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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Over Powered healing killing PvP


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I disagree, fights should never be indefinite. The purpose of healing in PVP is not to prevent death(and if it can fully prevent death it needs to be reduced) but extend life a little bit longer(and within that time frame remove the threat or die after).


Also note that all healers can do damage but not all dps's can heal, the game is inherently dps focused, all fighting games are.



In equal situations the purpose of healing is to totally prevent death. I'm sorry we disagree.


I don't believe these people exist that are total masochists that would actually play healers for pvp if they knew they would not be able to kill anyone with their damage and also die to every other player that played a DPS class.


Your statement is half right, let me change some of the words... it should have been "the game is inherrantly focused on the viceral fun of killing, all games are. "


If you stated it as I corrected it then you would be able to bridge the gap to the healer's point of view of having to give up that viceral fun.


This whole thread is not about nerfing healers DPS as your argument would lend more to.. it seems to me people want to nerf healing.

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If it's all about nerfing mutiple healers in a warzone lets make it where if one healer is healing someone only one other healer can also heal that person. On the other side lets also make it where if one person is atacking someone only one more person and no one else can do damage to him. Problem solved.


This will fix the ASSISTING problem you guys are complaining about.

Edited by LancelotOC
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You're all missing the point.


Healers should be able to keep up another tank, dps, or healer. Not themselves. This scenario where a healer can tank an equally geared dps easily, plus do other things, is plain stupid. A healer should have his teammates guarding, taunting, snaring, killing, anybody who messes with the healer. Healers have absolutely no right to tank themselves.


DPS should only be able to do damage if they have a teammate giving a debuff to the same target. DPS have absolutely no right to damage by themselves.

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The problem is all three warzones have the same goal: who can stay alive the longest. With multiple healers healing eachother nobody is going to die. They can't kill anyone either but they don't need to. Eventually the few DPS on the healing side will focus down the DPS on the other team 1 by 1 for an easy victory. If we had more objectives that were about more than defense, we'd see a handicap for stacking healers, which is the easiest way to ensure victory now. I've been in game with 6 healers where even the healers start DPSing people down. It's impossible to kill anyone and it's really not fun.
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The problem is all three warzones have the same goal: who can stay alive the longest. With multiple healers healing eachother nobody is going to die. They can't kill anyone either but they don't need to. Eventually the few DPS on the healing side will focus down the DPS on the other team 1 by 1 for an easy victory. If we had more objectives that were about more than defense, we'd see a handicap for stacking healers, which is the easiest way to ensure victory now. I've been in game with 6 healers where even the healers start DPSing people down. It's impossible to kill anyone and it's really not fun.


Yep. Wait until people start 8man q'ing with 6 hybrid healing troopers and 2 whatevers. Then they'll finally understand that all the warzones are about CONTROLLING/STAYING ALIVE and not KILLING.

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As a full bm/rakata geared merc i can tell you that this is plain wrong. You either don't know what you're doing or you're rage specced. The amount of dmg an annihilation specced marauder can push out, coupled with, again, two interrupts (one of which is on a 6 second cooldown) and two stuns, should make locking down a healer an extremely easy endeavor.


If you're paired with another dpser, then that healer should have absolutely no chance. Additionally, they cannot cleanse slows and guard is not an ability that healers have. Are you saying that healers are op because you cannot easily solo them when they get help?


I hope not.




You obviously don't know anything about healers. I have 2 castable heals, one of which is on an 8 second cool down. I have two instant heals, one of which is on a 17 second cooldown. Interrupting my big heal puts me way behind on healing if you do any kind of decent damage.


As a full BM/rakata geared Marauder I can tell you this is wrong. Annihilation DoTs can be dispelled by any healer completely neutering Marauder DPS. In one button press you can remove 2 stacks of Marauder DoTs that their whole spec revolves around every 5 seconds. You should try it, it's a laugh. If a single Marauder is killing you, you have problems. If Aura Mastery is up, Mercs can tank 3 DPS. If they're guarded with Aura Mastery up, they can tank entire teams of DPS.

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Certainly doesn't help that interrupt doesn't lock out spell classes.


I can spend almost half my resource bar (Annihilate) for 2.8k-3.4k dmg in one GCD (which obviously needs ramping up time) while a healer can cast a heal on themselves for 5k+.



I wouldn't say just healing is OP (although it might be slightly) it's the combination of healing + guard.


I can seriously spend an entire WZ (and have) whacking away on a healer with guard and I'm a fully decked out Marauder.

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EDIT: THough i agree that they could buff the MS-Debuff and give it to weak Melee Classes, like Jugg




Please, stop it... otherwise I'll die due to breathlessness, since I'm laughing my *** off at the face of your statement about the Juggernaut or Guardian being weak.


Then again... [Not sure if serious-Meme] :confused:

Edited by GalaxyDude
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I do agree a team of healers won't die and just sit there whole match without a scratch. I mean there is no effective way to kill 3 or more healers, what you think all this magic damage is going to crush 3 spamming healers?


