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4 Questions for the casual gamers!


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Do you currently find that end game is to easy?


Far to easy, i would say i am a hardcore but with limited time to play. But my guild as cleared EV Norm/HM/NM very easly and have cleared KP Norm/HM and 4/5 NM pretty easly as well.



Did you think the leveling was to quick?


I found it a little fast when i was lvl'ing my Mara (first 50) but going back now i find it a bit slower. Probably cuz it kinda bores me now...



Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?




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Whats missing for me in this game is being able to show off rare gear I think, I hate that you can see all the tier gear on vendors. It more fun to me to see the gear off the boss, stuff that everybody and there mothers haven't wardrobed. But im a lost breed of gamer I guess.

Because you want to show off ? I think you are not in the minority :p


But the point is, all of you want to be *the one* who shows off. Which puts the game designers in a bind if they want to please all of you :)


If you climb the mountain and reach the summit, does it matter if someone did it before ? Does it matter if someone will do it after you ?


IMHO, no. The only thing that matters is the mountain and you.

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Do you currently find that end game is to easy?


I wouldn't know. I haven't gotten there yet. I haven't done any Hard Mode Flashpoints, participated in a single level 50 Warzone, and have only tried Eternity Vault once. It was a massacre.



Did you think the leveling was to quick?


Not at all. I've got one 50, a 48, a 32, a 26, and a whole swarm of others between 11-16 (about 10 of them). I've also yet to complete Voss on any character, so I still have two more planets to explore. The levelling takes a good amount of time unless you are the typical MMO player that goes from mission to mission to mission to mission to mission with no break in between, negligible crafting, no RP (obviously optional), and no helping out others. I frequently do a planet's heroic missions 4-5 times while filling in for guildmates or rounding out random groups to help out.



Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?


No, I have not.



Just curious as i'm not a casual player of mmos but a hardcore player that has unlimited game time. Since causals are taking over the mmo market i'm just curious if you guys think this mmo is way to easy, or if your happy with the current difficulty?


I wouldn't say the game is hard. It can have a few hiccups for certain ACs from time to time, but it's usually quite manageable. I'm happy with it. If I wanted to struggle in a game, then I'd turn around to my PS3 and play Dark Souls.

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Why would a casual care about endgame?


We want to do things once and then move on to something else we haven’t seen (or a variation on something we have seen).


End game is meant to be a long slow grind for gear, and that's best left to those who feel a need to play a game where they can grind for 60+ hours a week to 'keep up' with their gear.


The 'story mode' endgame operations and 8 different character stories should keep us busy till the next expansion.


By the way, I went from being a 'hardcore' player to being a 'casual' when I got engaged. I figured a wife and kids were more important than keeping my raid schedule. I had pretty much written off MMOs as an unnecessary time sink until TOR came out and had the type of interesting content I could do at my leisure.

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Originally Posted by kelvaen

Whats missing for me in this game is being able to show off rare gear I think, I hate that you can see all the tier gear on vendors. It more fun to me to see the gear off the boss, stuff that everybody and there mothers haven't wardrobed. But im a lost breed of gamer I guess.


Because you want to show off ? I think you are not in the minority :p


But the point is, all of you want to be *the one* who shows off. Which puts the game designers in a bind if they want to please all of you :)


If you climb the mountain and reach the summit, does it matter if someone did it before ? Does it matter if someone will do it after you ?


IMHO, no. The only thing that matters is the mountain and you.


Very well said...I agree completely.

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1) Endgame? What Endgame? Due to Server population declining it is difficult to get Ops running

2) Leveling was actually quite fun then u reach the magic 50 all of the sudden you realize that you have nothing left to do basically

3) Cleared nothing due to swindling Amount of Players on my Server

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Do you currently find that end game is to easy?


Did you think the leveling was to quick?


Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?



To answer your questions:


1. Haven't reached the endgame content yet. My toons are: 44, 36, 28, and 23. I started about 2 weeks after release.


2. I think the leveling is about right. It's fast but not incredibly fast for how much I play.


3. See answer #1

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No to all 3 questions although I haven’t really seen any end game.

Made it to level 47 before I chucked in the towel and played from early access too.

Game is great up to around level 25 then the quests get very samey the story fizzles out and the mobs just get harder to kill.

Lack of a lfg tool like WoW is also another gripe because if you only play 2 hours spending most of that finding a group isn’t fun.

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I'm a casual player, been playing since early access.



Do you currently find that end game is to easy?

I wouldn't know, i'm still at level 40


Did you think the leveling was to quick?

HELL yeah



Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?

Still at 40, haven't done any yet.



Just curious as i'm not a casual player of mmos but a hardcore player that has unlimited game time. Since causals are taking over the mmo market i'm just curious if you guys think this mmo is way to easy, or if your happy with the current difficulty?


Dont get me wrong I still love the game, i'm just hoping that operations start getting more challenging for people like myself.

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I was in the first day of early access, and during the holidays played a fair amount. In the last 2 months work has picked up and weeks have gone by without playing.


I have a consular and commando in the high 30s, and a commando in the 20s to play with my son. Leveling has been just right for my taste. I need to pay attention, and still die once in a while when I get surprised or pull too large a group by mistake. I am having a lot of fun. No hurry to get to 50. I have mostly played alone so few heroics and few flashpoints. Once I get a few friends to play with that should change.


I think I am probably the target audience for this game. I doubt I will ever clear level 50 hard mode or above if they are as hard as cataclysm hard modes, but will clear a few. I will probably never do more than story mode operations, as I doubt I will be willing to put in the time.

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Do you currently find that end game is to easy?

Yes, but then again I started with vanilla Everquest. There is no such thing as a hard MMO anymore. ;)



Did you think the leveling was to quick?

