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Three levels of difficulty

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Why so many? Leave only Storyline and Nightmare mods. Very hard to build and balance the three levels of difficulty and we see this now in EV and Karaga...many bugs and any difference. Just make one for casual and one for hardcore.


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It probably will be like LFR, normal and hardmode for WoW.


Hardmode will become the 'normal' raid and storymode the one you can PUG with your twinks or if you don't want to commit to a group.


Anything less then 3 modes would be a grief mistake. There are a lot of players and even in a small sample you'd find many opinions on what end game difficulty should be like.

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Well, the three difficulties are essential for a few reasons, not to mention that they work very well atm.


The story players are on normal mode, which is fine. The medium ranked guilds can do hardmode, and the top ranked guilds can do Nightmare mode. At the moment the progression isn't so bad, there are a few gaps but the transition from normal to hard is definitely doable. The thing is, there NEEDS to be three levels of difficulty.


Nightmare is for the Hardcore


Hard is for the serious guilds that may be a little less dedicated, and for the hardcore guilds to gear up in


And Normal is for fun and the casual, for every player to get it, as well as the first look at the raid.


This is the platform, and it would be amazing! It works well enough, but there are a few problems. The bug problem you stated doesn't have anything to do with this. The reason the fights are buggy is because the game was rushed and severely under-tested. New patches will be better :)

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If you go read the Soa threads that are all over this forum, you'll understand why 3 difficulties are needed:


--Casuals think normal Soa is too hard.

--Middle-of-the-road guilds think Hard Soa is too hard.

--More Hardcore players think that all the current fights are a joke and want a real challenge in raiding.


In order to make ALL of these groups happy, there have to be adjustments. You simply can't achieve the goal of making raiding accessible by most people with 2 difficulty settings. With 2 settings, the "middle-of-the-road" guilds will be upset that they can't access the higher tier OR the hardcore populace will be upset that there's no challenge in the game. There's no middle ground there.


And, as somebody said above, the bugs aren't because there are 3 difficulties. Bugs happen, imo, because you can't copy level 50 characters or make premade 50s on the PTR. If you could, more people would go test and we'd have fewer bugs.

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You will never make everyone happy. You don't need three tiers of difficulty. THis causes delays in content, bugs, and gear inflation of epic proportions.


When WoW was at it's peak, it didn't have "difficulty" levels. It had one, a RAID. Raids are supposed to be hard, not for casuals that will whine about EVERYTHING that causes them a little delay, or makes them try to think to overcome a situation.


Two tiers, because it's already too late to go to one, would be much more efficient than three and allow them to make more content, faster, with more mechanics.

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Who need medium difficulty? Only two mods: story for people who want just zerg\burn all raid and Nightmare for people who want challenge. Simple.


Because some people want something in between faceroll and brickwall. If you want to skip to Nightmare, please do so.

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You will never make everyone happy. You don't need three tiers of difficulty. THis causes delays in content, bugs, and gear inflation of epic proportions.


When WoW was at it's peak, it didn't have "difficulty" levels. It had one, a RAID. Raids are supposed to be hard, not for casuals that will whine about EVERYTHING that causes them a little delay, or makes them try to think to overcome a situation.


Two tiers, because it's already too late to go to one, would be much more efficient than three and allow them to make more content, faster, with more mechanics.


^ This.


I kind of don't see the point of 3 modes either. 2 modes with more actual *progression* in them would be nice.


Remember, many guilds couldn't clear entire encounters in WoW when they first came out. You might reach a gear check half-way through at a certain boss. The wonderful thing about WoW raids later on was that they weren't linear. Most of them gave you a choice on which boss you wanted to fight. (Usually laid out in a radial pattern) and you could progress through the bosses dependant upon your groups skill level.


The other thing that WoW did well was crafting. Crafted high tier gear was what you used to get ready for most raids during Vanilla/TBC. (Remember having to craft Nature Resist gear in Silithus before doing AQ20/AQ40?)


If they make crafted gear viable/on par with normal/hardmode raids. Then you can kill two birds with one stone.


1) Reduce the number of modes for operations.

2) Improve the need for crafted gear as this will help people gear up for the "nightmare" mode ops.