I do see a problem with this for ranked matches, guess we will see.


I will still have fun no matter what, but agree healing is *********** crazy at level 50. :eek:

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if healing can be so OP and the stuns so ridiculously long there should be something else to balance this out. And interrupt, yea it works, but it's not everything. I think there should be a tactical type and a sorcery type of interrupt, then you could stop the heals for x amount of time meanwhile the mage can use some sort of melee or dps range that would cause a break in this healing spell. doing alderaan pvp zone had me surrounded by like 8 guys and I couldn't finish barely any of them off but I realized we were having a huge healwar. Also, I remember playing this a few months ago, as I had some comp problems about 45 days ago, but until I came back I never had this problem.


p.s. sorry for the really poor grammar and possibly bad spelling as it's 3:09 AM

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Not the healing itself that's OP it's the resource system, They regenerate Force/Energy/Heat way to quick and let's healers keep at it extremly long, If you try to 1v1 a skilled healer that is.


Not every healer is like this, A good healer will know how to manage his force/heat/energy the best and can keep healing themselves, A bad healer will try to kill you while healing themselves.


But everyone needs to keep in mind that just being there distracting the healer, not killing him can make a big difference. They can't heal teammates, instead they need to save themselves so your team can do their job.

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Just want to add, if you're going to make this game so class specific bioware. Please make a way to be able to pinpoint consular and sorcerer class more easily. I am running 1600 x 1200 resolution and it's still difficult for me as you can even make tanks skinny and ranges fat if you choose. How the hell am i supposed to know who that is with the light sabers? Or with the rifle for that matter... Do i need to squint? Is it because of my caps deafening my vision?
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I agree that stacking healers is a trend right now in Group WZs and will only become more prevalent. I know Marauders DO have MS ability, its called Deadly Throw and reduces healing to the target by 30%. I do believe other classes should get a similar ability. Perhaps add it to the BH or IA Pure DPS Specs so that they have some more utility.


Balancing healing however is a dangerous thing. Personally I feel that Healing is FINE and does not need a NERF. If you nerf healing HM and NiM Operations will be broken.


The solution is to give a bigger debuff to effective healing via the Trauma Debuff. This way healing is only weaker in WZs and less so in PvE.

Edited by Zafeer
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Just want to add, if you're going to make this game so class specific bioware. Please make a way to be able to pinpoint consular and sorcerer class more easily. I am running 1600 x 1200 resolution and it's still difficult for me as you can even make tanks skinny and ranges fat if you choose. How the hell am i supposed to know who that is with the light sabers? Or with the rifle for that matter... Do i need to squint? Is it because of my caps deafening my vision?


In 1.2, all the advanced classes will have their own colored icon next to their name.

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Just want to add, if you're going to make this game so class specific bioware. Please make a way to be able to pinpoint consular and sorcerer class more easily. I am running 1600 x 1200 resolution and it's still difficult for me as you can even make tanks skinny and ranges fat if you choose. How the hell am i supposed to know who that is with the light sabers? Or with the rifle for that matter... Do i need to squint? Is it because of my caps deafening my vision?


omg it auto-uncapped my caps totally deflating my all caps joke at the end... *sigh* technology.....

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I agree that stacking healers is a trend right now in Group WZs and will only become more prevalent. I know Marauders DO have MS ability, its called Deadly Throw and reduces healing to the target by 30%. I do believe other classes should get a similar ability. Perhaps add it to the BH or IA Pure DPS Specs so that they have some more utility.


It's 20% and it barely makes a difference.

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IF healing is over powered, then I would take the preverbial deal with the devil and have healers on my team then none at all.


Even IF two players cannot kill a healer, the pressure on the healer stops them from healing other team members no heals means defeated teammates.


But, then I see PvP in a game like this as teamwork. If want balanced Player vs Player deathmatch competiton, I will go play Hardcore Mode Team Deathmatch on CoD or some other fps.


Players seem to like to theorycraft a lot how come no one has crunched the numbers for the correlation between winning a warzone and situational awareness or "seeing the big picture"?

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Some people just have quick reactions. They may use the terrain to their advantage. Besides, if a DPS attacks me it's wrong that I outheal his damage when I can't do as much damage in return? Isn't that sorta the healer way: to heal damage?


Please bare in mind that this is my opinon. I do not want an argument. Let's keep it cool :cool:


the problem isn't that you can heal, its that a single healer can heal through multiple dps at a time solo. i queue with a mercenary healer friend of mine, il guard him, and me and him can go 2v4 and win. just the numbers healers can put out don't scale with how much damage people can do



if a single healer can take up the time of 2 dps, that leaves 7 people on one team and 6 on the other not a part of the healer and dps fight scenario stated. this creates instant imbalance.

Edited by tangypoon
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