No, I don't have the time I had when I was young. I can see where some people would find it fast though. I will say, back in the day the steep learning curve bred excellence.


Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?

No and I probably won't.


Just curious as I'm not a casual player of mmos but a hardcore player that has unlimited game time. Since casuals are taking over the mmo market i'm just curious if you guys think this mmo is way to easy, or if your happy with the current difficulty?


Nowadays I just pvp. Fighting other humans is plenty hard and there isn't a huge time investment. I would totally support harder pve stuff though for the people that want it and I'm totally fine with y'all being rewarded for your trouble.

Edited by captainscarbeard
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Do you currently find that end game is to easy?



Did you think the leveling was to quick?



Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?



1. Nope. My guild isnt looking up answers online


2. Yup. After my first 50, my second went from 1-50 in under 2 weeks. Seems most of the time spent leveling is wasted on cutscenes.


3. Yup. Well ... the hardest content, ive skipped a few instances. Havent even done normal Battle for Ilum yet but EV and KP are down.


Then again, im not sure im "hardcore." I play pretty much whenever im not working, but at the same time I dont really care to get into min/maxing, I play a ton of alts, and raid for the fun of it ... not so much the epix.

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Did you think the leveling was to quick?


Actually I think it was fine, felt just about right. I have leveled a char to 50 with my sorc, then nearly immediately after trying out Ilum and pvp went to a new character.



Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?


I've done next to zero end game content, I find it hard to get into groups, and to be honest the single player story lines have been so much fun I just started a new char. Our server population is hilariously bad, I can't remember the last time I saw the other faction on our pvp server.


Just curious as i'm not a casual player of mmos but a hardcore player that has unlimited game time. Since causals are taking over the mmo market i'm just curious if you guys think this mmo is way to easy, or if your happy with the current difficulty?


I played wow for about 5yrs, did end game there but never hardcore. As for difficulty of the FPs and OPs, I´ve only experienced a little and I find it quite easy. Casuals aren't taking over the market, they have always been the market. The success of WoW was that they had something for everyone, never just catering to casuals or hardcore players.


Hardcores are nearly impossible to please, you can tune fights to be so difficult that they beg for nerfs or complain about the devs failing to test the fights before release, if they conquer the content quickly, which they usually do thanks to the time and effort they put into this, they complain its too easy.


I don't know the solution, other than patience. WoW's first year was full of problems, lack of end game content and issues galore. Maybe it was that it took a lot longer to reach 60 than it did for us to get to 50 here, not sure its been so long... But ultimately I am so saddened by how little patience people have now, if the MMO isn´t flawless off release its 'broken, a disaster, etc..´


This game has a host of issues to solve, and needs to do it quickly, server mergers, pvp rating systems (so noobs dont walk into games with decked out players all the time) and of course better end game content.


But damn, we´re what 3 months + into the game, people are way too harsh and quick to give up on something that has great potential.

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.... and yet, all you "casuals", who might as well be playing a single player game, make global statements regarding addons, macros, damage meters, content and balance... when none of these things would have any effect on your play-style or game experience. :rolleyes:


To the OP... this game is SIMs in space. Much much to easy.

Edited by Rasstavad
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This is an interesting read as I am an seasoned MMOer and found the game to be far too simple. Seems like many of the casuals did find it easy to lvl which makes sense, but as I stated I am biased.


I have an additional question for the casuals. Would a more difficult lvling process have put you off from continuing to play?

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I've never seen a MMORPG before where people don't stick with 'main' to max level to check out the game. Leveling is core to any MMORPG but the majority of your time with said character is going to be at max level. There are things to do besides raiding, just curious as no one seems to be in a rush to check out the end game.
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.... and yet, all you "casuals", who might as well be playing a single player game, make global statements regarding addons, macros, damage meters, content and balance... when none of these things would have any effect on your play-style or game experience. :rolleyes:


To the OP... this game is SIMs in space. Much much to easy.


I think I hear the epeen train rolling into the station. Kudos for going almost 5 pages without it though.

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I play about 6-8 hours a week and have 2 characters: Level 28 Smuggler and Level 15 Inquisitor.


Do you currently find that end game is to easy?

I am not even close to the end game yet.



Did you think the leveling was to quick?

I think the leveling is good how it is. If I played more often I may have a different opinion though.



Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?

I am not even close to the end game yet.

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This is an interesting read as I am an seasoned MMOer and found the game to be far too simple. Seems like many of the casuals did find it easy to lvl which makes sense, but as I stated I am biased.


I have an additional question for the casuals. Would a more difficult lvling process have put you off from continuing to play?



I added your question on the OP its a good one!

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I've never seen a MMORPG before where people don't stick with 'main' to max level to check out the game. Leveling is core to any MMORPG but the majority of your time with said character is going to be at max level. There are things to do besides raiding, just curious as no one seems to be in a rush to check out the end game.


Not sure that's exactly true. There have long be many of us who aren't racing to level-cap. Mostly that type of player just plays the game(s) and doesn't tend to vocalise much in forums. That seems to have changed lately though.


As for being curious about level-cap? It'll be there when I get there. I'm in no hurry, preferring to appreciate the journey.

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Not sure that's exactly true. There have long be many of us who aren't racing to level-cap. Mostly that type of player just plays the game(s) and doesn't tend to vocalise much in forums. That seems to have changed lately though.


As for being curious about level-cap? It'll be there when I get there. I'm in no hurry, preferring to appreciate the journey.


We have several guys in our guild who did what you are doing in WoW, Aion, RIFT, etc etc and now here. Some folks are not concerned about end-game and just like the games for the lvling content. More power to you folks imho.

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