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Darthater asks BW about engine optimization.


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My specs: AMD Radeon 6970, 2gigs. Quad core 2.1 Processor, and 8 gigs of ram, freshly formatted.


When I enter alderaan I put it on the absolute lowest settings and I still drop below 10 fps in fights. I manage to play LOTRO, Rift and many other games on absolute max or near max and maintain 30 fps, here I cannot handle the lowest settings in PvP.


Since many of you're saying it is not bioware's fault and it is my computer, please tell me what am I doing wrong so I can fix it? I seem to run every other game fine.


I also experience the inventory hiccups, opening my bag etc has delay/framing.



Any insight would be greatly appreciated.




I have nothing constructive to say, sadly. My specs:


i7 920 @ 4.2GHz (prime95 stable 72 hours on high heat setting)

6GB Corsair DOMINATOR DDR3 @ 2GHz (was unmatched at the time I purchased it, period)

ASUS P6TD Deluxe mobo

MSI AMD HD6970 Lightning 2GB @ 1GHz core, 1.4GHz memory

Antec TruePower 750W

Windows 7 64bit loaded on its own 60GB SATA II SSD

SW:TOR loaded on a separate 128GB SATA II SSD


On the system listed, I can run BF3 Ultra, STO Ultra, Skyrim Maxed (modded to hell and back with high res textures, increased view distance etc) and many others.


Then I load TOR.........despite getting 'acceptable' frame rates on Fleet, with 60 or more people present I still get the most minuscule rubber band effect. It doesn't actually constitute frame lag, because my fps doesn't spike, but the game still stutters every 2-3 seconds (only when I'm moving, if I stand still everybody around me moves fine). I can range from 100+ fps down to 40 on Fleet, just depending on where I'm standing and looking.


I turned on FRAPS in Alderaan the other day, just for the FPS feature, not recording. I was staggered. You have to admit, for a single card system, outdated slightly, my specs are still beast. I was at a whopping FIFTY FPS guarding left turret BY MYSELF. Is 50 playable? Barely. Did it drop when I swung my camera? You better believe it, down into the low 40s. The introduction of people at that point didn't drop my FPS much lower, so it stayed playable, but 40 FPS, standing by myself, with a friggin 6970 LIGHTNING!?


So in the end, the game is playable for me, with the same card as you, but only barely, and the introduction of high res textures in 1.2 worries me. I want them, but can I run them? We'll see.


The full quote.


But by all means guys, keep taking one quote out of context and shouting doom and gloom.


They may have taken it out of context, but if you're on the forums often enough, you see people with both Nvidia and AMD struggling with horrible frame rates often enough that you notice a trend. There are hundreds of vocal people on the forums, which means it's safe to assume there are probably thousands of people who haven't posted. Something is WRONG WITH THIS ENGINE.


BF3 on Ultra is arguably one of the most amazingly beautiful games ever made. It blows your mind. I love the 64 player maps, and that's mainly what I play. Do you ever see all 64 at once? Never. Do I play flawlessly with upwards of 20-30 people, tanks, jets, helos, bullets and explosions all happening in my field of view? Absolutely, rock solid.


This engine needs fixing, just because you don't know what to look for, doesn't mean it isn't biting you in the face, you're just too inexperienced to know the difference between smooth and rough performance.

Edited by Mal-Sharran
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So in the end, the game is playable for me, with the same card as you, but only barely, and the introduction of high res textures in 1.2 worries me. I want them, but can I run them? We'll see.



Damn, I am surprised you even have issues with that nice of a computer.


It seems clear to me that my bottleneck is my processor, it is a dated computer and being a poor college student I unfortunately cannot afford a new one for a little while. It is not overclocked so I'll probably do that soon because I definitely need a performance gain.


Still though, there has to be some other issue when a freshly formatted, mid range computer cannot even play the game at the absolute lowest settings without framing hardcore.

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Only thing I have to say about this is that Bioware needs to man up and admit if something like 'opening a bag over and over while walking' or 'ilum 40 v 40' is broken in the game.


Else you're going to get a ton of people spending hundreds of dollars to upgrade their system thinking it will fix it. . .when it wont do anything.

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Will this ever end ? o.O


No it won't.


And like usual, he didn't even answer the question. Just talked around it.




DarthHater asked CLEARLY about the game having Low FPS:



Where are you on game engine optimizations? Because I currently get about 5 to 10 frames per second on Alderaan and about 20 in Huttball and I have a PC that can run Crysis 2 at ultra. With no real explanation on what is going on.


And this is the drivel he got from Daniel:


Wow. You should do some investigation, because that is not typical. Where we are on game optimization in general is we’ve got some crazy, crazy options that you can turn on in 1.2. I played running around on several of the planets at fully acceptable wonderful running framerates on min spec machines now, which was the thing I wanted to see.


