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★★★[ARENA] - benefits of adding ARENA to SWTOR★★★


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There are so many reasons to list, and I want to avoid wall of texts. I will try to organize this post as much as possible.


Since arenas were popularized in WoW, I will use that game as a comparison in most of the cases.




1. Arena is far more competitive and skill-oriented than rated warzones.


-First of all, there is no denying competitive players in general will like PvP more so than casual players (who will mostly stick with PvE). This is because by its nature, PvP is a COMPETITIVE activity. There is no question about the fact that PvPers ARE competitive.



-Arena is the ultimate solution to promote competition and provide PvPers with the drive.



-I dont see why some players believe that rated warzones will be the solution for the PvP of the game? Objective oriented PvP such as warzones will be nowhere NEAR skill-dependent and competitive compared to any arena, PERIOD. "Competitive" and "objective" sound like oil and water to me.


Warzones = objective oriented (casual) PvP. Arenas = survival/killing oriented (competitive) PvP.


What sounds more PvP-like?



-Objective oriented PvP doesn't give players any incentives to "play well". In warzones, you simply respawn if you are killed due to being outplayed or making mistakes. Arena is whole different story, where the focus is surviving, outplaying, and killing opponents.



-WZ's are also much less controlled environment compared arenas. 3 unskilled players can easily kill 1 skilled player, if his teammates are bad and doesn't back him up. This again, doesn't promote skill-oriented play and just encourages players to travel in groups.





2. Arenas will help keep PvPers subscribed to this game


-Motivation is what helps keep players subscribed to the game.


We know that most MMORPG designs expect people to stay addicted to the game and keep their subscription through gear progression models. While it is true that PVEers are motivated to play the game to constantly obtain better gears that are released in new flashpoint / operations, PVP'ers' brains work differently.


In long story short, PvE'ers are motivated by gear progression. PvP'ers are motivated by competition. (Mere gear progression is not enough)


You can't expect to keep many of the pvp playerbase subscribed to to this game without providing adequate motivation in the form of competition. Without a challenge to prevent them from being bored, most pvpers will simply move on to the next MMO that comes out that has decent PvP (guild wars 2 anyone?). To see why rated warzones will not be good enough, refer to my point #1.



-Arenas will help create a competitive scene and communities such as arenajunkies in WoW. Many of the players there and the top world class WoW players (reckful, hydra, etc) played ARENAS since season 1 of TBC, which is 7+ years. I can't even fathom how any of these players would have stayed with WoW that long, if Blizzard had not added arenas.





3. Arena will help balance this game's PvP


-First of all you don't seem to know how unbalanced WoW is. One thing that I was impressed with SWTOR as a game was that, for a new game, the classes were EXTREMELY balanced. I played WoW for years since TBC, and even 1v1-wise star wars is FAR more balanced than WoW ever was.



-So many of you complain that how "unbalanced" this game is. People claim that SWTOR can't have arenas because it is "unbalanced". But do you even know what makes this game so unbalanced, how is it unbalanced, or how can the game be fixed? Everyone has different opinion on what class is OP... every one whines about different things on pvp forums, everything is a huge mess.



-Arenas will provide both the players and developers with valuable statistics and numbers they need to see which classes and which aspects of the game are truly unbalanced. Arena ladder in my opinion should not only show you names / classes / ratings, but it should also publicly show all of these raw data to allow us to see the state of the game. Some of these include...


*We can compare the percentage distribution of the 8 classes on the top ~200 of the ladder, to the overall class population distribution.


*Most popular (FOTM) team comps on the ladder to study class synergies


*Win loss ratio % of every class vs class matchup (for 1v1 arena), to see which class is particularly overpowered vs another class.




Although some of player opinions on the PvP forums are valuable, arenas will give us the numerical data that we can actually work with. It will answer all of these questions and give us an idea of how to solve them:


"How is the game unbalanced?"

"Which classes are most unbalanced?"

"How unbalanced is class X vs class Y?"

"How can we fix and balance this game?"




Would you rather have this game balanced around endless QQ'ers and whine threads on PvP forums? Or would you have the game balanced around TANGIBLE statistics and numbers? you decide...




