with another medieval fantasy setting... Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Really, stop this GW2 talk, I want a great Star Wars MMO, I am sick of fantasy crap. Let's make SWTOR better or compare to other scifi MMOs like Repopulation or EVE, but the GW2 discussion just does not make sense, although the graphics are really way ahead of SW TOR. But you just can not compare scifi with another medieval fantasy setting...


I don't think you can stop the GW2 fans from taking over other game's forums to spread the message of their Messiah as long as mods let them do it.

Edited by Rouge
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Really, stop this GW2 talk, I want a great Star Wars MMO, I am sick of fantasy crap. Let's make SWTOR better or compare to other scifi MMOs like Repopulation or EVE, but the GW2 discussion just does not make sense, although the graphics are really way ahead of SW TOR. But you just can not compare scifi with another medieval fantasy setting...


If you want a really great Star Wars MMO you will need to wait another two decades until LucasArt decides to have the balls to shut this abomination down and go with publishers who can make one. GW2 may not be a Sci-fi MMO but they have the ambition and the right framework to make a great MMO. Bioware seems hellbent on dragging this game down and making the most foolish decisions possible, see the test server for more details.

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If you want a really great Star Wars MMO you will need to wait another two decades until LucasArt decides to have the balls to shut this abomination down and go with publishers who can make one. GW2 may not be a Sci-fi MMO but they have the ambition and the right framework to make a great MMO. Bioware seems hellbent on dragging this game down and making the most foolish decisions possible, see the test server for more details.


Hate post. :(


GW2 will be just another MMO, ArenaNet fans are just letting their fantasies run wild. The game can't fulfill their expectations.


SWTOR is a good MMO. It could be better, though, and hopefully Bioware will make it even better.

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If you want a really great Star Wars MMO you will need to wait another two decades until LucasArt decides to have the balls to shut this abomination down and go with publishers who can make one. GW2 may not be a Sci-fi MMO but they have the ambition and the right framework to make a great MMO. Bioware seems hellbent on dragging this game down and making the most foolish decisions possible, see the test server for more details.


the core player-base of this MMO is fine paying for a half-done game, as long as they get voice overs and light sabers. no argument will invalidate or trump lightsabers.

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the core player-base of this MMO is fine paying for a half-done game, as long as they get voice overs and light sabers. no argument will invalidate or trump lightsabers.


Look - it's another hate post! :(:rolleyes:


Dark and Light was a half-done MMO, Vanguard was about the same at launch, but SWTOR wasn't. It was already as finished and polished at launch as any MMO that has ever been launched.

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Look - it's another hate post! :(:rolleyes:


Dark and Light was a half-done MMO, Vanguard was about the same at launch, but SWTOR wasn't. It was already as finished and polished at launch as any MMO that has ever been launched.


um, no. disagree, i must :csw_yoda:

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Hate post. :(


GW2 will be just another MMO, ArenaNet fans are just letting their fantasies run wild. The game can't fulfill their expectations.


SWTOR is a good MMO. It could be better, though, and hopefully Bioware will make it even better.


Not hate, I like most I wanted this game to be great. However the reality is that it is average at best and mostly sub-par. If you took a look at the PTS you would see Bioware is hellbent on making the game worse.

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after reading about how gw2 is pay to win i laugh


GW2's official post on micro-transactions: "Here’s our philosophy on microtransactions: We think players should have the opportunity to spend money on items that provide visual distinction and offer more ways to express themselves. They should also be able to spend money on account services and on time-saving convenience items. But it’s never OK for players to buy a game and not be able to enjoy what they paid for without additional purchases, and it’s never OK for players who spend money to have an unfair advantage over players who spend time."


So it won't be play to win. It'll be buy to play, free to keep playing, and buy if you want a cute non-combat pet.

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Every new game after the launch of a MMO is heralded as the death of that current MMO.

Happened before TOR, to TOR and will happen after TOR

Every update is the final nail in the coffin, and every new game is hyped up beyond belief until a new one is announced.

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I would love to see a Terminator MMO. You are a Terminator or human with objectives. You become self aware and evolve. I've always wanted a FPS or MMO style Terminator game. lol There are so many creative story directions you could go with it. Maybe even start out with a black/white hud and upgrade to color. I would love to see it happen. lol
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SWTOR is a good game you play once to 50. As your alts hit 30 one has to woneder what they are doing. Your space bar becomes your friend! Their answer to people being bored was a Free Trial!


As spring hits these servers will lose even more peeps. To help that along BW decided to nerf my healers!

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Will swtor lose alot of player base to mmo's that are coming out soon, TERA may 1st, and GW2 around dec? After playing TERA over beta weekend it seems like a very developed and quality MMO that has all the things an MMO'ers heart can desire. These mmo's didn't give the excuses that they are a new MMO and need to develop after launch.. they are delivering everything we expect in a modern day MMO on release.. How will swtor hold up to the competition is the question?


