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Over Powered healing killing PvP


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In multiple DPS versus multiple healer, the 1on1 scenario fails because the healers can AE heal each other and all AE heals minus the Sorc one is uninterruptible. Of course, the DPS can also burst down one guy more effectively. Healers tends to be better off than the 1on1 scenario, but honestly in 1on1 right now, a healer at most draws with a good DPS if you don't count the 'win by boring the other guy out' method.
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In multiple DPS versus multiple healer, the 1on1 scenario fails because the healers can AE heal each other and all AE heals minus the Sorc one is uninterruptible. Of course, the DPS can also burst down one guy more effectively. Healers tends to be better off than the 1on1 scenario, but honestly in 1on1 right now, a healer at most draws with a good DPS if you don't count the 'win by boring the other guy out' method.


AoE damage > AoE healing. The issue with multiple healers versus multiple dps is one of coordination. You need more coordination on the DPS part to deal with multiple healers, in terms of CC and interrupt rotation. Thus in a PUG situation (which the vast majority of people seem to play in) multiple healers are much stronger.

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A as a CM healer if I have all my CDs, sure I can live for 30sec or so until help arrives (assuming it does) but I won't live for long. However bring two or three healers (Sage / Sorc especially) then you can setup a healing train that can't be broken easy.


Besides, 1.2 is already going to address healing so your QQ now is premature.

Edited by Kunari
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Nope? Hmmm, nope...


Interesting argument.


It's impossible to say healing will not get a 10-15% buff thanks to expertise. Add that to the 10% from current expertise and we see the cancelation of trauma, which was a mechanic used to balance pvp healing.


Healing now is balanced.

Healing in 1.2 with top gear will not be.


healing in 1.2 is getting a nerf. happy? stop the QQ

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Meh, I think healing is fine the way it is right now. I play a Marauder and have no issue killing Smuggler/JC healers,Trooper heals can make it interesting but I generally wear them down.


On my server we see a lot of 4+ healers on the opposing side and it can be incredibly easy or tough to get a win depending on the skill and competency of the dps on your team.


Just yesterday(in a PUG)Voidstar we were facing 4 healers, we marked them and a few of us volunteered to harass the healers. I picked the Trooper heals and set out to make myself a pain in his butt. It took me a bit longer to kill him than other healing classes, but I was able to lock him down or force him to concentrate enough on healing himself that his effect on the WZ was negated.


After 4-5 deaths, they even tried putting a Smuggler heals on the Trooper and I would just put down my bleeds on the Trooper,switch to the Smuggler and shred him,then switch back to the Trooper and lock him down. The dps they sent to peel me off of him was negated by my teammates,my self healing or my awesome healers running by to drop a heals on me while I killed the peelers.


The previous WZ against these guys, the Trooper had healed for 600k, in the Voidstar with me harassing him he healed for 145k,most of which was probably on himself. I even had enough time to ping pong among other targets while he respawned to drop 450k damage. Take from that what you will.



***Just to further clarify how easy it is to lock down a healer, I don't even consider myself a great PvPer. Due to injuries suffered in the USMC, the mobility in my left arm is severely hampered and therefore I am forced to be a..GASP..."dirty,terribad" clicker.****

Edited by Temeluchus
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healing in 1.2 is getting a nerf. happy? stop the QQ


this but even if its not if ur team cant take down a healer or a combo of healers there is something u are doing extremly wrong


maybe shooting at the loltank?

maybe shooting at the guarded dps?


use ur brains

ur fingers will respond properly

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Yes yes, but not by 10-15%.


I doubt it will be all that big of a nerf even if we didn't have the expertise change.


First of all, it is not anywhere close to 15%. No one is going to be walking around at 28% expertise.


Yea its more like a 30% increase in our resource usage. Healing buffs are reduced by half.


Oh, and power scales better for DPS...by about 30%.

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I like how some people think that their stats should go up with expertise (protection and damage) but a healers should have one of their roles be static (protection and healing).


Any resources being used for healing are not being used for damage. Therefore + damage or healing on expertise is fine.


This would be an issue if your damage was going up but you got no extra protection from expertise. That's not the case, so there is no issue.


Healing is fine.

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healing in 1.2 is getting a nerf. happy? stop the QQ


People need to stop spreading lies. Healing is getting a MAJOR BUFF in 1.2 thanks to expertise redesign.


Split dps. Hard to heal someone else when you're being beat on. Killing healers is simple. At least with my class anyway.


How many people are you splitting up to kill these healers again? What is everyone else doing?

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People need to stop spreading lies. Healing is getting a MAJOR BUFF in 1.2 thanks to expertise redesign.


Ummm. again, stop the QQ. Expertise is giving us healers a buff and at the same time they are nerfing our abilities. How hard is this to understand?

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How to kill healers: interrupts, focus fire and CC


Except if there is more than one healer, Ive seen 3 healers keep each other up even with 3 people dpsing one healer nonstop. Trust me healing is broken when you start to get more than 1 healer on a team.


Add in guard, its its GG.

