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Will SWTOR be able to compete with upcoming MMOs?


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No TOR cannot.


The fact is that this game isn't anywhere near done. It's broken and the player base is leaving in numbers or just sticking around for Tera, Guild Wars 2 or Diablo 3. I don't think 1.2 is going to help anything and my money is on it being pushed back and coming out in May.


More so then that look at how BioWare is being looked at right now. Things are just not looking good for this game.

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I read some reviews of both Tera and GW2 and I probably won't be playing them. GW2 is supposedly pvp based and will have lots of cool things for pvp players but lacks any reason for pve player to want to play it. Tera is supposedly very pretty to look at but has already been labeled a boring grindfest.
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SWTOR took a gigantic step backwards as far as mmos go. This is why it can't retain players.


I mean the game can't even do real mmo activities due to engine limitations. If this wasn't Star Wars, nobody would play it.


^^^^^This. Dude is spot on...if this game wasn't star wars the subs wouldn't have stayed this long.








The Repopulation




all sweet games either close to coming out or coming out in the near future that will hurt this game in a slight way.



I for one am bored of this game , and once my time is up i wont be back. there will be no miracle patch...your crazy.


Dont forget about the beta posts from devs of them saying " we know what gamers want, we dont really need you guys"


lol devs in this game found out quick they dont know **** about what we want and are scrambling to implement stuff we do want so they dont lose subs.



Torhammer ftw.

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1am in the morning at weekend and 25 players online on fleet...on a STANDARD server ;)


it appears that much of the criticism isnt about whether or not the game is fun for the complainer ,but whether it is popular enough.


I think many of you are waiting to see if this game is going to be the next big thing or not.

If you decide it isnt , then you come to the forums take a big dump in some pointless thread and leave.


Then you'll go to the next game that's hyped ,whatever that game may be and wait for it to become a social phenomenon. If it doesnt develop into the tribe you wish to be a part of then deride the game and move on to the next fad , hopes in hand.


Thats the pattern I see from many of you. Doesn't matter at all if you enjoy the game you're just worried about riding the right wave.


These sentiments dont apply to many of you who have genuine criticisms about the game play here, these will be the most fervent responders

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The Repopulation



Thanks, never heard of that, but its looks quite good.


So sick and tired of themepark mmos, where all people do is rush to max lvl, to stand around waiting to get into little boxed pve or pvp arenas.


I want to use the freaking world, really, why do devs even borther making these big awesome worlds, when they know noone is gonna use them.

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Thanks, never heard of that, but its looks quite good.


So sick and tired of themepark mmos, where all people do is rush to max lvl, to stand around waiting to get into little boxed pve or pvp arenas.


I want to use the freaking world, really, why do devs even borther making these big awesome worlds, when they know noone is gonna use them.


try vanguard,


or archeage

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^^^^^This. Dude is spot on...if this game wasn't star wars the subs wouldn't have stayed this long.


You lost all credibility when you quoted and endorsed one of our current top ten game flamers in the forum who spews whatever and whenever over and over again.


Quote credible sources next time. ;)

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it appears that much of the criticism isnt about whether or not the game is fun for the complainer ,but whether it is popular enough.


I think many of you are waiting to see if this game is going to be the next big thing or not.

If you decide it isnt , then you come to the forums take a big dump in some pointless thread and leave.


Then you'll go to the next game that's hyped ,whatever that game may be and wait for it to become a social phenomenon. If it doesnt develop into the tribe you wish to be a part of then deride the game and move on to the next fad , hopes in hand.


Thats the pattern I see from many of you. Doesn't matter at all if you enjoy the game you're just worried about riding the right wave.


These sentiments dont apply to many of you who have genuine criticisms about the game play here, these will be the most fervent responders


I dont care if a game is popular or not, I was playing 3 years a sim mmo which most of the graphic fetishists would not even install. But you know why I played the game that long...it had just amazing and unique pvp content at this time and not because it was popular.


There is a difference if a game is good, offers content or is popular....its not about riding the right wave, its about the expirience you get in many years of gaming and what you can expect from a mmo. If you are satisfied, stick with it and you will have the fun you are looking for.

Edited by BobaFurz
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I dont care if a game is popular or not, I was playing 3 years a sim mmo which most of the graphic fetishists would not even install. But you know why I played the game that long...it had just amazing pvp content at this time and not because it was popular.


There is a difference if a game is good, offers content or is popular....its not about riding the right wave, its about the expirience you get in many years of gaming and what you can expect from a mmo.


Like i said, my sentiments dont apply to everyone . Some people have genuine criticisms about the game.


And these people will be the most fervent responders.

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it appears that much of the criticism isnt about whether or not the game is fun for the complainer ,but whether it is popular enough.


I think many of you are waiting to see if this game is going to be the next big thing or not.

If you decide it isnt , then you come to the forums take a big dump in some pointless thread and leave.


Then you'll go to the next game that's hyped ,whatever that game may be and wait for it to become a social phenomenon. If it doesnt develop into the tribe you wish to be a part of then deride the game and move on to the next fad , hopes in hand.


Thats the pattern I see from many of you. Doesn't matter at all if you enjoy the game you're just worried about riding the right wave.


These sentiments dont apply to many of you who have genuine criticisms about the game play here, these will be the most fervent responders


For me at least, popularity is of immense significance because it tells me how many people I'll be able to interact with. This is why I like playing on highly-populated servers or games where there are sufficient people playing so I can, among other things:


- Form groups easily. I do not like having to spend my time spamming LFG in chat/guild.


- Feel that I'm playing a MMO, that there are actually people roaming around and exploring.


