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1.2 release date?


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How long do you think it should take to conceptualize, design, document, develop, prototype, create art work, program, test, debug, re-test, and deploy a major software update?


A long time. That was kind of my point. This patch has been planned for a long time, the actual new content is probably good to go. It's been in testing for a long time, they're holding it back for resubs.


Hell, that's what I'd do.

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How long do you think it should take to conceptualize, design, document, develop, prototype, create art work, program, test, debug, re-test, and deploy a major software update?


This depends on many factors.

But changing the stats on Elara Dorne's weapon drops from Cunning to Aim is a few hours at most. Changing the hit permissive on the MOBs so they cannot shoot you if YOU are LOS is a day for a total newb, hours for a programmer. Realizing PVP and PVE is almost impossible to balance if they share gear should be instant. Deciding the easy fixes should wait for a big patch should take forever.

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I'll bet you have a massive wealth of knowledge on the subject. :rolleyes:


Let's be honest here, Bioware/EA are the freaking kings of DLC, it's pretty obvious this patch is going to be released right after the 3 month subs roll around.


It's not rushed, it's calculated.


Software development is always calculated around specific release dates that have high ROIs. However, that doesn't mean dates are missed due to bugs. I suspect they are still bug fixing trying to get away from their buggy releases. I'm glad they are doing this to help stop the complaining. You cannot have fast releases and no bugs, you get either or. I'd prefer not to be pissed off when I get home from work. Rather enjoy the game.


Force leaping below the map made me almost quit this game a few times.

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A long time. That was kind of my point. This patch has been planned for a long time, the actual new content is probably good to go. It's been in testing for a long time, they're holding it back for resubs.


Hell, that's what I'd do.


Thing is, people like me unsubbed to play another game already and wont be coming back to a 'game' that puts emphasis on numbers.


I think they have a good game, with work could really turn out to be something very special, but the lack of in touch with the community (Locking threads-ignoring good questions) isn't something I ever expected to be a part of.


You know what use to make wow amazing? If you had a question, it got answered in game by a gm or very soon on the forum. They put a lot of resource into keeping in touch with their community. Once they stopped this (Arena release), the community turned sour and spoiled, and soon against blizzard.


Something to learn here I think.

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patch has been pushed out


10 of April is early April, 17 of April isnt early appril is middle April, 24 of April is end April


So patch was pushed out no doubt.


This is why they should Never even give the slightest hint of a date.


And just because your definition of early is not the 17th, doesn't mean BW's is.


And the statement was "We hope to release early April"...


Not "we will" release early April...

Edited by RickRedOne
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This is why they should Never even give the slightest hint of a date.



I agree



And just because your definition of early is not the 17th, doesn't mean BW's is.


I disagree.


1-10th is early, 11-20th is mid, 21st to end is late.

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And just because your definition of early is not the 17th, doesn't mean BW's is.


I'll agree with everything else, but 17th isn't *early* by anybodies (accurate) definition. That's past the halfway point. if 17th is "early april" then july 4th may as well be "early april".

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Its not a big deal guys.


Originally they said 1.2 would be March back when 1.1 came out in January, then they pushed it back to "Early April" at the guild Summit.


Honestly, the quality of this patch needs to be spot on when it comes out. It is better for Bioware to take their time and get it right than to rush out the door with it.

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Its not a big deal guys.


Originally they said 1.2 would be March back when 1.1 came out in January, then they pushed it back to "Early April" at the guild Summit.


Honestly, the quality of this patch needs to be spot on when it comes out. It is better for Bioware to take their time and get it right than to rush out the door with it.


Yes that's true, though it doesn't make it any less disappointing. :(

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People really need to just take their expectations down a little bit. It makes things so much easier. Expectations never match reality, so the higher your expectations are, the bigger the disappointment.


I enjoy SWTOR for what it is: cheap entertainment for me. It is cheaper than movies, and I can play it whenever I want to, from the comfort of my own home.


This does not mean I do not find things that frustrate or disappoint me, but just that those things don't make me want to go kick a puppy because I had unrealistic expectations.


And don't blame Bioware for over-hyping... because that is what EVERY game company does.

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People really need to just take their expectations down a little bit. It makes things so much easier. Expectations never match reality, so the higher your expectations are, the bigger the disappointment.


