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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

4 Questions for the casual gamers!


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I guess I was a bit unclear - with what I meant and by my tone. I'm not *angry* - mostly tired and resigned to the fact that BW and the community are bound and determined to keep the game too casual for people like me to really enjoy in the long term.


What I meant by that statement, was that when people like *me* ask for things like addons, macros, combat-logs (global) and meters, for example, we get throngs of people who rally against us "elitists, hard-cores, etc" when they, as shown in this thread by the play styles and progression of the players who label *themselves* as casual - none of these things would have any effect on them at all - but they would deny us these tools.


My comment certainly was off topic... and for that I'll apologize.


I just feel that there is a place for BOTH camps in this game... we shall see. ;)


Ah ok lol.


Then you have my full support for those things, honestly the game should be more than fine for casuals, but they need to do a lot more for you end game peeps.

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Do you currently find that end game is to easy?


I think using the term easy is subjective. I don't think it's easy. I'm enjoying it.



Did you think the leveling was to quick?


Nope, I only play about 5 hrs a day on the weekends only, so my time is spread out, and I still have no lvl 50 yet.



Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?


No, not there yet


Question from Evironrage I thought needed to be added

I have an additional question for the casuals. Would a more difficult lvling process have put

you off from continuing to play?


Hmm, depends on the type of difficulty. As it is now with my limited playtimes, I think it's already as it should be. Like I said, I'm enjoying it. It challenges me just enough to not get angry about it.


Is this your first MMO?


Oh no. I've been all over the MMO map - SWG, Conan, WoW, CoH, EVE, EQ2, etc.

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Do you currently find that end game is to easy?

No idea, see below


Did you think the leveling was to quick?

Felt about right to me, wouldn't mind if it was way longer, provided there was more story content to compensate.


Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?

Nope, have no desire to. Flashpoints seem like just a huge time sink and I don't even imagine myself trying an operation. If all Flashpoints were more story driven, like the first one for each side, I would've probably gone through the effort of clearing all of them at least once.


Would a more difficult lvling process have put you off from continuing to play?

Doubt it, but the difficulty felt about right for solo player. It was too easy with groups of two or three.


Is this your first MMO?


Edited by bbobsan
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Do you currently find that end game is to easy?


Yes. too easy for a new release.


Did you think the leveling was to quick?


Yes. Im a really causal player and im levelling some alts b4 hit 50 in order to understand which class i play better. Too quick to level


Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?


No. but im not an endgame fan. I was in the past but except with friends or guildies raids arent fun (i hate gogogogogogogoggogogo boyz)



Is this your first MMO?


Nope. im not a EVE\EQ1\EQ2\AOC\WOW player but ive some experience



Just curious as i'm not a casual player of mmos but a hardcore player that has unlimited game time. Since causals are taking over the mmo market i'm just curious if you guys think this mmo is way to easy, or if your happy with the current difficulty?


as i said is too simple for me: "death from above. blast blast blast". maybe too linear in combat.


Dont get me wrong I still love the game, i'm just hoping that operations start getting more challenging for people like myself.

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Do you currently find that end game is too easy?

Can't answer. Haven't done any of it, even though I've been 50 for a couple of months. Got to 50, said 'wow, that's it?'. Wasn't interested in PvP or 'endgame' (and repeating the same handful of quests/Ops/FPs ad infinitum). Since I play for exploration/story/crafting/etc., I started alts.


Did you think the leveling was too quick?

Leveling was hyped-up, super-adrenaline, cracked-out, ADD speed. So, um, yes. Quite. Speedy leveling doesn't excite me, it feels like I'm having progression rammed down my throat instead of naturally improving. Maybe if I'd only been able to play in 30 minute (hour tops!) spurts once or perhaps twice a week, it would have felt ok, but I do play more than that.


Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?

Nope. As stated above, I haven't done any of it. Semi-interested, but it seems all that's being run at the times that I'm looking are hard modes instead of normal modes, so I just keep playing my alts.


Question from Evironrage I thought needed to be added

I have an additional question for the casuals. Would a more difficult lvling process have put you off from continuing to play?