4. Arenas are breeding ground for skilled players


-When I watch the most popular oldschool vanilla PvP movies (vurtne, drakedog, etc) back in 2005 and top rank1 players streams now, there isn't even a comparison between the skill level of players back then and now.


One may argue that as the game matured, the players had years to develop that kind of skill. However it is VERY important to note that although there was hardly any change of skill cap of PvP throughout entire vanilla WoW, with the addition of arenas in TBC, WoW saw an incredible amount increase in average skill of playerbase. Not to mention that arena is what motivated the most skilled of PvPers to stay with WoW after all those years.



-If I have to handpick the most skilled player in WoW, I have to choose reckful hands down. I consider reckful to be the "pinnacle" of all rogues in WoW in 7 years of its history. Here's reckful's video of himself hitting 3000 rating with 117-4 record, versus other top players in the world. In terms of reaction speed, decision making, multi-tasking, awareness, and execution of strategies it is simply flawless. This video is the result of years of breeding / pitting the best players against each other, and could be what future players of SWTOR can achieve if arenas are added to the game.



[P.S. This video also proves the popularity of arenas. This video has over 2 million views, which makes it by far one of THE most watched WoW videos out there - more views than any of the 'world first kill' videos by any top PVE guilds. If you also see the uploader's (compLexity gaming) channel, it also has more views than all of compLexity gaming's starcraft 2 videos COMBINED.]




5. SWTOR arena will be EASIER to balance than WoW


If you see most popular and overpowered comps throughout WoW, it is usually things such as rogue/mage/priest, rogue/warlock/shaman, paladin/hunter/death knight, mage/warlock/shaman, etc etc.


In SWTOR, we won't see that kind of 'overpowered comps' and "unbeatable synergy" in WoW. Reason why certain classes synergized so well in WoW is because of the CC's and shared diminishing returns system, which caused certain classes to synergize far better with others. Therefore some classes have more viable comps, stronger comps, and inevitable class imbalance.


CC's+DR is one of PRIMARY factors that determined synergy and overpowered comps in WoW.


example: warlock and healer priest could never play in same comp, because both of their CC's shared same DR (fear, psychic scream)




on the other hand, look at MLS, which is currently considered as strongest FOTM comp:


mage = sheep, deep freeze

warlock = fear, howl, deathcoil

shaman = hex


powerful CC's, all on separate DR. extreme synergy and extremely overpowered



On the other hand, SWTOR is based on resolve system, and every class has some sort of stun or CC (on a cooldown). So I dont expect to see such exceptionally strong class synergy between any particular classes. In general, I expect ALL comps to be fully viable and competitive, as long as classes are relatively balanced in 1v1! (important!)



Also, this is my piece of advice to the players that think they cannot succeed in arena without playing overpowered comps:


If you are good, there shouldn't be any comp disadvantage you cannot overcome. This years blizzcon was won by pala+hunter+DK (underpowered comp that no one runs at tournament levels), which ended up defeating top notch mage+lock+shaman (FOTM comp of cataclysm) in DALARAN ARENA (absolutely worst map for hunters).




Below is a screenshot of me beating the same mage+lock+shaman that won 2nd place in blizzcon this year. I was playing on undergeared (1 season behind) DK, running a weaker melee cleave comp (bad vs MLS).





P.S. that is not my DK, it is my guildie's account i was playing on because i was selling him arena rating.





6. Adding arenas will be FINANCIALLY productive for bioware


-Since its launch, Blizzard created 8 objective oriented battlegrounds like warzones in SWTOR. On average they have to constantly add 2~3 per expansion, and they aren't even that popular. Many players only play them to grind honor, and there are lot of bots and AFKers (theyre just that boring!)



-On the other hand, Blizzard added 3 arenas when they were launched in burning crusade expansion, and 2 more (which were unnecessary in my opinion) in WOTLK. Players have enjoyed these same maps for YEARS and they never got old. You never see players that claim arenas are boring and afk them.



