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Does Anyone Else Think...


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That the chat wheel options should be alot more accurate to what your character actually says after you have clicked it?


Sometimes when I click an option I have to go back and check I actually clicked the right one because what is said is alot more formal/casual than what I actually clicked on.


For instance if your character is going to say, "you'll be dead before you even have the chance" why can't they just have You will be dead before... as the option on the wheel?


I know it probably isn't a huge thing but gaining affection with your companions would be alot less trial & error if they just put half of what is actually said as the option instead of a representation of it.


Is it just me? or?



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I had to start conversations over a couple of times on my first play through because of this.


*clicks "Very well"*


*Character blurts out "What the hell does this have to do with me?! I want money!"*


After awhile I just decided that my character on occasion forgets to take his medication and has little moments.

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I had to start conversations over a couple of times on my first play through because of this.


*clicks "Very well"*


*Character blurts out "What the hell does this have to do with me?! I want money!"*


After awhile I just decided that my character on occasion forgets to take his medication and has little moments.


LOL :ph_lol:

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To answer the topic...


No, I would say that most people don't. Which explains a lot about the world we live in. ;)


To answer your question.


On my characters, I never ran across a case where what I picked was completely different then what he said, even if it wasn't exactly the same. But the general idea was always pretty close.


Course maybe other classes/genders/races may be different.

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Why does it even need to be a wheel?


There's only ever 3 options right?


Why can't it be a triangle?


A wheel with only three option looks pretty lame to me.


Because someday if they add convos with 4 options, the self-entitled idjits on theses forums would scream bloody murder about how BioWare changed their triangle to a rectangle.

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I MUCH prefer DragonAge2's solution. It's a system that's very similar to the one in SWTOR (for obvious reasons) but where we occasionally see the LS/DS symbols to indicate points gain, the system in DA2 will show an icon representing the "tone" of what a response is, in case you're not sure. Thus you get a smirking face for a snarky response, coins for responses demanding payment, a flexing bicep to indicate a "strong" response, a halo and wings indicating a carebear reply.


While I don't necessarily want a copy/paste from DA2 into SWTOR, I think it'd be nice to have some kind of tone indicator, because there have been several times that the response from my character didn't match what I thought it was going to be.

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I've ran into similar situations like the OP has. However, I never cared if I lost companion points though. The only thing I wanted to ensure was that I got points in the light side or dark side depending on the character (but that is pretty hard to mess up since it tells you)


I would recommend though, instead of a brief description that sometimes is too vague to predict what might be said....I rather see a mood option. Or something that dictates "how" you would say something rather than "what". For example:


From a previous poster's example


Change from 1. Very Well (selection)

to 1. Greedy


---> Character says, "What the hell does this have to do with me?! I want money!"


Anyways, just a though.

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It is a little funny, very occasionally what my character says is not even close to what I thought I was selecting.


Happens quite often, and I'm more bored by having to start over conversations to protect my companions innocent ears or to have to send to sell trash or dismiss them while the adults are talking. I'd much rather have the text match the voice over, though I only really notice during class quests at this point since I space bar through the rest.

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I understand why they do it, and it's fine.


But what I would 'like' to see is the option to turn on seeing +/- companion affection with each pick, just like we can turn on seeing light/dark on each choice (which was done presumably to assist people who like to press 1-2-3 to respond rather than use the mouse over the wheel, which shows the light/dark choice in the center as you hover).


In cases where the companion is out and it only affects them, it wouldn't need to show the 'who' so much, but there rare often interactions on the ship that affect two or more companions at the same time, so there we'd need to see everyone.

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That the chat wheel options should be alot more accurate to what your character actually says after you have clicked it?


Sometimes when I click an option I have to go back and check I actually clicked the right one because what is said is alot more formal/casual than what I actually clicked on.


For instance if your character is going to say, "you'll be dead before you even have the chance" why can't they just have You will be dead before... as the option on the wheel?


I know it probably isn't a huge thing but gaining affection with your companions would be alot less trial & error if they just put half of what is actually said as the option instead of a representation of it.


Is it just me? or?




Its not just you.

The wheel options are not suggestive, but that bothers me less than the fact that the options have no real consequences 99% of the time.

Affection with companions is not an issue, give them presents.

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