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1.2 release date?


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I have played the game since BETA, and I love it. I started out like many on this thread, being very impatient, moaning about bugs and lamenting the lack of community and economy. My fix? I joined a good guild. Got to 50, ground the dailies with my guidmates to gear up and started running FPs, started raiding, got massacred ran MORE FPs, On the way I have met some great people, some total imbeciles (mostly on the forums) And most surprisingly had help from the developers in game when I have reported bugs. The point is you will only ever get out of this game what you are willing to put into it. Personally I am having a great time growing in experience, tactics, geographic knowledge, crafting advantages etc etc and helping guildmates grow their toons and expand their knowledge. It is a slow process but a satisfying one.

Too many people seem to treat the game as single player with the object of "beating it". i.e Maxing everything on your toon and then bemoaning why its taking so long to bring in new content. Surely that is contrary to what an MMO is at its core?

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I also find it funny that numerous people have fabled crystal balls that predict that SW:TOR will go F2P in so-and-so months, thus implying that F2P means the game is/has gone downhill.


But GW2 is already confirmed to be F2P.


Not that i disagree with you, just GW2 is B2P, while F2P is just a scam, there is nothing free about it.

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Not that i disagree with you, just GW2 is B2P, while F2P is just a scam, there is nothing free about it.


While I basically agree that the F2P games are 99% of the time a scam, it is not the case of GW2. I have seen what the in game store has to offer and it is mostly cosmetic items or similar things that do not affect the gameplay.

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____! Is it really next week????


How he worded it each time I believe he is saying that next week we will know if it is next week. In other words, when it doesn't happen next week, you will know it wasn't next week (or, I suppose, it could be the reverse... if it happens next week, you will know it was next week). Either way, its coy and a poor PR move, imo.

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As for the 1.2 delay, I'm one of the odd few who's happy. It gives me more grinding time. I have the speeders and crystals for my 4 characters, so now I can grind PvP on my main for the PvP speeder.


Warzones are beyond boring already. The addition of ONE doesn't

change that.


QFT. I know they're getting rid of the Illum dailies, so WTH is Illum good for? Are they revamping it? Bioware continually shot itself in the foot for all of the Illum PvP changes over time. It's almost dead right now, with very little activity.

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What makes you think there has been a delay?


"Delay" as in a term used to describe the "minor" text error for April 10th. It's just a term I selected for it. I'm really rather happy that 1.2 is not here this week.

Edited by cipher_nemo
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If my sub runs out beforee 1.2 I think I'll just leave it..I liked swtor but I don't like how we are getting screwed by no release dates and constantly pushing it back..

Also the fact 1.2 is the legacy update and it has around half of the new content for it coming in 1.3..


This Exactly. If not out by sub renewal im out.

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"Delay" as in a term used to describe the "minor" text error for April 10th. It's just a term I selected for it. I'm really rather happy that 1.2 is not here this week.


We don't know its not here this week, all we know is that's its not launching on Tuesday. Last Friday there were 2 release windows that slipped through.


The 1st was the 10th in a now replaced video, this has been officially denied, but the denial was specific to the lack of release on the 10th.


The second, the slip up has not been denied, and indeed there have been tweets alluding to that answer but not denying it.


As has been mentioned many times in this thread bioware have not felt bound to release on tuesdays.


While it would be a bit far to say that it will come this week, equally its a bit strong to say its not comning this week.

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We don't know its not here this week, all we know is that's its not launching on Tuesday. Last Friday there were 2 release windows that slipped through.


The 1st was the 10th in a now replaced video, this has been officially denied, but the denial was specific to the lack of release on the 10th.


The second, the slip up has not been denied, and indeed there have been tweets alluding to that answer but not denying it.


As has been mentioned many times in this thread bioware have not felt bound to release on tuesdays.


While it would be a bit far to say that it will come this week, equally its a bit strong to say its not comning this week.


Honestly I don't think BW will keep the release date a mystery. I think they're hoping it brings back players and want to get the word out as soon and often as possible. If I had to guess, I'd say late April/early May.

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I think they may have teamed up with Blizzard Entertainment. They are great at releasing patches and xpacs :/. Was hoping to see patch 1.2 dropping tomorrow but I do not see that happening. This game does have an excess number of bugs so the longer it takes im ok.....besides D3 comes out May 15 so SWTOR will be on the BB for me.
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I think they may have teamed up with Blizzard Entertainment. They are great at releasing patches and xpacs :/. Was hoping to see patch 1.2 dropping tomorrow but I do not see that happening. This game does have an excess number of bugs so the longer it takes im ok.....besides D3 comes out May 15 so SWTOR will be on the BB for me.


D3 May 15th? Thanks for the update.

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Honestly I don't think BW will keep the release date a mystery. I think they're hoping it brings back players and want to get the word out as soon and often as possible. If I had to guess, I'd say late April/early May.


Why delay when its ready?


The nature of software is that they won't be certain of making a release date till its ready to release.


I'm not sure they can afford to give much notice, as that will mean delaying this patch.


The fact that they they even slipped about a release this week suggests its damn close to a releasable state. Friday for a Tuesday release it the absolute max we can expect and 24-48 hrs for a non-tuesday release (as is common for patches on swtor). Any more and they are either being reckless and risking a delay of a set date, so PR/CS disaster even by their standards, or they are delaying a patch that is ready to go.


I agree that once they have a definite date they will be bellowing it from the roof tops, but I also think that they would be fools to give more than a couple of days notice, given the demand for this patch.

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Guild Wars 2 pre-purchase is open tomorrow!!


Open beta event should start any time after that, lol.. this will be my last month subscribed tot his sinking ship, bioware had their chance and blew it.


I dont even care when 1.2 comes out because I will be in Guild Wars 2 playing a real next gen MMO that isnt affraid to invent its own things instead of copy and paste from wow.



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I bet a jawas sandcrawler that the launch date will be be on the site tommorow when it comes back up. And i would also bet its will be between thurs 12th and tues 17th.


But my money is rideing on the 12th just seems to many error slips to be not intentional.


Im guessing they did it to generate just this type of buzz around the web. Companies have been doing that for ever. You just cant be free press good or bad.

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Also they went out fo thier way to make sure people knew it wasnt on tuesday. Yet have made no effort at all to deny a later in the week day ( wich is exactly what james said he didnt say tuesday he said next week.


And if you listen to the pax audio closely they didnt deny next weak release only simply.

That is wouldnt be on the 10th

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I bet a jawas sandcrawler that the launch date will be be on the site tommorow when it comes back up. And i would also bet its will be between thurs 12th and tues 17th.


But my money is rideing on the 12th just seems to many error slips to be not intentional.


Im guessing they did it to generate just this type of buzz around the web. Companies have been doing that for ever. You just cant be free press good or bad.


Would not surprise me if at the beginning of that maint there is a go/no go meeting for 1.2 and if its a go, then all sorts of annoying banners and flashy things appear on the website.

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