-Overall, arena maps are much smaller and EASIER (and probably cheaper) to create than a whole new objective oriented warzone. Blizzard probably invested minuscule amount of capital into arenas compared to battlegrounds and open world PVP, and look what is more popular.



-Blizzard as a company, for some unknown reason, did not appear to like arenas. This is illustrated by their attempt to popularize rated battlegrounds in cataclysm. RBG's have been extremely unpopular in WoW btw, despite Blizzard's best efforts to increase player participation (awarding more conquest point in RBG's than arena per week, etc). Casuals don't like it because of amount of time and effort to find and set up a team. Pros don't like it because its nowhere near competitive as arenas. Despite Blizzard's "best efforts", RBG's have failed to "kill" arenas.


You can devote as much resources to design/program/add as many warzones as you want. They'll all eventually become 'stale' and repetitive after a while, and players will demand addition of new contents. However, every new arena game will appear fresh as players constantly face different opponents and new obstacles to overcome - even if they are held on the same map.


Logistically speaking arenas are cheaper, require less maintenance, and much more effective solution to satisfy PVPers needs than warzones are.


Bioware, just consider arenas as a ONE TIME INVESTMENT that will last for years to come.

Edited by Mirialol
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In OP, I pointed out all the reasons why arena should be added to this game.


This post is my thoughts on HOW arena should be added, and how it should be different from WoW.




1. Arena SHOULD NOT reward players with better gear or advantages of any kind


WoW's battleground gear (honor point gear) was one tier below that of arena gear (conquest point gear)


WoW awarded people with high arena rating with better gear (tier 2 weapon at 2200+ rating etc).


DON'T DO THAT. People don't play arenas for gears. People play arenas for competition. Rewarding gears based on rating would not be good for competition and would cause casual players to become antagonized against arena.


I believe arenas should reward no better gear than warzones. In fact it should be made so that it does not award commendation or valor of any kind.


Warzones should be the platform where people grind their gear. Arena should be a place where people can put their character to the test, once its geared.


From my perspective,


How typical players that claim "arena ruined wow pvp" are born:



1. BillyBob is a casual gamer who doesn't really like competitive games, logs in wow every once in a while to run dungeons and bg's. skillwise he is below average subpar player that doesnt know keybinds, wears wrong gear/enchants, does not know even his own class let alone other 9 classes.


2. BillyBob sees people that wear conquest point gear (arena gear) destroy him in his BG's.


3. BillyBob spams general channel for a teammate to try to grind arena (teammate likewise skill = subpar, no keybind, partially honor farmed gear with wrong gems/enchant) and gets repeatedly crushed at 900~1100 MMR with 30% win ratio


4. After a week or so BillyBob assumes that arena is "unbalanced" and "killed wow pvp" without even realizing his own flaws or bothering to improve his game.


5. BillyBob quits wow, starts playing star wars and constantly posts in forums that "arena destroyed wow pvp" and should never be added to SWTOR.





What should WoW have done differently to prevent this?


Let the casuals play BG. dont make arena award better gears




2. Arena dailies / weeklies


Since SWTOR arena doesn't reward arena points, adding it to the current daily system would be a good idea to encourage participation from large majority of population.


Having large majority of players participate will have two benefits:


*The top players on the ladder can gauge their performance in comparison to all other players.


*More data is generated to see the current state of balance in the game



For this purpose, arena daily/weekly should be something that should be quick and not time consuming - "Win one arena match a day / 5 arena match a week" should suffice.


So in the end, one daily for ilum, one for warzone, and one for arena. Sounds fair.




3. Arena SHOULD reward players with titles and cosmetic changes.


Self explanatory...




4. publicly available data


This coincides with point #3 of my original post.


WoW's arena armory only shows players, teams, and their ratings on the ladder.


But for SWTOR, I think it would be beneficial to show all of the following data publically.


*Rankings of 8 classes according to: percentage frequency in top200 (or whatever rank), DIVIDED overall percentage frequency of class representation on ladder.


Example: 16% of players play Jedi Guardian on ladder. Top200 consist of 28 guardians (14%). 14/16=0.875, thus guardians are below average (1).