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Except if there is more than one healer, Ive seen 3 healers keep each other up even with 3 people dpsing one healer nonstop. Trust me healing is broken when you start to get more than 1 healer on a team.


Add in guard, its its GG.


Put more DPS on them. A good DPS'er should be able to keep a healer busy enough that he can't heal anyone else.


- Put 1 dps on each of the 3 healers to keep them each occupied.

- Take objectives while they sit and heal themselves

- Profit..or grab another DPS and take them out 1 by 1...but this game has no deathmatch, do screw that.

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Except if there is more than one healer, Ive seen 3 healers keep each other up even with 3 people dpsing one healer nonstop. Trust me healing is broken when you start to get more than 1 healer on a team.


Add in guard, its its GG.


Maybe your teams just suck. I've had WZs where the other team had 4 healers and we rolled them.

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The biggest problem I have seen is people that wouldnt know how to get DPS out of their class even if they were given the best spec.


I have no problems burning down healers in wz's. Interupt, cc, Interupt, cc, interupt Done.

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Put more DPS on them. A good DPS'er should be able to keep a healer busy enough that he can't heal anyone else.


- Put 1 dps on each of the 3 healers to keep them each occupied.

- Take objectives while they sit and heal themselves

- Profit..or grab another DPS and take them out 1 by 1...but this game has no deathmatch, do screw that.


Except that one dps on the 1 healer is quickly murdered by the other teams dps. That frees up that healer to help the others and its just burn city after that. Seriously everyone heres an expert, but its an expert on defending whats broken in the game. Granted its more of an issue with a PUG, since teamwork is pretty bad, but even with a 4 man I have lost to a 4+ healer team cause we couldnt kill the healers.


Scoundrel/Ops healers can CC good, heal on the move, and if all else fails vanish.


BH/Trooper can put their bubble on and be immune to interrupts. Not to mention they are highly durable.


Sage/Sorcs are probably the easiest healer to kill due to poor armor, but they can get a nice bubble they can recast frequently in order to ignore 1 person on them, plus they have probably the best heals in the game.



Healers should be able to keep themselves up against 1 player, not 2, which I seen often enough to shake my head.

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Except that one dps on the 1 healer is quickly murdered by the other teams dps. That frees up that healer to help the others and its just burn city after that. Seriously everyone heres an expert, but its an expert on defending whats broken in the game. Granted its more of an issue with a PUG, since teamwork is pretty bad, but even with a 4 man I have lost to a 4+ healer team cause we couldnt kill the healers.


Scoundrel/Ops healers can CC good, heal on the move, and if all else fails vanish.


BH/Trooper can put their bubble on and be immune to interrupts. Not to mention they are highly durable.


Sage/Sorcs are probably the easiest healer to kill due to poor armor, but they can get a nice bubble they can recast frequently in order to ignore 1 person on them, plus they have probably the best heals in the game.



Healers should be able to keep themselves up against 1 player, not 2, which I seen often enough to shake my head.


Quick question...where is you healer? If a healer can keep themselves up against 2 DPS. those DPS need to l2p.


If the other team has 2 healers and you have none, of course healing seems OP.

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Quick question...where is you healer? If a healer can keep themselves up against 2 DPS. those DPS need to l2p.


If the other team has 2 healers and you have none, of course healing seems OP.


This is exactly right, I have seen geared 50's bust their asses to break 100k dmg in a match and they always use the excuse that they are focusing on the objectives, yet somehow I accomplish both.

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Quick question...where is you healer? If a healer can keep themselves up against 2 DPS. those DPS need to l2p.


If the other team has 2 healers and you have none, of course healing seems OP.


We usually have 1 healer on our team, and they are being CCed etc. 4 healers working against 1 healer almost always means the 4 healer team wins. But again maybe its more of my experience with PUGs than anything since most just run around doing their own thing. So many matches I see the other team with 1 healer and I am forever the only one on them.

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Signed. Dont get me started on heavy armor healers that cant be interupted. ***?!!?


They can only not be interrupted when their 25% damage rdux shield is up, cc them or something. WAIT to cc them until they are low health and pop their shield. I've had plenty of dps able to kill me by themselves, its call doing interrupts and ccs at the right times. Stop complaining about healers a focus them. Just because you or your team suck at communication and or marking healers doesn't mean we need a nerf..it means you need to learn how to play.

Edited by xHurogx
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We usually have 1 healer on our team, and they are being CCed etc. 4 healers working against 1 healer almost always means the 4 healer team wins. But again maybe its more of my experience with PUGs than anything since most just run around doing their own thing. So many matches I see the other team with 1 healer and I am forever the only one on them.


I could see where mass healers are a problem in pugs...but honestly, everything is a problem for bad pugs.


I would say a good 4-man DPS group vs a pug is more damaging than a good 4-man healer group. You just might not notice as much because the game is over so quickly lol.

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The problem here is the problem with most QQ about game balance.


Everyone is fixated on 1v1. "I should be able to 1v1 this!" or "That shouldn't happen in a 1v1!"




Use your team ffs, stop trying to run around soloing everything. This is what's killing pvp. Nobody plays objectives and they sure as hell don't have a coordinated team.

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