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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New patch and server maintenance at peak time?


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So you guys are raging about 2 HOURS when you got THE REST OF TIME TO PLAY THIS GAME!....




2 HOURS should mean jack **** to everyone. Its just 2 hours. You got the rest of time to play, or when the severs are shut down for good whichever comes first.


Some of us have WORK and other stuff in life, and when we pay for a game we expect to be able to log in a play when WE want, and NOT When its "available"

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Rant, Rave, possible snot appearing at my nose, maybe even a little bit of wee comes out .. WHERE'S MY SERVER ... i have to wait for 2 hours ... graaaahhh what will i do ..


oh wait .. go play Dirt 3 and then come back at 8pm ..


cya then :)

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thats all well and good part from the fact u missed one important fact dude. the eu servers are not located in the us, they are located in ireland. therefore shouldnt matter when the devs are at work in the us the servers are here meaning the patch should be uplaoded here at a time conviant to the eu players not because devs think every thing is so dam important they feel the need to interfer with eu prime time for a little bug. i say little bug as with NO information wot so ever we have noidea wot the patch is even for and if it really is for the weekend free trial thing i will be dam pissed off as they interuptted prime time hours for eu so so people cant play free for the weekend seriously. thats NOT game breaking. that could have been done in the morning tomorrow. but if servers are located here our downtime should not be in our primetime. how would u feel if bioware brought the game down in ur primetime for once ud be flaming too


Honestly , this why they should split the player base up in 3 groups.

1. american

2. europe

3. asia


that way , you can patch when best time for it all over the world , but this again becouse EA and bioware do not want to use more money on it so they have 1 admin group in amerika and honestly , every time they deside to patch it hurts european players , this unfair and if they keep this up european servers will cost them money , and they might as well kill the game , becouse the money hungry people at EA games will not keep the game alive if they cant earn the big $$ on it


So Split the Server clusters up in thease groups would be a better solution for every one , but again it will cost abit of money , so EA wont do it !

Edited by Hexxas
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I almost hope that BW closes the thread. Can we please just all get a grip and stop calling each other names? I'm a nerd in most senses of the word, and even I don't see how this arguement is productive at all.
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Make patch ... Apply patch on US servers ...

Wait 8 hours ... Apply patch on EU server ...


This game has been released officially in EU and US. Then i expect US and EU server to be threated differend


The issue with this (and it's been seen on panda mmo's) is that when new content is released, everyone on the servers getting the later patch QQs because it's seen as the US being favoured and getting an unfair advantage towards world firsts etc. However it's done, someone's gonna QQ!

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Sorry, I couldn't resist commenting on this one, I'm a snippy European without anything else to do whilst waiting for our servers to come up.


The game is actually set a "Long, Long time ago, in a galaxy, far, far away....." It says so on the title credits :)


So your post is actually incorrect.




Sorry it's futuristic to us. They obviously got past the whole racist thing...now it's specist.(I know that's not a word)

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So what your saying is this

" We knowlingly and willingly decided to screw over our paying customers in favor of a FREE WEEKEND"


ARE YOU *********** KIDDING ME!?

My game time will end in 3 days, like everyone who started playing in Early Access and who uses gamecards to purchase extra time, gues what i will be doing day 4..... NOT PLAYING SWTOR! you guys realy have your head way up your own asses if you think taking down servers during prime time is acceptable behaviour, Especialy when you know your playerbase is getting less active all the time, its like you WANT us to quit. I'll gladly oblige.


Hey dummy, would you rather the game have crashed during the whole weekend? So clueless lol.

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Yeah this sucks that we can't play for two hours, but seriously we're paying 15 USD (not sure Euro equivalent) a month to play a game these guys spent years creating. How about we all have a little appreciation for their hard work and give them their two hours to recruit more players, which will then increase income the money earned off of the game... money which goes towards keeping servers up and allows them to make patches (let alone pay the people running the show).
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wow I must say for the last two hours I have enjoyed reading this whine thread LOL. gotta be the best read I have had the pleasure to sit in my chair and laugh my ***** off at. Thanks for the times fellas.



what he said

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Make patch ... Apply patch on US servers ...

Wait 8 hours ... Apply patch on EU server ...


This game has been released officially in EU and US. Then i expect US and EU server to be threated differend


It doesn't work like that. The game uses the same client globally, it would be basically impossible for them to patch the US without patching the EU.





BTW, you all agree to.


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Edited by Viera
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I couldnt give a damn about the "EU", but considering the USA has one of the largest differentials with regards to economic equality and a population living below the poverty line that is disgraceful for a nation with its resources?


You may want to refrain from speaking about welfare since if your congress was less right-wing you would have a portion of your population on welfare to rival any nation in the world right now.


You talk about the differential, but OUR people on welfare have iPhones and iPads. Take THAT Europe.

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Lol you're so wrong. Blizzard MANY times brought servers down for hotfixes at odd times. Stop kidding yourself. You're just going through nerd rage right now. We both know you're not cancelling or taking the wow trial.

Not only that Blizz had no problem bring the servers down for a whole day only to bring it down again a few hours later.

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Hey 2 Hours down time, hmm now what to do ?


1. eat


Done that with 1 hand while playing with the other


2. walk the dog


I have a 15 year old cat. Prying it away from the radiator would take longer than 2 hours


3. download and watch a movie


I have Empire Strikes Back on right now


4. make love your Lady (+ cuddling for 1h55m)


Sorry, I'm straight and my husband is playing LOTRO


5. make love to your hand


You might have something here


6. wash hands




7. count keys on keyboard


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.... what comes next again?


8. call parents


Not talked to my racist cow of a mother in 12 years


9. spend time with your child (before it starts shooting up High School in 10 years)


My son is currently annoyed that he can't watch me playing Star Wars


10. write down 10 things to to while server down


But you do it so well

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