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Any possible way to make Gunslinger good in PVP?


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GS pwns in PvP. Just watch how I play! Im http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#700ZrI0rRRboMcZhrbkM.1


If you think GS still sucks you are clearly a troll and or a baddy. Good day


I'm saying some builds suck. Oh and your build? When the other team has a clue what you are doing, they cleanse your dots. gg. A thign that dos not happn a lot if you play against bads, as clearly a lot of you do.


ahahahahahahaha, now I have seen your video. You keep tickling players with dots and flurry of bolts but you don't actually kill them hard. You keep kicking ppl with a full resolve bar. Oh you don't even have it turned on in the options, that you see how full other ppl resolve bar is and also yours. No timers on CD's, lol. And thn you hav your personal healer which keeps you up Other team is pretty much clueless how to kill you, which by the looks of it, is not gonna be hard.


playing random wzs vs bads, yeah GS is OP, LOOOOOL

Edited by Bivaccus
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O yeah sitting on a scaffold and gunning ppl down, 1 or 2. The rest of the sorcs and assassin just run by with sprint, or get pulled up/down all the way to the other sid of the field.


Go ahead kill 1 or 2 ppl mid field. It won't win you the game. I guess you really fight against bads only.


300k in huttball np. But it still does not win you a huttball.


Really cause once they get near me i pulse and leave the area and wait for backup if they're going to gang up on me. 1 v1 i can handle myself unless its a tank. Also hunker down really helps


Some being a negative nancy.

Edited by LordXalas
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Really cause once they get near me i pulse and leave the area and wait for backup if they're going to gang up on me. 1 v1 i can handle myself unless its a tank. Also hunker down really helps


Some being a negative nancy.


you keep repeating the same situations over and over again. IFfyou are against a player that has any clue, it's not so simple. Pulse is not always up, some ppl are smart and cc you, or knock you off first. Yes that happens. And HK, ok the other dude just runs away, targets someone else. There you are, Sitting with HK, the other team just running by and LoS you and jump all over the place with force speed and leaps.


I'm not saying I don't have any fun, because I like playing a class with an actual challenge. GS is just not as uber as you all guys proclaim. Also Gunslinger is great for raiding/OPs. Right now gunnies are not as competitive as other class in competitive competent pvp plays A lot will change in 1.2, so it's gonna b a lot better and balanced, hopefully.


Just stop making bad arguments and examples.

Edited by Bivaccus
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you keep repeating the same situations over and over again. IFfyou are against a player that has any clue, it's not so simple. Pulse is not always up, some ppl are smart and cc you, or knock you off first. Yes that happens. And HK, ok the other dude just runs away, targets someone else. There you are, Sitting with HK, the other team just running by and LoS you and jump all over the place with force speed and leaps.


and you keep repeating the same things over and over again. That happens to ever casting class with the los issue not only us. If you are getting over runned then get better team but the only class we ever truly have problems with is a tank spec anything. Everything else 1v1 is simple up to the player and gear

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and you keep repeating the same things over and over again. That happens to ever casting class with the los issue not only us. If you are getting over runned then get better team but the only class we ever truly have problems with is a tank spec anything. Everything else 1v1 is simple up to the player and gear


Ok, lets meet on 1.2 PTS with our copied characters, maybe you can teach me a thing or 2. Or just post vids or something. I'm rally interested how you play. Bcause you cannot win everything vs others except tanks, period.

Edited by Bivaccus
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Ok, lets meet on 1.2 PTS with our copied characters, maybe you can teach me a thing or 2. Or just post vids or something. I'm rally interested how you play. Bcause you cannot win everything vs others except tanks, period.


maybe you should just calm down and chill huh? I swear you just want to butt heads with everyone saying they are doing good on their slinger

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maybe you should just calm down and chill huh? I swear you just want to butt heads with everyone saying they are doing good on their slinger


I'm cool with slingers that do good, slingers talking crap on the other hand.. :D. I still haven't read a lot of counter arguments from your side, except that no one is problem for you. Bold claim without evidence or logical backup. If you can tell me what to do to counter or other solutions in my examples, or shine the light, please be my guest, pretty please.


anyway done talking with clueless ppl. I was hoping to get constructive feedback what I might do wrong, or try things in another way. BUt none were given and ppl just say OMG GS SUPERAWESOME IN PVP.


Have fun killing bads! (because you know, it actually is :p).