ANY company can do better than this mess, this game will go down as the worst MMO blunder in history, the 1st game in all my years that performs worse months after release then the Beta did. You have to goto school to learn how to fail this bad, thats how fail Bioware is.

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Will SWTOR be able to compete with upcoming MMOs?




Clearly not, because the PvP system in this game is terrible and it is sad, that they make this even worse with every bigger patch coming out.

We dont have to argue there, that GW2 will be better in the PvP enviroment in every way.

At the moment I have to think about a MMO with a similar terrible PvP system.




SWTOR cant compete in this category with already existing MMOs.

The endgame raid-enviroment is far too easy and too repetitive.

No tactical thinking required to be successful in the endgame.

The PvE endgame in WoW and Rift is far superior.




The only category, where SWTOR can compete with upcoming MMOs, is the distinctive character of the game setting. There are not very many Sci-Fi MMOs out there, and even less good ones.

With the Star Wars franchise and the Sci-Fi setting SWTOR will be able to compete with future MMOs.

But this category is only good for a small crowd of Star Wars / Sci-Fi Fans. (Yes they are thankfully a dying breed)

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Holy haters bat man... Jesus people if you hate the game so much what are you doing on their forums? I'm not talking about people giving constructive criticism(Which very few are even if the THINK they are) I'm talking about the complete, raging, haters.
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I've seen alot of ppl saying this game is the only sci-fi mmo or that there aren't many sci-fi mmo's out there.


SWG, The Matrix Online (sorta sci-fi'ish), EVE online, Star Trek online, Battlestar galatica online...and those are just the major ones.


Nevermind the fact that two of those listed aren't around anymore.

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Holy haters bat man... Jesus people if you hate the game so much what are you doing on their forums? I'm not talking about people giving constructive criticism(Which very few are even if the THINK they are) I'm talking about the complete, raging, haters.


You cant use logic on the illogical.

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Holy haters bat man... Jesus people if you hate the game so much what are you doing on their forums? I'm not talking about people giving constructive criticism(Which very few are even if the THINK they are) I'm talking about the complete, raging, haters.


We invested our effort in this game and personally I don't want this game to fail.

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Of all the MMOs that's come out, I felt that there were only 3 that threatened WoW: Warhammer, SWTOR, and GW2.


Warhammer fell flat on its face almost immediately.


SWTOR thought it could get away with releasing a game still in Beta.


We'll see how GW2 goes. Third times a charm, right? If it flops, I'll just go back to WoW and stomach the pandas until Project Titan gets released.


GW2 will not challenge any MMO because it is a pay once.

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Honestly, it depends on how Bioware goes with it. If they work out all the bugs, keep releasing content at a reasonable pace, and get the class balancing worked out, I think it will do fine. In fact, I think more people will come back.


WoW is losing a lot of disenchanted players because of MoP, and they are just ripe for the picking. ToR just needs more time and more patient people.


But like I said, it all depends on whether or not Bioware remains steady. If they start doing drastic stuff for a quick buck it could end up killing the game.

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I think it will be fine. Tera is a very pretty game and the outfits are nice. Not sure I would call it armour since it really doesnt cover much of them. :p Other than that, I didnt enjoy the game mechanics all that much. I'm sure i would get used to the aiming. I have a beta key for this weekend and I will try it again, but I dont think its for me.


Guild Wars 2, who knows. It's a B2P game w/ a shop. I can't say I am crazy about shops and by reading a thread the other day on this forum, I believe many people do not like transaction shops. GW2 promises that it will not be a B2W game and I hope they keep their promise on that. I will try GW2, but I can't see it being my main game. It's something I would play when I am bored, like GWs was.

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Here is where they've missed the boat in my opinion;


You have this long period of time when we know that the Sith Empire and Republic were constantly fighting for territory, gaining and losing ground, both with great victories and losses.


This could be a player-driven, sandbox MMO in much of the galaxy.


You could actually conquer or liberate planets. Player activity could determine winners and losers.


The galaxy could consist of more than just a few destination planets, you could have tens of dozens of worlds that are open for a guild or a faction to try and take control of. And you could then be beaten off your planet by the opposing faction.


This would involve greatly expanding the space experience to include fighters and capital ships. Incorporating a way for troops to fly to the planet on ships instead of using cookie cutter spaceports, and a way to build bases and fortifications.


There is just a ton of things that could be done here.


You should go and buy Warhammer Online, as the way it works is very much what you are describing here.


I'd rather swtor sux because it tries to be WoW and fails than this. Warhammer Online was such a huge disappointment...

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