*List of most popular team comps on top200 to study class synergies


*Win loss ratio % of every class vs class matchup (for 1v1 arena). There are 8 classes, and therefore 36 (8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1=36) different matchups, including mirrors. This ratio should be updated close to real time and be used as a "balance weight" in 1v1 ladder (explained below!)


*To avoid accounting for data from older balance patches, the data should either be wiped after every major content patch, or it should only show data less than ~1 week old.








5. 1v1 arenas


The goal of 1v1 ladder would be to provide data to help shape 1v1 balance of the game.


I firmly believe given enough time and effort from playerbase/bioware, all 36 matchups in this game can be maintained close to 50:50 (at most 60:40) ratio as possible


1v1 ladder itself can potentially be 'extremely balanced' with weighted point gain/loss system, even if not all matchups are 50:50 balanced (explained below!)




1v1 in this game is not completely balanced, and some classes such as tank assassins and marauders are very powerful in 1v1. How powerful are they? We won't know until we have some numbers generated from 1v1 arenas.


However 1v1 in this game is nowhere near unbalanced as it is on WoW. "Hard counters" exist in WoW - i.e. cataclysm warlock has 0% chance to win against DK, no matter how skilled he is.


I've played and watched streams of many "dueling tournaments" in SWTOR, and haven't seen any such "hard counters". On my focus guardian I've faced and beaten every good tank shadows and sentinels on my server. My belief is that if played correctly without mistakes, all class in game have a fighting chance against any other class in the game. This is why I think 1v1 arena will work in SWTOR although it won't in WoW.


Adding 1v1 arena will be beneficial for promoting 1v1 balance, since we would have raw data and know specifically which matchups are the least balanced. Why should we balance 1v1? If you balance something in a smaller scale, it will most likely be balanced on larger scale. Same reason holds for why all new products of science / technology are experimented and produced on smaller scale before being produced on larger industrial scale.


Thus if something is balanced in 1v1 set up, there is a pretty good chance it will also balanced in 2v2, 3v3, and 8v8. The converse is not true.




Next question is how to balance the 1v1 LADDER (not necessarily the classes) as closely as possible? WEIGHT system!


*Win loss ratio % of every class vs class matchup (for 1v1 arena). There are 8 classes, and therefore 36 (8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1=36) different matchups, including mirrors. This ratio should be updated close to real time and be used as a "balance weight" in 1v1 ladder (explained below!)



EXAMPLE (using one of less balanced case):

Let's say when players of equal rating fights each other, winner wins 100 points and loser loses 100 points maximum. According to live armory, guardians have ~30% win ratio vs shadows. Equally rated guardian and shadow fights in 1v1 arena.


scenario 1: shadow wins. shadow wins 0.3*100 points=30 (weighted) in his rating while guardian loses 30 points.


scenario 2: guardian wins. guardian wins 0.7*100 points=70 (weighted), while shadow loses 70.



A class is "rewarded" for winning a harder battle vs its counter class. Likewise, reward is less if a class ends up beating the class it counters. This approach would allow class distribution on the ladder to be roughly equal even if the matchups themselves aren't completely balanced.


This approach is only valid in 1v1, since there are only 8 classes / 36 matchups to balance. It would be much harder to implement this even in 2v2, since number of comps and matchups increases exponentially with more players.



When balancing actual classes, prioritize fixing most unbalanced matchups first, then see how changes affect other matchups


50:50 = perfect balance - mirror matchup

60:40 = pretty good balance - leave things as is (minimum target goal for all 36 matchups)

70:30 = unbalanced - there are issues to be looked into

>80:<20 = very unbalanced - needs to be fixed first

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Pass on Arenas. NO thank you.


Objective based WZ maps and maybe 1-2 TDM maps > Arenas.


Arenas are breeding grounds for skilled players...but they are also breeding grounds for a terrible community with a dash of class OP outcry.

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Ok, I'll bite.


As a non-WoW player (many other MMOs) how is this arena implemented?


A coliseum arena circle? How many players? Just kill each other once? How does it work?


Yea, you are queued into an arena instance map (usually much smaller than warzone with objects for LOS), and you fight your opponents.


