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People who stand IN acid and pull you in...


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I do it all the time, charge a guy running through the fire and Force camo out(I'm annihilation) or sometimes I'll charge someone cutting through the acid and do the same thing. It's easy free damage, and something marauders are capable of using as much as anyone else.
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Be aware of your surroundings. If you see sins or powertechs standing around near a fire pit or acid, you'll know they're going to yank someone in, most likely the ball carrier. Once you're aware that they're there, do a quick checklist to see if your medpack and stun break are off cooldown and available for use.


It may not prevent you from being yanked, but you'll at least be prepared for it.

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Yeah. Cause that's totally a l2p issue.


actually it kinda is, esp if your anni. you can pop your deatunt take 100% less damage and move out of it.


and if your not anni, you can pop undying rage.

Edited by Carbonated
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everything is so situational, it has nothing to do with l2p issue , you dont allways have ur CDs ready you dont allways see them near fire / acid pools.


its a part of that WZ which can be utilized, the range is quite annoying thats true

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I laugh at anyone that actually willingly pulls my marauder to them. I have two invincibility cooldowns, they're usually lucky to take either me or my healer down with a group of 4-5 people [unless its a premade, those usually have a brain] Edited by Nessirin
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everyone is talking so casually about using force camo and udying rage(agreed it is the only thing you can do) but even if you survive the pull you are start the fight with a big hp or CD handicap not to mention that the moment you are in the fire or in the acid pool they are gonna stun lock you if they are not 10year olds, the problem is that they "pull" you to an unfair fight which is smth you cant do by any mean possible


if we were talking about a push or a knockback the answer would be very easy just position your self properly but in these situations there are not much you can do other than being lucky and have some cooldowns, though sometimes dunno why they dont stun me and even if i dont have any cooldowns i can force charge my way out, this way i live to fight another day and if my team has secured the win i can focus down on him and make him regret for messing with me (you are a mara you can punish anyone)


i am not gonna QQ or ask for a nerf i just wanna point smth out, our class has some very good abilties lke savage kick that cannot be used on pvp in addition to that some side effects i.e. the stuning effect of force scream or smash is not applied on pvp, that happens while other classes can use everything in their dispossal on both pve and pvp


p.s. being on medium server i know which playes are pull-stun and tracer missile trolls and i devoted lots of wz focusing executively on them so they don wanna mess with if they are not on a premade:cool: though if they are in a pemade the stun-pull level will be over 9000:p when that happens you have to piss them of with with your escape artist skills :D

Edited by darth_billy
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Be aware of your surroundings. If you see sins or powertechs standing around near a fire pit or acid, you'll know they're going to yank someone in, most likely the ball carrier. Once you're aware that they're there, do a quick checklist to see if your medpack and stun break are off cooldown and available for use.


It may not prevent you from being yanked, but you'll at least be prepared for it.


I thought assasins could only pull allies?

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the most gratifying kill in huttball is when you intimidating roar several people on the fire at once. literally an OMGWTFBBQ


don't look at it though, turn your back and walk away like a cool guy

Edited by HBninjaX
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I thought assasins could only pull allies?


That's sorcs/sages you are thinking of. Assassin tanks and Powertechs have an ability that pulls enemies to them. Annoying part is Assassins got a knockback as well, which doesn't make much sense tbh.

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It's pretty tough to recover from being pulled into the fire then electro darted.


Good powertechs can pull then spam electro dart while you're still in the air so you'll land in the fire already stunned. The way the game mechanics work mean the only way to counter that is to force camo/UD right as you see their grappling hook hit your body. Depending on lag you literally have fractions of a second to react. Or hope your trinket is up so you can trinket then camo (you'll lose the ball) or UD which gives you 5 seconds to pass since you'll be pretty useless once it's over.


You can try and prepare for it..but I often find that I can't tell whether I'm going to be pulled into the pit or pulled into the fire when only a few feet from the goalline while carrying the ball. The last thing you want to do is preemptively pop your CD's expecting to be pulled into the fire and get pulled into the pit.


If I'm playing with my team and I notice that the opposing team has PT's/Vanguards that don't suck I try to always have a full resolve bar during those last few feet towards the goalline.


Other than that, you're just outa luck and better hope you have some bad *** healers on your team that can heal you through those 4 seconds.

Edited by Foxcolt
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All I said was that it pissed me off. I don't need elitist saying l2p cause its not a l2p issue. What really got me mad was that an assassin did it to me again in the acid pit while he was stealth. How did taking damage from the acid pit not knock him out of stealth?
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All I said was that it pissed me off. I don't need elitist saying l2p cause its not a l2p issue. What really got me mad was that an assassin did it to me again in the acid pit while he was stealth. How did taking damage from the acid pit not knock him out of stealth?


it really is a L2P issue! use your CDs and **** outa the fire or acid not hard, also he did it cuase he never touched the acid? probly stood on the very edge and pulled you into it from there so you would be in the acid and he would not...again L2P :)

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You are an idiot. Every class has abilities that are only usable in PvE. Bioware did this to add depth to you character while leveling without causing imbalance from OP skills. Also with legacy levels many people will be able to gain access to other class abilities like this. Next you'll be complaining because you can't use your "requires a companion" abilities in PvP. :rolleyes:


Yes it's a L2P issue.


1st of all congrats for insulting someone behind the safety of your keyboard it takes a lot of guts to do so:).



other classes for example sin can pull , knockback, slow stun and immobilize me on pvp , does he needs more that that?

also i am not complaining , it just doesnt sounds fair and the fact i am pointing it out it doesnt mean that excpect smth to be done about it and i dont intend to ask for smth to be done .Also you should keep in mind that many specs have skills to counter what makes them vulnerable to us ,like the dispell dots or interrupt immunity while our weak point is the susceptibily to move impairing effects the only skill that helps on this is the awareness i have gained by playing the most demanding class in the game.

the only real complain i might have is that the chance of getting immobllized after a knockback is really hilarous or even OP




Edited by darth_billy
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it really is a L2P issue! use your CDs and **** outa the fire or acid not hard, also he did it cuase he never touched the acid? probly stood on the very edge and pulled you into it from there so you would be in the acid and he would not...again L2P :)



if you dont have force camo undying rage will give just another 5 seconds cause you ar an easy kill , everyone will make sure that you are stunlocked asap

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I love when people knock in the acid and my grapple is on cool down.


But generally, I think its a cheap move. Maybe I have some exaggerated sense of sportsmanship, because I refuse to do it. The only exceptions would be when someone has a neurotic need to focus me, (a consequence of earning a name on your server), or revenge for pulling me into the fire.

Edited by Sowwy
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