What we got right now is a big texture package pass, and we did it in both directions. So we can say, “Hey, you can take the textures way down, run around, the game works.” We’ve also said, “Hey, you know those textures people keep saying they like so much in the promotional videos? You can turn those on too now.” Because now we figured out how to do it in a small area so it doesn’t try to do it everywhere.

The next big thing we have to hit is effects, and that’s just a standard of what games do is say, “Hey, you know all those crazy crazy effects that everybody else is drawing? Yeah, maybe I don’t want to see all of your lightning storms all at once.” We have a programming team now that literally that’s their only mandate is game run better. Long term target is you should be able to play on your laptop, you should be able to play on your second and third machine in the house. And we are fiercely dedicated to that goal.


Only the first sentence addresses the issue BUT by blaming the issue on the consumer.


The rest is just a bunch of crap said to confuse the reader and/or make the reader forget about the main issue.






I don't know of anyone who doesn't get a freeze opening their inventory bag or when the quest/valor updates in Ilum.


Every single one of my guildmates has this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEuFZbdJsKk


Glad you brought that up.


Does anyone else know a game where the FPS drop just from opening windows in game?

Edited by Tiaa
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well he only posed part of the convo there if you want more on that you should see the steph reid convo. he gave a better info on it. Dont take text out of context. anyone can do that


Where is anything taken out of context?


There is a link to the interview which you can read yourself.


NOTHING is out of context.


He blamed the CONSUMER for the game issues.

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I listed my specs on the page before this. My machine is beast, no bottlenecks at all. Strong in EVERY department. And this game runs like crap, on high settings or low. I run every other AAA title at ultra settings. There is only ONE CONCLUSION you can make from this simple fact. The Hero engine is crap, and will take a miracle to overhaul into something acceptable.


The Hero engine was a terrible idea.

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sorry i was typing my response to the OP your poset wasnt up at that time..lol but Reid interview was bette rand admited that the game atm have a cap 60fps and some people comps are running slower than what was purposed and its in the works.. interview should be up by tommorow
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Why don't people go for the obvious problems of:

- game locks up when you open a UI element (e.g. inventory opening)

- game locks up when you get a quest update (e.g. Ilum)


It's clear the engine is a mess.


Add to that dismounting from a vehicle with an active companion.

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sorry i was typing my response to the OP your poset wasnt up at that time..lol but Reid interview was bette rand admited that the game atm have a cap 60fps and some people comps are running slower than what was purposed and its in the works.. interview should be up by tommorow



No the OP linked it in his first post...

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Add to that dismounting from a vehicle with an active companion.


i havent had any of those probs.. i had a few lock ups for me get stuck some where but that about it. runing I5 3.8 quad 8g ddr3 ram and 2 gtx 295's i can understand people complaints about FPS i mean i should be alot higher that 45-50 fps

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Add to that dismounting from a vehicle with an active companion.


You know that portion of Ilum, right near the ice tunnel leading to the PvP section of the map? I currently hear a vehicle 'dismount' sound when I ride around there on my speeder (just a random sound, nobody else nearby). When I hear that sound, I can dismount from my speeder as smoothly as mounting/dismounting in WoW. NO LAG at all! But anywhere else in this entire game, holy frame lag Batman. It really puzzles me what about that specific area allows me to dismount without an ounce of stutter.


I do admit it has improved since launch though, but not enough to be acceptable.

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I almost guarantee that none of you have actually monitored your resources and performance. You log in and play, you just run around happy and content. Ignorance is bliss, as they say..


And with that, you spend all your time trying to find every single little tiny glitch, hitch and fps issue you can, who is more the fool tbh....


Ive got better things to do than complain my inventory opening generates a 0.3 second hitch that I can barely notice...


No I don't PVP on Ilum, because it's pointless, not fun and I really couldn't care less, I play my Player Vs Player in games like COD or BF3 where there system's are optimized for that sort of thing,,,,


PVP in every MMO I have ever played has issue's when mass people gather in one place. Contrary to a small communities popular belief, PVP is not the life and soul of ANY MMO...It's an after thought put in place to keep IMHO the whiniest gamer's in MMO's appeased....


Constantly complaining about class balance (something that is impossible in a PVE based MMO) constantly complaining about FPS in there chosen fight area (something they will never fix because there is always a bigger fight)..


From my point of view, the game run's fine, I have slight, measly FPS issue occasionally on Alderan for a few tenths of a second now and then......To me the complaint's are all based around PVP (80% of the community could not care less) and are in comparison to complaining to a toaster maker, that the number 3 setting doesn't quite cook your bread enough....


TBH completely honest, I don't remember reading anywhere, the Dev's say, this would be the perfectly optimized PVP MMO of 2012.....But for a PVEer who like's a story it's exactly what they advertised it as....And no I don't have any issue's running around Tatooine with my friends.

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I'm just getting sick of this "low-end PC" ****...

The low end isn't the issue, there's some other issue at hand that I'm sure they have no clue about and that's why its not resolved.