Last person standing wins

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The only thing that kept me playing WoW, and makes me want to go back to WoW with a scroll of rez are arenas. Arenas are insanely fun, and just never get old. All my friends that leveled to 50 with me in swtor quit to go back to WoW just to do arenas. Like the OP said, don't restrict the best gear to the 1% skilled, just allow those of us who enjoy a straight up 3v3, 4v4 deathmatch to have fun with this game.


If you don't enjoy getting pwned in arenas by higher skilled players, don't play arenas, and stick to afk warzones. Those of us who enjoy competition will stick to arenas.

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2. Arenas will help keep PvPers subscribed to this game


-Motivation is what helps keep players subscribed to the game.


We know that most MMORPG designs expect people to stay addicted to the game and keep their subscription through gear progression models. While it is true PVEers are motivated to play the game to constantly obtain better gears that are released in new flashpoint / operations, PVP'ers' brains work differently.


In long story short, PvE'ers are motivated by gear progression. PvP'ers are motivated by competition. (Merely gear progression is not enough)


You can't expect to keep many of the pvp playerbase subscribed to to this game without providing adequate motivation in the form of competition. Without a challenge to prevent them from being bored, most pvpers will simply move on to the next MMO that comes out that has decent PvP (guild wars 2 anyone?). To see why rated warzones will not be good enough, refer to my point #1.



-Arenas will help create a competitive scene and communities such as arenajunkies in WoW. Many of the players there and the top world class WoW players (reckful, hydra, etc) played ARENAS since season 1 of TBC, which is 7+ years. I can't even fathom how any of these players would have stayed with WoW that long, if Blizzard had not added arenas.


Truth. Arena's are pretty much the only reason I played WoW for a very long time. I honestly haven't even logged into SWTOR in over a week, and I don't feel like I'm missing a thing, like I would if I took a week break from WoW.(Keep in mind, for the time period in which I am talking about, the only thing I did in WoW was arenas)

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Arenas put a huge microscope on PvP and force a ton of class balance issues that never really work out. One month there is a super combo and they balance it...the next month there is a new synergy combo and the cycle continues.


Arenas add a microscope we don't need.

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I would have to pass on arena in this also. I spent 4 years playing WoW and after noticing that 70% of all class nerfs were made for arena balance without even looking at pve balance i could really care less about seeing it in another mmo.


Cause the PvE in this game isn't a joke or anything, lol. I'm sure they could nerf all off the classes, and we would still be able to complete the Nightmare OPs.

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I would have to pass on arena in this also. I spent 4 years playing WoW and after noticing that 70% of all class nerfs were made for arena balance without even looking at pve balance i could really care less about seeing it in another mmo.


Arenas put a huge microscope on PvP and force a ton of class balance issues that never really work out. One month there is a super combo and they balance it...the next month there is a new synergy combo and the cycle continues.


Arenas add a microscope we don't need.




that is because blizzard managed pvp side of game very poorly, made none of the data i mentioned publically available, and had no rationale behind nerfs / buffs (developers themselves never pvp'ed i bet)



if they follow all of the steps i illustrated on 2nd post to balance the ladder and classes, we can pretty much ignore every negative side-effect arena had on wow's balance



plus if they add 1v1 ladder with the 'matchup weighting system' i mentioned, there is no possible way it can be unbalanced ladder-wise

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Pass on Arenas. NO thank you.


Objective based WZ maps and maybe 1-2 TDM maps > Arenas.


Arenas are breeding grounds for skilled players...but they are also breeding grounds for a terrible community with a dash of class OP outcry.


ironically 99% of players that post OP outcries in wow forums are casuals who mostly play BG's and never step a foot into arena. (example: blood DKs are so overpowered please nerf!)



top rank1 players usually never post that kind of garbage

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Truth. Arena's are pretty much the only reason I played WoW for a very long time. I honestly haven't even logged into SWTOR in over a week, and I don't feel like I'm missing a thing, like I would if I took a week break from WoW.(Keep in mind, for the time period in which I am talking about, the only thing I did in WoW was arenas)


this x10


Arenas add a microscope we don't need.