Depends on what is meant by 'more difficult'. 'More difficult' as in needing a full group for every single quest? Then, yes I would have been put off. Don't mind grouping, love it in fact, but don't want to have to do it for everything. 'More difficult' as in leveling takes longer? No, I would have loved that, I would have been far more invested because of that, but it would have meant that BioWare needed two to three times the amount of quests (and voice overs and everything that comes with it). It's no surprise BioWare decided to go with fast leveling is in this game, due to their extra costs and extra work for creating even one simple quest. So what was meant by 'more difficult'?


Is this your first MMO?

No. I've been an MMO junkie since 1999 and the original EverQuest.

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Do you currently find that end game is to easy?

No, I cannot say that as I am only 24th level. Started 3 weeks ago. Play approx 1 hour daily.

The question however is WHAT is the ”end-game”. The end of particular character story?

That’s what I woudl consider being an ”end game”.



Did you think the leveling was to quick?


Not at all, but that depends on the story. What I mean is I cannot asses it yet, I am more than ”casual’ player, have little time and If I have to spend hours on killing the same mobs to get required points to level up, it gets really annoying. The level should come up with fulfilling the quests.



Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?


See above.


additional question for the casuals. Would a more difficult lvling process have put you off from continuing to play?


As stated in posts above, if ”more difficult leveling” means the necessity of playing with others: YES.

In fact, if I can’t play alone, I would have not bought the game.


More to that: I have no experience in MMOs, was ALWAYS single player, and I enjoy it this way. I am here for the story and not for better gear or bigger ship. I played almost every game that was produced in SW universe (except those released only on consoles) and simply none of them were for multilayer.


Anyone remembering Jedi Outcast or even Dark Forces? If yes, you may understand where I come from.

Edited by Przemo_No
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Yeah as a hard core player leveling was to fast for me, it would be cool if it would have taken a month to see the first 50s, I think the planets would be a lot more populated then.


I'm always of the opinion that when things come to easily people lose interest, even though they think they want everything now now now.


why are you even in this thread then if it's a question for casual players?

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Do you currently find that end game is to easy?

My main is lvl 49 atm, can't say


Did you think the leveling was to quick?



Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?

No (see question 1)


I have an additional question for the casuals. Would a more difficult lvling process have put

you off from continuing to play?

No, in my opionion "casual" doesn't mean that you don't want a challenge. I'm doing most of the levelling without companion support to handle this, or just log on EvE for a while.

I consider myself casual since I usually only have 15 hrs a week to play - you know work, family, paint the house, pay the bills, do the laundry, walk the dogs, bark at the moon etc.


Is this your first MMO?

No, the most "known" titles I've touched:

SWG 2 years

EQ2 1 year

Vanguard beta + 1 year live

GW 1 week

Warhammer beta + 3 months live

WoW 6 years

Fallen Earth beta + 6 months live

Eve Online 3 years (still playing)

Rift beta

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Do you currently find that end game is to easy?


- I'm an old hardcore turned to casual so I can say yes, it's easy for me but quite hard for the inexperienced.



Did you think the leveling was to quick?


- Nope, not at all. 9 days /played is a lot for me.


Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?


- Haven't done any OPs. And HMs can't be considered easy mode but I've cleared most.


Question from Evironrage I thought needed to be added

I have an additional question for the casuals. Would a more difficult lvling process have put you off from continuing to play?


- Nope not at all.


Is this your first MMO?


- No.

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Do you currently find that end game is to easy?


- Yeah after playing many MMO's this game is to easy


Did you think the leveling was to quick?


- I levelled fast, wasnt into the story, took me just under 6 days to get to max


Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?


- Cleared all ops on HM, its a dps race, the mechanics of the fights are very basic


Is this your first MMO?


- No.

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im a casual gamer, but I havent even tried all the endgame content because I cant find people to play with.

People on my server are hardcore mmo nerds who doesnt understand human interaction very well


That seems a contradiction in terms...hardcore MMOers would be the type that supported heavy grouping content.


At least that's how I've always seen it defined.


Or do I misunderstand you?

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Do you currently find that end game is to easy?



Did you think the leveling was to quick?



Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?