You can only take people's word for what system they are running but I've played games with enough of my guildmates for YEARS that they have no reason to lie to me about their setup. (it's not like they are trying to tell me they are using 20k PC's)

Some people with worse PC's them me run better and some people with ALOT better PC's then mine run worse.


Heck my wifes laptop (wal-mart Vaio, Factory) runs better then my PC upgraded for gaming only.


This low-end High-end debate needs to be tossed out I don't believe that's really the issue.

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And with that, you spend all your time trying to find every single little tiny glitch, hitch and fps issue you can, who is more the fool tbh....


Ive got better things to do than complain my inventory opening generates a 0.3 second hitch that I can barely notice...


No I don't PVP on Ilum, because it's pointless, not fun and I really couldn't care less, I play my Player Vs Player in games like COD or BF3 where there system's are optimized for that sort of thing,,,,


PVP in every MMO I have ever played has issue's when mass people gather in one place. Contrary to a small communities popular belief, PVP is not the life and soul of ANY MMO...It's an after thought put in place to keep IMHO the whiniest gamer's in MMO's appeased....


Constantly complaining about class balance (something that is impossible in a PVE based MMO) constantly complaining about FPS in there chosen fight area (something they will never fix because there is always a bigger fight)..


From my point of view, the game run's fine, I have slight, measly FPS issue occasionally on Alderan for a few tenths of a second now and then......To me the complaint's are all based around PVP (80% of the community could not care less) and are in comparison to complaining to a toaster maker, that the number 3 setting doesn't quite cook your bread enough....


TBH completely honest, I don't remember reading anywhere, the Dev's say, this would be the perfectly optimized PVP MMO of 2012.....But for a PVEer who like's a story it's exactly what they advertised it as....And no I don't have any issue's running around Tatooine with my friends.


I love when a PvP hater comes in here and dismisses issues that effect the entire game, simply because many people mention their problems in correlation with PvPing. All I took from this is 'I like PvP, hence why I play COD or BF3, but having more than two buttons to click is mind boggling and I can't cope, so I hate MMO PvP and will bash it with vehemence'. That's all I hear. PvP IS HUGE. It is not a majority, but there was an entire section of the Guild Summit devoted to it, there are THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF WZs PLAYED EVERY DAY. That isn't 'a small community' or a 'minority'. Pull your head out.

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You are confusing lag that was generated due to a deficiency in your connection with the frame rate issue being discussed here. We are discussing game engine and optimization, you are discussing your connection.


Additional, from a hardware perspective there aren't as many configurations as people believe. Most gamers are going to be in the Nehalem or SandyBridge on the Intel side and on the AMD side Deneb or Thuban. For video cards you have the AMD Northern Island and Evergreen (6000 and 5000 series respectively), for Nvidia you have the Fermi 400 series and the refreshed Fermi 500 series.


There will be a few with legacy systems (older), but for the most part gamers can be narrowed into the above categories. Developers don't have to optimize their game around the potential software installed on the customer system, but the hardware and architecture of it. It isn't like there is a skittle pack of different architectures they have to worry about. Computer hardware is generational and you have multiple offerings based off one architecture.


Which is why I mentioned earlier, this game struggles on systems that are sound hardware and software wise.



excellent post. anyway, everything they're programming should be hardware independent, they're programming to software abstraction layers provided by the OS. like directX.


can someone look at the binary and see if it contains compiler optimizations for amd and intel?


Some people not reporting a rendering snag when opening UI windows, makes me think perhaps the game is TRYING to do things differently on different classes of system?

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Lol the dude straight up denied people were having issues and said the guys PC was the issue.


Ok yeah they're working really hard on the issues that "do not exist".


I have read the article (and the quote from the OP). Please post the quote that you think shows that he "denied people were having issues".

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It is not a majority, but there was an entire section of the Guild Summit devoted to it, there are THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF WZs PLAYED EVERY DAY. That isn't 'a small community' or a 'minority'. Pull your head out.




That PVEers like myself use to get that last 10000 XP before a level increase or to gain a few comms to buy the Level 40 PVE Armour from the vendor...


If PVPis so abundant and popular...Why are there not THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of players on Ilum huh ... ??? And don't say because of the glitches and hitching....If that was perfect, at best you would have a 100v100 fight at any given time....


Pull your head out my friend and stop making PVP in this game out to be something it is not....


Its a no Loss, no risk, no penalty, way of leveling up....That is all my friend.

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And PvE is a loss of? Credits?


Well lets say you only ever PVE, just log in and do Flashpoint's and Ops...Ow and craft.


You make creds yes, but you also get Armour degeneration, so yes it cost creds....


What was your point again....Ow you don't have one...


Do you get ANY LOSS in PVP...LOL...No but you get xp, creds comms and valor FOR LOSING LOLROFLROLFLFLL....


And PVPers want to be taken seriously when all they do is complain about balancing and what they don't get in PVP.....Some guy in another thread even suggested Biometric should be rewards for PVP...ROFL.


Every single credit sink in this game comes via PVE.




sorry i cant stop laughing...

Edited by Nippon
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