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Where do lightsabers go from here?


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Ok so the colors are already bring, magenta was lame, republic complained and got purple on vendors, and white!! How does bioware keep weapons interesting for force users? Im shadow and at this point would rather be using some huge pimp war staff, then a lightsaber. You can only do so many colors before your team needs to get creative with hilts and different takes on lightsaber weapons I think.




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Have you ever paid attention to some of the hilts that are out there? Most of them are pretty ******.


As for the color crystal, yea there is only a certain amount they can use. Do want BW to create new colors or something?

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Dude a light saber is already the most exciting weapon ever. How can you improve on that you ask? You simply cannot.


As far as hilts go I agree. There are already many hilts in the game. A wide selection, and it is enough for any fan to find one he loves.


From what I've heard (though not making any assumptions): in the next major patch custom items will be able to be modded to be as good as the epic ones. Also mods from epic items will be removable on light sabers as such. That's why the color crystals were released in the shop.


The last part I can almost completely say is true.

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Let level 400 artifice make lightsaber hilts that actually effect the look of the weapon. Perhaps even have mods and enhancements have a physical appearance as well.


Another idea is to keep that state of the art sound production team working on new lightsaber ignition sounds. Something like certain combos of hilt and color crystal make different ignition sounds.


And the last idea I got, is to enable legacy XP to level your weapon's DPS, sort of like the legendary weapons in LOTRO.

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Eventually they are gonna have to mess w/ the shape of the light beam, plain and simple, that or people will begin to migrate towards things like staffs and blades.. I know light sabers are canon and all, and considered "sacred" by some. But people like to stick out and be different. At some point they are going to have to make a hard choice between sticking 100% to canon or venturing outside the box enough to make sabers more appealing as time goes on.
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