There really is no need for middle of the road difficulties; this just dilutes things...causes gear and stat inflation and makes it harder for them to balance/create operations since Hardmode operations have additional mechanics then Normal and Nightmare has even MORE additional mechanics then Hardmode.


Think about it.

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Who need medium difficulty? Only two mods: story for people who want just zerg\burn all raid and Nightmare for people who want challenge. Simple.


Because some people want more/less. Three modes is perfect. Is it a lot of work involved, sure, but the payoff is there. They should leave the system in place as is, and just put more effort into it.

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Who need medium difficulty? Only two mods: story for people who want just zerg\burn all raid and Nightmare for people who want challenge. Simple.


Exactly, that's why most single player games only have 2 difficulties...oh, wait. Don't they usually have like 4 or 5?


Hmm..I wonder if there's a reason for that, or if all those single player games are just wasting money.

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You will never make everyone happy. You don't need three tiers of difficulty. THis causes delays in content, bugs, and gear inflation of epic proportions.


When WoW was at it's peak, it didn't have "difficulty" levels. It had one, a RAID. Raids are supposed to be hard, not for casuals that will whine about EVERYTHING that causes them a little delay, or makes them try to think to overcome a situation.


Two tiers, because it's already too late to go to one, would be much more efficient than three and allow them to make more content, faster, with more mechanics.


So casuals are not allowed to see content, you Sir are an Idiot. Bizz even said themselfs, the reason they made a easy mode, was because people were not seeing the content they put so much work into. If only 30% of people are seeing end content it is not productive. Your special snowflake syndrome is gone, deal with it.


Also you are confusing casuals with bads.

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^ This.


I kind of don't see the point of 3 modes either. 2 modes with more actual *progression* in them would be nice.


Remember, many guilds couldn't clear entire encounters in WoW when they first came out. You might reach a gear check half-way through at a certain boss. The wonderful thing about WoW raids later on was that they weren't linear. Most of them gave you a choice on which boss you wanted to fight. (Usually laid out in a radial pattern) and you could progress through the bosses dependant upon your groups skill level.


The other thing that WoW did well was crafting. Crafted high tier gear was what you used to get ready for most raids during Vanilla/TBC. (Remember having to craft Nature Resist gear in Silithus before doing AQ20/AQ40?)


If they make crafted gear viable/on par with normal/hardmode raids. Then you can kill two birds with one stone.


1) Reduce the number of modes for operations.

2) Improve the need for crafted gear as this will help people gear up for the "nightmare" mode ops.


There really is no need for middle of the road difficulties; this just dilutes things...causes gear and stat inflation and makes it harder for them to balance/create operations since Hardmode operations have additional mechanics then Normal and Nightmare has even MORE additional mechanics then Hardmode.


Think about it.


good point:cool:

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In my opinion HM serves the purpose of gearing up for NM's.


You don't really lose anything by having 3 modes though. If all you want to do is have story and NM then only do those. There's nothing really forcing you to do a HM over a NM. So really all you're doing is enforcing a gear gap on players that might not have focused on gearing up ready for raids at endgame and will then become bored as there is such a gear gap and then leave.

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I like 3 difficulties


Easy for bad pugs, and super-casuals any inexperienced raider.


Normal for experienced players with a casual approach to raiding.


Nightmare for hardcore raiders.



The discrepancy between all 3 player "groups" is just too big to cater to them all with just two difficulties. Especially with instances being as small as they are, where ~5 bosses don't really allow for much of a progression curve.

Edited by Dee-Jay
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IMO one difficult should be enough.

Its just how you make the raids.


Trash at the begin to check out the gear and skill of the players.

As faster the trash dies, as higher the difficulty gets.

This way the game would adjust the mobs, bosses and loot to the raid.


But this would be a hard work for the programmer to realise. Just 3 flat difficult levels is so much easier.



There was even a nice Ring of Trials in some game.

The waves of mobs became harder and harder on each wave. The loot was becoming better and better as well. And everyone could go on as long as they want or untill they wipe. You could always stop the event by going out of the trial area.

This is by far the best way to get loot equal to your skill and gear. You could improve and adjust your tactics, and get further and further with each try.

And if you are really good, it could end in hours over hours of killing bosses, and getting loot like mad. But there will always be a point where it will become to hard. No matter what gear level everyone has.

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