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Why does the ship leave the planet when I enter it?


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Yes, and perhaps my last comment on this - as a long time game designer myself - is that the design decision was a lazy, poor one. They can easily do better. That isn't an insult. The rigours of production often force such decisions, especially on a project of this size and scale. However, it's easily fixed, and I sincerely hope they revisit it.
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if they made the ship part of the dock instance maybe they could have your crew be standing around outside the ship till you are ready to take off. Maybe have a few of them over talking to the dock workers or helping work on the ship.


qft... :)


Also, just have an open door, not instanced, walk in, walk around, do whatever, talk to companions where ever they are on the dock, in the ship.. it could vary.

Edited by Meldwyn
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It actually wouldn't involve that.


Situation A)

Enter Ship. Do Stuff. Leave. No cutscenes needed.


Situation B)

Enter Ship. Select Destination. Ship takes off and flies to destination (cutscene).


The only thing removing auto take off does is remove un-needed cutscenes if you aren't planning on leaving the planet.


Would be cool with A) to see the insid of the Angar in front of the doors, e.g. the ships interior is part of the "Hangar" Set.


You press controls on the bridge, get the Start-Cinematics, and then change to the "in Space" mode we have now. Press controls again to get landing cinematics, then change to the Hangar-Ship Instance again.

That solution would only rework the Hangar-Scenes to include the Ships interior.

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You do that already, that's why it's confusing. If you want to go anywhere you choose a location via the galaxy map. Just make the ship "take" off once you've chosen this new location. As it is now, there are two instances of "taking off" - one when you enter the ship (illogically), and another when you choose a new location on the galaxy map.


It's funny, that's exactly how it worked in KOTOR so I don't understand the reasoning behind the method currently in game. I remember I had to go onto my ship simply to talk to someone for my story quest, and get right back off to continue questing. Apparently I need to take off for that...?

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You are really over-thinking this. I just want my ship to only launch when I tell it to, and for me to be able to enter it without it auto-launching. It's not really rocket science, and is a simple design change.




Game design 101, how simple a fix seems from the user point of view is rarely related to how easy the fix is.


All the "easy" fixes suggested here are either terrible hack jobs, or are just swapping one issue for another.

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Game design 101, how simple a fix seems from the user point of view is rarely related to how easy the fix is.


All the "easy" fixes suggested here are either terrible hack jobs, or are just swapping one issue for another.


Dude, no offense, but you're wrong on this. I've been designing games for over a decade including 3 years on an MMO. I'm familiar with the in's and out's of game engines, art requirements, render issues, server/client issues, memory issues yadda yadda. This is a simple fix that *probably* requires something else be adjusted which the current implementation is covering - I'm betting a tech issue to do with their area loading and cutscenes. It's almost certainly at least partly a stylistic design choice as well, as it "syncs" with the tube shooter paradigm the space combat is slotted into. It's still a bad choice. But whatever, and peace. I just hope they decide to listen and fix it.

Edited by kmontyw
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Because it is a transporting vehicle.


Do you ever go to your car, listen to music and get back to your home ?


But when 1.2 comes ships will be more than just being a transporting vehicle.

At that time you will be right.


By the way, we need some serious server merging operations !!!

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Because it is a transporting vehicle.


Do you ever go to your car, listen to music and get back to your home ?


But when 1.2 comes ships will be more than just being a transporting vehicle.

At that time you will be right.


By the way, we need some serious server merging operations !!!


There are many reasons to go to your ship. There are QUEST reasons to do it for a start (use your Hologram etc.) There are storage reasons to do it regularly (use your ship's storage for crafting components and free up inventory space), and there are Companion reasons (sometimes your ship is the closest "quiet" place in which to trigger a companion conversation). There are "fun" reasons as well. The ships are beautifully implemented spaces, and it's cool to just hang out there at times. It would be even better if you could chat while there.


But apart from that, it's simply an illogical implementation, and breaks suspension of disbelief in the game world. That alone is a big enough reason to change it.

Edited by kmontyw
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I will one up you ... why does it cut to me standing by the exit facing the door? I just got on my ship, odds are I want to move away from the door when I get inside.



Your closing and locking the door in preparation for lift off and travel through a hostile environment :D

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It's more INSANITY!


It still amazes me the lack of logic applied to situations like this.


It gives the game another "meh... it's good enough for now" feeling :confused:


I feel about the same... I wish it was different than it is, I want to go to my ship, decide myself when/if to launch it, etc.

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I hate that it takes off and then cuts to me standing by the exit. "Mako! Get away from those controls!"


Worse yet when she wants your ship repainted because it doesn't match her new fingernail polish. :D


@ OP definitely agree with you. The illogical sequence has bugged me from nearly day 1 of playing.

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I think the reason we see this is because the galaxy map serves as a doorway into other instances; you need to be in space to cross this instance from map to map--like clicking on a glowing door.


Why they couldn't have come up with a more streamlined version of the whole process is beyond me...


For example, what they could do is de-instance the ship interiors and make them a part of the hangar maps themselves. It would be nice to pass through the green wall into the hangar and walk right up the ramp into the ship without having to click on a glowing door at all. Then, when you access the navcomputer, the ship takes off and you can decide which system to travel to. The player chooses when to go into space and make the cross from system instance to system instance.

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I am intreged about what people are doing that requires them to be in their ships so much. There are 3 things that you can only do on ships, 1) companion talks post getting the thing 2) interstellar travel 3) space combat. Only 1 makes any sense to want to be on the ground anyway.



My smuggler has to go backt o her ship CONSTANTLY during her class quests to talk to Risha (before she is a companion).


Every single time I have to reload the planet after updating the quest by talking to her.


F***ing annoying to no end.


And the companion talks should still be able to be done in a cantina (specifically so i don't have to keep reloading planets). Another example of the Devs lack of thinking things through.


None of this would really bother me that much if the engine didn't suck at loading. I have 8 gigs of memory and a SSD that reads over 550MB/s. The game usually consumes 1.6GB of my RAM (maxed at 2GB due to being 32bit). At that rate it should be able to load the ENTIRE game into RAM in about 3 secs (and most other games do), yet SWTOR still takes 20-30 secs on average and some planets take almost a minute to load.


It was completely horrible when I was using a normal HDD. I'm not sure how anyone tolerates it.

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Do you ever go to your car, listen to music and get back to your home ?


Did you ever realize you left something in your car, but couldn't just get it out of the trunk, so you got in, drove around the block, came home, then took it out of the trunk?

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I would rather have 2 options...


If I clicked on the DOOR to enter, just as I do now, it does what it always has... leaves.


This keeps it the same for those who don't want it to "change".




Option 2


Next to the door is a panel I can click on... doing so puts me inside the ship, but the ship doesn't take off, or leave it's parking space.



I'd love this. Please......

Edited by FooBard
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It's because bioware think players are to stupid to click buttons in cockpit when they want to land/takeoff. This is why when landing=door hmm must be exit=leave ship as in landing getting away from ship yeah door means leave.......................................


So yeah pretty dumb solution even a 5 year old can understand.

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Imagine how pleased you will be in the future when they take the training wheels off of ship flight and combat in an expansion. :D


It's not a case of "When"....it's a caes of "If".


And besides some people may be long gone before that arrives.

Edited by Tarka
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This is tremendously annoying to me as well. Especially in the smuggler storyline. You have to go back and forth to your ship several times per planet ("return to Risha" etc). Hey I just want to walk onto my ship and talk to a crewmate. I don't want to leave the planet. I also don't want to sit through the really long loading screen when I have to re-land on the planet.
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