Question from Evironrage I thought needed to be added

I have an additional question for the casuals. Would a more difficult lvling process have put

you off from continuing to play?


Is this your first MMO?



Just curious as i'm not a casual player of mmos but a hardcore player that has unlimited game time. Since causals are taking over the mmo market i'm just curious if you guys think this mmo is way to easy, or if your happy with the current difficulty?


Dont get me wrong I still love the game, i'm just hoping that operations start getting more challenging for people like myself.


Hello.. I'm Mr social casual..


1) I find end game to be a boring grind.. I hate the philosophy of tier grind progression end game.. For me I want more of a dynamic sandbox for end game..


2) I would of liked to see leveling slowed a lil more.. about 100% slower atleast.. Why? Because I would like to get some USE out of the items I craft or received as a reward for longer then it is currently.. Why bother reverse engineer anything 1-49??? However, to compensate this, I would tweak general quest to be "turn in" repeatable and remove all lockouts on heroics..


3) No, I have not cleared all content.. I have not done any raids because today's raid mechanics discourage PUG'ing.. so unless you are more dedicated to the raid concept and guild, the success of raiding is zippo..


4) I've been playing MMO's since EQ in late 1999, before Kunark .. IMO.. EQ1's raid concepts are the BEST so far that I've experienced.. Only tweak I would do there is make ToV raids in SoV expansion instanced.. I'm not a fan of EQ1 after the PoP expansion.. BAD MOVE SOE.. 2nd Best Raid was vanilla WoW MC 40 mans.. Only thing I would tweak there is remove the 40 person limit..


I loathe the concept that a raid is treated with "limited" seating.. Sorry, the raid if full, bugger off.... How social is that? and How fair is that to those you suppose to call FRIENDS? This isn't a sports game

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I am a casual player due to time constraints. In Vanilla/BC WoW I was a hardcore raider- but real life then took over. :)


Do you currently find that end game is to easy?

I find that endgame is repetitive. I haven't raided yet, but that's a population issue as I am dedicated to my guild and we play republic and just haven't gotten our act together yet. Currently am pvping and I enjoy it- for the most part.



Did you think the leveling was to quick?

Yes and no. I would have liked more "content" for sure- but not more grinding. When companies try to slow down leveling they often include the latter instead of the former. (Aion for example).



Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?

As mentioned above, no. Again, time constraints and population.


Question from Evironrage I thought needed to be added

I have an additional question for the casuals. Would a more difficult lvling process have put

you off from continuing to play?

No. I like difficulty. Challenge does not always equal time however. I also want to say that as a healer, I liked having a companion- it was nice to stay specced as a healer throughout my leveling experience and not feel SO SLOW. Also, Aion took way more time to level- but it was not "more difficult" it was just more boring.....killing mob after mob after mob to grind out a ridiculous amount of xp with repeatable turn in quests. I would literally spend an entire evening doing that. I'm all for more difficulty- I like having to figure things out and plan a strategy to beat mobs or group up to do it- I don't like grind.


Is this your first MMO?

No- Played WoW, Warhammer, and Aion. Beta tested Vanguard, Lotro, Gods and Heroes etc...

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Do you currently find that end game is to easy?


not at endgame yet. my highest toon is lvl 34.



Did you think the leveling was to quick?


its slow redundant and boring in some spots actually.



Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?


again, not at endgame yet. im casual..most casuals arent at endgame yet.


Question from Evironrage I thought needed to be added

I have an additional question for the casuals. Would a more difficult lvling process have put

you off from continuing to play?


if it were still entertaining, no.


Is this your first MMO?


nope. ive played eq2, coh, D&D, gw, dcuo(currently still playing), aion, wow(currently still playing), now this.



Just curious as i'm not a casual player of mmos but a hardcore player that has unlimited game time. Since causals are taking over the mmo market i'm just curious if you guys think this mmo is way to easy, or if your happy with the current difficulty?


Dont get me wrong I still love the game, i'm just hoping that operations start getting more challenging for people like myself.


i think a lot in this game is a bit tedious, but i also like a lot about it too, otherwise i wouldnt still be playing.


by the way. a games difficulty has nothing to do with whether a casual will play it. although it seems to have a lot to do with whether a hardcore will get mad over it. just sayin..kinda noticed a bit of passive agressive rage hidden in your questions.