Edited by Bivaccus
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I'm cool with slingers that do good, slingers talking crap on the other hand.. :D. I still haven't read a lot of counter arguments from your side, except that no one is problem for you. Bold claim without evidence or logical backup. If you can tell me what to do to counter or other solutions in my examples, or shine the light, please be my guest, pretty please.


anyway done talking with clueless ppl. I was hoping to get constructive feedback what I might do wrong, or try things in another way. BUt none were given and ppl just say OMG GS SUPERAWESOME IN PVP.


Have fun killing bads! (because you know, it actually is :p).


i never said gunslingers are super awesome in pvp. But you are acting like all the other people in every class forums saying we're broken. Just play to your strengths. If los is an issue for you then go DF/Sab build. I heard they do wonders. I'm not going to retort anymore to you so this is my last post thats every going to acknowledge to since its obvious you're trying to pick a fight.

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I'm saying some builds suck. Oh and your build? When the other team has a clue what you are doing, they cleanse your dots. gg. A thign that dos not happn a lot if you play against bads, as clearly a lot of you do.


ahahahahahahaha, now I have seen your video. You keep tickling players with dots and flurry of bolts but you don't actually kill them hard. You keep kicking ppl with a full resolve bar. Oh you don't even have it turned on in the options, that you see how full other ppl resolve bar is and also yours. No timers on CD's, lol. And thn you hav your personal healer which keeps you up Other team is pretty much clueless how to kill you, which by the looks of it, is not gonna be hard.


playing random wzs vs bads, yeah GS is OP, LOOOOOL



Someones a saaaad panda.

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GS pwns in PvP. Just watch how I play! Im http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#700ZrI0rRRboMcZhrbkM.1


If you think GS still sucks you are clearly a troll and or a baddy. Good day


lol your kidding right? all that vid showed was an annoying mosquito targeting random targets and head hunting while getting a crap ton of heals. You can look and see that the imp group was constantly targeting 1 of your 5 or so healers in your group.


pretty much proof why sage/sorcs need nerf'd is all your vid showed.


gg'n on stopping a few cap's....but sry, any class can stop a cap.



but still...good vid though, liked the music :)

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Bivaccus assessment of the 31/7/3 spec is pretty much dead on in PvP.


Though some of his response to everyone else's is a tad over the top. :rolleyes:


Agreed, I'm ust trying to point out to some ppl that in many 1 on 1 situations you're not gonna win as a full SS spec. Which is th case if the other has a clue what is happening.


In the new warzone, from what I have seen, there will be less objects/pillars/LoS thingies around the main objectives. So SS spec is gonna be pretty alright there.

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Agreed, I'm ust trying to point out to some ppl that in many 1 on 1 situations you're not gonna win as a full SS spec. Which is th case if the other has a clue what is happening.


In the new warzone, from what I have seen, there will be less objects/pillars/LoS thingies around the main objectives. So SS spec is gonna be pretty alright there.


I think SS is going to be far more viable come 1.2

We will need to see how great burst volley is. If it's good, we can probably dump the hybrid sabo getting to insurrection as burst volley can get us the energy we need. Plus we will see how effective the aoe reduction skill is. I see it being viable, but it will require testing.

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playing random wz is nothing compared when you do a little tournament with all kind of classes. We do it every friday on our server(black vulcars) in the tatooine pvp areas with high level guilds. We do this all in the back where you have this little arena with 2 pillars.


As a 31/7/3 spec I have no chance vs other classes.



hybrid tank assassin. You just don't do any damage at all at them and they heal themselves.

I know my class very very well.


So all ppl with a big mouth that they own every1 in 1vs1, don't make e laugh



I want to tap into your vast knowledge in pvp I have a high level full bm w mod swaps tank/shadow .


Q 1 . Why don't you do any damage to us?

Q2. How much and how often do we heal ourselves for at level 50 that negates your damage?

Extra credit : which skills are doing the healing?

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I want to tap into your vast knowledge in pvp I have a high level full bm w mod swaps tank/shadow .


Q 1 . Why don't you do any damage to us?

Q2. How much and how often do we heal ourselves for at level 50 that negates your damage?

Extra credit : which skills are doing the healing?


In all fairness you guys are tough to damage. Avoidances and that thingie where you turn white and can't be hit by yellow numbers (note the official terminology).

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I want to tap into your vast knowledge in pvp I have a high level full bm w mod swaps tank/shadow .