- Get near-instant queues for pvp


Basically I do not consider the time we spend forming groups a desirable feature of an MMO. One of the reasons why people still play WoW despite it's perceived crappiness is because many people play it, and the player-base in and of itself is a powerful attraction, which makes it a component of how "fun" the game is. It is not correct to say that the number of people playing is a separate and distinct factor from how "fun" the game is because they are both linked.


If a game by itself - distinct from the player-base - is sufficiently "fun", then a natural consequence would be for more players to sign up. Essentially, we need both a sufficiently large player-base, and also a game that can by itself hold up to other games.


TLDR: A sufficiently large player-base can compensate for the perceived crappiness endogenous to the game itself; a game's intrinsic design can also help to form a sufficiently large player-base. These two reinforce each other.

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For me at least, popularity is of immense significance because it tells me how many people I'll be able to interact with. This is why I like playing on highly-populated servers or games where there are sufficient people playing so I can, among other things:


- Form groups easily. I do not like having to spend my time spamming LFG in chat/guild.


- Feel that I'm playing a MMO, that there are actually people roaming around and exploring.


- Get near-instant queues for pvp


Basically I do not consider the time we spend forming groups a desirable feature of an MMO. One of the reasons why people still play WoW despite it's perceived crappiness is because many people play it, and the player-base in and of itself is a powerful attraction, which makes it a component of how "fun" the game is. It is not correct to say that the number of people playing is a separate and distinct factor from how "fun" the game is because they are both linked.


If a game by itself - distinct from the player-base - is sufficiently "fun", then a natural consequence would be for more players to sign up. Essentially, we need both a sufficiently large player-base, and also a game that can by itself hold up to other games.


TLDR: A sufficiently large player-base can compensate for the perceived crappiness endogenous to the game itself; a game's intrinsic design can also help to form a sufficiently large player-base. These two reinforce each other.


well said


but again i think there appears to be a popularity concern for many of the complainers , but i agree with your post.

Edited by Blavatsky
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^^^^^This. Dude is spot on...if this game wasn't star wars the subs wouldn't have stayed this long.








The Repopulation




all sweet games either close to coming out or coming out in the near future that will hurt this game in a slight way.



I for one am bored of this game , and once my time is up i wont be back. there will be no miracle patch...your crazy.


Dont forget about the beta posts from devs of them saying " we know what gamers want, we dont really need you guys"


lol devs in this game found out quick they dont know **** about what we want and are scrambling to implement stuff we do want so they dont lose subs.



Torhammer ftw.


Agree. After reading the QA where again NONE of the really important "big" questions have been answered, I see where this kind of strategy is heading. Course has been set.


Guess it´s time to check out the SWGEMU project...

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Of course population is important, there are just too many servers around currently. They did expect a lot more subscriber probably and in the first week you had even queue times to enter the server.


But in the meanwhile on the server I play, which was high and is standar now, the auction house for the lower or mid levels is almost dead, easy to find out when you start alts. And just 25 players, even it is 1am in the morning on a weekend, are not really many.


They will merge the server for sure...

Edited by BobaFurz
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No TOR cannot.


The fact is that this game isn't anywhere near done. It's broken and the player base is leaving in numbers or just sticking around for Tera, Guild Wars 2 or Diablo 3. I don't think 1.2 is going to help anything and my money is on it being pushed back and coming out in May.


More so then that look at how BioWare is being looked at right now. Things are just not looking good for this game.



Tera is a boring Korean Grindfest I cancelled my pre-order'

GW2 is a facebook game Stomping on Frost Worms and helping farmers gather food; the voice acting is simply atrocious and the story is laughably bad. If you say different you have not played it.

Diablo III rotflmao....most folks are waiting for Torchlight II



Bottom line; the games that are coming out really won't be that much competition for TOR yeah the Locust will leave like they always leave when something new comes along...but it won't effect the core base of this game.

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Tera is a boring Korean Grindfest I cancelled my pre-order'

GW2 is a facebook game Stomping on Frost Worms and helping farmers gather food; the voice acting is simply atrocious and the story is laughably bad. If you say different you have not played it.

Diablo III rotflmao....most folks are waiting for Torchlight II



Bottom line; the games that are coming out really won't be that much competition for TOR yeah the Locust will leave like they always leave when something new comes along...but it won't effect the core base of this game.


I agree with this. ^

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Well the pvp content and combat in GW2 will decide if more players stick with it, GW1 was already popular for its pvp part.


Swtor will find its niche, a lot will quit and the core player base will stay...

Edited by BobaFurz
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Tera is a boring Korean Grindfest I cancelled my pre-order'

GW2 is a facebook game Stomping on Frost Worms and helping farmers gather food; the voice acting is simply atrocious and the story is laughably bad. If you say different you have not played it.

Diablo III rotflmao....most folks are waiting for Torchlight II



Bottom line; the games that are coming out really won't be that much competition for TOR yeah the Locust will leave like they always leave when something new comes along...but it won't effect the core base of this game.


GW2.. another Theme Park.. meh.


I´d say the cool alternatives are Eve, Mortal Online, ArcheAge and The Secret World. Or the "fan project" SWGEMU for some real Star Wars feeling.

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GW2.. another Theme Park.. meh.


I´d say the cool alternatives are Eve, Mortal Online, ArcheAge and The Secret World. Or the "fan project" SWGEMU for some real Star Wars feeling.


I still play EvE and quite enjoy it; I am also beta Testing TSW,,,and I believe Funcom has a hit on their hands but it won't be for everyone....SWG never seemed like Star Wars to me; but no one will ever beat their Tools for RPers.

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