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Do you currently find that end game is to easy? Nope.



Did you think the leveling was to quick? Nope.



Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode? Nope.


Question from Evironrage I thought needed to be added

I have an additional question for the casuals. Would a more difficult lvling process have put

you off from continuing to play? Yes, if people want it harder they can make it harder by not using stims, companions, food, medpacs, skills, armour, etc. Easy to make harder, not so easy the other way around.


Is this your first MMO? nope



Just curious as i'm not a casual player of mmos but a hardcore player that has unlimited game time. Since causals are taking over the mmo market i'm just curious if you guys think this mmo is way to easy, or if your happy with the current difficulty?


Dont get me wrong I still love the game, i'm just hoping that operations start getting more challenging for people like myself.


Have you tried using all the ways I said you can make it harder?

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Do you currently find that end game is to easy?


- Yeah after playing many MMO's this game is to easy


Did you think the leveling was to quick?


- I levelled fast, wasnt into the story, took me just under 6 days to get to max


Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?


- Cleared all ops on HM, its a dps race, the mechanics of the fights are very basic


Is this your first MMO?


- No.


.... This is not a Casual Ganer.


Casual Gamers do not complete leveling in 6 days.

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.... This is not a Casual Ganer.


Casual Gamers do not complete leveling in 6 days.




Shows you that there are wildly different perceptions about what is meant by a gamer that is 'casual' or 'hardcore'. Probably why any such discussion is essentially meaningless.

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Do you currently find that end game is to easy?

let you kow when i get there


Did you think the leveling was to quick?




Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?

none, even when i get there. End game is...umm...the END of the game. I'll roll another alt and enjoy the journey again. Mindless repetition of content for new gear is not fun or challenging, I don't care how many people are required to group to do it


Question from Evironrage I thought needed to be added

I have an additional question for the casuals. Would a more difficult lvling process have put

you off from continuing to play?

no, since all I do is level them, i would enjoy a little more challenge to it.


Is this your first MMO?

not even close. maybe 50th or possibly higher. I lost count a long time ago


Just curious as i'm not a casual player of mmos but a hardcore player that has unlimited game time. Since causals are taking over the mmo market i'm just curious if you guys think this mmo is way to easy, or if your happy with the current difficulty?


Dont get me wrong I still love the game, i'm just hoping that operations start getting more challenging for people like myself.


I don't classify hardcore/casual by how much time they put in a game, more the effort they put into a game. I'm casual because i don't play 20 hours a day (maybe 1-2 upto 4 on weekends)? I would still rather have a challenging involved game.



edit for typos...

Edited by Kendakon
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I have not done any raids because today's mmo players discourage PUG'ing anything slightly complicated..


Fixed that for ya.


There are no mechanics in this game that a pug couldn't handle as long as they each know their roles and do their jobs. The only thing preventing pugs from clearing this endgame content are the pugs. These boss fights are the easiest I've seen in a long time. It's probably not fair of you to say that this endgame prevents pugging when you clearly state you haven't even tried any of it.

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Hi, Im a casual


Wait. There are people who already got to level 50?


rofl, of course not...im still lost on Coruscant....so many people there and the locations...dude...its awesome....so many cabs drivin arround there...its....its....omg....its a trap!


im still lvl 12 bcause i just want to explore the city...i guess 2 month on Coruscant is normal.

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I am on the upper side of casual and the very lower side of hardcore. The thing is I solo a lot of the game and I do not belong to a guild. I didn’t find it easy and I like the end game story for the most part. I have not done many of the FP’s due to the fact that they are hard to get into without a guild or a large group of friends that play this game and I don’t have that. Social lvl is still at 1. It’s hard to find groups for FP’s and heroics.

If anything I feel almost cheated because of the hardcore players and the gear that they get. That make the rest of us look silly or like noobs or people that don’t play as much. I would like more for a person like me who solos but I know that will not happen. I happy with the pace of the game and the content that they plan on putting out for a game that has only been out 3 months.

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