Q 1 . Why don't you do any damage to us?

Q2. How much and how often do we heal ourselves for at level 50 that negates your damage?

Extra credit : which skills are doing the healing?


1: +15% increase shield chance, stasis + 20% armor, +4% absorb chance; to name a few things.

2+ extra credit: harnessed shadows, the 2 setbonus of this(click), Impact Control


It's not that I don't do any damage, it gets just mitigated a lot and on top of that he heals himself with above talents and bonusset. In dps gear/mods he kills me faster than I can kill him. Do the math, it's really simple.


In fact he hasn't lost any duel yet as far as I know. http://www.youtube.com/user/TheBizNessS8 . Watch these guildievids and you can see how they are pretty unbeatable.

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10-49, Top dogs (if played remotely right)

50, Underdogs


1vs1 is really hard at 50 and you should avoid it. You won't win many fights against equally geared players that know how to play. Your best tools are positioning and playing smart. Know when you can win and when you should just cc and keep distance. Know when and what type of cc to use. All the melee classes are tough to beat when they make you primary target. GS (at least SS) just lacks the ability to do damage through defenses.


That being said, when you get to Champ/BM gear you can do quite a lot of damage if you can keep yourself alive and know how to play. After 1.2 hits gearing won't be an issue and we start to see how well the classes are truly balanced when people have equal gear.



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1: +15% increase shield chance, stasis + 20% armor, +4% absorb chance; to name a few things.

2+ extra credit: harnessed shadows, the 2 setbonus of this(click), Impact Control


It's not that I don't do any damage, it gets just mitigated a lot and on top of that he heals himself with above talents and bonusset. In dps gear/mods he kills me faster than I can kill him. Do the math, it's really simple.


In fact he hasn't lost any duel yet as far as I know. http://www.youtube.com/user/TheBizNessS8 . Watch these guildievids and you can see how they are pretty unbeatable.


Bivaccus.. reading from what you have listed.. so i understand this . since I am building an alt.. snipers do most of there higher damage that can be mitigated by shields?


Since our shields do not block certain types of damage. Also I keep hearing 1v1 .. does it change with a group composition for you?

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1vs1 is really hard at 50 and you should avoid it. You won't win many fights against equally geared players that know how to play.
Disagree. Once you're geared you should be able to 1v1 anyone who doesn't first strike you from stealth -- and, more importantly, shrug off that Marauder for long enough to burn down his healer. The problem is surviving once you get noticed enough to be focused... you can't -- though Flash Grenade can buy some nice time. Edited by flem
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Wow, really? News to me.


Just my opinion.


I must say that I haven't bothered to study all the immunity/deflect skills melee has in this game. 1vs1 is usually waste of time imo if you wanna be useful and therefore I'm not the best at it. I like to use my cc somewhere else than to wait out some marauders shield.


When I have to 1vs1 I usually do pretty well, but I suspect that many of those fights are against lesser geared/skilled players. There are some melee (especially shadows/sins) on my server that I haven't been able to drop in 1vs1, not even close, and I believe that sniper can't drop a tank shadow, period.


As for the gear, I'm basically in as good gear as it gets. The slots I have that are not modded BM are not that important statwise.

Edited by Krystaf
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I know i'm just 48 Scrapper Scoundrel, but all I do is pvp and class specific missions. I generally find two types of snipers out there. The 80% or so that I own and the 20% that own me. I dont know if it's a spec or skill level, probably both. But that 20% or so wipe the floor with me. I'll get my normal opener off, next I know im being knocked back, slowed and easily kited. I almost wanted to reroll GS last night because of a lvl 22 Sniper that was repeatedly whooping my ***. You guys definitely have the tools.
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I know i'm just 48 Scrapper Scoundrel, but all I do is pvp and class specific missions. I generally find two types of snipers out there. The 80% or so that I own and the 20% that own me. I dont know if it's a spec or skill level, probably both. But that 20% or so wipe the floor with me. I'll get my normal opener off, next I know im being knocked back, slowed and easily kited. I almost wanted to reroll GS last night because of a lvl 22 Sniper that was repeatedly whooping my ***. You guys definitely have the tools.


Well, DF slingers can do good damage on the move, while SS need to pop into cover to give you good damage, which allows you to close. I'm sure it was the SS spec that had a hard time with you, while the DF were able to kite you much better.

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