But they add a fun factor that players like me need.

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Well written OP.


I have played many MMOS's, including WoW from release. I love PvP, and participated in Arenas in TBC and hovered around 1900 ratings on multiple classes, but I did not like the direction of them towards WotLK an onward. I am actually against Arenas for reasons others have posted above.


Some may say Im a noob, never broke 2K, blah blah...whatever. I enjoyed the competition and playing with my friends regardless if we were not the fotm or even had great synergy as classes together...like I said, I just LOVE pvp.


The way you have it spelled out.... I think I would enjoy arenas in SWTOR. I am just skepticle of the potential changes that could be brought about because of the cries of the people that cant stand to lose because the class they play cannot 1 shot everything.


Anyways... great post. It got me thinking about it. You may have turned an arena hater into an arena advocate.

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oh look, another thread about comprena


You can't throw three 5'10" basketball players on one team and expect to do well. Arena is about skill, comp, and strategy--like nearly every other sport. RMP in WoW would be the triangle in basketball, yes it's been strong and effective for years; however, there are alternatives and many other comps can be successful.

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PVP is my preferred playstyle and I've been known to spend 90% of my time doing it. (As a side-note: I also happen to be female, as are a lot of die-hard PVPers in my acquaintance. What on earth makes you think women aren't competitive?)


I personally prefer objective based open world PVP over all. Realm versus realm. Going into enemy lands, not knowing how many the other side has, where they'll be waiting for you, or whether or not they could get reinforcements, trying to outsmart them, actually using strategy and tactics. That, to me, is PVP. Wagames, by whatever name, are a nice diversion, especially the bigger battles (which SWTOR sadly doesn't have), but it's not as challenging.


Arena though... meh. Fixed numbers against fixed numbers, strict rules... totally not my thing, and definitely not something that will attract me to a game or will keep me in one. And I strongly dislike the attitudes you get from some arena players. They wind up in a pvp zone, and start bleating 'you cheat' when you e.g. use potions in PVP. (No duh, I play to win, and I'll use anything allowed under the game mechanics to do so). Or they die in a PVP zone and go 'you are all $&*$ for ganking me 3 v 1, I demand you fight me 1v1. (Uhm, no, get with the program. This isn't a duelling zone, it's a PVP zone, and PVP just happened.).

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In a balanced game i love the concept of arenas, heck even loved it in wow when i was playign that game. Id defo want to see it in swotor aslong as the rewards are purely cosmetic and bragging rights. And i also believe itll attract a bigger crowd, wich if you look at the different servers is welcome. But theres alot of things that need to be sorted before they can even consider adding arenas, performance, some classes with bugged skills ect, combat log?????!!!! Still id love to play some arenas again!
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As a multi-gladiator warrior from WoW, I can tell you now this game is not ready for Arena. I enjoy the pvp in this game a lot, but this game doesn't even have macros to support focus targets and the character interaction still feels clunky, keybinds sometimes don't go off, etc. Unless you're wanting to treat it like skimishes then Arena would just put the imbalances of these classes under more scrutiny.
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As a multi-gladiator warrior from WoW, I can tell you now this game is not ready for Arena. I enjoy the pvp in this game a lot, but this game doesn't even have macros to support focus targets and the character interaction still feels clunky, keybinds sometimes don't go off, etc. Unless you're wanting to treat it like skimishes then Arena would just put the imbalances of these classes under more scrutiny.



yea i posted this with assumption that these UI issues / lack of macros and combat logs will be fixed in near future


but speaking class balancewise, swtor now is no worse than beginning of TBC

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Was going to come in and reject, I then read the reasons why arenas should be allowed and softened my ideas. After reading your suggestions for improvement over WoW's arena, I would LOVE these ideas to be implemented. Only problem is that the 1v1 arena will inspire some EXTREME QQ.


I can see terrible players que-ing in and getting wrecked by some class, then coming here to cry NERF. If the 1v1 arenas would be going against people with similar rankings/records (or maybe just not save the records for 1v1, TF2 got it right when they didn't have a K/D).

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