I enjoy SWTOR for what it is: cheap entertainment for me. It is cheaper than movies, and I can play it whenever I want to, from the comfort of my own home.


This does not mean I do not find things that frustrate or disappoint me, but just that those things don't make me want to go kick a puppy because I had unrealistic expectations.


And don't blame Bioware for over-hyping... because that is what EVERY game company does.


excuse me sir, you seem to be using logic and reasoning on a forum. if you are not here to rant or flame, troll or defend, i think you are in the wrong place. you calm logic might work for you in the real world but on a forum it is an alien concept.:D


seriously i wish more ppl were like you, this is a game, its not the end of the world if the patch don't come out blah blah blah :p


+1 to this poster

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To be clear....I am excited about patch 1.2, but not in any hurry. It will come when it comes.


However, Bioware needs to realize that unfortunatley a very loud portion of its playerbase is very immature. Bioware does consistantly continue to give times and dates and then is far too late in coming through with them. Honestly it is easy to talk about the babies that gripe and complain, but in all honesty Bioware is to blame.



Note to Bioware: Either stop giving dates or give dates that are far later than expected. When you are at a restaurant and you expect your food in 15 minutes and it doesn't come out for an hour.....you tend to get a little upset. After all, you are a paying customer and there are other restaurants out there.

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Its not a big deal guys.


Originally they said 1.2 would be March back when 1.1 came out in January, then they pushed it back to "Early April" at the guild Summit.


Honestly, the quality of this patch needs to be spot on when it comes out. It is better for Bioware to take their time and get it right than to rush out the door with it.



And the quality of the game needed to be spot on when it came out, it was better for BioWare to take their time and get it right than to rush out the door with it.



Instead of another delay into 2012 they release it 5 days before Christmas to just barely make it for holiday sales, and the game still felt and obviously was unfinished.



The reason they're pushing 1.2 back isn't to make it better since it runs as fine as the rest of the game does on the test server, they're pushing it back more and more because they're waiting for the subscriptions of people that bought the game after the trial week to run out, so that they resubscribe for the update so they get more money.



People forget they're playing an EA game sometimes.

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No it doesn't. I'm not sure how a beta game can be more exciting than a patch that adds heaps of content.


But look, in all sincerity, I hope GW2 works out and be the game that you enjoy to play.


GW2 blah no open world pvp, no gear grind, and no ability deley and resolve, sod that....


GW2 for suckers.


patch 1.2 will be after 20th nuff said

Edited by seallone
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No it doesn't. I'm not sure how a beta game can be more exciting than a patch that adds heaps of content.


But look, in all sincerity, I hope GW2 works out and be the game that you enjoy to play.


Heaps of content? LOL what? They are already taking things out of 1.2 and releasing later as well.

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As for as SWTOR goes. I have been playing on the PTS testing 1.2 and I will say this. If you have been waiting around for 1.2 for a lot more end game content then you are going to be dissappointed.


1.2 adds very little additional end game content. A normal raid guild will blow through it in a week or two and will be done with it as soon as they get their gear.


1.2 only adds 1 or 2 new warzones to the mix for the PvPers, the big change in PvP is the new gear levels, so however long it takes people to gear up will be how long their interest is.


I am dissapointed that 1.2 wont be out next week, I think it is as ready as it will get on the PTS, but maybe they are waiting until GW2 pre-sales calm down in a week.

Edited by Notannos
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I love how they said the new warzone would be in the patch on the tenth then. Backpeddle


Oh no it wont be out the tenth and call it a typo. Its like hey theres not enough of a hornets nest already so lets stir it up.


Ive already desided dosnt matter to me about 1.2. They hyped the chit for so long then everytime it gets close to the hopefull times they back up on it again.


More than likely they will hold it till after the 21rst and it dosnt have a dam thing to do with being ready. Its all about holding it till after subs come due. They know for alot of people this patch coming out is whats keeping them playing.


So like any big corp they going drag that out as long as possible to get every penny they can get. Beleive what you like but it will not change the fact. They are going to milk it as long as possible with so much riding on this one patch.


If your not one of the people hingeing on it thats cool but dosnt change the fact a hell of alot of people are espeacily those on low pop servers who have got nothing better to do than roll alts. As thier populations arnt enough to sustain any kind of real end game drives.

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