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Everything posted by Shaunik

  1. Healer is clearly in my run path from one side to the other. Gotta change pillars when humping sometimes.
  2. Woops typo for sure.. ment to throw sab charge in the rotation for sure.
  3. This is what end game high skilled GS PVP looks like.
  4. The songs in my video are: http://www.skymarshallarts.com/ here! Check this guy out he is sweet. He has 2 full albums + the songs on that front page. I only used songs on that front page. Emulate the Past Farscape Back in Time The Old Republic Songs in order.
  5. You are bad at paraphrasing my friend. I clearly state that I never though of using cool head earlier.. I never said I didnt know about the energy regen. Secondly learn my class LOL. I played GS from day one to 1 month in then quit. While people were still leveling I was testing every spec out in PVP. Okay so I'm not perfect, and I do appreciate the help I really do. However telling me to learn my class is a joke. If theres a few things I do wrong sweet correct me. So far everything anyones said is minor. Look at my positioning and timing. My sweeping from point to point and how I LoS to save my *****. Please don't take this as a rage cause it's not. I just feel like you are overlooking many things your self and failing to provide and really solution. Show me a better slinger video... please
  6. Thanks for being polite ! The spec works for what I want. 1.2 is going to change some things as far as excitement goes I hope. I know most people really like to watch people get blown up with big numbers and such. I work to get the job done smoothly.
  7. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#700dsrbb0sZrI0dRoro.1 As far as energy goes this spec is the best (with the new Burst Volley) Pandemonium represents hot pursuit. So this specs attacks are going to be such as: dot em up, Crit buff -> roll into cover pop charged shot ambush (reduced cast time). Now I personally like to be as mobile as possible. So the above combo is more of a situational setup. I am going to far more likely roll into cover pop my instant charged shot and get out to a quick shot. However the awesomeness of this build is just instant cast charged shot into cover, free energy quickshot out of cover. Thermal grenades as seen fit. This spec allows for sustained damage and burst damage. With plenty of energy recovery (especially in cover) theres no reason this spec couldn't fit any situation. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#700dsrbbMsRZbI0MRMM.1 This spec is less energy awesome, and more cover dependent. I feel that trickshot could increase burst dmg. Rather than having the mobility and aoe dmg of thermal grenade the points are put into single target dmg. So less energy less mobility more single target dmg more situational burst. What do you guys think? This is my newest pvp video: check it out
  8. Man... I listed the artist in the intro and credits. And listed all the songs on my video page. Just go back there. Skymarshall arts is a FREE artist who makes sick music. This is why I support him. Please visit his site http://www.skymarshallarts.com/
  9. What do you recommend as a real spec? Im curious...
  10. Burst Volley will give energy regen... but how much?
  11. GS pwns in PvP. Just watch how I play! Im http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#700ZrI0rRRboMcZhrbkM.1 If you think GS still sucks you are clearly a troll and or a baddy. Good day
  12. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#700ZrI0rRRboMcZhrbkM.1
  13. Sorry, not everyone is as bad as you man.
  14. It is for an interupt. As long as they can't get a heal off it's fine. Who cares full duration or not. When a group is focus firing a target all you need is 1-3 good interupts.
  15. Watch this video. It is a summary of how awesome the GS is in coordinated PvP. I can't fathom how awesome GS will be in pre-mades in 1.2
  16. Check out my new video! This is just a taste of the awesome sauce which is known as Gunslinger. I hope this cheers everyone up! Ranked PVP will be FTW
  17. With 1.2 on the way bringing Ranked PvP why would anyone want a Gunslinger rather than (insert class here)? ------This post assumes you do not suck, and you play competitive pvp with a GOOD team-- **********If you do not like reading just watch this video*********** The video will demonstrate the use of GS right now. As of now many people believe that Gunslinger's do not have anything to offer different and or better than other classes. This is true.... for the most part. 1.2 will set a clear line between us and anyone else though. 1) Gunslinger defense: Yes it is true we are the glass cannon's. No we don't have any superior defense skills however, the game rewards smart game play. Kiting is our #1 defense. Through talents we are supplied with enough roots and snares to make it very annoying for any class to out LoS us. With the new Sab changes this trait becomes even more predominant. 2) AoE and You: I believe that GS is the single best AoE class (depending on how you spec). You might be thinking "great aoe dmg, cause thats how you kill people in pvp AMIRITE?". Well when you are talking competitive PvP team work is everything. With the new 20% healing reduction and healing time changes AoE DPS will be even more important. This will force the healer to think much more critically who he will heal. If everyone on your team is focusing the person who has the debuff, while everyone else on the enemy team is being AoE'd by you (because they are defending the objective), who will the healer target? If those 2 new additions in 1.2 werent enough sab gets an AoE snare with a chance to stun. This elmininates the need to get shrap bomb. 3) The Anti-Healer: With the new -20% healing debuff and our already existing interrupt + stun + flash grenade + the new stun = death to healers. Need I say more? 4) Us or them: With all our deadliness and "low" defense we would want to be the first one anyone kills... right? Wrong? The question is, when you are getting healed while kiting (insert class here) who will the enemy DPS try to kill? The beauty of Sab/DF spec is the amount of dots you have. So even while the enemy chases you, you can be pumping out quite a bit of damage. With the new patch the decision between damaging you or the healer will become ever more critical. Long story short, in competitive PvP a GS will be the best compliment for any group. Whether its objective defense, floating, healer targeting or healer defending the Gunslinger will be the hands down most effective and annoying class to face.
  18. So if the patch is changing every class doesnt that mean it will be balanced...
  19. Bad troll is bad. Working my but off for BM... ROFL
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